Author Topic: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route  (Read 4569 times)

Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« on: 05 March, 2011, 03:44:53 pm »
Hi all,

Got the route sheet  today and  renewed my  knowledge of the  ride, below link to  bike  hike I  like  to share...

FWIW  I  won't  be  going through Coxhoe, no need to visit the  paper  shop.  :) - Course Creator

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #1 on: 06 March, 2011, 10:19:19 pm »
Doesn't look like many takers for this.I'm hoping to start at B'bridge end. Where are you starting ,Sleepy?Any one else partaking?

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #2 on: 06 March, 2011, 10:26:30 pm »
Sleepy (I imagine) will be starting at the Houghton le Spring end, same as me. 

Joe reckons there are 30 people doing the 200 from HLS, 20 from BB, and 20 more riding the 100 from HLS.

I'll wave to you again as we pass on the A167.

There was a but of discussion on the My First Audax thread, but I don't think anyone mentioned riding the 200 - probably Flat Eart Bob and AndyC will be there, though.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #3 on: 06 March, 2011, 10:28:02 pm »
Davey Babey and  Les are riding from BB.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #4 on: 06 March, 2011, 10:39:19 pm »
Of course they are.  I shouldn't have forgotten them..

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #5 on: 06 March, 2011, 10:40:06 pm »
and Stevie Wonder

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #6 on: 06 March, 2011, 10:42:53 pm »
I think David Tennant is more appropriate for him.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #7 on: 08 March, 2011, 10:38:32 pm »
Hello all,

This is my first posting here & Gilpins Gallop 200 will be my first Audax.. Just getting my bike ready etc.
I have a few daft questions for you, if any of you have a mo to share your wisdom...

How much do people usually carry on a 200 Audax? Carradice saddle bag or just everything stuffed into jersey pockets?

How much food do you carry? Do you pick up a lot on the way?

I'm running 20mm tyres at the moment. Too skinny?

Do you bother carrying bike locks, I never bother on club runs, any need whilst doing a 200 audax?

I got no mudguards - bad move? bad etiquette?



BTW I'm riding a steel Joe Waugh with Campag 8 speed, compact 50-34, 13-26, upgrades include rust spots, paint chips, gaffer tape

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #8 on: 08 March, 2011, 10:44:09 pm »
You shoud carry what you are comfortable with. If you'd ridden for 8 or more hours before you'll know what you need to take. You can stop to buy food if you need more, or you may prefer to pedal on and eat on the hoof. I tend to do both as I like to have a breather every few hours.
Take a lock, the Boroughbridge control is at Morrisons so it'll be far too easy for someone to load a bike into a car and drive off. No mudguards ? OK if it's dry, bad form if it's wet.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #9 on: 08 March, 2011, 10:49:23 pm »
Evening p&l!

I rode Gilpin's Gallop as my first audax a couple of years ago - among the bikes parked outside were skinny-wheeled full carbon Colnagos, so I don't think your 20mm tyres will be an issue.  However, for comfort you might prefer to fit something a bit wider.  It's all about personal preference, comfort and what you're used to - I'll have 23mm tyres on mine.

I'd recommend carrying the same tools you'd usually have on a club run, i.e. at least enough to fix a puncture.  I'll probably take my Carradice, but I rode it last year with just a wee saddlepack.

I'd recommend a wee cafe lock, for fastening your bike outside the controls in Boroughbridge and especially Middleton-St-George.  You might be OK leaving it, but there'll be plenty of non-cycling people about, so I wouldn't take the chance myself.

For food, you may need nowt along the way, as this year there'll be a feed stop at Girsby with bacon sarnies and cake, as well as the Morrison's at Boroughbridge.  Most people carry an emergency something, e.g. a gel or flapjack.

No mudguards - no problem, really.  People will probably take the piss if it rains ;)

I'll be on a red (fixed) Dave Yates.  See you there.

ETA: Gah. MSeries has beaten me to most of this.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #10 on: 08 March, 2011, 10:57:49 pm »
No card or routesheet here yet.

Presumably Snipling Pollag will go to the wire in this area as until the cards arrive in Newbottle they and the route sheets  cannot be posted to us down south. I guess it's only Tuesday, four more days to go.


I can send you the upside down version of mine, Andy (which arrived on Saturday).


  • per ardua ad aqua
Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #11 on: 08 March, 2011, 11:02:46 pm »
Sniplig card & Route sheet arrived this pm  :thumbsup:

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #12 on: 08 March, 2011, 11:39:12 pm »
Thanks for the tips Mseries & Deano.. Bacon sarnies and cake? Spoilt rotten we are! Looking forward to it.. see you on Sunday

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #13 on: 08 March, 2011, 11:58:58 pm »
Andy C, my card arrived today and I am 100k south of Joe. 5k from B'bridge.


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #14 on: 09 March, 2011, 12:11:16 am »
Hello there madcow!  I'm not riding this but it would be good to ride with you again.  Are you doing the Wiggy 300 or the Lincoln this year?

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #15 on: 09 March, 2011, 08:54:09 pm »
Funny you should mention it, I have just printed the forms for both this evening.Just waiting for an appropriate time to mention it in conversation. I can get out for Pollag ride as its on my doorstep and it would be rude not to ride it.


Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #16 on: 10 March, 2011, 01:52:12 pm »
I may be helping on one of the controls, so say hello if you see me!

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #17 on: 10 March, 2011, 09:27:32 pm »
I may be helping on one of the controls, so say hello if you see me!

Excellent :thumbsup:

Nigel did put out the batsignal.  Mine's a bacon sarnie, and I aim to be the first one there ;)

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #18 on: 10 March, 2011, 10:18:00 pm »
Twas heavy rain in '07 on the way back wasn't it ? Nigel had the towels ready. Me ? no you'll not be seeing me.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #19 on: 11 March, 2011, 04:30:03 pm »
It was heavy rain but crucially the wind was behind us going back from B'Bridge.It was cold though ,one guy  wearing racing gear (ie lightweight rain jacket) came into Girsby almost on the brink of hypothermia. I dont think he was fit enough to finish. forecat at mo is cloudy with outbreaks of rain. Typical for March.


Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #20 on: 11 March, 2011, 04:31:41 pm »
It was heavy rain but crucially the wind was behind us going back from B'Bridge.It was cold though ,one guy  wearing racing gear (ie lightweight rain jacket) came into Girsby almost on the brink of hypothermia. I dont think he was fit enough to finish. forecat at mo is cloudy with outbreaks of rain. Typical for March.

Nigel came round for a cuppa today and told me about that chap.  No, he didn't finish.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #21 on: 13 March, 2011, 08:32:34 pm »
Weather - acceptable.  A bit wet going south, but it was clearing after Northallerton, dry by Topcliffe and sunny by the time I was in Boroughbridge.

Route: same as ever.  The surfaces were a bit..grumbly, and the A167 around Topcliffe won't be anyone's favourite road, but daffs were just starting to perk up around the lovely crossing of the Tees at Dinsdale, and the lanes between Topcliffe and Boroughbridge are rather pleasant, with skylarks and lapwings and buzzards darting and circling.

Controls - excellent.  The double stop at Girsby made the ride for me, as it was a chance to catch up with the Boroughbridge starters, it came at about the right time in the ride to break up the legs, bacon sandwiches on the way south, quiche, fruitcake and teacake on the way north.  It was a real surprise to people who'd only ridden £25 sportives before (and been too far down the field to get any food at the controls) that this sort of thing was possible for £6 a head.  Beautiful helpers as well  :-*

I wound up riding on my own for much of it, as I got a bit carried away at the start and tried to keep up with the tandems.  Ah well, I had a good chatter with some new and some familar faces at the controls, and at the end.  I must have looked more knackered than I felt, as Joe offered me beans on toast back at Newbottle :thumbsup:

Good to see everyone again, and a pleasure to meet partsandlabour.  First qualifer done.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #22 on: 13 March, 2011, 08:41:44 pm »
Well thats my first Audax all done and dusted.

First 20k were rubbish riding in a group of five we had three p**ctur**s and some fool manged to topple over at a set of traffic lights (that would be me  :facepalm:)

Oh and it was raining.

Once we got all of that out of the way and the rain stopped it became an excellent ride, other than the bunch sprint that was required to get us to the mid point control in time.

However once there I have to say I was mighty impressed; soup, bacon sarnies, quiche, cake, flapjack and tea who could ask for more. (Thanks to Mike for lending us the spare Inner Tubes)

For the return journey the the sun came out and everthing was grand. Got back to the finish well within time to be greated with more tea and cake.

I have to say everyone we met in the controls and everyone who passed us on the road were ultra friendly and it made the experience really great. I am still not sure about one of our group having his feet in the armpits of one of the helpers at the Newbottle control, it however it did warm them up......... ;)

Am I hooked yet, well I am not sure will I back, definetely. 

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #23 on: 13 March, 2011, 08:51:36 pm »
Sleepy went and bought new socks at Morrison's, his feet were that cold.  He seems to have a thing for socks.  Mind you, my toes were pretty numb by that point too.  The only regret I had was not putting on the overshoes which I took with me, but left at Newbottle.

Glad you had a good first ride, K10.  Hopefully I'll see you on the Chevy.

Re: Gilpins Gallop or Sniplig Pollag Route
« Reply #24 on: 13 March, 2011, 09:15:12 pm »
Well that was my first audax as well. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. When I got the routesheet I realised that route finding was not going to be an issue. The section from Newbottle to Sedgefield was all part of my regular tootle from home routes for summer evenings. I rode the entire time with Crusty who kept me on the straight and narrow, persuading me not to take the flat railway line shortcut which avoids Black Boy Bank at Moorsley on the way home (and its not me who is being un-PC here - The Black Boy is the name of the pub half way up...). Crusty knew the southern half of the 100k route that I was unfamiliar with. Our route finding abilities were somewhat complementary.

The food and support were excellent. It was good to see Lindagordinho again at Girsley. Her bacon butties can't be surpassed. However, I have to admit, I think the highlight of the trip was probably the decadent diversion to No. 4 in Sedgefield for cream cakes and afternoon tea on the way back to Newbottle. I've never actually done a sportive, but I suspect that sort of activity en-route might be frowned upon.

What did feel strange after was re-riding the part of the route to get back home (I live within 2 miles of the route. As Crusty wasn't with me - I cheated and took the railway line home. I couldn't see any point in gratuitously wandering up Black Boy Bank for the 3rd time when there is an alternative route which is not only shorter but also totally flat...

At the end of the day - I think I can say that I'm definitely up for more, but it may be a little time before I progress from 100km. I'll need to get a few more miles in first. So the count down starts now for my second audax - Fountains' Monky-business. I also need to start looking for the audax after that (and no, Deano - I'm not available this year for the Kilhope Grimpeur - just give me time to think of an excuse).