Author Topic: 2011 planning  (Read 23865 times)


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #125 on: 13 December, 2011, 11:51:17 pm »
Seems fair, given that there was an actual 200 and all...   :D


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #126 on: 14 December, 2011, 01:25:24 am »
OK - I'm bored.

What are we all intending to do next year then?

My first jaunt away will be Lowestoft to Ardnamurchan, if the planning goes well.
Did that, although I didn't plan to do it with no miles in my legs on account of sciatica; nor did I plan to fall down a flight of steps the day we finished, thereby buggering my left knee
I want to cycle 8000 miles.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha bloody ha!
I'd like to sample French cycling.
Did that. And Danish, although that didn't go so well what with Mrs. Wow falling off an banging her head
A couple of camping trips.
Cape Wrath and Brittany worked well, not to mention the September jaunt to Gordy's
The Dun Run, naturally.
Lanterne Rouge!
Learn to ride the trike - I have a target to ride it on the April WARTY, but I reckon that's pretty ambitious.
That's not going to happen. Every report I've read about tricyclists proves that they fall off a lot. I've been diagnosed with osteoporosis since buying it so that seems like tempting fate. I ought to sell it.

Given the health / injury issues in February, March and April I'm not too dissatisfied with my likely annual total of about 5300 miles - it currently stands at 5159. I've also achieved something I hadn't even planned for a year ago - although I did fantasise about it: buying Mrs. Wow a lovely touring bike so that we can do some solo touring.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Андрій
  • Ερασιτεχνικός μισάνθρωπος
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #127 on: 14 December, 2011, 07:56:44 am »
Losing a bike in January scuppered most of my plans, though some didn't materialise for other reasons.

The plan:
Lots of Audaxing, possibly including one across the Channel.

If the above permits (in no particular order):
* DunRun
* DumbRun
* Tweed Run
* at least one WARTY
* a few FNRttC
* at least one FNRttS
* the M25 ride

I had originally aimed for 10,000km, but changed that to 5,000 by February.  I'm pleased that I'll break 6,000km before the end of the year.

Bring on 2012!
;D  Andrij.  I pronounce you Complete and Utter GIT   :thumbsup:

Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #128 on: 14 December, 2011, 08:50:31 am »
My plan for 2011 is a lot like this year.

Ride a lot, have a few weekends and a couple of weeks overseas.

Further Faster Harder

That's the plan, anyway.

And not to fall off so often. 7 is quite a lot.
Probably further and harder but faster eludes me. I blame the ongoing inadequacies of the red count.
Away this weekend but I think that may be all I can manage before The French Ride. Overseas jollies on hold till I can sort some Real Life Issues.

Only 1 fall, so that's going better.
More UK based than I'd thought, but otherwise, all good. In fact, better.
2 falls. Really not bad at all.
(Except the faster bit. I'd clearly misremembered that as 'fatter' and have been doing pretty well on the fatness front)


  • mojo operandi
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #129 on: 14 December, 2011, 10:16:25 am »
So.... how's it gone?

extremely dissappointing:fairly crap:very frustrating.


  • Busy being fabulous
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #130 on: 14 December, 2011, 10:26:18 am »
To eat more cake. As surely this will mean more cycling  :D

But in all seriousness....

Try to ride my fixed up some proper hills.
Get faster over distance - will probably involve the turbo trainer over winter  :sick:
Get better at hills - I suspect this will involve developing a "hill policy" with rules about gears and stuff.
Do more rides in excess of 100miles -maybe an audax?  :o
The usual smattering of FNRttCs and the Dun Run.
Stoke Wowbagger's tandem.
Having acquired a tent, a sleeping bag and in the process of getting a new touring bike, do some cycle camping for the first time.
Have a go on a recumbent.

1.5 out of 8. I think that means must try harder. No hills on fixed or other. Not faster over distance, probably slower if I'm honest. No Dun Run and only 2 FNRttCs. No unusual bike attempts i.e tandem or recumbent.

I attempted 5 audaxes I think. 1 DNS, 2 DNFs and 2 completed. I'm not sure it's for me.

I camped at Mal Volios on the NARW camping weekend. I cycled around. I didn't really cycle camp though so only half a mark for that.

On a positive note I have definitely eaten more CAKE. I have probably also baked more CAKE than I ever have in the entirety of my life this year. So it's not all bad.


  • Folding not boring
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #131 on: 14 December, 2011, 04:59:29 pm »
1. An 8-day LeJOG, end of May/beginning of June. Paul Harding, one of my fellow Pedal to Paris riders, is putting together a ride, also in aid of the British Legion, and assuming I can get the leave sorted, I'm intending to be there.
2. Pedal to Paris, again.
3. 7k or more miles for the year. Was aiming for 5k this year, it'll be 6 despite assorted prangs etc, so I clearly need to aim higher.
4. Dun Run. And agreed with Adam, another midnight-start version would be a good idea, not least because I hope all the people who bailed out in October would like another go.
5. As many FNRttCs as possible.
6. As this year, a sportive or two. The Wiggle one that's New Forest-lap of the IOW-and back sounds like fun.
1. Hmmm. Not quite. Only 5/8. Clobbered on day two by combination of bonk and stomach bug, didn't get back on the bike until the end of day four. Due to an inability/unwillingness by certain others to ride as a group, and the strange view that it was necessary to jump in the van if you were a bit behind the artificially difficult schedule/running late for lunch/in one case, if was raining, I was not allowed to ride every other mile I could, which offended me deeply- it was an insult to the cause and to all those who've done the ride properly. Only about 555 miles done. Will be back.
2. Nope, pulled out as 1 buggered up my plans to make a decent amount of sponsorship. I couldn't raise money with a clear concience on the back of that sham.
3. Smashed to bits. Will hit 9k tomorrow, might just make 9.5 for the year.
4. Dun done. Under 9 hours.
5. Yup, I think the only ones I missed were Blackpool & Newhaven-Paris.
6. Three. Both Wiggle New Forest ones and their Wight Ferry one. All great fun.


  • Tyke
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #132 on: 14 December, 2011, 06:06:35 pm »
OK, next year I'm aiming for 10,000km (but hoping for more).  I want to have an average of over 20kph.  I want to ride every day of the year, without exceptions.

Currently over 13000km.  Ave 18.5kph :( But I have ridden every day so far.

I want to try touring on three-speed fixed.

Not yet, but I've had difficulties with the three speed (now resolved)

  I want to try a TT on three-speed fixed

Ditto, but mainly that I've not got off my arse to organise it

and another on the Woodrup.


I want to go to York and Mildenhall. 

Did both.

I want to do at least one cycle tour.

Managed that - Northallerton to Newark, a bit of Cambridgeshire thrown in. :D

I want to go cycle camping more weekends.

I think we did the same as last year, which is fine :D

I want to watch TGL at the track league at Herne Hill.

Well, he didn't do the league, because he left his club, but he's realised he can race as a Clarion member, so maybe next year...

I want to ride in Yorkshire more.

Been to Northallerton three times, I think, plus York Rally and the York Christmas do.  That's pretty good.  Not the Dales, of course, but not bad.

I want to do a 100k audax.

No.  Did the 50km South Downs Randonee with the family, but that's all. :(

I also want to do at least one FNRttC

Left it late in the year, but I've done the last three, and enjoyed them all immensely.  Can't wait till March. :thumbsup:
Getting there...

gordon taylor

Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #133 on: 14 December, 2011, 06:34:27 pm »
I've been rummaging with sweaty hands and a faraway look in my eye through the huge pile of maps at my bedside for the past week, with nothing obvious jumping out. I desperately, desperately want to ride to Istanbul... I have some big gaps to fill in Scandinavia... the USA northern tier is calling and Darwin to Melbourne would be cool. However, following the French coast south and west from Calais to (perhaps) Biarritz for a couple of weeks in August is probably the most feasible.

Ho hum. Dream on, dream on.
My daughter gets married next summer and I've been put on non-negotiable lockdown.

Does Penzance to Dover in the week before Christmas count?
I really am that desperate; OCD on a tourer, that's me.

If my lottery ticket comes up next Wednesday I'll be in Darwin by Saturday.  :thumbsup:

Well, from that rambling wishlist: my daughter got married and I rode along the French coast.  All the big ride ideas are still stuck at the back of my mind...

But if my lottery ticket comes up tonight I'll be in Darwin by Saturday. Does that count as a plan?  ::-) ;) :facepalm:


  • It'll soon be summer
    • Charity ride Durness to Dover 18-25th June 2011
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #134 on: 14 December, 2011, 09:19:44 pm »
Although I haven't got most of this year's mileage entered on bike journal (which I must get round to adding), I've a feeling I've done a bit less than last year.

So next year, the big plan is to do more mileage.

I'm planning a fast-ish Durness to Dover charity ride which is now earmarked for the middle of June.  The chap I'm doing it with is mainly a commuter, so plenty of scope for training rides before hand, to get him toughened up.

I'm glad Roger's posted his intention to do more Oxford night rides to the Smoke, as it's a 45 mile ride to the start for me, so that forces me to bump up the mileage.

The usual FNRttC rides.  I may indulge and do more than the 1 Southend which I ration myself to.

Running the round M25 route again at the end of June, and this time I'll try and get more than 3 of us in 1 go to actually finish.  I may also run the southern section as a ride in the spring, as it's a nice route.

I've got mixed feelings about the Dun Run.  I've done it 3 or 4 times and it just seems it's getting a bit too much hassle with the vast numbers now doing it, plus the complications of getting back.  I did enjoy doing the route later on as a night ride leaving at midnight though.  That might have possibilities.

Doing a York to Luton.  Tried it in 2009, but ran out of time due to leaving late and going round in circles due to poor maps.

Do some more WARTY's.

I haven't done any sportives this year, whilst in 2009 I did one and an audax, so I'll look at doing a few of one or other of those.

Get a GPS to assist with some of the issues mentioned above, which will also force me to get out more to use it.  A win/win situation.

Hmmm - a year of 2 halves for me.

I haven't updated bike journal, so I'm consistent.

Got a GPS

Up to the end of June I was probably on track-ish, although in a "could have done better" sort of way - reminds me of my old school reports........

Didn't do the round M25 route as I didn't get time to recce it again.
Tried to do another midnight "Not a Dun Run" to Dunwich but it was torrential rain, so Jurek and I stayed in the pub (well, standing in the doorway to keep an eye on our bikes).

However I managed:-
the Durness to Dover thing, a FNRttS, part of a WARTY and most of the FNRttC's up to June (apart from the Northern ones).

Then personal issues got in the way from July.  ::-)

So no more night rides, and no audaxes or sportives.  Didn't do York to Luton, although I'm joining a couple of mad students who are cycling from Sheffield to London for charity this Sunday (although I'm only doing the last 2/3).

So probably 4.5/10

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein

Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #135 on: 15 December, 2011, 11:34:21 am »
I did my first 200 this year, my first work expenses claimed ride and my first rides with stuff for overnight on the back in a very long time. There's loads that I'd like to do, but choosing plausible goals around the rest of life from that I think I have:
 - More and longer audax. I'll deal with that elsewhere, but the first half of the year will have a "further" focus, but not as far as across the channel.
 - An FNRttC, probably to Brighton.
 - More rides with a camera.
 - Go on a ride with a tent. Maybe S24O, maybe to an audax and back.
 - Actually use the MTB as an MTB. This year I think all my off-road trips all involved a child on the back.
 - Carry on commuting.

Fewer and shorter audax, no camping with or without a bike, commuting has become less frequent.
Did an FNRttC, more rides with the camera, some off road on a very exciting n+1, a fair bit of commuting.
The rest of life took more time and energy than anticipated, but it has all worked out OK in the end.


  • Still Suffolkating
    • Now Suffolkating on the internet:
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #136 on: 19 December, 2011, 02:37:39 pm » year I wanna:
Do more miles. I'm aiming for 4000 this year (not done yet but not THAT far to go) so next year I'll aim for more - 5000?
Er....I'm hoping to make 4000 miles again. 5000 is still a distant dream!

Do the Dun Run (there is a group called Team Slow, right?).
Work_events strangled that idea at birth.

Get out more round the local area.
I did some of this. Yay!

Do some more forum rides (it's only laziness, and NXEA, wrt getting to the starts on the train that's prevented more WARTY attendance).
FAIL. Not one forum ride done this year  :(

Try again with my aim to do more bike miles than car (passenger) miles - don't think I'm going to get there this year but I'm not far off so it IS doable.
No where near! LOL.

Get my big commute up to five days a week through the summer (April-October).
I'd give this a partial yay! I didn't do it from April, but from September to November I did it, and did it properly  :)

Get my big commute up to two/three days a week through the winter (November-March). This plan is dependant on the Weather Goddess keeping the ice off the roads for a bit longer than she had managed this year, again!
I did the big commute for the whole of November. I'd forgotten about the ice, though. I don't think this is doable unless we tow the island further south, tbh.

Investigate road bikes, with a view to buying one.
Not yet!

Investigate clipless pedals, with a view to giving the people in A&E something to do.
Again, not yet!

Hmmmmmmm. I'd have to give this a D- with a couple of points for effort!
Not overly audacious


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #137 on: 20 December, 2011, 07:04:24 pm »
I plan to take Orange Bling to Cambridge for a week-long Christmas visit starting tomorrow.

That assumes I can pack all things needful into two panniers and a stuffsack.  If not, it might have to be a bikeless visit, or doing two trips.  (Spending all day on the train - Oh the humanity...)
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip

Re: 2011 planning
« Reply #138 on: 21 December, 2011, 12:14:11 am »
I am really excited about making a goal for 2011 since I didn't even have one for 2010 and it went pretty well cycling-wise!

So here goes:
Get N+1 built and up and running, probably have a fitting somewhere good when it is too.
N+1 was completed in February, didn't get a bike fit since Tewdric mostly did it and then I fine tuned things as I went along.

Ride loads of audaxes. I've only done 3 so far so almost all are new experiences for me  :thumbsup:
I managed a fair few this year  ;D

Ride something longer than my max so far of 200k
1230k  ;D

Dun Run 2011
Yep, with camping gear this year and arrived nice and early to have breakfast, a sleep in the tent and then lunch  :thumbsup:

Hopefully some forum rides
I managed a couple of FNRTtS's, thanks RZ  :thumbsup:

Lead a CTC ride without getting them all lost ..... this could be a greater challenge than PBP actually
It wasn't a program ride, but I did lead them from the ferry at Caen down to Flers on the Sem Fed.

Ride a SR series
Yep  :thumbsup:

Qualify for PBP
Yep  :thumbsup:

Ride PBP
Yep  :thumbsup:

I'm not sure what to set as my 2011 goal mileage. I think that for me 5000 miles would be very ambitious.
I'm about to go over 7000 miles, so I exceeded my wildest expectations there  :thumbsup:
Overall I'm pretty pleased with 2011, and it's largely thanks to the help from folks of this parish  :thumbsup: