Author Topic: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")  (Read 110943 times)

Eccentrica Gallumbits

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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #750 on: 20 September, 2016, 12:13:16 pm »
Pete, who sleeps through fireworks, can hear me open the cupboard when he's in my neighbour's flat.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #751 on: 20 September, 2016, 03:07:31 pm »
Bad Cat will eat any unattended poppadoms. Thieving little shit.

One of my parents' cats did that.  Well, the thieving part anyway.  She'd drag them off behind some item of furniture and lick them until they were thoroughly floppy, and then wander off.  Similar policy applied to bacon.


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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #752 on: 20 September, 2016, 03:08:45 pm »
Pete, who sleeps through fireworks, can hear me open the cupboard when he's in my neighbour's flat.

As someone who sleeps through emergency vehicles' sirens, car alarms, shouty drunk people and many forms of builder noise, but wakes instantly at the sound of computer fans spinning down, that seems entirely reasonable.


Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #753 on: 20 September, 2016, 04:17:06 pm »
Bad Cat will eat any unattended poppadoms. Thieving little shit.

One of my parents' cats did that.  Well, the thieving part anyway.  She'd drag them off behind some item of furniture and lick them until they were thoroughly floppy, and then wander off.  Similar policy applied to bacon.

She'll grab them and run off, trying (and failing to) dispose of the evidence of her crime as she goes. No good for hiding, as I can follow the trail of broken poppadom to wherever she's trying to complete her dire deed. Plus the crunching loudly announces her malfeasance. Not sure why she's so mad on poppadoms, she not very good at eating them, but gets points for trying. Top 10 foods seem to be

1. Tuna
2. Tuna
3. Tuna
4. Tuna
5. Tuna
6. Tuna
7. Tuna
8. Tuna
9. Rannock's Smoked Chicken Breast
10. Poppadoms

Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #754 on: 20 September, 2016, 06:29:28 pm »
I suppose it's the fat in the poppadoms that makes them attractive to cats.

Theoretically cats dislike citrus, and generally Zev will wrinkle her nose at any citrus smell, like orange juice.  Once I dropped the greasy piece of paper off of the bottom of a lemon sponge cake, and Zev licked it absolutely clean of any cake crumbs.  I presume the greasiness won out over the lemon-ness !
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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #755 on: 20 September, 2016, 06:38:26 pm »
I suppose it's the fat in the poppadoms that makes them attractive to cats.

I'm fairly sure that's how they work for humans, too, given how sensitive poppadoms are to oil quality and cooking temperature.

(True story: Friend's well-meaning parent once cooked some in old chip oil in a deep fat fryer.   :sick:)


Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #756 on: 20 September, 2016, 07:03:05 pm »
She doesn't seem so keen on onion bhajis though. Leastways, she's never nicked one. Opportunity is the great seductress so I keep my bhajis under close scrutiny.

I omitted cheese from my list, both Bad Cat and Little Monster Cat do like cheese though eating it involves a diabolical symphony of disgusting noises as they try and get it off the top of their mouths (especially LMC as she has no teeth). I have to be careful, unattended blocks of cheese tend to get licked. As I – like any cat owner – knows too well where else their tongues have been, this is never a good development.


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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #757 on: 20 September, 2016, 07:05:50 pm »
I have to eject Ninkasi from the kitchen before grating cheese.

Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #758 on: 20 September, 2016, 07:49:55 pm »
She doesn't seem so keen on onion bhajis though. Leastways, she's never nicked one. Opportunity is the great seductress so I keep my bhajis under close scrutiny. ...

... and considering that onions are poisonous to cats, I'd make damn sure that she doesn't manage to eat one.

... I omitted cheese from my list, both Bad Cat and Little Monster Cat do like cheese ...

I've yet to find a cat that doesn't like cheese.  Certainly Talisker, Zev and Kai have shown a keen interest.  I used to get squirty cheese for Talisker, he'd get five licks of a squirt off of each fingers, because then I had to go and wash that hand. :)

I lost quite a bit of a chunk of cheddar to Zev and Kai on one occasion.  I briefly left it on the worktop, and came back to find it on the kitchen floor, substantially smaller than it had been !
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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #759 on: 20 September, 2016, 11:21:21 pm »

... I omitted cheese from my list, both Bad Cat and Little Monster Cat do like cheese ...

I've yet to find a cat that doesn't like cheese. 

Ethel-the-Toothless is not particularly impressed with it. Fish, especially kippers, are good. As is sitting with us at the dining table on a spare chair, waiting patiently for us to finish eating and then being allowed a lick of gravy.
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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #760 on: 21 September, 2016, 11:33:37 am »
Zev is generally looking and behaving a lot more positively now.


If she continues in much the same manner, I'll open up the cat flap tomorrow morning, and let her into the outside world again. :)
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Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #761 on: 21 September, 2016, 03:41:54 pm »
Zev is generally looking and behaving a lot more positively now.

She looks like she wants to kill you!
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #762 on: 21 September, 2016, 03:57:08 pm »
She looks like she wants to kill you!

Isn't that what cats do, plan world domination, and how to dispose of their owners ? (once they've evolved opposable thumbs, so they can use a can opener)

Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #763 on: 19 September, 2017, 12:43:12 pm »
I've replaced the previous climbing frame (seen here) with some bits of the more substantial cat tree, which was meant to go between the floor and ceiling, so I've had to rearrange things quite a bit.  She now has several high level spots to chose from, as well as an enclosed area, fluffy base and plenty of scratching posts

She hasn't investigated it yet, but I suspect she'll manage to find somewhere that's she's comfortable with.  She's happily used it in various previous configurations and locations.
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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #764 on: 26 March, 2020, 10:56:55 am »
I haven't updated this for a while, so here are a few photographs.

As you can see, she still has the same frame, because it works well and she uses all of the locations to sleep, depending on how the mood takes her and the ambient temperature.  Most of the scratching posts get used too, although the longest section is her favourite, but still has a good bit of wear in it.

Zev is also especially happy with the new 24-hour concierge service!
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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #765 on: 26 March, 2020, 12:13:45 pm »
Awww Zevcat!

A lot of my cat slave friends are saying how pleased The Cat(s) are about having slave at home all day.

Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #766 on: 20 August, 2020, 11:19:23 am »
Zev's booked in, for a social distanced (for me!) visit to the vets, later this afternoon.

Since yesterday's supper, she's been eating very slowly. She still seems to have an appetite, but a meal gets eaten in 4 or more attempts, which is unlike her normal ability to eat her breakfast before I've managed to make a cup of coffee, let alone drink it!

It reminds me a lot of the retrobulbar abscess she had, eight years ago. I haven't had a chance to pick her up, and inspect her carefully, although I doubt I'd learn anything useful, so that's probably best left to the vet.
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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #767 on: 20 August, 2020, 11:25:55 am »
Erk.  Fingers crossed she's okay.

Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #768 on: 20 August, 2020, 01:44:35 pm »
Other than slowly eating, she seems to be fine. With the weekend approaching, I thought it was better to get her to the vet asap, rather than crossing my fingers and hoping she gets better.

When cats get ill, they rarely seem to show it obviously, so by the time we notice it they're often suffering more than would be ideal. :(
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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #769 on: 20 August, 2020, 06:26:09 pm »
I took Zev to the vets, where she was inspected very thoroughly. Aside from a slightly elevated temperature, there's nothing clearly wrong with her. The vet gave her an injection to lower her temperature, and told me to bring her back in again tomorrow, so she can check her over again and see if things have changed.

After getting home, I gave her some supper, and she inhaled it, so either the injection worked wonders remarkably fast, or whatever the problem was, it's just naturally going away!  🙂

She is also on lock-down, for a day or two!
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  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #770 on: 20 August, 2020, 09:32:05 pm »
Glad the vet is taking things seriously and Zev is feeling up to her usual food inhalation state today.

Mrs Pingu

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Re: The Zev thread (was "Anybody want a kitten?")
« Reply #771 on: 20 August, 2020, 09:47:21 pm »
Hope she remains in her perky state :)
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.