Author Topic: Cross Training: Running  (Read 460184 times)

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2275 on: 07 July, 2020, 02:07:23 pm »
Good work!

HM distance was about my limit for running without fuel and on an empty stomach. Not quite as hilly as that, maybe 100m of climb in the first 10km and then the second 11km was nigh on flat (since it was along the river into work).

Usual 5k for me today, fastest of the year, down to 27:20 (taking 38 seconds off my 2020 PB). Unsurprisingly also 2020 PBs for VDOT (34.4) and beats per mile (1418).

Weight has plateaued for the last month but adding to the running and getting back on the portion control is helping.

Recovery 5k jog tomorrow, again it'll be nice to take the pressure off and not have to push that hard.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2276 on: 08 July, 2020, 01:44:15 pm »
Weight is down at the 72/73 kg mark, and running is improving as a result. A couple of weeks easy to let my ankle ease up and feeling good now. Ran 17.5km on Monday, will get out again tonight, although quads a bit tired.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2277 on: 08 July, 2020, 09:22:47 pm »
Took 15 seconds off my 5k PB but I just could not get my breathing right. Had a stitch the entire way round and kept breathing far too fast/lightly.

And I ran in the drizzle because later rain forecast then after I got home the sun came out :eyeroll:

Still at least my ankle was less painful even if not completely right.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2278 on: 08 July, 2020, 10:14:07 pm »
Had a stitch the entire way round and kept breathing far too fast/lightly.

I think the 2 things are connected. What works every time for me when I get a stitch - breathe out as fully as you can then force an extra push.  I visualise trying to completely empty my lungs.  The stitch goes within seconds.

Not always easy when you're at full exertion so maybe have to slow down a bit, but it beats strugging for ages in pain or having to stop completely.
The sound of one pannier flapping


  • unfuckwithable
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2279 on: 10 July, 2020, 08:57:56 am »
feeling that my hip has almost healed went out for a quick run today. last time i ran properly was a month ago. running felt easy initially, so a kept the pace and finished 4.5km loop at 3:55/km. now i need to build on this to score a sub-40 10k (forty days overdue).

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2280 on: 10 July, 2020, 05:47:41 pm »
feeling that my hip has almost healed went out for a quick run today. last time i ran properly was a month ago. running felt easy initially, so a kept the pace and finished 4.5km loop at 3:55/km. now i need to build on this to score a sub-40 10k (forty days overdue).

that is scorching along!
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • unfuckwithable
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2281 on: 11 July, 2020, 12:38:47 pm »
feeling that my hip has almost healed went out for a quick run today. last time i ran properly was a month ago. running felt easy initially, so a kept the pace and finished 4.5km loop at 3:55/km. now i need to build on this to score a sub-40 10k (forty days overdue).

that is scorching along!

that's the good part. the bad one is that my hip feels painful today and it might be a long way until full recovery. got a new pair of running shoes today with more cushion, hoping they will soften the impacts.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2282 on: 11 July, 2020, 02:53:09 pm »

Happy hip strengthening.
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2283 on: 11 July, 2020, 08:33:05 pm »
I tried a tentative run on Thursday after a complete layoff of 7 weeks due to a hamstring tear (probably grade 2 by the sounds of it).  Fine to start off but felt a definite twinge after 10 minutes so I stopped immediately.  Felt tight for the last 2 days.  Damn!
The sound of one pannier flapping

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2284 on: 14 July, 2020, 09:37:46 am »
Got my weeks mixed up, forgot this week was a "hard" week. (I do cycles of {easy, medium, hard, recovery} weeks.)

Tue5k gentle5k medium5k hard5k gentle
Wed5k recov5k recov5k recov5k recov
Fri5k medium5k medium5k medium5k gentle
Sun10k gentle10k medium10k hard10k gentle

Current rough paces: 5k recov = 33min, gentle = 31min, 5k medium = 29min, 5k hard = 27min

That means pushing hard on the 5k today, then a recovery jog 5k tomorrow, then a hard 5k on Friday, then pushing on the 10k on Sunday. Ugh.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2285 on: 14 July, 2020, 12:09:25 pm »
That means pushing hard on the 5k today, ... Ugh.

Ugh indeed. 168bpm average, was aiming for 170bpm but it takes me 6 or so minutes to get up to that HR so the first km of the run (which is uphill) keeps my average down a bit.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2286 on: 18 July, 2020, 02:46:22 pm »
Well yesterday's 5k was my second slowest yet but I also didn't stop at 5km and ended up doing 7km in 42 minutes. So far the longest runs I've done have been a straight 30 minutes which normally gives me 5 and a little bit kilometres.

Should have done 7.5 really but as I got to seven I'd just finished a little hill and gone from merely very hot to mega boiling vision pulsing at the edges hot. So I slowed to a walk and wandered home.

Sore quads today which is a new one (from running at least) but I got out on the bike for just over an hour and knocked out just under fourteen miles despite the wind. I'm happy with that. Now for bacon rolls as all I've had today is two cups of tea and a bowl of strawberries.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2287 on: 18 July, 2020, 02:58:04 pm »
I overdid things last weekend. A 10 k in the morning, then a walk through the woods to one of our local pubs for the first post-lockdown pint.
The run wasn't too bad, but I was only wearing sandals (and fairly flimsy ones at that) for the walk, with the result that I did something to my knee, or rather to the bit just above it. Then I was really stupid and did my normal Monday morning 5k.
Come Wednesday, I set off for that run, did the walk to warm up, then managed about five yards before deciding this was a really stupid idea. Turned round and walked home again.
The leg is much better now, but not 100%. I didn't run yesterday and I am not sure about tomorrow. I certainly won't be doing 10k. Grump, grump.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2288 on: 19 July, 2020, 11:36:48 am »
10k PB[1] by 1 second today. End of the "hard" week. Looking forward to recovery week next week and then intervals begin week after next.

1. Post ankle PB. Still 7 minutes off my 10k PB of a few years ago. Luckily no records exist of 10k times from when I was young and properly fit as those would have probably been a further 10 minutes faster.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2289 on: 19 July, 2020, 12:47:09 pm »
And further to my last post, I managed to bork the other knee yesterday. Just walking across the living room floor. I think something slipped slightly and there is was, worse than the first one. So tomorrow's before work run is looking not sensible. Bah.   >:(
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2290 on: 19 July, 2020, 03:15:52 pm »
Finally - a pain-free run!  Just 2 miles but at a decent pace and hopefully the start back to regular running after the hamstring tear.
The sound of one pannier flapping

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2291 on: 19 July, 2020, 07:34:43 pm »
And further to my last post, I managed to bork the other knee yesterday. Just walking across the living room floor. I think something slipped slightly and there is was, worse than the first one. So tomorrow's before work run is looking not sensible. Bah.   >:(

Bad! Sorry.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2292 on: 19 July, 2020, 07:35:08 pm »
Finally - a pain-free run!  Just 2 miles but at a decent pace and hopefully the start back to regular running after the hamstring tear.


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2293 on: 21 July, 2020, 04:16:33 pm »
I did a 23km run with the purpose of veloviewer explorer square hunting at the weekend. It was muddy and hilly, but good fun exploring. Suspect this could become a thing for me.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2294 on: 21 July, 2020, 05:20:12 pm »
I did a 23km run with the purpose of veloviewer explorer square hunting at the weekend. It was muddy and hilly, but good fun exploring. Suspect this could become a thing for me.

:) nice to hear Dr M

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2295 on: 22 July, 2020, 05:57:45 pm »
And further to my last post, I managed to bork the other knee yesterday.
I decided I'd give it a go this morning. MrsC does the vacuuming on Wednesday mornings, when I'm running, so I said I would go out, do the five minute warm-up, then see how things went. If I still couldn't run, I'd complete the routine walking.
I ran for the full half hour. Not fast, not pretty, and with the occasional reminder that I'm not completely fixed, but I ran all the same.
And since then, although things are not perfect, some of the awkwardness, coming down steps for instance, is much improved.
I will probably try the same on Friday and see how things go from there.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2296 on: 23 July, 2020, 10:14:24 am »
Recovery week for me (ahhhhhh) and so today was a gentle 5k at a pace that's 1min/km slower than my fast 5k pace.

Almost twisted an ankle within the first km due to a dodgy road surface and debated stopping and walking back but it seemed fine after that with no pain (really no pain, not that "oof, but we'll see if that gets better" pain that generally indicates something is wrong and will flare up a few hours after running).
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2297 on: 24 July, 2020, 09:50:44 am »
Yesterday I ran 10k without stopping or slowing to a walk. In just over 57 minutes!

I suspected it's too big a jump from regular 5ks to do in one go and that I'd ache today but I did it! Though actually I'm not too sore so far anyway. And later my new trainers arrive so I'm not running on worn out three year old £13 trainers from Aldi.


I extended my warmup walk as my legs felt quite heavy, did a full kilometer walking before starting the run (my usual warmup is usually 0.5-0.6km), I slowed over the ten kilometres but my first one rolled out in 5:17 which helped the overall time, I was originally intending a fast (for me) 5k but knew I couldn't hold that pace so I eased off to 5:40-5:50ish/km and as I still felt ok at the 5k mark just decided to see if I could at least get 7.5.

As it is I just kept rolling along. I was glad when I could drop down to a walk but not hanging on for dear life so I'm very pleased.

Planning to drop back to 5ks for now and maybe introduce some speed work. Then if the new shoes suit me do one or two short and one longer run a week for the time being.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2298 on: 24 July, 2020, 11:24:11 am »
Congrats, it is a good feel to be able to run 10km. Dropping below an hour always feels like a significant milestone as well.
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2299 on: 24 July, 2020, 11:50:50 am »
Yeah very pleased, thought I'd take longer to progress from 5k to 10k so it was a nice surprise.

Wondering about trying my next couple short runs with a backpack to get used to it so I can carry a bit of water and a jacket if I start going longer. I didn't need water yesterday but I was happy to have a drink when I got in. I've got a vague idea of heading up onto the Downs maybe and doing a bit of off road for variety.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1