Author Topic: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.  (Read 1659305 times)


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11775 on: 06 February, 2020, 09:13:02 am »
for me it's a case of
pump = ability to control insulin around exercise more easily
FG monitoring = unobtrusive monitoring when exercising. Frustratingly though it's not legal for driving, where you need to do a fingerprick every 2 hours

It's probably more reliable than the fingerstick but the law hasn't caught up yet - a bit like when only filament lamps were legal for cycling but LEDs were already ten times more effective.  A couple of years back I queried the accuracy of my fingerstick meter and was given a calibration solution to test it against: according to the accompanying bumph a ±18% margin of error was OK.  I don't bother testing any more unless I'm going to the doc.

Yes, when I'm working with companies that need to meter quantities with an uncertaitny of 1.5% I look at glucose monitors and think "are you having a laugh?"
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


  • Um....err......oh bugger!
  • Help me!
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11776 on: 06 February, 2020, 12:02:35 pm »
I've always assumed that traders will give joke quotes when they don't need/want the work. But if you are silly enough to accept, they would be quite happy to fuck about with the people they are already busy with.  They will also fuck you about as they try to placate their other jobs as they begin to moan.
Admission.  I'm actually not that fussed about cake.

Chris S

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11777 on: 07 February, 2020, 11:02:10 pm »
Why do some people feel the need to shout their sexual preferences from the rooftops?

Speaking personally - it's nobody else's fucking business what my preferences are.

I simply don't understand the mindset that requires this overt exhibitionism.

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11778 on: 07 February, 2020, 11:11:23 pm »
Why do some people feel the need to shout their sexual preferences from the rooftops?

Speaking personally - it's nobody else's fucking business what my preferences are.

I simply don't understand the mindset that requires this overt exhibitionism.

I suspect that it isn't so much exhibitionism, more that he's getting the news out on his terms before one of the tabloids leads with a prurient "exclusive".

"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche

Chris S

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11779 on: 07 February, 2020, 11:15:57 pm »
Why do some people feel the need to shout their sexual preferences from the rooftops?

Speaking personally - it's nobody else's fucking business what my preferences are.

I simply don't understand the mindset that requires this overt exhibitionism.

I suspect that it isn't so much exhibitionism, more that he's getting the news out on his terms before one of the tabloids leads with a prurient "exclusive".

Jeez. Homo Sapiens deserve everything coming to them, and it can't happen soon enough.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11780 on: 07 February, 2020, 11:29:48 pm »
That and there's a big difference (in 2020) between coming out in your teens, when - assuming you don't get disowned or murdered or whatever - the consequences are relatively straightforward, and coming out in your late 50s when you've established a family and high-profile career as an assumed heterosexual.

I liked his kids' telly (not so keen on his endorsement of Bloody Stupid Johnson).  I don't blame him in the slightest for not coming out at the time.  It was the peak of the AIDS crisis, and the media were busy treating gays with all the warmth and understanding that they treat trans people with today.  One thing leads to another, and before you know it you've been married for 27 years and wondering what happened.  Whether he had to come out for his own and his family's well-being, or (more than likely), what spesh said, it was always going to be news.

Good luck to them.

Chris S

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11781 on: 07 February, 2020, 11:45:21 pm »
I guess it's the whole "coming out" thing I still don't get.

In earlier years, I was quite homophobic - and time and life experience have largely cured me of that. But I still don't understand the need to tell all creation where you like to stick your dick.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11782 on: 08 February, 2020, 12:16:15 am »
That's a complicated subject with a need for more than one highlighter pen, but starter for 10:

It's more about the cumulative effect of going through life cut off from a whole swathe of normal social interactions[1], usually with a side order of massive guilt and self-hatred, rather than the actual dick-sticking.  But also on a practical level, if you're interested in a bit of dick-sticking with a MOTAS, it helps if they know you're theoretically up for it...

And then there's the other kind of coming out.  When you've been a card-carrying QUILTBAG since your teens and have been in a same-sex relationship for 20 years, and you generally Just Get On With It, you still end up coming out (or not) to everyone new at some point, even if it's just by using your partner's pronoun.

[1] To pick a random example without leaving this browser tab, being able to use a picture of you and your partner as a user icon...


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11783 on: 08 February, 2020, 12:37:18 am »
As said before trying to beat the news cycle, he is a "celebrity" after all.

Side note on coming out. My ex and her sister's best friend for years, came out a few days after I met him the second time. We were getting on really well and had a good laugh at a party. Things were said, jokes were told, I got confused/lost in translation as he was French. And I asked but aren't you gay and where's your partner? Much laughter and nooooooo you got the stick and end mixed up, ensued. Few days later sister stormed into our flat and was all - I got big news and many hours of I don't believe it later we got to meet his boyfriend he had for 3 months but haven't told anyone about.

I totally understand, even today (well especially today), why people keep shtum about their sexualitiy. As some people like Kim states don't have the understanding friends/family or othr underlying issues.

I don't care that so and so is this or that but I understand why a person in limelight "want" (for the lack of a better word) to come out on the front pages of MSM. Cause if it is a scoop in say the Scum that person would have had to clean up mud for years to come.

Sorry for rambling mess, I'm drunk and tired, goodnight.
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit

Chris S

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11784 on: 08 February, 2020, 12:37:27 am »
That's a complicated subject with a need for more than one highlighter pen, but starter for 10:

Oh, g'wan then... (I'm not sure you actually intended this, but... well...)

1. I dunno. It's how I am.
2. I didn't. See 1.
3. No.
4. I don't. Maybe I'll add it to the bucket list.
5. Maybe, but hey I'm 60, so it's a pretty persistent phase.
6. Well, I suppose. But I've not met a "Good Astronaut" either, who might convince me to be an astronaut.
7. You're assuming I'm not mentally ill.
8. Nobody. Except any sad fucker reading this, I guess. GET A LIFE!
9. Do they?
10. Fuck knows.
11. I have had children, three of them - and they were free to make of their lives whatever they liked, using the meagre start in life their parents afforded them as a basis.
12. I don't.
13. WTF? Really??
14. I do keep it quiet. Mostly, folks just don't fucking care. This is how it should be.
15. Erm...
16. I don't. My role playing is my business. Fuck off.
17. I'm divorced. I was married for 30 years. Yes - count them THIRTY YEARS. We raised three great kids, then we were done.
18. I'm not the best person to ask that. Homo Sapiens is screwed - our extinction is imminent. This is a perfectly natural process.
19. It's not our god-given right to be happy all the time.
20. Oh - there is no 20.
21. I've never been in the situation where this was even remotely a thing.
22. It's the differences that make it work.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11785 on: 08 February, 2020, 06:46:04 am »
That's a complicated subject with a need for more than one highlighter pen, but starter for 10:

It's more about the cumulative effect of going through life cut off from a whole swathe of normal social interactions[1], usually with a side order of massive guilt and self-hatred, rather than the actual dick-sticking.  But also on a practical level, if you're interested in a bit of dick-sticking with a MOTAS, it helps if they know you're theoretically up for it...

And then there's the other kind of coming out.  When you've been a card-carrying QUILTBAG since your teens and have been in a same-sex relationship for 20 years, and you generally Just Get On With It, you still end up coming out (or not) to everyone new at some point, even if it's just by using your partner's pronoun.

[1] To pick a random example without leaving this browser tab, being able to use a picture of you and your partner as a user icon...

And then you have cases like my colleague, been with his partner for thirty-odd years, and was referring to his partner on a business trip in USAnia. Assumptions were made, and he only the realised they thought he meant his male partner.

At which he had to explain, she is a feminist, lecturer in women's studies and just doesn't agree with the patriarchal connotations of marriage.

Now that opposite sex civil unions are allowed, she's actually asked him to "marry" her, which is great.

Sometimes I think we are all too bothered about what other people think when it has zero impact on them.
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11786 on: 08 February, 2020, 08:10:02 am »
That's a complicated subject with a need for more than one highlighter pen, but starter for 10:

Oh, g'wan then... (I'm not sure you actually intended this, but... well...)

Not really, no.

It's a (depressingly timeless[1]) classic way of turning the usual prejudices on their head to illustrate why LGB[2] people might be fucked up by mainstream society and "go on about it" (ie. do normal stuff like have relationships).  I've probably been on the receiving end of about half of those at some point, with varying degrees of "ha ha only serious", and I wasn't out until 1997.

[1] We may have got past some of the worst bits, some 33 years after that was written.  People tend not to conflate gay men are pedobear any more.  Instead, they conflate trans women with pedobear instead...
[2] Bisexuals get their own tropes, vis indecision, denial, promiscuity, etc.  Notably the L&G community tend to be the main offenders.

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11787 on: 08 February, 2020, 09:46:01 am »
And then you have cases like my colleague, been with his partner for thirty-odd years, and was referring to his partner on a business trip in USAnia. Assumptions were made, and he only the realised they thought he meant his male partner.

Ha. Before we got married, I always used to refer to my wife as my partner (and before that, talked about my now-ex in the same way). *Totally* worth it to see the 'is he, isn't he?' cogs turning in peoples' minds: motivated primarily because girlfriend/boyfriend are such daft terms once you're older than about 1622, but also useful as the smallest of hints to others to not make assumptions.

As for Philip Schofield, I can only imagine it's better to control the narrative of 'I'm gay and I need to work this through with my family' rather than seeing 'Troubled TV star, 57, admits he's been living a lie' plastered over the red-tops.

As for TEH GAYERS 'going on about it', a former colleague used to get really pissed off by others claiming he was 'going on about it' just by talking about having spent the evening or the weekend with his partner. (Admittedly, given that he was rarely discreet about spending weekends in, um, 'specialist' clubs in Antwerp, he sometimes was 'going on about it' - but 'it' was his sex life in general, and the detail that he was doing it with a bloke was just that, a detail among many, many others.)


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11788 on: 08 February, 2020, 09:56:08 am »
I am starting to feel a little got at.

I am confined to quarters today because the replacement for the cracked rim on my Frezoni is coming via Hermes and requires a signature. Third attempt before the rim goes back to Hubjub. I was expecting to lace it up last night and ride today before tomorrow’s storm. Not going to happen now.

The 1/8” chain whip I ordered arrived yesterday and is 3/32” (already got a couple of those), so have to go through the hassle of returns next week + delay.

I have to go through the hassle of returning the 2nd failed Axa headlight. Frankly I don’t trust that another replacement Axa wouldn’t fail too. Reliability is worth a lot to me.

Had a front wheel slide during my ride home yesterday. No fall but definitely brown pants as I locked up the rear wheel after reflexively letting go of the front brake and helplessly slid into the T-junction with oncoming traffic. That front tyre has got to go - I hate not being able to trust my tyres. It was bad enough negotiating frosty roads in the morning but at least I knew why the wheels were skittering about. Letting go in normal circumstances on a high friction asphalt surface is very disturbing. The Rubino Pro tyre itself looks and feels fine but I'm not using it again.

What is the stickiest 700 x 28-32C tyre? It is a front tyre on a commuter, so excessive wear life isn’t important but broken glass resistance and traction is. I can cope well enough with the back tyre wandering (so will probably stick with Voyager Hyper or similar) but not the front.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11789 on: 08 February, 2020, 01:11:38 pm »
And then you have cases like my colleague, been with his partner for thirty-odd years, and was referring to his partner on a business trip in USAnia. Assumptions were made, and he only the realised they thought he meant his male partner.

Ha. Before we got married, I always used to refer to my wife as my partner (and before that, talked about my now-ex in the same way). *Totally* worth it to see the 'is he, isn't he?' cogs turning in peoples' minds: motivated primarily because girlfriend/boyfriend are such daft terms once you're older than about 1622, but also useful as the smallest of hints to others to not make assumptions.
Does that even work nowadays? Partner seems to be the default term regardless of marital status, gender, sexual orientation, etc. At least for everyone over 22.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11790 on: 08 February, 2020, 05:36:31 pm »
This is rather good.

[Enters Wowbagger mode.] Until the broadcast with Johnson during the election campaign I'd no idea at all who this chap was....   [Exits Wowbagger mode] 
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11791 on: 08 February, 2020, 08:21:03 pm »
This is rather good.

That says a lot of what I was failing to articulate properly above...

[Enters Wowbagger mode.] Until the broadcast with Johnson during the election campaign I'd no idea at all who this chap was....   [Exits Wowbagger mode]

He's Gordon The Gopher's[1] sidekick and/or Sadiq Khan's evil twin.

[1] Teenagers: Ask your parents.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11792 on: 08 February, 2020, 08:30:36 pm »
Saddiq Khan's evil twin, or the other way round?
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11793 on: 08 February, 2020, 08:36:26 pm »
Saddiq Khan's evil twin, or the other way round?

Good question.  AFAIK neither of them has a goatee, so it's inconclusive.

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11794 on: 09 February, 2020, 08:12:06 am »
What is the stickiest 700 x 28-32C tyre? It is a front tyre on a commuter, so excessive wear life isn’t important but broken glass resistance and traction is. I can cope well enough with the back tyre wandering (so will probably stick with Voyager Hyper or similar) but not the front.

Michelin Power All Season

This is the current version of what used to be called Pro Grip. It is very grippy, even at cold temperatures where other so-called 4 season tyres tend to harden up and get slippy. They are very much slower than other tyres in the range (they really shouldn't be labelled "Competition Power") but that's inevitable, you can't have low rolling resistance and high grip. Puncture resistance and wear rate are surprisingly good.
Quote from: tiermat
that's not science, it's semantics.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11795 on: 09 February, 2020, 08:47:57 am »
Looks good with 700 x 23, 25, 28C.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11796 on: 09 February, 2020, 08:53:59 am »
Duly noted. Ta.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11797 on: 09 February, 2020, 10:35:27 am »
The fence between our garden and the neighbours, which is their responsibility, has started to fail.  The house has just been sold, so it’s a cert not to get fixed until after the new owners move in, which could be months  >:(
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11798 on: 09 February, 2020, 05:38:22 pm »
I've just had the bloody fences done rather than worry about who's responsible (it's not clear to be honest, whether the fence down one side of our house is ours or the neighbours) the plans are vague. She didn't seem to know either, so we had them done when all the others were replaced and she paid to have them painted.

Re: The Grumble Thread - No energy for a full on rant.
« Reply #11799 on: 09 February, 2020, 06:31:36 pm »
Normally I’d agree but although our garden is a relatively modest 90 square metres, its only 3m wide, leaving a 30m fence. That’s quite an expensive repair.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)