Author Topic: What's the last gig you went to see?  (Read 234470 times)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #400 on: 22 November, 2013, 08:14:53 am »
Wednesday -

Low, at the Brudenell.  Easy bus/train/train journey followed by a quick wander across Burley Park in the sleet.  Chilly.  The place was full, the hipster quotient noticeable but not overpowering.  Support a mildly irritating (well, he irritated me) chap hiding behind many keyboards and under a baseball cap making noise I couldn't bring myself to care much about.  I gave him two tracks to see if he could grab me before wandering away for a while.   Then the main attraction.... complete with a projected countdown to their arrival on stage at the beginning of their multi-media backdrop.  Lovely stuff.  A male vocalist (I tend to prefer women singing) I could listen to for a Very Long Time Indeed.  A drummer who sings, captivatingly.  Clever words, enunciated clearly, and plenty of stunning vocal harmonies.  The Extremely Tall Man in front of me had a habit of swaying in a view-obstructing manner but I could mostly see the band most of the time.  The bassist/keyboard player, same chap they had in the line-up when I saw them at the Sage, still looked a bit lost.... the show feels a little like a conversation between Alan Sparhawk and Mimi Parker with him on the edges, occasionally saying 'excuse me?'.  Having said that it sounded bloody good.  Remarkably polite audience on the whole.  I'd be interested to see them with a rowdier crowd.  Very similar set to the Sage but a very different setting.  2-step in the encore was delicious although would have been improved by the whispering chaps behind stopping for 5 minutes.  A somewhat swift walk to the station and a run down the slippy ramp to the platform as the train pulled in avoided the need for a taxi.  Good night out.

Then, last night....
A jolly fine evening of entertainment organised by Mr Coates, everybody's favourite promoter. And a bargain, at a fiver! 
First up were relatively new York band, Freaks & Geeks.  Couple of guitars, drums, his'n'hers vocals.  He is the lead singer from the Blueprints, who has been reviewed in this thread before both from band shows and a solo gig.  I still just don't like his voice enough to warrant seeing him headline.  She is the elusive Sophie Mac, solo artiste and more recently Blueprints keyboard player, who I've never managed to see before although I like her EP which I found by accident a year or so back.  Hard to _really_ hear her in the mix a lot of the time last night - I like her voice on recording more than I would expect based on last night's show.  They didn't really convince me last night, but I'd probably give them another go.

Next up, the Buccaneers, also previously reviewed here.  Drummer still too pretty, although I couldn't see him behind a speaker stack so can't vouch for the facial antics this time.  Lead singer's somewhat weedy Movember 'tache caused comment.  Bassist facial hair still shockingly tidy.  Still sounding good, although the slight cod american accent could go and be no loss.  The lead singer from the headline act came and joined us at our table during their set, to listen in while drinking a cup of tea.

Then the headliners - Sallie Ford and The Sound Outside.  In a typically York-ish but somewhat odd turn of events, a several of the fairly small audience left before they played.  Presumably friends of the supports, and possibly with school in the morning.  I though it was a bit out of order for the buccaneers chaps to bugger off without listening to the set, so Freaks & Geeks (and associated Blueprints) can have an extra Brownie Point for having the manners to stick around.  Sallie Ford and her pals were well worth sticking around for, too.  A brief listen on the laptop with its crappy speakers didn't really give the flavour of this lot.  I'd say go see 'em, but it looks like last night was their only UK date - they're off to mainland Europe tomorrow with plenty of dates in France before heading home to Portland, Oregon.  Which probably explains why their Biggest Fans Ever had apparently driven quite a long way to get to the Basement.  Fast-paced toe-tapping sweary-energetic stuff that had 'em dancing in the basement.  Especially the Superfans.  I got the impression that the band found them a little disconcerting - in the rather intimate space offered by the Basement everything and everyone is pretty damn close.  I reckon I'll be seeing how they sound on headphones, instead of crappy laptop speakers, and that could be this morning's playlist sorted.

Oh, and they have a very Orange set of speakers.  Saw it and thought of Interzen...

Rhys W

  • I'm single, bilingual
    • Cardiff Ajax
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #401 on: 23 November, 2013, 01:33:34 am »
Just back from Billy Bragg at St David's Hall in Cardiff. Excellent show as usual, and Billy's impassioned between-song banter is second to none (actually it might be second to the Handsome Family). I like the way he revises his lyrics, adding verses or lines to classic songs from the 80s to bring them up to date.


  • Folding not boring
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #402 on: 24 November, 2013, 08:41:15 pm »
Queens of the Stone Age at Wembley Arena last night. Absolutely awesome show from Mr Homme and band, excellent support slot from Band of Skulls too. Had to go during the encore (I correctly surmised I might need those extra few minutes to make the last train home), but never mind.

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #403 on: 30 November, 2013, 01:07:47 pm »
Chris T-T upstairs at the Black Swan in York. A grand old pub, actually, with cheery bar staff serving a wide range of ales, though I stuck to the Golden Pippin.

There were three supports, which was one too many, as Chris T-T's set was less than an hour long. The first guy, we only caught his supposedly rabble-rousing finale, but it was more than a bit sixth-form politics debate. Look, we all know the Tories are bad and stuff, now make some music out of it!

It's a tiny little venue, and I was hoping that the other two supports weren't going to be equally sincere folk-wannabes, as when you're close enough for the performers to see the whites of your eyes, it's hard to maintain facial composure.

The second support wasn't a sincere folkie. However, it was yet another version of the Blueprints, who seem to be stalking me using the unusual method of supporting bands I actually want to see. There are bands I adore, who I've never seen live, and I've seen these bleeders three times now. Stu out of the Blueprints (for it was he) is accomplished on the guitar, but has the slightly nervous, expectant air of someone performing to a panel of X Factor judges. Let someone else do the singing, mate. That would be my verdict.

Tumbleweed Salesman was third, dressed as a waistcoated Dr Who for some reason, though he left his scarf of many colours with his coterie of fans before taking to the stage. He was alright, tending towards enjoyable at times, with some likeable between-song banter and an admirable range of harmonicas which he deployed strategically. There was a lovely mandolin-and-kazoo-and-sleigh-bells-tinged finale of a Hawaiian Christmas song. It deserved a crowd sing-a-long, but no one could pronounce the Hawaiian bits. He did lose some goodwill for facebooking throughout Chris T-T's set, mind.

Untitled by dean.clementson, on Flickr

Then, finally, and I felt we'd earned it, Chris T-T, who spent a bit of time commenting on the muriel which formed the backdrop. A king on his throne, which is probably some allusion to the history of the pub, and which doesn't really fit Chris T-T's style of anti-establishment folk-indie. He seemed amused by the juxtaposition, though.

As he said, he must have jinxed himself by dissing the decor, as technical issues crippled the sound, and he had to play the first couple of songs unamplified, which wasn't an issue in such a tiny space, though they did have to shut the door.

It was a good set, mostly new stuff, with a couple of AA Milne poems set to music thrown in. I wasn't entirely surprised when he released that album, as he's always spiced his rage with a mix of wit and charm, and the sweetness of the songs was sandwiched across a very sweary anti-Disney rant. I also thought of Mr Larrington during his first song, The Bear, from his new album, The Bear.

And the encore (after an amusing half-hearted pause at the side of the stage - the venue being far too tiny for any proper leaving-the-stage shenanigans) was a pleasing to me version of Giraffe #9, the oldest song on the set and one I would have picked if he'd asked, which he sort of did, except he then added that he was going to play what he wanted anyway, and he finished with a quiet, sad little tune. Always leave 'em wanting more.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #404 on: 30 November, 2013, 01:46:56 pm »
That ^^^

Jolly fine beer.  Support mostly inoffensive, averaging acceptable, and occasionally amusing that made the headliner look good and us feel we'd earned him.  Headliner actually Very Good Indeed.  And he did Halfway.  Happy happy :D

(He's doing a grand piano set in Leeds next week.  I can't go, everybody else should!)

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #405 on: 30 November, 2013, 04:16:47 pm »
Been there a few times - I seem to remember it has a sloping floor?


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #406 on: 30 November, 2013, 04:56:49 pm »
After 5 pints, it slopes A LOT!

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #407 on: 30 November, 2013, 08:03:37 pm »
Been there a few times - I seem to remember it has a sloping floor?

I would have guessed that you'd know the place. Lots of folkies play there - including Dick Gaughan for a couple of nights next week, already sold out, sadly.

The stairs were definitely a bit skewiff, too.

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #408 on: 30 November, 2013, 09:51:00 pm »
Beer must have been good - Dick Gaughan, possibly?  He's top notch.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #409 on: 05 December, 2013, 10:52:08 am »
Well, that's a first.  Didn't bother staying to the end!

A gig that failed my newly invented 'elbow test'; historically the similarly subjective 'arse test' is one I deploy as a method of assessing theatre, dating from the time I studied theatre at Lancaster and saw a lot of shows in the rather uncomfortably-chaired Nuffield Theatre there.  It more or less comprises of asking oneself "did I notice that these chairs are really uncomfortable or was the performance engrossing enough that I got through the (three hour interval-less modernist theatre meisterwerk) show without my arse complaining".  I shall in future apply a similar test to gigs... do I like 'em enough to not care about the amount of being trodden on, walked through and, specifically, elbowed in the face.  By this measure I can tell you that Otway, where I got my left tit groped, must be really quite good because I didn't care too much.  Allo Darlin' in Islington just landed on the right side of the line despite lurchy-groping-couple-bouncing-into-me-specifically-the-wrong-elbow-a-lot.  Patti Smith was worth "Waving Pink Gin Girl" - although admittedly in that case I didn't actually get hit on the head with the bottle, unlike Ruthie.

So... last night, the joy of Fibbers.  We'd seen one section of the audience get kicked out of the pub round the corner 5 minutes earlier.  It was full of happy bouncy people, most of whom were very tall.  Fibbers gives the average shortarse three choices in these circumstances - at the front and very squished, at the back in the talky bar bit where you can't hear or see or somewhere in between, hoping to hear above the chatter and maybe see some of the time and we opted for the latter.  I occasionally got a glimpse of some hair...  A Very Enthusiastic Fan did offer me a lift onto his shoulders, which was kind, but I'm not that generous to the region's chiropractors and declined.  Very many very tall people (seriously, they should have a special enclosure for 'em) including the tallest man at the gig - immediately in front of me, natch - who was obviously a handy waymarker for people navigating between friends and bar/bogs since everyone seemed to treat him as a kind of roundabout.  He was also very, very elbow-y.  And the elbows were nose height.   There was a lot of dancing and bouncing and cheering and stomping, by an audience who were clearly listening to the prior knowledge of the music in their heads, unlike me.  Bright side, we missed the Blueprints (I've done my 2013 quota of BPs gigs) and nearly all of the other support who didn't seem very good at all.

Electric 6 headlining, btw.  Who I can't tell if I like or not because I could neither hear nor see 'em.  The curse of Fibbers.  Went back to the pub after track no 5 and had a jolly fine pint of Bad Kitty and a nice natter with the landord instead.


  • Tyke
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #410 on: 11 December, 2013, 08:41:27 pm »
We (Butterfly, myself and 'the cutest baby in the world ever' (according to one of the members of staff)) are on our way home from seeing a performance by TGL and his peers on the music course at college.

He did very well, managing a range of styles from soul and reggae to rock and rap.  I've never seen him play with a band before, and it was good to see.  I've taken loads of photos, and, if I'm given clearance by the lad, I might post some.

He asked me to thank Flatus, whose incredibly generous deal on a bass and cab inspired him with ambition and a direction in life.  He wasn't actually playing that one tonight, as it was shared with the second year students, so they used a college one, but that bass is his prized possession.  Thank you
Getting there...

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #411 on: 12 December, 2013, 01:27:05 am »
I'm really looking forward to next Tuesday - The Wonder Stuff, PWEI & Jesus Jones in the Edinburgh Picture House. Dinner in Yummi Tori just up the hill and then into the mosh pit for the first time in 20 years. I may even break out my vintage Tank Girl T-Shirt!
Allow me to explain through the medium of interpretive dance


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #412 on: 12 December, 2013, 07:40:52 am »
I'm really looking forward to next Tuesday - The Wonder Stuff, PWEI & Jesus Jones in the Edinburgh Picture House. Dinner in Yummi Tori just up the hill and then into the mosh pit for the first time in 20 years. I may even break out my vintage Tank Girl T-Shirt!

You lucky, lucky man!

The last time I saw PWEI was at Bradford Uni, in, oh, 1995 or so (the year that there was a rumour that NIN were touring with them).

I loved every last minute of it.  Wear shorts and a T-shirt only, take towels and cold drinks in the car (if driving to the gig).
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #413 on: 12 December, 2013, 03:13:53 pm »
 ;D I'm expecting it to be ... energetic!
Allow me to explain through the medium of interpretive dance


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #414 on: 12 December, 2013, 03:19:28 pm »
One thing I do remember is the point, halfway through their set, where they reach the end of a song and the singer says "This is the point in the evening where you all want us to slow down a bit...... TOUGH SHIT" and then they launch into "1000X No!"

Having seen the Wonder Stuff before, I would be upset if I missed them, PWEI would make the evening for me (unfortunately the only gig I would stand even half a chance of getting to is Sheffield next Wednesday :( )

I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


  • Venture Altruist
  • Agent Orange
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #415 on: 12 December, 2013, 03:25:38 pm »
I'm really looking forward to next Tuesday - The Wonder Stuff, PWEI & Jesus Jones in the Edinburgh Picture House. Dinner in Yummi Tori just up the hill and then into the mosh pit for the first time in 20 years. I may even break out my vintage Tank Girl T-Shirt!
I'd probably wear a Ned's T-shirt - just for the lulz ;)

It's years since I saw PWEI - in fact, it might have been back in the early 90s when they appeared on the same bill as the Other Band From Stourbridge (Ned's Atomic Dustbin)

It was definitely .... energetic (what I remember of it - I was totally off my face for most of that particular evening)

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #416 on: 12 December, 2013, 03:51:43 pm »
I'm the same - I saw PWEI in Pompey back in 1992(?) and The Wonder Stuff in 93, but it's the Poppies I'm really going for. Tinnitus here we go! Possibly whiplash too.

I'm tempted to wear my HRM, just for giggles!
Allow me to explain through the medium of interpretive dance


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #417 on: 14 December, 2013, 07:57:50 am »
Thea Gilmore in Hall 2 at the Sage. Traffic at a standstill on the road into Gateshead meant we got there half an hour after doors but discovered the interval was about to start so we hadn't actually missed any of Ms Gilmore. Hurray! Mind, I reckon support would have been good... it was her husband. Who is also her guitarist, keyboards player, backing vocalist and her producer.

We found a standing space on level 1 1with a decent view and settled in. The lineup also included a violin and a cello and was occasionally supplemented by the Gilmore/Stonier's 7 year old son on second fiddle. Thea apologised for her cold and at one point described her own voice as acting like a toddler - she was never quite sure which direction it was going to head in. But whenever it found a note she wasn't expecting it still sounded bloody good. And this time the sound tech was paying attention.

Grand stuff.


  • Voon
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #418 on: 18 December, 2013, 10:45:11 pm »
The Waterboys. Last night at The Colston Hall in Bristol.

Very good. very good indeed. Even though I'm not that into their later Irish folk stuff.

I obviously don't get out much - but mobile phones at gigs are a menace. Nobody cares about your ffff...  lipping text message - put it away.
Flashless photos aren't a problem - the screen is as dark as the venue. I should have put this in the rant thread  :)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #419 on: 21 December, 2013, 09:13:21 am »
Acoustic TV, at the Basement on the recommendation and in the company of Tiermat otp.  A plan that nearly went awry as my end of term nap meant I slept through all the messages about times and meeting up and stuff, but fortunately woke up in time to discover via the wonders of modern telephony that Tiermat was exploring a couple of the pubs between station and venue and I managed to be just a bit less than fashionably late for doors.

Busy, although not busy enough for me to be able to flog my spare ticket back to them and everyone I saw going in as I loitered by the door waiting for Tiermat to conclude his impromptu bar crawl already had a ticket so I couldn't offer them free entry.  Hands stamped and expensive pints bought, we found a spot to lurk without too many tall people in the way.  I had to take a pic of the stamp to send via the wonder of technology to Mrs T since the doorstaff had in a fit of synchronicity used a fox one which made Mr Foxton's evening and we thought his Mrs would appreciate it too.

Support by the Idol Dead who I've never heard of but actually enjoyed.  Apparently they'd had a bit of a catastrophe and ended up borrowing a guitar or possibly several guitars.  Chap on the far (stage) right was like a kid at Christmas when he discovered his loaner had a built in tuner.  Quality bassist facial hair.  Engaging lead singer with a decent line in banter.  Proper accents.  Clearly fans of the main attraction, which is generally a good sign.  The four bar stools lined up, boy band stylee, made me smile - as did most of the set.  Lead singer chap commented on the slightly surreal experience of playing a selection of borrowed instruments in a basement full of people wearing Christmas jumpers and.or santa hats and, in the case of two women, decorated with strings of fairy lights.  Surreal in a good way thobut.

Another expensive round while they cleared the bar stools and drum kit, and a tall table in the corner became available.  I quite like said tall table as sitting on a bar stool give me a chance to see over people a bit unless you get unlucky and the band are lined up behind the awkward pillar.  I did realise that for once the tallest man at the gig was pretty much guaranteed to not stand in front of me - since a look around confirmed that it appeared to be Tiermat :)  There was a bunch of mildly annoyingly talk-y people just to my right.  Clearly fans as, like most of those attending, they knew all the words.  Always makes me wonder why they'd rather listen to their own braying than the band.

Acoustic TV are apparently a side project by some of Terrorvision, of whom Tiermat is A Bit Of A Fan.  He commented afterwards that some of the tracks probably didn't make much sense if you didn't know the originals but actually, I disagreed.  It worked as a set even for the uninitiated - the only track (well, apart from the Elvis number and a selection of Christmas "specials") I'd heard before was Tequila, but I liked 'em.  Enough that I kind of regret not getting my arse into gear and going the night before for the first night of their mini residency.

And they just finished in time for Tiermat to run for the sensible train back home instead of having to wait an hour and a half for the silly one.  Splendid.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #420 on: 21 December, 2013, 01:12:02 pm »
'Twas, indeed, a good night.

As mentioned, due to a cock up (by me) WRT the time of doors, I arrived in York $TOO_EARLY, so set about having a few pints (something I don't normally get to do as I am, normally, DES for concerts).  A pint of Titanic Plum Porter in York Taps went down beutifully, the Kirkstall Smaked Black Boy Porter in the Maltings much less so, in fact I left the last quarter of that.  On to the Lendal Cellars, which was mercifully quiet, for a couple of pints of Yorkshire Sparkle (not an alcoholic Gliterberry clone, but rather a very nice Blond Ale), and NO PHONE SIGNAL!!!  All worked out in the end, though.

I thought Idol Dead were good, had a little bit of a "Bullet For My Valentine" thing going on, but I won't hold that against them.  They had a great line in banter and were obviously really enjoying themselves.

As CL says, I am "A Bit Of A Fan" when it comes to Terrorvision, having followed them, on and off, for nearly 20 years now (might be longer, but certainly since "Formaldehyde" came out) and love Tony's stage style.  Self deprecating, cracking jokes and generally having one hell of a party, which he wants you all to join in with.  A few notable highlights of the evening, song wise:
"Party Over Here, F*** you over there" was complete with a member of the audience stood inbetween Tony and Milly.
"Tequila" was cut right back (as you might expect when all they had, instruments wise, was 2 guitars and a keyboard) and felt like it had when they first recorded it (and not that heretical remix)
The Laika Dog* song they did worked really well, too.

I would have loved to hear them do a couple of old songs, one which was a B-side (Hard To Feel) and one which is another Laika Dog song (Daddy What's Your Soul?)

*Laika Dog is Tony's side project, or one of them at least.  In common with a lot of the smaller bands (and some larger bands) the members don't just commit to one band, they spread themselves about a bit!
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #421 on: 18 January, 2014, 11:15:24 am »
John Otway, at the Basement.  Bumped into a couple of old friends from waaaaay back when (as in over 20 years ago) on arrival.  Their kids are now of an age to be left home alone and said friends are remembering how to be grown ups... although I'm not convinced that Otway is the best way to do that :D  Also found my-mate-Soph-the-stripey-Punk-fan along with her husband and another former work friend of theirs.  Since they all used to work together with my Formerly Beloved I remembered not to rant too much this time.  Dry January may have helped with this...

No WWB or wah-wah wheelie bin this time.  Just as much silliness.  The roadie-as-straight-man was splendid.  Otway was as mad as a box of frogs, and very proud of being A Pop Star with TWO (count 'em!) hits to his name as well as now being A Movie Star.  Gloriously entertaining even when stone cold sober.  And nobody in the audience groped my tit this time.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #422 on: 19 January, 2014, 12:12:57 am »
Went to see Robin & Josie's Utter Shambles tonight, but Josie [Long] was ill, so it was just Robin [Ince]. Didn't matter though, because he was on fine form, brimming over with righteous anger and some hilarious Brian Blessed anecdotes.

Also on the bill was folk-pop singer Grace Petrie, who was just wonderful. She has a lot of the Billy Bragg about her - songs about politics and relationships, often entwining the subjects together, highly lyrical with some winning wordplay. And a truly lovely voice.

Here's a taster (she performed the first of these two songs tonight):
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #423 on: 19 January, 2014, 12:19:31 am »
The Grey Earls.

In a church.

Ruddy marvellous.
It is simpler than it looks.

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #424 on: 25 January, 2014, 12:00:27 pm »
Going to see "trampled by turtles" in celtic connections this evening in glasgow.  Hadn't heard of them at all, but liked the sound of them, since downloaded their latest album which sounds good. Always look forward to a gig, this one should be good, it seems ages since we were out.