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  • York or therebouts-ish ride: 12 March, 2011

Author Topic: York or therebouts-ish ride 12/3/11 - Lungs and Knees and Weather permitting!  (Read 39408 times)


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Oh What A Perfect Day - I'm Glad I Spent It With You.

An excellent ride with some all-too-real Optical Illusions.   Lovely cake, great company, fine views, some Darkside-friendly descents at R17-and-then-some.

A moment of giggles on the train: a passenger boarded with a BSO at Sheffield; as we approached Leeds, he went to the wrong end of the carriage and was most confused when there was no bike there.  Coincidence - as my train home called at Leeds, he got on - again with the same BSO!

Kim and I met andrewc, mrcharly and mscharly, and tiermat at the station, then made our way (with a minor mechanical on mscharly's Mercian - rear wheel skewer a bit loose causing the wheel to jam against the frame) to the CrinklyDen, where we met the others, and the opening salvo of CAKE occurred.  Chocolate Buttons and portions of CurlyWurly (now I recognise CrinklyLion's avatar) represented bikes on the toppings of Chocolate (HUGE) muffins.

It all gets a bit hazy after that.  Which is why the GPS can remember what we did much better than I can.  Though there was a HUGE scone with double-deck strawberries and cream consumed at the tea-room in Millington.  And some delicious coffee and home-made scones at the Pock stop.

Then we played "mine's brighter than yours" on the way back from the pub.

I was exceptionally lucky on the ride back to York station from the Den.  Arriving at the station at 1848, the 1844 to Bristol was still on the departures board, and I arrived on the platform just as the train pulled in, having shared the lifts with a family who also wanted the same train.  No other dangly-bike-space occupants.  (Except the BSO referred to above, a bit later!)

Thanks everyone for putting up with me, and esp. Kat for sorting it all so brilliantly.
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin

I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Ah, the Millington scones were as good as ever then?

I'm just in the process of pottering about making ever greater noises-off to drive mfwhtbab out of bed and into a conscious state.  I may resort to the offer of a bacon sandwich shortly.

If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

That was the longest ride I've done since Oct/Nov last year.  I'm a bit stiff this morning, and not in a good way...

Some pictures..

The first cake stop


YACF Pooh Sticks Championship 2011

Rapt attention

MrCharly practices Seiza while MsCharly and Tiptop look on
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark

An excellent day out. Thanks everyone for the company - and thank you Crinkly Lion for not getting us lost (well - you may well have done, but you've offered so many route variations that no-one would have had any idea if we'd been on a non-planned detour...).

I came home suitably stuffed with cake that it set me up nicely for today's exploratory audax. It's some time since I've managed two separate trips in a weekend - perhaps I'll have to try this more often. I hope to see some of you at Wigginton for the Fountains' Monky-business in a fortnight's time.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
I know I usually jabber on loads after rides prepare carefully and lovingly crafted ride reports, but it's been a mad busy weekend, including getting bugger all sleep on Friday due to baking and then staying up 'til late o'clock on Saturday night nattering whilst watching Kim fettle and, to be honest, Saturday's ride is all a bit of a blur.  

So thank you everyone for coming (in some cases frankly silly distances) just to do my "boring old ride that I do every week to Pocklington" - although I don't often do the mildly lumpy middle section on the roads of my childhood.  I do like the way that riding the same roads with different people lets you see them in a different light sometimes, and actually all the bits between Bolton and Pocklington are rather fine IMO.  

I had a great time.  The cat-herding wasn't stressful in the slightest, although I do think that the cats were remarkably well behaved and not too numerous which probably helped.  It was extremely bizarre to spend so much time at the front, which is not a place I'm often found on a forum ride.  I, of course, have the slight disadvantage of having absolutely no chance of powering off to the front to catch up with wayward strays if I drop back....  which led to the one and only wrong turn of the day when I got separated from the couple of people who were a bit ahead by a bus that pulled out from a bus stop in Osbaldwick - they went straight on, not left, when we were very nearly back at the end of the day.  So we took the alternate road and went off-route for all of a couple of hundred yards - I don't think that's bad going.  Remarkably benevolent weather given the forecast earlier in the week of light sleet followed by heavy sleet followed by snow followed by heavy snow - a bit blustery at times, mildly irritating to have to actually pedal from Huggate to Warter into the wind, but with just a little bit of perfectly timed rain which gave us the perfect excuse to stop at the Agar Arms in Warthill (eminently drinkable Sam Smiths for £1.50 a pint - s'good up north!) and when we came out of the pub it was sunny again.  Cafe was grand, and warm enough weather to eat outside was a bonus.  The road out through Murton was a bit busier than usual but not dreadful.

Best bits?  Riding with some familiar faces, tiptop coming out to play again, MsCharly's first forum ride and finding again how welcoming YACFers are to newcomers, getting Kim onto roads-not-in-Birmingham were all good.  Kilnwick Percy (and watching Kim disappearing at frankly silly speed into the distance down it) was a bit special - as was the grin on the darksiders' faces when we finally caught up with them.  Millington Pastures were delightful.  Scones and coffee and gossip with my mum and sister.  Snake lane, and all the lanes round Bishop Wilton, which were incredibly quiet and where the sun came out.  Pooh Sticks Corner (I won!).  Not breaking Kim was a definite win  :thumbsup:  MsCharly getting round the whole lot with apparent good cheer despite the foot cramp, and still having the legs to power off with her dad at a fair old lick to guide andrewc and 'Slow'coach across town to the station in time for trains.  And I'm quite chuffed that she's apparently talking about tackling some more, even longer, rides.  Loads of stuff really - it was just a lovely chilled out day.  A lot of my teachers mark work with '3 stars and a wish' - three things you got right, and one thing to improve.  I think we got a lot of stuff right, but a couple of things I can think of would have been an improvement.  One is that is probably would have made it an easier day for MsCharly if we had thought to give her a chance to follow someone steady's wheel and get a bit of a tow, especially on the windy bits - the thought occurred to us on the return, but following me isn't really a goer (depite my considerable windbreak potential to shorter riders) as I'm a rubbish wheel to follow because I'm a bit erratic and generally crap at riding my bike!  Secondly, that I decided against taking my camera because I've never really managed to take pictures on the move and figured I'd have enough to be thinking about so I only took two photographs - cake at the beginning

and beer near the end (apologies for truly dreadful camera phone pic)

(I might have practised the photography a bit the next day - will try and do a RR when I finally get them to upload!)

ETA - and indeed, I have.


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Oh dear.  What AM I doing in the backround to that last photo?
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip

After a good ride there's nothing like finishing off with a nice shandy...
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Well, the lungs, knees and weather were all in our favour...   :thumbsup:

I decided to risk bringing the Streetmachine for this one, as it seemed like a good opportunity to see how the knee performed with it on a longer ride - I knew I was going to be a bit slow (apart from the fast bits), but it wasn't going to be the fast kind of ride, so that wouldn't be a problem.  In the end, while I found the climbs to be incredibly hard work due to The Wrong Kind Of Bent Legs, I got through the whole ride with little more than mild aching from the knee.

I caught the Early o'clock train from Mordor Central, and discovered the cleanest CrossCountry dangly bike space I've ever seen.  They appeared to have fitted a brand new set of fully-functional ratchet straps for restraining the lower wheel, too.  The novelty factor of this was beaten only by rower40 joining the train at Derby to put his Grasshopper in the other side.  That's probably the last place you'd expect to find an HPVelotechnik convention, but the guard hardly raised an eyebrow.

Once andrewc arrived we set a course for the CrinklyDen, taking in the first mechanical of the day (MsCharly's upper limit screw was in need of a tweak - with friction shifting it's actually important), and discovered a house overflowing with cyclists, CrinklyCubs and all manner of cake.  Two confused examples of Felis catus looked on from a safe distance.

We loaded cakes into stomachs and panniers, MsCharly's gears were adjusted, and we set off.  The first part of the ride was delightfully flat (I don't get to ride on properly flat roads very often, so that's always a novelty), and took in some lovely lanes and a couple of reasonably sensible cycle paths.  There was a single silly Sustrans gate, but it was the kind that could be negotiated in hobby-horse mode with the mirror retracted, so not too annoying.  We stopped after 16km at Stamford Bridge for CAKE and use of the facilities:

Off again, through Fangfoss, and a stop at Ings Bridge for Pooh Sticks.  This one's a bit deceptive, as although the water's nice and fast-flowing, there's all sorts of potential for stuck stick issues.  CrinklyLion won, but consensus was that I still hold the title of YACF champion as Wowbagger wasn't in attendance.  I'm evidently going to have to work on my technique, possibly taking note of CrinklyCub's highly effective scientific stick-choice method.

After that, the flatness stopped.  Gently at first, then round the corner and 110m of Proper Climbing up Givendale.  Several of us opted for the 24" gear - a technique ill-suited for tackling long climbs on a under-seat steering recumbent, so I made use of the silly low gear and span my way up.  The sun had come out, which combined with spinning at 90rpm for an awesome speed of 4.5mph made me very hot indeed.  I had to stop halfway to remove some layers, at which point I realised my layer-stowing space was occupied by cake, necessitating a defrag of the contents of my rack bag.

I eventually made it to the top without any knee disasters, but with legs feeling like they were going to drop off.  Fortunately the next bit was mostly down, including the good kind of chevron.  The temporary traffic lights had disappeared, but we were turning left to Millington for lunch, rather than freewheeling all the way to Pocklington.

Lunch was had outdoors, because it was that warm:

And CrinklyLion's well-packed scone was declared Cake Of The Day:

With a bit of wandering dog retrieval and discussion of recumbent bikes, wheelchairs, small wheels and their allergy to loose gravel with some of the other customers, we set off up the valley.  Rower40 and I noted that the zigzag at Pasture Gate was like a miniature version of Box Hill, and were glad that we didn't have to climb it, and weren't on the tandem.

The slow climb up Millington Dale and Pasture Dale was lovely.  Only really hard work towards the end, and some fantastic scenery.  It would have been nicer with fewer cars, so we didn't have to keep riding single file to let them pass, but otherwise that's going on my list of pleasant ways to gain elevation.

A bit of rolling terrain after that.  While I don't have much in the way of climbing legs, this is what I'm used to, and the recumbent lends itself to my natural riding style of winching up short climbs and carrying as much momentum through into the next one as possible.  I managed a particularly impressive bit of rollercoaster cycling at Westbeck Bridge: as we came round the bend on the descent I saw what appeared to be a vertical wall of road up ahead.  Realising the only sensible approach was to try to gain as much speed as possible, I slammed it into a high gear, picked a line and managed to hit 35mph at the bottom.  This gave me enough speed to get nearly all the way up the other side, much to the surprise of those I shot past on the ascent.  It's not often that you get to pull that manoeuvre off quite so spectacularly.    8)

The slog up Kilnwick Percy Hill was non-fun.  I stopped for a rest in a gravelly lay-by half way up, and had fun trying to get moving again in the 19" gear - eventually resorting to carrying the bike into the middle of the road so I could get enough traction to avoid wheelspin.  My mood improved rapidly as we reached the brow of the hill, though...

3km straight down into Pocklington.  Including a chevron.  Decent road surface, with good sight lines.  CrinklyLion suggested that it was "probably best if Kim goes at the front for this bit".  I achieved a respectable 45.9mph on the descent, and could probably have had 50 if I'd been able to see that the discolouration in the middle of the road before the bend wasn't loose gravel.  I think I'm going to have to come back to that one armed with some prescription safety goggles to stop my eyes watering.

Once the others had caught up, it was round the corner to not-Granny-Annie's house for a scones and more cake stop.  I may have had a comedy clipless moment on the tile floor, which may have ended in a giggling fit.

From there, it was mostly flat again, to Warthill (thus named presumably because it achieves about the same change in elevation as the average wart).  It had just started to rain as we arrived at the pub, so a swift pint was called for.  There's a comedy photo somewhere of rower40's Grasshopper parked amongst some (PINK, tasselled) children's bikes.

A swift (and suspiciously inexpensive) pint was just what was needed to sort the weather out.  We engaged the FRIKKIN' LASERS for the journey back to York, where the group fragmented according to relative urgency of trains.  I returned to the Den with CL and rower40 to be greeted by an excited exclamation of "Kim!" from SmallestCub, who was having a bath.

I made it 86.5km.  Here's the elevation/speed profile for those who were asking:

Rower40 left for his train, and we had a fun evening that included Captain Scarlet (and the dubious approach to risk assessment and fail-safe systems therein), being shed on by cats, curry, and late-night bike-fettling.  It was also noted that if a large touring recumbent can be successfully stowed in their living room, CrinklyLion has no good reason not to get herself a nice, shiny and relatively compact Islabike road bike...


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
There's a comedy photo somewhere of rower40's Grasshopper parked amongst some (PINK, tasselled) children's bikes.

Here it is:

Kids - stay away from strange bikes...

I'm going to be put on a register for this, aren't I?
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
It all sounds very fine. I'm very jealous and more than a little flattered that a YACF Poohsticks Match does not have First Class status conferred upon it unless I am in attendance.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

That was a lovely day out, so why, in all of Kim's photos am I scowling ?  ???   I'm not _that_self conscious about the belly....
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
I did wonder about that.  Thought it might be some sort of subconscious camera reflex.  A friend of mine always used to turn to face the camera in a way that made him look overexposed, 2-dimensional and generally like he'd been badly photoshopped in, no matter how normal his pose when the shutter release was pressed.

I count myself lucky that I get away with bad hair and extra chins.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
That was a lovely day out, so why, in all of Kim's photos am I scowling ?  ???   I'm not _that_self conscious about the belly....

At least you don't look like an extra out of The Transporter or a bad WWE actor wrestler :)
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

The only picture I have of the ride:

<i>Marmite slave</i>

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
3km straight down into Pocklington.  Including a chevron.  Decent road surface, with good sight lines.

I remember that one from circa 1974.  Pete Fenton crashed.  Shirtless.  Not pretty :sick:
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....

Of course almost everybody else disappeared down kilnwick percy rather faster than me, so I couldn't even bore them all to tears with pointing out where we used to go and sit on a hill to drink cheap cider.  Or my old school.  Or Top Shop (not the clothing sort) where we spent dinner money on sweets and underage cigarettes.  Or point out the corner where I got caught by my english teacher smoking at lunchtime between  2 A level exams. 


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
I remember that one from circa 1974.  Pete Fenton crashed.  Shirtless.  Not pretty :sick:

Having just been reminded of, and re-read, this thread it occurs to me that I was most most remiss in not saying "What, Paddy's big brother?!?!".  Paddy being one of my big sister's best mates a few years later :)

Fancy a re-run?

Yes, you would have to ride your bike :)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Yes, you would have to ride your bike :)

What is this foolishness of which you speak?


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Yes, you would have to ride your bike :)

What is this foolishness of which you speak?

I will if you will.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Thing is, this is basically the route we did for that 5 day cycle camping tour last summer.  Which was probably the last time I rode a bike for non-commuting porpoises....