Author Topic: Free Kitten to good home.  (Read 50399 times)

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #275 on: 06 May, 2013, 07:36:32 pm »
He's still continuing with the whole itinerant cat thing.  I see him several times a week normally, generally more at the weekends, and any other time when I'm in the house more (like today's Bank Holiday).

Very occasionally he'll appear when I make cat feeding sounds out the doors, but that's a rarity!  This evening he just appeared when it was around Zev feeding time, so they got fed together, which isn't that unusual, more than half the time of that I see him it's in the morning or evening when it's meal time, and his appearance encourages me to feed them both, and if Zev hears that he's come in, she'll be up to check on him.

From the rate at which the dried food drops down, I'm pretty sure that he's appearing most days when I'm at work, or overnight.  Interestingly, he generally prefers cheaper cat food!  When he doesn't finish the wet cat food, it's often the more expensive Schesir stuff which he leaves.  When he was being fed wet food by me regularly, he used to inhale the Schesir, as Zev still does, but these days he prefers the cheaper Purina Gourmet gravy cat foods.

He is still relatively friendly, although once fed he'll generally trot off out the cat flat and disappear.  He was in the house when I got up last week, but I suspect he'd been having a bit of a furball issue, and was looking for some comforting.  After he ate, he did the cat coughing up something bit, but didn't actually produce anything.  Since he's had furball issues in the past, and I haven't had much chance to get any catalax inside him recently, it's possible that it's been causing him a little bit of annoyance again, although he seems to have been alright since then.

Neither him nor Zev have lost a collar for a long while (yes, I know, tempting fate!)
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #276 on: 03 June, 2013, 10:36:05 pm »
He's continuing to be around a bit more often.  He'll sometimes turn up for every meal at the weekends, and I'll see him more during the midweek.  Today he's been around for both breakfast and an evening meal.

I suspect he's not being fed by a neighbour quite as much as he used to be, hence having to resort to actually coming home!  On most days when I don't see him, the dried cat food drops more significantly.  He still appears to be perfectly health, he looks sturdier than when he was first here, and his fur is still in good condition.

Occasionally they'll be a little bit of minor aggression between him and Zev, but it's nothing too violent.  The other day I saw him raise a paw in warning to Zev, when she tried to walk a bit too close past him, but generally they just seem to keep out of each others way, and that seems to mostly work.
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #277 on: 30 July, 2013, 01:04:46 am »
At the moment, I'm seeing Kai about once or twice a week, sometimes more at the weekends, but he's mostly keeping to himself.  Sometimes he'll meet me at the front door, and roll around on the ground so he can be petted.

He did that today, but once I opened up the front door, he was right into the house, and was eating the dry cat food immediately, barely taking much notice of Zev.  I cleaned up a couple of bowls and put down a wet food supper for the two of them, and they both tucked in.  That's normal for Zev, but Kai often eats more slowly than her, and sometimes will even leave some, which Zev will soon clear up.

Kai ate everything, and left an almost perfectly clean plate, which Zev was pushed to find anything else to lick out afterwards.  He did leave then, but the dry cat food was far emptier than it normally is, especially since I filled it up this morning.

I wonder if he's managed to get himself locked into a shed or similar for a few days over the weekend?  It's rare that he empties every bit of wet food I put down for him, he often prefers the dry stuff, but it looks like someone had also demolished the dry cat food, and Zev isn't a great enthusiast of that, so rarely eats that much of it.

I hadn't seen the dry food go down much over the weekend, so that also suggests he hasn't been around much for a few days.

Oh well, I know he's around, and seems mostly happy at the moment. He's a big ball of fluff, so it's hard to tell exactly how skinny he is under all that fur.  He didn't seem inclined to eat any more of the dry cat food (yet), so I'll see what it's like in the morning, just in case he's stuffed himself full of it again overnight!
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #278 on: 02 August, 2013, 03:48:35 pm »
He did it again last night, appeared at the sounds of me turning up, waited as I folded up the Brompton, and promptly went straight into the house, ignoring Zev's slightly outraged looks.  He then tucked into the dry food, and the waited for me to serve up supper, so he could eat that and then complain about being expected to use the cat flap. ;D

I think he's just roaming further afield in search of acquiescent female company, and then returning to refuel from the dry cat food, or wet food if his compliant cat feeder is around.  I saw him wander up the side of the house, under the back garden fence gate, and then sit down in front of one of my neighbour's houses to have a wash, and look back at me.  He seems happy enough, and appears perfectly healthy and content.  The dry cat food levels are going down a little erratically, so he's obviously only appearing  and using the facilities, on a random basis.  If I'll pet him, his happy enough to let me, until he's had enough and will wander off.
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #279 on: 03 August, 2013, 06:34:59 pm »
You should fit a GPS tracking collar!

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #280 on: 03 August, 2013, 11:09:56 pm »
You should fit a GPS tracking collar!

It's on order. ;D
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #281 on: 04 August, 2013, 12:01:08 am »
You should fit a GPS tracking collar!

It's on order. ;D

I really can't believe it's taken this long...

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #282 on: 04 August, 2013, 12:25:27 am »
It's harder to do than you'd think.  You need a GPS receiver, and GPRS module, antennas, and a battery capable of powering it for a moderate amount of time, all in a unit which a cat can comfortably wear and carry around.  There have been dog ones for a while, but they're simply too bulky and heavy for a cat.

Having said all that, the cat sized one has yet to appear, the last I heard, they were having manufacturing issues.

When it turns up, I may test it on Zev first, but I think that will just tell me that she doesn't go a lot further than the back garden!
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #283 on: 04 August, 2013, 12:40:14 am »
It's harder to do than you'd think.  You need a GPS receiver, and GPRS module, antennas, and a battery capable of powering it for a moderate amount of time, all in a unit which a cat can comfortably wear and carry around.  There have been dog ones for a while, but they're simply too bulky and heavy for a cat.

Yeah.  Cats vary in size quite a lot, too, and Kai is presumably 50% fur.

I note the ones used on the BBC programme were data loggers, with a simple radio beacon so they could be tracked down the old fashioned way when lost, rather than any GSM type stuff.  And in spite of some clever power-management strategies, the battery life was still fairly limited.

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #284 on: 04 August, 2013, 11:35:00 am »
Yes, Kai is largely fur.  At their last annual inspection and service, at which point Zev would have reached full adult size, Kai was only very slightly heavier than Zev, he's about 4½kg and she's about 4kg, even though she appears to be quite a bit smaller.

The plus side of all that fur on Kai, is that collars don't need to be that tight, the fur acts as a very efficient "ratchet"!

There are cat locators which are just RF transmitters, which operate with a simple direction and distance tracker.  That's fine for finding a cat, but doesn't really give you a long term track of their roaming.

One of the advantages of a GSM/GPRS unit, is that should the cat manage to loose it, you've got a chance of getting the expensive unit back! (unless the battery has run out).
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #285 on: 05 August, 2013, 01:31:05 pm »
I wonder if BBC Horizon have any spare cat GPS units available?
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #286 on: 20 October, 2013, 11:06:01 pm »
He's gone back to being a very occasional visitor.  I only see him about once every week or two, mostly at the weekends, when I'm in the house (and awake!) for longer.  He's clearly coming in on most days, since the dry cat food normally drops during the day, but occasionally doesn't, presumably because Zev isn't that keen on it.

He appeared this afternoon, and had a bit to eat, but wasn't overly hungry.  He nosed around the kitchen a bit, with Zev watching him carefully before wandering back outside.  He's not overly worried about me, but also not terribly friendly.  I've noticed he's happier about people, like me, when outside.  Indoors he can be a bit nervous, especially if I get between him and the catflap, I suppose I'm blocking his escape route.

They're both going to need their annual vaccinations and checkups (him more than Zev, since I don't get to look him over that much), so I guess the cat flap will need to be switched over to incoming only one day, and I'll see if I can catch him!
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #287 on: 22 October, 2013, 10:58:45 am »
Kai sounds to be living a great life, and that's what matters. By the way, this thread needs more pictures.  Pap him on his rare visits!

It's interesting that Kai prefers cheaper cat food. So does my mum's cat, Daisy. She will tolerate the expensive brands but would sell her little moggy soul for a packet of cheapo Aldi VitaCat.

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #288 on: 22 October, 2013, 08:53:26 pm »
Yes, he seems happy, which as you say is what is important.  I'll have to get some photos of him, when I catch him for his visit to the vets!  (I need to check when the vaccinations are due).  He'll find himself with a new collar at the same time. ;D

He still looks healthy with nice fluffy fur, which is far better than he did originally, so he's either found someone who'll let him into their house, or given the very mild weather, may well be happily staying outside.
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #289 on: 29 November, 2013, 10:07:13 pm »
I've been trying to catch Kai all week, he needs to go to the vet, partly for his annual checkup, but also so his vaccinations can be kept up to date.

After having the cat flap on incoming only mode (aka Vet Mode) since Monday evening, it has failed to catch him.  I've had to let Zev out manually, so there was no risk of him escaping, should he come in.

The cat flap didn't work, but this evening, when I was walking back to the house, I spotted a familiar cat a few houses up from mine, sat on the pavement.  He was happy enough to be scratched, and rolled over to have his tummy tickled, and wasn't too annoyed about being picked up, until I had to hang onto him with one hand whilst I got the keys out and unlocked the front door.

He got about as aggressive as I've ever seen him then, but didn't manage to quite escape or squirm into a position to claw or bite me, but it was close.  If that had been Zev, I definitely would have lost blood, and I doubt I could have held her.

He's sat by the blocked cat flap at the moment.  As well as having it set to Vet Mode, just in case he could force his way through (possibly damaging it in the process!) I've got a piece of wood across it, and an old car battery holding that in place.  He has managed to move the wood a bit, so I've put a large cardboard box across it all as well, which should stop him being able to fiddle with it.  In the past, he has managed to get his paw behind the wood, and use the leverage to move whatever weight I've put in front out of the way.

Food doesn't particularly interest him, he's ignored the bowl of cat food I've left near him (Zev will have it if he doesn't!), so he's obviously not hungry.

The vets do open on Saturday morning, I'll see if there's any chance of them looking at him then.  Failing that, he'll have to wait in all weekend!

Zev's disappeared upstairs, well out of the way.  I don't think she was overly impressed by the growling and insistent meowing. :)
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #290 on: 30 November, 2013, 12:32:01 pm »
After getting up at the crack of dawn, so I could ring the vets the moment they opened at 8am, and be prepared to leave immediately, I got an appointment at 11-30.

The vet checked him over, and he's as healthy as he's ever been (ie fine).  He got his vaccination shot, and was given a worming pill, so that's him sorted for the immediate future.

His weight is currently 5.2kg, which is a slight increase over previously, but not exceptional, and there's bugger all I could do about it, given that he's getting most of his meals elsewhere (either nicking the neighbour's cat's food, or hunting).  He's managing to keep his lead on Zev, since she's a "mere" 4.75kg.

Funnily enough, after spending the last 12 hours trying to dig his way out through the locked cat flap and back door, when I got back and let him out of the carrier, even though the cat flap was clear and unlocked, he didn't attempt to leave!  I showed him that the flap was open and he wandered out.  Five minutes later, when I went back into the kitchen, he'd come back in, and was tucking into the breakfast which he'd failed to eat earlier (and amazingly Zev hadn't scoffed!)
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #291 on: 02 December, 2013, 12:09:19 pm »
Maybe he's got a really short memory of who's cat he is ;D

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #292 on: 02 December, 2013, 12:50:20 pm »
Maybe he's got a really short memory of who his slave is ;D

FTFY  :thumbsup:

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #293 on: 03 December, 2013, 02:20:32 pm »
Of course, I haven't seen him since Saturday, although I think he's been around a bit, by the rate of dry cat food use.
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #294 on: 04 December, 2013, 11:05:11 am »
Time to resurrect catflap cam?
“There is no point in using the word 'impossible' to describe something that has clearly happened.”
― Douglas Adams

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #295 on: 04 December, 2013, 10:14:53 pm »
Possibly, but I have IP shortage issues, and setting up the webcam eats up several (of the five I have).  There are solutions, but they all have problems, not least of which is the time needed to sort it all out!
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #296 on: 04 December, 2013, 10:56:48 pm »
IPv6 catflapcam?   :D

Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #297 on: 04 December, 2013, 11:21:28 pm »
IPv6 catflapcam?   :D

That's one option (although I don't think the webcam itself will "do" IPv6).
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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #298 on: 02 September, 2014, 10:42:58 pm »
I saw Kai out front of the house, this evening.  I'm probably seeing him about once a month now, and he looks healthy, is friendly, but not keen to hang around and be petted.  Since it's approaching annual checkup and vaccination time, I may hit the local houses with a flier saying "Has this cat adopted you?  If so, he needs his vaccinations".

I don't think I'll be able to catch him again, so it's either up to someone else, or I'm afraid he is on his own.

I just managed to get a fleeting shot of him, as he passed the front gate, where my bike was propped up, with the rear camera still running.  He's the white and black blur!

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Re: Free Kitten to good home.
« Reply #299 on: 16 October, 2014, 03:31:22 pm »
I saw Kai last night, but it was too dark to get an image.  He was sat on one of my neighbours walls this morning, so I pointed the bicycle camera at him, and got a shot, albeit not a very good quality image.  He still looks healthy, but was clearly suspicious of me, and not willing to be approached further.

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