Author Topic: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....  (Read 291531 times)

Rhys W

  • I'm single, bilingual
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #550 on: 04 April, 2010, 12:11:26 am »
I'll reserve overall judgement until it has settled down a bit.

Exactly - the first episode of a new era has to set the scene, establish the characters, we'll have to wait for the first proper series in order to pass judgement.

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #551 on: 04 April, 2010, 12:31:08 am »
It seems the Doctor has regenerated as Tigger...


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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #552 on: 04 April, 2010, 11:09:26 am »
I don't normally watch Dr Who (the last Dr I remember watching is Tom Baker) but I channel-hopped & joined this at the point he was food tasting. For some reason* I just kept watching & quite enjoyed it. I was quite impressed by Matt Smith though.

The theme tune played over the closing credits was awful: they'd have been better off using the version by Orbital.

*Might have something to do with this:

Amy Pond (aka Karen Gillan) is definitely a :thumbsup: however!Attractive Scottish redhead, what's not to like. ;D
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #553 on: 04 April, 2010, 11:23:42 am »
I like the steampunk Tardis. Steampunk is good.

I listened to the Delia Derbyshire programme Clarion mentioned. The original theme tune still sounds incredible, waaaay ahead of its time. The latest incarnation sounds strangely old fashioned by comparison.

My TV writer friend has already seen ep2 and says it's even better than the first. He also hinted at what's in ep3 and I'm very excited!

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #554 on: 04 April, 2010, 03:45:46 pm »
Overall pretty good, but parts of the plot were too predictable (as soon as he said he'd be back in 5 minutes it was obvious he wouldn't be - like Girl in the Fireplace).

Predictable plots in Dr Who? That's nothing new. I think the first episode I ever watched as a 5 year old in 1977 was completely predictable to even my stupid young mind!!

I enjoyed it. The new Doctor is good and Amy is foxy!!
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!


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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #555 on: 04 April, 2010, 04:07:43 pm »
It was ok, don't like the new theme. New Tardis is good, new assistant is good, particularly that she doesn't exactly want to go along with everything the doc says. As for Matt, it's too early to tell but so far he's not bad.
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #556 on: 04 April, 2010, 06:00:40 pm »
Assistant - OK so far, choice of wardrobe pandering a little to the dad vote.(but then they've worn jungle thongs and bikinis in the past ... )
New music - pretty sucky, although the ooo-wee-ooo seemed more like old times than last season's?
New Tall Tardis - whaaaat?!? if it's not going to look like an actual police box, what is the point?!? Change it to something modern/practical/spaceship-like, but this is worse - something that looks only slighly like a police phonebox :facepalm:
Foreground Music - I thought Moffat might fix this, but no, I shall have to accept defeat. We seem to be stuck in an era where 67mins/70 require music to remind the viewer to be excited. Sigh.

however ...
New doctor - pretty good so far, less anoying than Tennant, some subtlety there.
Dialogue - top notch. Just what fans of Coupling & Joking Apart would hope for. Really excellent silly lines.(oh and the climbing UP out of the Tardis visual gag was cute).

Fortunately, the pros are much more significant than the cons, so

:big thumbsup:
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #557 on: 04 April, 2010, 06:46:02 pm »
oh good - repeat appears to be on BBC3 in 15 minutes ( 7 pm tonight), so I can set the PVR to catch it "for the kids".

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #558 on: 05 April, 2010, 07:26:02 pm »
An interesting comment I read that someone else made, is that the character of Amy Pond allowed more flexibility, since the Doctor is constrained to keep at least partially in "character" with his predecessors, whereas Amy is totally new, so the actress can do what she wants.

Karen Gillan does do a good job as the new companion, she's amusing, interestingly surprised and confused, but still manages to come across as pro-active and her own confident person.

She should be interesting in future episodes, but most of the recent companions have turned out to be excellent, and I was much more suspicious of Billie Piper, Freema Agyeman and Catherine Tate than I am of Karen Gillan.  It was a bit of a shame that Kylie didn't do more than the one special, since I thought she also did the companion thing rather well.

What's also quite amusing, is that I was thinking how well they had done in casting Amelia, since she looks so much like Amy.  Of course, after watching Dr Who Confidential I found that they are actually cousins, which explains it!

Oh, and the young actress playing Amelia was also excellent, it's rare to see such a young actress behave in such a plausible fashion.
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #559 on: 05 April, 2010, 08:28:02 pm »
Assistant - OK so far, choice of wardrobe pandering a little to the dad vote.(but then they've worn jungle thongs and bikinis in the past ... )

How on earth is that a negative?  ???

But seeing a you have reminded me of my pubescent yankings:




Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #560 on: 06 April, 2010, 11:16:54 am »
shite story...but then they always tend to be when introducing a new doc.

quite liked him as a doctor though.  defo has potential.

new assistant....i think that the little kid was better than her older self.

am off out now to the charity shops to buy up all the tweed jackets and flog them on ebay for silly money.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #561 on: 06 April, 2010, 07:40:39 pm »
Has anyone else noticed that they spend so much less time in the TARDIS than in the old days? Presumably they have better budgets for location shoots now.
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #562 on: 06 April, 2010, 11:08:44 pm »
shite story...but then they always tend to be when introducing a new doc.

quite liked him as a doctor though.  defo has potential.

new assistant....i think that the little kid was better than her older self.

am off out now to the charity shops to buy up all the tweed jackets and flog them on ebay for silly money.
However this could be misconstrued........ Middle aged man (if that can be said?) travels universe with small girl


Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #563 on: 07 April, 2010, 08:30:13 pm »
Let's put it this way: it was better than I first anticipated. I was all up for giving Matt Smith a chance, although I did think that David Tennant was amazing. However, the episode itself was alright - we'll have to accept the fact that it was the intro to the new doc, so it wasn't great, but Steven Moffat always writes good episodes ('Blink' was among those). The part where the Doctor observes the whole area, zooming in on every individual character until they see the 'man' and his 'dog' was, to be fair, a little boring. It dragged out a bit.

I have a strong feeling that the 'silence will fall' quote we reoccur somewhere along the line - then again, the 'he will knock four times' thing last series was a little misleading (it was only Wilf).  ::-)

Karen Gillan was very good - Doctor Who seems to be getting a little sexual though, doesn't it? Amy Pond - a kiss-o-gram, and a woman who watched the Doctor get dressed, despite the fact that she's engaged...  ???

Also, the little girl that portrayed the young Amy Pond is in fact Karen Gillan's cousin, hence the look-alike...ness  ;)

So overall, I think we're in for a fairly good series - with Steven as head writer, the return of the weeping angels  :o and a new Doctor, who's better than I thought he was going to be - it should be good  :)

Although one last thing... I was very, very disappointed in the new title screen/music.

All I could do was laugh.  :-\


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #564 on: 07 April, 2010, 11:58:01 pm »
I have a strong feeling that the 'silence will fall' quote we reoccur somewhere along the line

I was a bit disappointed at first that the crack in the wall part of the story wasn't developed further because I thought there was a lot of potential there. But there were several not-so-subtle clues that it would form a key part of the main series storyline...

Could be good as long as it isn't just a rehash of the Bad Wolf story.

a woman who watched the Doctor get dressed, despite the fact that she's engaged...  ???

She wasn't engaged at the time of that scene - don't forget, when the Doctor comes back to collect her, it's two years later.

So overall, I think we're in for a fairly good series - with Steven as head writer, the return of the weeping angels  :o and a new Doctor, who's better than I thought he was going to be - it should be good  :)

Yeah - the story was a bit by numbers, but it worked fine as a vehicle to introduce the new Doctor. Performance-wise, it was a really strong first showing for Matt Smith. Plus we got to meet a really interesting new assistant and were treated to some excellent dialogue. Bodes very well for the series.

But they're going to have to do something very special to make the Weeping Angels that scary a second time.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #565 on: 10 April, 2010, 07:03:46 pm »
"I'm Liz 10. Basically, I rule." :thumbsup:
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Eccentrica Gallumbits

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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #566 on: 10 April, 2010, 07:04:54 pm »
Well, that was fairly shit in terms of story but very interesting in terms of the relationship between the Doctor and Amy. Not at all excited about more Daleks though. They need to not give us Daleks for a couple of years - I'm bored of them.
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #567 on: 10 April, 2010, 07:28:23 pm »
Well, that was fairly shit in terms of story but very interesting in terms of the relationship between the Doctor and Amy. Not at all excited about more Daleks though. They need to not give us Daleks for a couple of years - I'm bored of them.

I thought that one of the problems with the David T episodes was all the old stuff they kept bringing back. They're definately overdoing the Daleks.

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #568 on: 10 April, 2010, 07:52:35 pm »
The first thought I had on seeing the Daleks was "Phew, at least this means they won't be in the series finale".

I enjoyed that a great deal - the story was a bit weak, but I loved that weird Britain (it reminded me a lot of the future Britain in V for Vendetta), and the scary booths.  Very Gothic.


Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #569 on: 10 April, 2010, 08:14:05 pm »
I haven't enjoyed Dr Who for decades.

Christopher Eccleston tempted me back but Tennant reminded me very much of a smug Tosser so I gave up watching(plus the CGI budget made it quite embarrassing).

Most of all though, it's for kids.  It's like Harry Potter in that respect, it's only OK to watch if you are watching it with your kids.  I have a 12 year-old daughter who not only wanted to start watching Dr Who this series but looks uncannily like the new assistant.

Anyway, despite the usual low-budget CGI, I thought both episodes were extremely good (this is a kids show remember so my comments are in context).

I thought the episode tonight was a great story, owing a lot to "Memento" (and probably some classic novel I haven't read), knowing the terrible truth and having the option to forget or, if your morals are such, choosing the option to die for them.

Do stories get much better than that?  "Hobson's Choice" was never accused of being a poor story, "Memento" is a great story.

Best of all though, it isn't David Tennant and the new fella seems a good fit for the role.


  • I am a mole and I live in a hole.
Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #570 on: 10 April, 2010, 08:24:47 pm »
I liked that he's not a know everything show off.

The David Tennant doctor would have hit the queen's button and then explained it all really smugly, while saying "ha" a lot.

I'm quite liking this new doctor.

David Martin

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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #571 on: 10 April, 2010, 08:27:19 pm »
Why does she remind me so much of Ariadne of these parts?
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #572 on: 10 April, 2010, 08:57:59 pm »
Voting booths: "...and every five years you get to forget everything you've learned: Democracy in action."

Did I imagine that line?   ;D
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Rhys W

  • I'm single, bilingual
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #573 on: 10 April, 2010, 09:00:36 pm »
Well, that was fairly shit in terms of story but very interesting in terms of the relationship between the Doctor and Amy. Not at all excited about more Daleks though. They need to not give us Daleks for a couple of years - I'm bored of them.

When I saw the Daleks trailer, I did think - how come the Doctor doesn't just sigh "oh, not you lot again. I thought I'd killed you off last time!"

I don't think they need to appear in each series. Or the Cybermen.

Rhys W

  • I'm single, bilingual
    • Cardiff Ajax
Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #574 on: 10 April, 2010, 09:02:26 pm »
Voting booths: "...and every five years you get to forget everything you've learned: Democracy in action."


The Guide hinted at this this morning - this is exactly why it isn't just a kids programme.