Author Topic: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday CANCELLED  (Read 68151 times)


    • ACME
Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #250 on: 14 April, 2017, 05:24:57 pm »
Carb loading with beers & curry this evening, just got to manage waking up at Audax O'Clock to make my way to Huntingdon  :thumbsup:
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #251 on: 16 April, 2017, 09:22:43 am »
I finished it, although there were times I thought it would finish me  ;D, headwind was a challenge from KL as far as Spalding but otherwise aside from a visit from the pu***ure fairy (pinched tube I discovered  :-[) no major problems. Some good company along the way too and traffic pleasingly cooperative in the main.



Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #252 on: 16 April, 2017, 09:31:31 am »
I rode the section from Ramsey to Spalding in reverse as part of my ride to Lincoln.   The wind was on my Left shoulder most of the way and then in my face from Boston to Lincoln.

In the end I was a bit early so only spotted Nick Jackson ripping the roads up Southbound.


  • It's short for, erm....Bob!
Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #253 on: 16 April, 2017, 11:02:56 am »
Another great edition of this ride. New start point was welcome as was a quick catch with Manotea at the start. Saw a few other familiar faces too amongst a starting crowd of approaching 100 riders. I set off with first few and seemed to stay ahead of the curve from then on. A lovely quick run up to Kings Lynn before heading westish into the wind. Briefly rode with a couple of chaps who get on the ferry at the same time but the faster of the two rode the legs off me until I slipped gloriously of his wheel around Guys Head. The turn towards Spalding was actually harder I found and I was glad of the respite as we turned more due South towards Crowland. Rode the remainder of the ride with a chap called Mark, fairly new to audax but riding strongly. For back just after 1700 for a nice quick day out.

Thanks as always to Martin and all the helpers. See you next year!!


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #254 on: 16 April, 2017, 11:41:41 am »
Caught up with several OTP including drossall, Manotea and Martin. Got round my first 200 since last August in acceptable shape, finishing in just over 10 hours. Now to get some fitness in for the bigger rides later in the year. I do need to tweak my position somewhat to accommodate my most recent physical idiosyncrasies. It would have been nice to have been able to use the drops yesterday.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #255 on: 16 April, 2017, 06:03:24 pm »
New start location is very good, easy to find, close to station parking and the coffee was good  :thumbsup:
It's much more convivial than the old station start.

Ride itself was very enjoyable with some excellent views and enough sunshine to give me a burnt nose, although my nose represents a decently sized target...
The turn out was high so there was no shortage of company, especially on the way to Kings Lynn where some good groups formed.
Windy in sections, in particular just before Spalding, but I think it's the weather makes this ride interesting. I've done this four times and each time has been a very different experience.

Thanks to the org and helpers, an excellent day out  :)

Phil W

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #256 on: 16 April, 2017, 08:26:39 pm »
I'd like to ride this as well as Easter Arrow. Does this event always run over the Easter break?

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #257 on: 16 April, 2017, 08:46:08 pm »
So here it was, my first 200k audax. I had entered a couple at the beginning of the season but illness had meant I was unable to start. As this is my first ride report it is going to be a bit long winded and contain ride photos so I apologise in advance.

For me it was an early start of 5am and due to pre-ride nervous energy I didn’t sleep all that well. Still it was off to McDonalds for the first time of the day for breakfast. Back home changed into my cycling gear and off to the station to catch my 6:23 train to the start.

Whilst on the train got site of the terrain that would feature prominently on the ride.

The train arrived in Huntingdon at 8am sharp so it was quick ride to the start at Weatherspoon’s to pick up the Brevet card. The lady let me know that there was an issue with the GPX route so to be careful before King’s Lynn (thankfully I had spotted that when route checking the day before so had already updated my own file).

And then with the littlest of fanfare (i.e. none) I was off. Going out of Huntingdon I got chatting to one or two of the riders who told me about their Audax experience and got settled into my own rhythm. I knew it was going to be windy later so took it fairly easy. The miles ticked off and we were soon in Ramsey for the first Info control. Then back on the road to March where it appeared the majority were gathering at Costa. I headed a few hundred feet up the road to Gregg’s where a couple of cyclists were leaving but other than that it was dead. Second Bacon roll of the day polished.

Back out of March and past the rider in the Pink Rapha jersey that I would see several times during this part of the ride (usually as he was overtaking me). It was during this section that we were to ride along the long straight bank roads that are a unique feature of this area.

A few miles later and it was time for the next Info Control and a fellow rider was fixing a puncture at the side of the road. After making sure he was Ok it was off towards King’s Lynn. At times I thought I had entered the Green and Yellow Fields Audax.

A few hundred metres up ahead a few riders headed straight on when the route bared left. Knowing that audax gives riders the flexibility to choose their routes between controls I felt they probably knew where they wanted to go. However as they rejoined the route a short while later off a grassy track I suspected they may have taken a wrong turn. Again they made some distance ahead of me and then when we got to the point where the GPX was wrong they took the wrong turn but they were too far ahead for me to shout to them. When they came past me a bit later their bikes were covered with mud from their detour.

It was at this point I got chatting to a chap on a Blue Ribble (is there any other colour?!) who had travelled down from Derbyshire for his first 200k as well. Unfortunately for him after just a mile or so he had to pull up as he had got his second puncture of the day after having none for two years. I didn’t see him again so I hope he got back round Ok without any further mechanical issues.

In King’s Lynn it was a quick visit to Maccy D’s and then I took my food with me to wait for the ferry which as luck would have it had literally just left. Whilst waiting for the next one a group of riders started to arrive for the next ferry and a few minutes later we were packed on like sardines for the shortest boat ride I have ever been on.

I had prepared for the next section being tough but wow it really was quite windy. Over the next hour and half to the next Info control I yo-yo’d with the same handful of riders. I was behind one chap for quite a while but I knew if I went faster to overtake him I would probably blow up but the wind was too strong to chat to him so I remained behind so I hope he didn’t think me rude. Whilst riding along the bike path by the A17 I noticed that I had crossed the halfway point. Just another few miles (sorry I still find it hard to think in KM having always used miles when cycling) till the next Info.

However at this point my biggest problem when long distance riding reared its head. Hot Feet. Pulled over to take out my insoles and all the riders that came past checked I was Ok. A short while after finally got to the Info Control. The question was about how many windows and whilst we were stood counting them up the lady came out of the house to ask us why so many cyclists had stopped outside her house today. We explained that we were on a kind of treasure hunt and her house marked the furthest point north. She asked is this for Charity and was no doubt perplexed why anyone would cycle up from Huntingdon for no particular reason other than wanting to go on a long bike ride.

I had hoped the slight change of direction would give a bit of relief from the wind. How wrong was I. This was the slowest hardest part of the ride often struggling to go above 10 mph. It was tough but after an hour of that the Golden Arches of Spalding appeared at the side of the road and it was time for my third Mc Dougal’s of the day.

It was here that I meant the legend (his words not mine) Big Saxon in his ACME jersey. He explained that he was now drinking milkshakes for the rest of the journey. The lady cyclist who turned up at about the same time said that if we didn’t get a tailwind soon she didn’t know if she could continue. She asked Big Saxon to help her get through Spalding and off they went. A quick visit to the rest facilities, shoes back on and it was back off where I would ride pretty much the rest of the way on my own.

At first it was pretty quick going and then the road took the riders back up on to a bank and then it was back to trundling along at 10 MPH or so. After a few miles of this the road finally turned left and at last no more headwind-yay. At this point my GPS kept on dropping out and I found myself getting a bit frustrated and also hoping I might see some other riders so at least I knew the right way which was when I could see another lone rider a few hundred metres ahead. I was gaining on him slowly in what must have appeared the world’s slowest bike race.

At Thorney it was time to take my shoes off again and I also decided to plug a power pack in the GPS as it was down to 25%. As soon as I did that the GPS stopped dropping out and the routing worked the rest of the way back.

Back on the road and on the finishing straight- literally the next 20 miles sorry 30k was completely straight and when the road finally turned it was for something that I had forgotten about as there had been none since nearly ten hours ago-Hills though not very big ones but hills none the less. I had a bit of a second wind at this point and I was blasting up them so that when I got to the bottom of the steepest climb of the day I just went all out.

And of course what goes up must come down and once into Huntingdon it was downhill almost all the way to the finish and even all the traffic lights bar the last set were on green allowing me to fly along for the last bit. And then that was it the finish of my first 200k.

It was 7:10pm which was just outside the 7pm target I had set and the 9 hours actual riding time was bang on my target meaning that there is time to gain by speeding up the controls. All in all it was an enjoyable day out and I thank the organisers for this (though had the route gone clockwise instead it may have been more enjoyable) After getting my card validated it was off the the train station to catch the train home. I apologise for the long rambling post.

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #258 on: 16 April, 2017, 08:50:58 pm »
Well done Martin and Ann (and others), my second time and will be back again.

So, with so much wind, how come so few wind turbines en route?


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #259 on: 16 April, 2017, 09:51:53 pm »
I'd like to ride this as well as Easter Arrow. Does this event always run over the Easter break?

Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #260 on: 16 April, 2017, 09:58:26 pm »
First 200 since my minor difficulties last year, lots of people to thank and mention after such a fine day out.

A full station car park and crowded Wetherspoons was testimony to the attraction of the ride so superbly organised by Martin and Ann, this year I got the smaller bunny as it was not my special birthday. Meeting up with Huggy I mentioned that I had stupidly left my gloves at home, and with such a cold start and taking bloodthinners for my condition I was in trouble. Huggy kindly lent me his winter gloves, which I was able to squeeze my giant mitts into, and away we went on what is now a familiar route.

At March I called in at Costa, last year I was the only one in there on the Friday, but it is no longer a secret. sat down with Mike from Kettering to eat my 593k piece of carrot cake and a latte, before we set off together for Kings Lynn. The gloves were off, literally, I manged to peel them off and not need them again. Along the road Mike was riding behind and commented on the legendary Big Saxon calves, apparently they are awesome but I do not get to see them. Shortly before Kings Lynn we picked up another new rider from Cambridge, and I navigated them both in past Chernobyl, before joining many other riders at the cafe in Kings Lynn for a belated breakfast. Soon we were joined by John Thompson, I ensured that he was served quickly by our friendly young waitress. Mike decided to take the ferry experience, I went back to the bridge and rode with HK for a while, before her three wheels disappeared, only to reappear later due to the GPX  explorer detour.

I did not see Mike again, maybe he got the ferry quickly, so the drag to Spalding was solitary apart from the gathering at the info control, briefly meeting HK again. Headwinds are not too much of a problem when you are my size and used to fighting gravity, but it did get strong around Cowbit/Moulton. Into McDs for the banana milkshake, then joined by Stevie and Hazel, who asked me nicely if she could ride with me through Spalding, and so the two of us rode into the last sections, stopping at Whittlesey for refreshments. Hazel was a bit faster than me, and with the chest sending me signals I just eased back and kept her in view through Ramsey st Mary before catching up. We then passed Stevie with his shoes off, easing his hotfoot, and then he passed us on a mission to finish quickly.

And so into Huntingdon, arriving at 7.16pm, quite relaxed , and had a brief chat with HK  and others before driving home, drinking the last milkshake on the way. My Team MK colleague Bikeabilityman sent me an Arrows update, he is getting close to his Brevet 25000.

Another step in my recovery, I am now ready for G&Y 300 in three weeks, A&S 400 in June, and Raymond wants to complete a SR before LEL, so possibly Flatliner 600 in June to complete the Essex SR after years of trying. I will be back next year for this event, maybe as the Medium Sized Saxon, that would be interesting if the wind stays away.       

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #261 on: 16 April, 2017, 11:24:16 pm »

" And then that was it the finish of my first 200k."

Hopefully you'll "enjoy" many more  ;D

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #262 on: 16 April, 2017, 11:44:54 pm »
I'd like to ride this as well as Easter Arrow. Does this event always run over the Easter break?

Technically Easter Saturday is the Saturday following Easter Sunday

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #263 on: 17 April, 2017, 12:02:18 am »
Windy in sections, in particular just before Spalding, but I think it's the weather makes this ride interesting.
I guess that's the truth of it.

I knew that KL-Spalding would be the hardest bit, so tried to ride a bit conservatively. As I have done before, I slipped off the group towards the top of the hill out of Huntingdon (I never did do hills), and rode mostly alone after that, but seeing various familiar faces along the way. I think LWaB and HK, among others, were at the first info?

Later, LWaB and another came by approaching Nordelph. LWaB gave me a friendly push (is that allowed?) as they came by, but I wasn't going to try to hang onto their wheels. HK appeared a few miles later, and then what I think was a CTC group. As we turned at Stowbridge, I got an insect in the mouth, and was stung on the lips for my trouble - sorry to anyone I surprised with my shout!

The run to KL had passed really quickly - must have been something to do with the howling gale behind, and even turning north didn't seem too bad, so I began to hope that the next leg might be OK too. False hope. There was a bit of confusion about the GPX track onto the cycle path, but I knew the route from previous years, so was among those confirming that we needed to go a little further before leaving the road.

HK joined me for lunch, and indeed the riders seemed to have taken over half of the cafe. Three of us set off together for the bridge route out of town, but I soon slipped off, just as another group (mainly CTC again, I think) joined from the ferry. They gradually headed off up the road, and then Manotea came by. I sat on his wheel for a few miles, before concluding that I couldn't keep that up and expect to finish.

I think stevie63 must have come by soon after Sutton Bridge, and a few miles later I saw him giving his feet a break, then again a few miles after that. There was a bit of a crowd at the top info, and indeed Martin came by as well and confirmed the answer to the control. A bit discouraging though to hear some others saying what good time they had made into the crosswinds.

Heading into Spalding, I really began to have doubts. At some points, I gave up fighting the wind, and was down to a 6-7mph crawl. Another group came by, and I said to them that I might pack at Spalding. Having finally got there (it took three hours from KL), however, it seemed daft to miss out on the wind-assisted bit.

I wandered towards Costas, but was told by a guard that I couldn't take my bike into the shopping area. I had half-recalled something about that from a previous year, but couldn't see any signs. I responded that they couldn't have our custom then ;D and repaired to the coffee stall where other riders had gathered.

Continuing was a good decision. As expected, the run out of Spalding, and then from Crowland to Thorney, was among the best bits of the ride. Although the wind was less helpful after that, I still plodded along quite happily. I passed a group that I had seen before, dealing with some incident, just before Ramsey Heights, and they passed me again around Upwood. I kept them just about in sight into Huntingdon, and then used my weight penalty to good advantage to catch them on the descent, so that ultimately we finished together in 12 hours.

Always a ride worth doing, even if it doesn't seem so when I'm trying to reach the top control :thumbsup:

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #264 on: 17 April, 2017, 06:32:52 pm »

A few miles later and it was time for the next Info Control and a fellow rider was fixing a puncture at the side of the road. After making sure he was Ok it was off towards King’s Lynn.

It was at this point I got chatting to a chap on a Blue Ribble (is there any other colour?!) who had travelled down from Derbyshire for his first 200k as well. Unfortunately for him after just a mile or so he had to pull up as he had got his second puncture of the day after having none for two years. I didn’t see him again so I hope he got back round Ok without any further mechanical issues.

Pretty sure this was me, at the Nordelph info control - many thanks for the offer of help. And Bill on the blue Ribble did make it although I believe he ended up with 3 punctures on the day, but we joined up just before Spalding and completed the rest of the route together

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #265 on: 17 April, 2017, 11:08:06 pm »

A few miles later and it was time for the next Info Control and a fellow rider was fixing a puncture at the side of the road. After making sure he was Ok it was off towards King’s Lynn.

It was at this point I got chatting to a chap on a Blue Ribble (is there any other colour?!) who had travelled down from Derbyshire for his first 200k as well. Unfortunately for him after just a mile or so he had to pull up as he had got his second puncture of the day after having none for two years. I didn’t see him again so I hope he got back round Ok without any further mechanical issues.

Pretty sure this was me, at the Nordelph info control - many thanks for the offer of help. And Bill on the blue Ribble did make it although I believe he ended up with 3 punctures on the day, but we joined up just before Spalding and completed the rest of the route together

I'm glad to hear that you both got round Ok and that Bill (I'm pretty sure that is the same guy I spoke to) managed to complete his first 200k even with 3 punctures.


Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #266 on: 18 April, 2017, 05:08:26 pm »
Thanks for all the comments;

Spoons definitely a good move for a start / finish location I think we increased their trade 50 times that early in the morning! HK should have wheeled her trike in to fit it with the locals! (I see there have been similar comments elsewhere about the one in York) but it didn't cause a problem they were glad of the business and we were probably replaced by a similar number of non cyclists as soon as the ride started. I found the wind very taxing after the ferry until Spalding (not least because I also rode it on Good Friday) but there was a sort of psychological if not actual tailwind after that.

Next edition 31st March 2018 (Whether that's Easter Saturday or not I don't know but it's the day before Easter Sunday and also the week after the clocks go forward)


  • I'm part of the association
Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #267 on: 18 April, 2017, 05:31:56 pm »
I'd like to ride this as well as Easter Arrow. Does this event always run over the Easter break?


6am train from York to Huntingdon on the Saturday...
I Said, I've Got A Big Stick

Phil W

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #268 on: 18 April, 2017, 07:03:51 pm »
I'd like to ride this as well as Easter Arrow. Does this event always run over the Easter break?


6am train from York to Huntingdon on the Saturday...

I'd miss all the other Arrow teams if I did that and part of the fun is meeting all the other teams at the finish.  Guess I'll have to do these separate years.


Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #269 on: 18 April, 2017, 09:12:43 pm »
I get riders every year saying they are doing an Arrow so will miss out, that's unfortunate but this event is IMO a success because it's a rare calendar 200 on Easter weekend (such is the SR-centricity of the AUK calendar)

some Arrow riders have had a year off and ridden DD

I have thought about doing a Summer Dutch but having never been up there in the summer I'm thinking it might just be cauliflowers! will find out when I'm up there helping for LEL

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #270 on: 19 April, 2017, 11:43:05 pm »

It was me! Sorry I couldn't eat with you at KL stevie63 I was looking forward to sheltering behind you on the route to  Spalding  ;D. I didn't get to eat as by the time I faffed about looking for somewhere to buy an inner tube I was almost too late to get a receipt. Your ride sounded much more fun than mine and it makes me look back a bit more fondly on it now. Maybe I will do it again next year, although I swore not again in the day!

Adrian invited me to eat with him at MD's after working hard together to get to spalding and although I didn't want to eat it was just what I needed. Thanks Adrian for keeping me motivated and it was a pleasure riding with such a gent. Definitely feel good about finishing it. I was looking for you after validation to offer you a drink but you scarpered I think as your bike was gone. Maybe next time.

Also thanks to the other guys in KL who gave me a co2 canister and let me use a foot pump. The puncture demons were targeting me big time on sat.

A few miles later and it was time for the next Info Control and a fellow rider was fixing a puncture at the side of the road. After making sure he was Ok it was off towards King’s Lynn.

It was at this point I got chatting to a chap on a Blue Ribble (is there any other colour?!) who had travelled down from Derbyshire for his first 200k as well. Unfortunately for him after just a mile or so he had to pull up as he had got his second puncture of the day after having none for two years. I didn’t see him again so I hope he got back round Ok without any further mechanical issues.

Pretty sure this was me, at the Nordelph info control - many thanks for the offer of help. And Bill on the blue Ribble did make it although I believe he ended up with 3 punctures on the day, but we joined up just before Spalding and completed the rest of the route together

I'm glad to hear that you both got round Ok and that Bill (I'm pretty sure that is the same guy I spoke to) managed to complete his first 200k even with 3 punctures.

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #271 on: 20 April, 2017, 06:27:01 am »

It was me! Sorry I couldn't eat with you at KL stevie63 I was looking forward to sheltering behind you on the route to  Spalding  ;D. I didn't get to eat as by the time I faffed about looking for somewhere to buy an inner tube I was almost too late to get a receipt. Your ride sounded much more fun than mine and it makes me look back a bit more fondly on it now. Maybe I will do it again next year, although I swore not again in the day!

Adrian invited me to eat with him at MD's after working hard together to get to spalding and although I didn't want to eat it was just what I needed. Thanks Adrian for keeping me motivated and it was a pleasure riding with such a gent. Definitely feel good about finishing it. I was looking for you after validation to offer you a drink but you scarpered I think as your bike was gone. Maybe next time.

Also thanks to the other guys in KL who gave me a co2 canister and let me use a foot pump. The puncture demons were targeting me big time on sat.

A few miles later and it was time for the next Info Control and a fellow rider was fixing a puncture at the side of the road. After making sure he was Ok it was off towards King’s Lynn.

It was at this point I got chatting to a chap on a Blue Ribble (is there any other colour?!) who had travelled down from Derbyshire for his first 200k as well. Unfortunately for him after just a mile or so he had to pull up as he had got his second puncture of the day after having none for two years. I didn’t see him again so I hope he got back round Ok without any further mechanical issues.

Pretty sure this was me, at the Nordelph info control - many thanks for the offer of help. And Bill on the blue Ribble did make it although I believe he ended up with 3 punctures on the day, but we joined up just before Spalding and completed the rest of the route together

I'm glad to hear that you both got round Ok and that Bill (I'm pretty sure that is the same guy I spoke to) managed to complete his first 200k even with 3 punctures.

Hi Bill, it was a pleasure riding with you and hope to meet up again on a future audax, apologies for the unceremonial departure but it was juniors birthday and I had to scarper.

An observation on McD's, normally I find them fairly revolting, breakfast wrap is Okish but the burgers :sick: but I have to say after a few hours in the saddle they taste really quite ok  ;D

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #272 on: 20 April, 2017, 08:48:23 pm »
Also thanks to the other guys in KL who gave me a co2 canister and let me use a foot pump. The puncture demons were targeting me big time on sat.

You're welcome.  It was my minitrack pump and my friend Ian's CO2 cyclinder.  I must admit you looked truly despondent in KL so that must have been quite a psychological barrier you got through to finish.  Quite a tough first 200km.
Clever enough to know I'm not clever enough.


Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #273 on: 31 July, 2017, 12:44:15 pm »
I rode the route as a DIY this weekend, the first time I've not ridden it in the spring. Although there were a few poppy fields and generally kinder weather I can confirm that it's not a great ride in the summer. The main reason for the ride is to enjoy the spring blooms both in the fields and alongside the route. Cabbages and potatoes (with the dead remains of daffs) are not really that nice to observe, therefore I won't be making it into a perm although I can supply a DIY (SE) brevet number if required

Re: Double Dutch 200 Easter Saturday
« Reply #274 on: 01 August, 2017, 06:51:03 am »
Hi Martin, will it run again Easter (April?) next year?
