Author Topic: Bikeroutetoaster and Garmin Forerunner  (Read 2783 times)


Bikeroutetoaster and Garmin Forerunner
« on: 04 April, 2011, 11:14:02 pm »
Hi folks, some kind person pointed me in this direction to ask what is probably a very silly question!  ???   

I am doing JoGLE in a few weeks and I wanted to use Bikeroutetoaster to set up my daily routes and download to my Garmin Forerunner 310xt. Now Ive succesfully exported a gpx file from my garmin connect and uploaded to toaster, Ive succesfully uploaded other gpx files sent to me to toaster and I was feeling quite smug! So of course technology has taught me a lesson and I cant download the damn things to my garmin!!
I have the Forerunner 310xt and Im trying to download the route as a .gpx file, It said it downloaded but I cant find it IN my garmin, I looked in the courses but couldnt see it.... I tried downloading again and it said file already exists did I want to overwrite, which I did, which should mean it IS IN THERE SOMEWHERE!!! Can anyone help a poor technophobe??  What am I doing wrong? Id like to have a play around with it before I go and stupidly thought it would be simple to do! ARGH!! Me and technology! **bangs head**

frankly frankie

  • I kid you not
    • Fuchsiaphile
Re: Bikeroutetoaster and Garmin Forerunner
« Reply #1 on: 05 April, 2011, 09:09:08 am »
Maybe it's gone in as a Track(s)?  Look in the Track menu on the Garmin?
when you're dead you're done, so let the good times roll


Re: Bikeroutetoaster and Garmin Forerunner
« Reply #2 on: 05 April, 2011, 11:42:25 am »
oh! OK!!  :)

on Bikeroutetoaster you can either download a file or send straight to Garmin.  I tried sending straight to garmin first time....maybe the forerunner doesnt support this?

So after a bit of searching on here I found you can save the file as a .tcx and import it to the training centre and then send it that way to my garmin.  I deleted all my activities to make sure Id got enough space and I did end up finding a "route 000" in my garmin but it wasnt the whole route if indeed it was any of the route  :-\

Thanks Frankly Frankie for your reply, much appreciated  :)

Re: Bikeroutetoaster and Garmin Forerunner
« Reply #3 on: 06 April, 2011, 05:07:02 pm »
Hi there, you need to save it as a .tcx file and then open garmin training centre and import it as a course. Then send to the device. To find it go to training->courses and then you can do course. You get a breadcrumb trail to follow.

Let me know if that works, I have this garmin and use it to navigate a lot.

Re: Bikeroutetoaster and Garmin Forerunner
« Reply #4 on: 06 April, 2011, 09:27:38 pm »
Not familiar with your model, but on the Edge they treat the gpx and tcx differently

You access gpx by "Wher to?" and then "Saved rides"


Re: Bikeroutetoaster and Garmin Forerunner
« Reply #5 on: 11 April, 2011, 11:35:16 am »
thanks folks...........will give that a go this week and let you all know  :D