Author Topic: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")  (Read 111222 times)

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #300 on: 20 August, 2011, 11:20:17 am »
Yay !  Zev & Tim on camera  :thumbsup:
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #301 on: 20 August, 2011, 11:24:57 am »
When does the training begin?

Have you got a small child I can borrow for this purpose? ;D

She wasn't eating the Beef and Turkey Heart kitten food which she wolfed down yesterday.  She's also sneezing a bit more, so possibly she is having a snuffly day, and her sense of smell is a bit compromised, so I've just given her some Tuna Steak which I microwaved first, to enhance it's smellyness.

That seems to be working, she's gobbling it down. :thumbsup:
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #302 on: 20 August, 2011, 11:27:14 am »
Yay !  Zev & Tim on camera  :thumbsup:

At some point I may have to put up "Cat Cam if offline for maintenance and buggering about purposes", since I may replace camE with a simple streamer and scp batch routine.  To check that out, I'll have to kick camE out of the system, since it interferes with other cameras.
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #303 on: 20 August, 2011, 11:45:18 am »
I just saw her washing herself before settling down for a nap. It's hard work, being a yacf kitty!

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #304 on: 20 August, 2011, 11:58:24 am »
Since she's sleeping on camera, which is a rare occurrence, I don't want to disturb her, or mangle about fettling the software!
Actually, it is rocket science.


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #305 on: 20 August, 2011, 12:13:56 pm »
AWWW!  :thumbsup:

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #306 on: 20 August, 2011, 12:33:47 pm »
Sqeeee..... she's curled up on the pillow  :D
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #307 on: 20 August, 2011, 12:34:03 pm »
She seems to have eaten about half of the tuna I put down, which is good.  It was quite a generous portion, so I didn't expect her to finish it.
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #308 on: 20 August, 2011, 03:35:24 pm »
Right, after some buggering about with camE, and eventually replacing it with streamer from xawtv, I'm uploading two images onto the server.

Since one camera is at an odd angle, and the image needs to be rotated by 56°, which takes significant processing (on a not very powerful machine), it's taking around ten seconds to upload the images onto the webserver.  Consequently, I've slowed down the page update rate slightly to 10 seconds.

If I can reorientate the camera so that only a 90° rotation is required, then things are likely to get a bit faster.
Actually, it is rocket science.


  • It'll soon be summer
    • Charity ride Durness to Dover 18-25th June 2011
Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #309 on: 20 August, 2011, 05:13:16 pm »
Sqeeee..... she's curled up on the pillow  :D

Still on the pillow, but I just saw her turn her head!
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #310 on: 20 August, 2011, 05:18:26 pm »
I just saw some human feet, followed by Kai!  :thumbsup:

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #311 on: 20 August, 2011, 05:25:56 pm »
She's playing with the Shoelace of Doom !  ;D    It's like a feline version of Big Brother....
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #312 on: 20 August, 2011, 05:33:01 pm »
Yes, I managed to grab her, and popped her into the carrier (which is on the bed, so no easy direct face to face contact).

I brought Kai in, but he just wanted to leave asap.  I closed the door, and after a bit of a scrabble, and realising that he couldn't get out, he calmed down a lot, and started to have a nose around and sniff everything.

It even got to the point that he was thinking about eating Zev's food, so I let him out then, and he's gone back and curled up on the bed again (where he's been for >95% of the day!)

Zev didn't seem particularly worried, and was soon playing with the shoelace of doom.

Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #313 on: 20 August, 2011, 05:37:39 pm »
She's playing with the Shoelace of Doom !  ;D    It's like a feline version of Big Brother....
Damn! Missed the pillow and the Shoelace of Doom, but she's having a nom now...

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #314 on: 20 August, 2011, 05:43:30 pm »
I brought Kai in, but he just wanted to leave asap.  I closed the door, and after a bit of a scrabble, and realising that he couldn't get out, he calmed down a lot, and started to have a nose around and sniff everything.
He must be feeling quite odd at the moment, with his hormones settling, chance of environment etc etc. As he looks remarkably un-shredded for a tom who was entire for so long it may be that he's a flight not fight type of cat, so finding another unknown cat-quantity in his new domain must be a worry.

Sounds as if it's going ok so far...

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #315 on: 20 August, 2011, 05:54:16 pm »
... As he looks remarkably un-shredded for a tom who was entire for so long it may be that he's a fight not flight type of cat, so finding another unknown cat-quantity in his new domain must be a worry.

I wondered about that.  He isn't a big cat (although he's getting bigger with a good diet), and does seem relatively undamaged, there's no obvious scars anywhere on him (face, ears etc), so it is possible that he's always taken the non-combative approach to other cats.  On the other hand, loafheads did say that Kai got on OK with his cat, so he's obviously not averse to socialising with other cats.

As you say, lots of things changing, and he may rather not have yet another thing to worry about, so I can understand that.  I'm worried that I'm pushing him a bit hard, but on the other hand, I'm also equally worried that I'm not pushing him hard enough!  It would be nice if they were getting on, before I start to let him out of the house.  I'd hate to have everything sorted, and then find that he initially hates the kitten enough to drive him off.  This way he doesn't really have any choice!  I'm hoping that once they meet properly, they will learn to live with one another eventually.
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #316 on: 20 August, 2011, 06:01:10 pm »
Just for that statistics freaks out there, 133 distinct IPs have viewed the CatCam pages, but only about 50 or 60 have stayed and watched it for more than a reload or two. ;D
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #317 on: 20 August, 2011, 06:03:20 pm »
Agree it would be good if they were getting on before he starts going out, though from the sounds of things he seems to be adapting fairly well to being indoors for the time being, so there's no rush. It sounds as if he'll be ok with Zev as he got on well with other cats before, but suppose it's just a different scenario from  bumping into other cats around a 'hood that you know.

Could you try feeding him in Zev's room, so he associates smells etc with good experiences?

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #318 on: 20 August, 2011, 06:18:32 pm »
Could you try feeding him in Zev's room, so he associates smells etc with good experiences?

That's a good idea.

I put an extension cable onto one of the cameras, and whilst I was buggering around restarting stuff (V4L seems to randomly assign /dev/videoX to each camera on boot), it looks like Zev booped the "kitten eye view" camera so that it was pretty much just pointing at the carpet!  If she does that too often, I'll have to raise it up a bit, so it's out of paws reach.
Actually, it is rocket science.


  • It'll soon be summer
    • Charity ride Durness to Dover 18-25th June 2011
Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #319 on: 20 August, 2011, 07:27:03 pm »
You need to add a motion controlled motor onto Camera 2, so that it follows her around!  Or move a bit to the right so that we can see her.

All that's showing is your knee and occasionally a bit of her tail.

Still, it's better than the TV.

Edit - You're OK now - back on Camera 1.
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #320 on: 20 August, 2011, 07:31:40 pm »
I've just seen some hot pussy cat action on both cams.  They'll still chase string when they're in their teens.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #321 on: 20 August, 2011, 07:44:13 pm »
It's rather amusing with the continual patter of tiny paws from the room directly above me, and yet in the camera she's sitting on the cushion, and then it refreshes, and she's sitting a few inches to the side, when I know she's probably just run the entire length of the bedroom and back!
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #322 on: 20 August, 2011, 08:18:58 pm »
You need to add a motion controlled motor onto Camera 2, so that it follows her around!  Or move a bit to the right so that we can see her.

All that's showing is your knee and occasionally a bit of her tail.

Just for Adam:

Actually, it is rocket science.


Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #323 on: 20 August, 2011, 10:22:41 pm »
when he was here he liked other cats. he would follow our cat around the back yard wanting to play. He liked our neighbor's cat who is a female. The only cat he didn't like and had long stare and howling matches with was another full male stray. this one is a tough and battle worn tom. He might be his dad because they look alike. He is way older and his head is huge with lots of cuts and bits of ears missing. we were never able to get close to him and he never ate any food or treats offered. he might be deaf too.
Kai is very social cat. here there were 5 cats between the adjacent back gardens. He would come and be part of the pack. I bet he will be glad there is another cat in the house. Most likely he will hiss at her at first but then after a few minutes they will get along.

When I introduced my kitten to the older male I did it right when I got her home. Supervised the encounter. It was a similar situation. After we lost our old cat, 19, we got an 8 month old boy and a 12 weeks girl. the girl came 2 weeks after the male. The male just sniffed around and pinned her down and cleaned her ears. that was about it.

I bet he didn't like being in a new room with the door closed. he probably hates closed doors now.


  • Mushroom
Re: Anybody want a kitten?
« Reply #324 on: 20 August, 2011, 10:31:10 pm »
We introduced a few cats to each other while i was growing up and generally just put the cats together in the same room immediately. We did make sure there was supervision there if it got nasty.

It seemed that the older cat would usually growl, hiss and look angry while the younger cat generally cowered in a corner for a bit, but I think this was just them establishing the pecking order. After a few minutes they tended to get on fine.

The only problem we ever had was when we adopted a kitten and her mother. We introduced the new kitten to our resident cat immediately but the mother had to stay at the shelter for a few days before she could come home. The problems came when she started disciplining her kitten, and our other cat stepped in to defend the kitten which she had adopted in the interim. The mother was an angry, aggressive cat anyway so never got on too well with us or the other cats. Eventually she moved out into the woods near our house and only came back every now and again for food, usually in the winter
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