Author Topic: Minister launches new it's-your-fault-if-a-car-hits-you-after-dark campaign...  (Read 2075 times)


Heavens forbid he should tell drivers to 'Think!'

and a view I agree with:


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Those pesky deer will have to have a campaign to get them to Think! too.

Deer crash cars.

Can't make the link nice at the moment. Sorry.
It is simpler than it looks.

Heavens forbid he should tell drivers to 'Think!'

Perhaps you should have a look at the Think! Campaign website and see if any of it at all is directed at drivers.

Here, let me link to it for you...



  • Lord of the sith
  • Overseaing the building of the death star
Doesn't this happen every year at this time?


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Doesn't this happen every year at this time?

Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


  • Enjoying life in the slow lane
Heavens forbid he should tell drivers to 'Think!'

Perhaps you should have a look at the Think! Campaign website and see if any of it at all is directed at drivers.

Here, let me link to it for you...


Following Clint's recommendation, I did go and have a look at the site and found it very interesting.  It is generally directed at drivers but also contains some advice aimed at helping reduce the risk of becoming one of their victims.  I also tried the mobile phone test and failed dismally, but I guess that's the point.

I was disappointed though to see nothing about how drivers should treat cyclists. Given that there is an entire section, including a video, about how to pass a horse, justified with the statistic that in 2009 one horse rider died and 21 were injured in collisions with motor vehicles,  it does feel that the death and injury toll inflicted on cyclists is ignored. 

I feel sufficiently annoyed about this to write to Ms Greening but, on the other hand, the cynic/realist in me says that the kind of people who need to be educated about these things are hardly likely to go looking for advice on the Dept of Transport web site, so perhaps the whole exercise is about being seen to have done something rather than actually achieving anything. 
Why should anybody steal a watch when they can steal a bicycle?


I can't see the problem with this campaign.

What is wrong with getting kids to take steps to ensure their safety?

The bit aimed at the kids is just a strand of a wider campaign that does include getting drivers to think also.

I can't see the problem with this campaign.

That is because you are unable to see this from the singular perspective of a particular interest group and instead you selfishly insist on taking a broader view.  ::-)