Author Topic: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?  (Read 17181 times)


Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #25 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:17:22 pm »

And there was me thinking I'd been unlucky. Incredible stuff.

An oik threw an egg at Liz from a moving car one evening not so long ago.  It made me wonder - was he on the way home from the shops with some eggs? In which case, did the recipe only call for five?  Or did he keep eggs in the car "just in case"?

Yeah I wondered about that one. Do the egg throwing people buy eggs specifically for this purpose? And what is going through their mind when they do? Are they bought separately, or together with the rest of the shopping?

"Dear, could you pick up some eggs on your way home? I can feel a strong urge coming on to sit by the window and throw them at passing cyclists."

Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #26 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:23:55 pm »
IME it's very rare to have stuff thrown at me - but it tends to stick in the memory. 

...I've also been slapped on the backside by the passenger of a moving vehicle...

I was riding, fully loaded, uphill, into a tailwind, and came to a halt at a pub - a passenger of a car which had passed me earlier commented that she had been tempted to reach out and give me a push up the bank.  Naturally, I said she should have done :D


Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #27 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:27:14 pm »
she had been tempted to reach out and give me a push up the bank.



  • aka Sam
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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #28 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:28:20 pm »
Lit fags, cans, water. Only ever in London though. Which means they can't usually get away. I do one of three things.

1. Go and look at them right up in their face. "Sorry I didn't see you", you must be fucking blind. Whack the wing mirror very very very hard as I go past. Look back and say Oops sorry I didn't see that.

2. Swear at them and then take a photo of their numberplate

3. A Spen, go around the outside and at the lights take out keys from the ignition and throw it somewhere.
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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #29 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:29:11 pm »
I had a full can of coke lobbed at me once. It bruised my leg and broke a spoke. And then a security guard shouted at me for crying next to his 'luxury development'.  >:(

Poor lass :(
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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #30 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:29:28 pm »
You do Hackney Road / Mare St Sam?

You see some fruity madness down there sometimes.

Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #31 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:29:41 pm »
she had been tempted to reach out and give me a push up the bank.


It takes a sick mind to spot innuendo in there ;)


  • aka Sam
    • Radiance Audio
Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #32 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:33:26 pm »
You do Hackney Road / Mare St Sam?

You see some fruity madness down there sometimes.

Aye but I only get crap when I'm in the "nicer" areas of London lol, never really had issues in Tower Hamlets or Hackney.
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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #33 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:34:20 pm »
You do Hackney Road / Mare St Sam?

You see some fruity madness down there sometimes.

Aye but I only get crap when I'm in the "nicer" areas of London lol, never really had issues in Tower Hamlets or Hackney.

Not even on a late night in wells street.


Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #34 on: 17 July, 2008, 04:34:41 pm »
The driving in Chelsea is shocking, maybe richer drivers look down more on cyclists, I dunno.

Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #35 on: 17 July, 2008, 09:32:05 pm »
The driving in Chelsea is shocking, maybe richer drivers look down more on cyclists, I dunno.

I think that wealthy drivers tend to be worse. Berkshire, Surrey and parts of Buckinghamshire are very affluent ares and I see a lot of bad and often threatening driving from people in big posh cars.

I call this area, "Tampon Country*" and avoid it.

*Cos they're stuck up c*nts

I don't think it's just cyclists. Pedestrians get it too.


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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #36 on: 17 July, 2008, 09:46:48 pm »
A banger.  (aka firecracker, not sausage or b0rked motor vehicle)

It landed and exploded.  In my ear.  Ouch.

An hour or two of total deafness in that ear ensued.
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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #37 on: 17 July, 2008, 09:47:30 pm »
The usual:  Being spat on, insults, eggs, bottles, stones.  Last week two kids were lurking by the side of the road, and one threw a stone at me - no hope of hitting me, as I was well aware of what they were up to before he even drew his arm back.  Fortunately, about 100yds further up the road, there was a Police van waiting at the lights.  I flagged him down and had a little chat with him about them, and he proceeded to go and give the little buggers a talking to.  It may not have made any impression, but I must say I haven't seen them lurking since.

Otherwise, the only major incident was the airgun pellet in the leg a few years ago.  Insults and the like pale into insignificance compared to that.
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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #38 on: 17 July, 2008, 09:48:09 pm »
Glasses of water (well, I hope it's water), fags, crisp packets, that sort of stuff of course.  Once, years ago, I had a burst of 'silly string', that rather sticky confetti stuff that clings to whatever it hits, but luckily it didn't get in my eyes.  Don't think it was a party popper as I didn't hear any bang.  Now: letting a party-popper off at a road user - I'd class that as criminal assault likely to endanger life, or worse...

But most of the time I've not had problems with this sort of thing.


Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #39 on: 17 July, 2008, 09:55:08 pm »
A comment thrown at me while waiting at a red light.
"Nice ar*e "
from a young female passenger in a ragtop XR3 with the hood down which drew alongside.The female driver winked.

Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #40 on: 17 July, 2008, 09:57:47 pm »
plastic glass of lager in Elland and of course nice arse comments.

Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #41 on: 17 July, 2008, 10:05:08 pm »
plastic glass of lager in Elland and of course nice arse comments.

I got wolf whistled by some young lad in a car in Warwick last year. He looked embarrased when I turned around and saw him. I did consider asking him for a kiss, as a joke. But decided not to in case he took me up on the offer. I still don't know if he thought I was a woman, was taking the piss or was gay.


  • aka Sam
    • Radiance Audio
Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #42 on: 18 July, 2008, 03:33:13 am »
You do Hackney Road / Mare St Sam?

You see some fruity madness down there sometimes.

Aye but I only get crap when I'm in the "nicer" areas of London lol, never really had issues in Tower Hamlets or Hackney.

Not even on a late night in wells street.

Nope, but then again with a super bright front light in strobe they probably all think I'm a copper lol.
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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #43 on: 18 July, 2008, 10:35:01 am »
Eggs were thrown at some of us on the May FNRttC.

1. A few years back, someone threw an egg at me from an upstairs window in a not-so-bad bit of Hackney. They missed.

2. Last week, some woman on the passenger seat of a humongous ugly gleaming black beast of a car kept throwing stuff at me that felt like bits of crumpled paper, when we were all waiting for the traffic light in shoreditch where Kingsland Road meets Hackney Road. She giggled.

3. Last night, something whiteish the size of a tennisball smashed to pieces on the tarmac about three inches away from my front wheel. I didn’t stop to look what it was. Must have come out of an upstairs window as well. This was somewhere in Islington.

You've forgotten about:

4. Us having an egg thrown at us when we were cycling along Clemont Road on night earlier this year. 

5. I recall people throwing something at you when we were cycling along the canal to Mile End climbing wall a couple of years ago. 
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!


Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #44 on: 18 July, 2008, 10:51:30 am »
Regents Canal used to have quite a reputation for this.

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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #45 on: 18 July, 2008, 11:02:40 am »
I once had a Fairy Visitation outside Chancery Lane tube station, so pulled off to change the tube.  While I was so doing I got a right ear-bashing from a newspaper vendor.  "Sorry", I said, "I'll make sure the next time I have a p+nct+r+ I'm nowhere near you, you pissweasel fuckpuppettm"
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brolly revenge
« Reply #46 on: 18 July, 2008, 11:17:18 am »
The other day I was cycling down the Regent's Canal towpath.  There are some newish chicanes, and a bunch of teenagers sitting on them, being teenagers.  Which was fine, plenty of room to nip through, no need for conflict.  Until one girl stuck her umbrella out into my path.  I was unamused.

So I grabbed the brolly on my way through.  And cycled off with it.  Then I was very amused indeed, there was all kinds of effing and blinding, whachufinkyerdoin and so on.  I dropped it in the verge half a mile or so down the path.

She was lucky I didn't chuck it in the canal.

Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #47 on: 18 July, 2008, 11:21:39 am »

Yeah I wondered about that one. Do the egg throwing people buy eggs specifically for this purpose? And what is going through their mind when they do? Are they bought separately, or together with the rest of the shopping?

I'm sure they do, and then they look for soft targets. Cyclists are an obvious one but pedestrians can come under fire too, as can oncoming motor vehicles such as buses. I've been hit by eggs several times, and on a couple of occasions there have been more burst eggs further up the road.

I've also been pushed and slapped from passing cars. I've been hit in the face by a snowball with a stone inside it, and I've had a bottle kicked at me by a drunken thug waiting at a bus stop. The bottle was on the floor in front of him, he took deliberate aim as I passed, and the bottle went between my wheels and smashed on the kerb.

All town centres are places to be avoided late on Friday and Saturday nights and on into the early hours of the next morning. Ask Maladict about Worksop. Luckily it was quieter than usual when we went through there the other day.  ;)
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Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #48 on: 18 July, 2008, 11:21:48 am »
Stuffs that I have had lobbed at me whilst en velo:

A hot cup of tea
Lit cigarette
Coke can
Assorted detritus

I've also been slapped on the backside by the passenger of a moving vehicle.  Thanks to some top work by the likes of Wowbagger, he got cautioned by the police.

An oik threw an egg at Liz from a moving car one evening not so long ago.  It made me wonder - was he on the way home from the shops with some eggs? In which case, did the recipe only call for five?  Or did he keep eggs in the car "just in case"?

A few lit cigarettes - most of these thoughtlessly discarded whilst I have been filtering.
Also an attempt to throw milk over me.
A coke bottle.

And Wednesday night as we cycled to sale, passenger of a builders pickup after it has passed me gestured as if to slap Maffie's derriere. That truck was far too close.


Re: Ever had stuff thrown at you (whilst cycling)?
« Reply #49 on: 18 July, 2008, 11:23:39 am »
A half-brick.

Oh forgot that one.

I had my head glued together after being struck on the bonce by one. Lobbed out of a vehicled travelling in the opposite direction on the other side of a dual carriageway.

As if one keeps half a brick in their car for just such occasions...