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  • York or therebouts-ish ride: 12 March, 2011

Author Topic: York or therebouts-ish ride 12/3/11 - Lungs and Knees and Weather permitting!  (Read 39278 times)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Right, we have a sort of plan.....

Kim'n'me, lungs and knees and weather permitting, will meet in York on the Saturday morning and go for a ride somewhere currently unspecified (but quite probably east into the flatlands, with the option of a gratuitous hill if she insists).  There will be tea stops, and cake stops, and possibly a pub stop, and undoubtably (if she makes me go up a hill) Crinkly-stopping-to-pick-up-lung-stops.  I may make her go to Millington if the weather is nice enough for a picnic.  If requested, pooh sticks can be arranged.  Somewhere in the region of 40ish 55-60 miles round trip (unless we change strategy very early on!).  We will then return to York, potentially indulge in lessons in disc-brake-fu and almost undoubtably eat takeaway curry.  

On the Sunday, lungs and knees and weather permitting, we will probably go for a very very flat ride to a park or a pub or possibly both with the EldestCub prior to Kim's departure back to Mordor in the afternoon.  If we're really lucky we might even persuade Dearly_Beloved to acompany us and bring the smaller Cub along in his babyseat.

Anyone fancy joining us?

Edited to add the current list of possible attendees:

About 55 miles (although with the option of some shortcuts) potentially with the inclusion of mild optical illusions.  Gather up at the CrinklyDen in York to leave by 10am.

Me - with some CAKE and alarming levels of responsibility for not getting lost.
Kim - probably onna upwrong possibly risking the streetmachine for SCIENCE
Deano onna fixed - but only because of chip spice
Maybe Mr Nesbitt - if hedges aren't more appealing except he got a better offer, and likes hills more than he likes my cake  ;)
"Slow"coach - if he doesn't accidentally do an audax instead.  GPSs may be removed at the start at the discretion of me :P
Possibly a ponderous Clarion.  With accomplices, I wonder? Unfortunately it looks like life has got in the way - they'll just have to come and ride round god's own county another time with us :)
possiblely maybe not yet sure Jogler - perhaps onna bent, hopefully without recourse to a WVM rescue lurgy stopped play, but maybe he'll bring me flapjack later this month instead :)
Postman Piers - will he be on a Pashley? The lack of a towbar scuppered the plan.  Couldn't he have ridden here?
Rower40 - who might turn up on anything from a rubber band drive to a 'bent, depending on how far through the bike-fettling algorithm he's got
interzen - will he have 11 gears-inna-can by then, or is the future still orange? has to go do work instead - boo hiss.
Tiermat who is no longer in Norway
MrCharly, and MsCharly on the prettiest little blue bike EVAH  :thumbsup:
Perhaps Mobbsy the infeasibly tall, possibly with a son or 2 along Sadly, not this time.
tiptop, if I can suppy a sufficiency of cake
andrewc, who promises not to nick your wheels but makes no such rash promises about any CAKE that might be hanging around....
Mr Bunbury, hopefully joining us in time for the pub.  I wonder what the soup of the day might be?

(not very far at all, probably the planets as far as Naburn and a Pubbe)
CrinklyCub - we'll make him take charge of not getting lost
Kim (possibly pedalling one-legged)
Arch's friend-who-is-a-boy
Perhaps Dearly_Beloved with the SmallestCub on the back


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
This represents an attempt at doing a proper (ie. more interesting than the dual carriageways and backroads of south Birmingham) bike ride in spite of ongoing knee problems, hence the shortish distance.  I'm open to the possibility of extending it a bit if things go well, but will have to play it by ear.  Or should that be leg.  Though I'm not a grasshopper, and I don't even ride one.

CL - don't worry about navigation, I'll have my trusty Garmin to blame when things go wrong.   :D

I might be around on the Saturday.  I've fancied doing Bishop Wilton Wold on fixed for a while ;)

Gilpin's Gallop on the Sunday, so unless you fancy coming along to Boroughbridge to cheer us on..?  Thought not.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Well, we could ride the nice flat way to Bishop Wilton and then the wimps could go and play on the swings and/or for a pint in the Fleece while the nutters went up Wozzie Hill, then back down Garrowby.  Or the complete and utter nutters did it the other way round.....

It is, theoretically, possible to go up worsendale hill to the A166 then fairly quickly head off to Millington.  But it is a git of a hill, and probably not knee friendly.  Givendale is nothing like as high, and nothing like as nasty.  I suspect that my legs could possibly even get up it without stopping, but my lungs (as I proved on Sunday) can't!

Millington is lovely.  And if the weather was nice I could probably arrange a Grannie-Annie-picnic drop there....

Millington Pastures is lovely - I don't think I fully appreciated when I rode through there, as my frame was crumbling beneath me.  It'd be a pleasant inclusion to the ride.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Excellent - Kim, you might even be safe from the perils of Crinkly navigation 'cos that's two people who know their way round that bit of the world  ;D

Excellent - Kim, you might even be safe from the perils of Crinkly navigation 'cos that's two people who know their way round that bit of the world  ;D
I;m only tentative at present so don't get too excited. I have three clear weekend after the one coming but I am planning on using the first one to visit a good friend of mine whose wife makes good cakes. I promised myself a weekend off soon to clean my bike too and cut my hedges


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Be warned Crinkly, Mr N thinks that I am you.

Be warned Crinkly, Mr N thinks that I am you.
Not anymore. Just my electronic address book tripping. Could have been worse, could have been anyone of about 7 bike shops or curry houses, or the Job Centre Plus or the dentist who was touting. Thank heavens it was two people who know each other that got mixed up.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
I didn't.  I don't think.  How intriguing! 

In fairness, I don't think that even I could get lost of we go to Bishop Wilton/Pocklington.

I didn't.  I don't think.  How intriguing! 

In fairness, I don't think that even I could get lost of we go to Bishop Wilton/Pocklington.
ywhpm in  a moment

Steve GT

  • Crediamo in te, bici!
I might be around on the Saturday.  I've fancied doing Bishop Wilton Wold on fixed for a while ;)

Gilpin's Gallop on the Sunday, so unless you fancy coming along to Boroughbridge to cheer us on..?  Thought not.

Thinking of doing the Pollag S'niplig 200 so I should bump into you twice!


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
I didn't.  I don't think.  How intriguing! 

In fairness, I don't think that even I could get lost of we go to Bishop Wilton/Pocklington.
ywhpm in  a moment

Oi, stop sending me random PMs  ;)

This sounds tempting. Unfortunately I'm supposed to be doing Gilpin's Gallop (only the 100 for me though) the day after and that means I'm going to need a pass out for two consecutive days.

Given that Gilpin's Gallop will be my first audax ever** I ought to pretend to prepare for it.... Put me down as a maybe.

** It might be my 2nd. There was an occasion in the 1970s when we had route sheets thrust in our hands and told - "you are late - get a move on". We were only going for a pootle at the time and happened to pass what must have been the start control, but did as we were told. All I know was it was rather further than we intended to go, there were a couple of controls along the way, and at the end someone asked us "You are XYZ aren't you?" When our response was "No, never heard of them" there was much puzzlement and then guffawing from the other side of the table. I have no idea what the event was, or really how we got there. I blame it on the hangover - which was why we had gone for a pootle in the first place.


This sounds tempting. Unfortunately I'm supposed to be doing Gilpin's Gallop (only the 100 for me though) the day after and that means I'm going to need a pass out for two consecutive days.

Given that Gilpin's Gallop will be my first audax ever** I ought to pretend to prepare for it.... Put me down as a maybe.

** It might be my 2nd. There was an occasion in the 1970s when we had route sheets thrust in our hands and told - "you are late - get a move on". We were only going for a pootle at the time and happened to pass what must have been the start control, but did as we were told. All I know was it was rather further than we intended to go, there were a couple of controls along the way, and at the end someone asked us "You are XYZ aren't you?" When our response was "No, never heard of them" there was much puzzlement and then guffawing from the other side of the table. I have no idea what the event was, or really how we got there. I blame it on the hangover - which was why we had gone for a pootle in the first place.

 ;D ;D

We have entere the S'nilpig Pollag 200km.  Would be nice to see you all there.


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
I've never heard of that ride, though I've heard of Gilpin's Gallop and Pollag S'nipling.  Which one are you doing?

I've never heard of that ride, though I've heard of Gilpin's Gallop and Pollag S'nipling.  Which one are you doing?

My guess is Pollag S'nipling - backwards  ;D


I've never heard of that ride, though I've heard of Gilpin's Gallop and Pollag S'nipling.  Which one are you doing?

One of those.  Or neither of those, depending.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
So all you hardcore audaxers really ought to come out to play on the Saturday.  It'd make a nice little opportunity for a leg-stretching warm up and a "beautifully-fettled-to-within-an-inch-of-their-lives-bikes" shakedown ride.  And I think I can probably guarantee carb-loading possibilities  ;D


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Well, weather and knees and lungs permitting, I'd suggest something like this to Pocklington:

Bicycle Path - York-SB-BW-Millington-Huggate-Pock at

Or, if we want a slightly more knee friendly version:

Bicycle Path - York-SB-BW-Millington-Pock-2 at

With the possible inclusion for other people, whilst I'm having a pint in the Fleece or playing on the swings of this:

Bicycle Path - A Completely Gratuitous Hill at

Or, if they are too knee-unfriendly on the day, we could drop the bit up to Givendale and through Millington (or even the diversion to Bishop Wilton, since you can go direct to Pock and get an almost entirely flat 20ish miles ride) - a decision to be made nearer the time, possibly informed by the outcome of certain stokering in the hills Silly_Bike_Adventures.

Possible cafe/pub/shop/public conveniences stop in Stamford Bridge.  Pubs in Bishop Wilton, Huggate and possibly several other places in between.  I could probably arrange a picnic drop off in Millington Pastures.  Pubs/cafes/various people who would probably make us a cuppa in Pock.

Return to York, depending on how far we want it to be, on one of the following:

Bicycle Path - Pock to York - quick-ish way at (this in reverse is the quick-ish flat way that I'd suggest to Pock if we needed it - Cub's usual route)

Bicycle Path - Pock-York at (the bit from Elvington back to York is a bit dull though)

Pock to York with added Friday commute goodness (further, and can be made a squeak longer by using the planets path back from the pub at Naburn, but much nicer)

ETA - I have checked, Kim, and can indeed offer emergency vehicular rescue from the hilly bits round Bishop Wilton/Pocklington in the event of knee implosion.  Although someone else would have to lift the bike into me mum's car!


  • Tyke
Getting there...

I think we should have a suitable ceremony at WVM corner

(sorry, jogler)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....

And what might you be pondering?  Enquiring minds (aka nosy buggers) would love to know!

I think we should have a suitable ceremony at WVM corner

Any particular suggestions?  Personally I'd go for a ceremonial eating of cake.  But that's just my default option  :D