Author Topic: Cross Training: Running  (Read 460295 times)


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #200 on: 13 November, 2009, 02:24:58 pm »
Also have orthotics in there to prevent over-pronation, as I'm a little bit flat-footed.

Are you flat-footed as in fallen arches? Or as in over-pronated ankle position? If the latter, it can be improved by postural therapy. Probably. Your ankles will work better in the ...err long run. The orthotics may still be sensible when running.   IANAQPhysio etc ...

A bit of both really. Physio suggested postural changes and orthotics.

Ran 5.5km at lunch time, took 27:30 over it. That includes lace tying at half way.  :facepalm:

Will be able to analyse it properly at home.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #201 on: 13 November, 2009, 09:52:25 pm »
I googled mudclaw - they seem to have some really nice shoes there.

If you want an entry level trail shoe look at Adidas Kanadia Trails. They are pretty decent for £40. Very pleased with mine, though buy at least one extra size. On the road I currently use Adidas Supernovas; quite soft compared to my old favourites, Asics 2000 and GT series, but what I need now that I am heavier, older and slower!
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #202 on: 14 November, 2009, 12:11:38 am »
Just to add my (belated) congratulations - well done Andy, good effort and great report that gave a good flavour of your trial and tribulations.

I've done a bunch of  long runs over peat, which can get pretty soggy but it doesn't have the death-grip of clay-mud - rather you than me for sure .
"What a long, strange trip it's been", Truckin'


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #203 on: 15 November, 2009, 03:42:19 pm »
3 mile run this afternoon - took me 29 minutes (HR zone 3).

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #205 on: 17 November, 2009, 11:18:19 pm »
3 mile run this afternoon - took me 29 minutes (HR zone 3).

This is a jog...  ;)
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse

Chris S

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #206 on: 17 November, 2009, 11:28:48 pm »
3 mile run this afternoon - took me 29 minutes (HR zone 3).

This is a jog...  ;)

Hehe - you runners...  ::-)

I once proudly announced to Fidgetbuzz that I'd "run" on the treadmill at the gym at 6mph; to which he snorted - "Pfft... that's not running...!"

Yeah yeah... and riding a bike 200km is not "long distance cycling" - we all get the pissing contest idea;  ;D.

Personally - I would fall apart at the seams if I tried to run three miles. Good work Bridget.


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #207 on: 17 November, 2009, 11:38:25 pm »
3 mile run this afternoon - took me 29 minutes (HR zone 3).

This is a jog...  ;)

Yeah I know.  I actually found it very hard going that slow.  I chose the HR zone and had to keep slowing down because naturally I like to go a bit faster.  I didn't find it a problem on the treadmill but on the road it feels very slow.

On Friday the plan was jog 1 lap, run 1 lap, jog 1 lap.  It was a fast jog/slow run for most of the first lap and slow run/run for the second lap, and fast jog, speeding up to slow run for the final lap.

My pace for the event itself is usually about 15kph (1.1 miles in about 7 minutes).


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #208 on: 17 November, 2009, 11:50:01 pm »
3 mile run this afternoon - took me 29 minutes (HR zone 3).

This is a jog...  ;)

Hehe - you runners...  ::-)

I once proudly announced to Fidgetbuzz that I'd "run" on the treadmill at the gym at 6mph; to which he snorted - "Pfft... that's not running...!"

Yeah yeah... and riding a bike 200km is not "long distance cycling" - we all get the pissing contest idea;  ;D.

Personally - I would fall apart at the seams if I tried to run three miles. Good work Bridget.

Did I not mention how sore I was on Saturday?  ::-)

I set the alarm for 6.45am on Sunday.  I woke up, thought "too sore for a 200" and went back to sleep.  After more sleep and a bit of hobbling when I got up (stiff ankle) I decided to do a slow run to keep it ticking over.  I did feel better for it.

I always feel sore when I put my running shoes on in early November and train for the fun run.  Muscles are simply not used to the impact and they need to adapt.  It's the same every year (I've done it 4 times now, this will be my 5th go).  I am very sore after the first run, after the second I am much better, and by the day of the event my time for a lap has gone from 8:40 to 7:01.  This year I was doing 30 minutes on the treadmill in the couple of weeks before - it didn't make the slightest bit of difference.  It's much too forgiving and doesn't prepare you for running on the road.

Last year I was 86th fastest male runner out of 321, and in 2007 56th out of 267.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #209 on: 18 November, 2009, 12:03:26 am »
3 mile run this afternoon - took me 29 minutes (HR zone 3).

This is a jog...  ;)

Hehe - you runners...  ::-)

I know, I know...

For the record I don't consider myself a runner anymore (though I can still maintain a 7 min/Mi for medium distance runs (say 10k), and maybe a tad faster if I get into "racing" mode whatever this means now!, and managed a 3hr30 mountain sortie this summer; a pity I am about two stones heavier than when I felt like a runner...).

I always found treadmill or track/lap running (except for specific training sessions, like reps) very tedious. Just get out there. For me running in a scenic environment helps a lot fight the boredom.
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #210 on: 18 November, 2009, 08:27:17 am »
First time for a while that I have run in over the Law. This is a 3-400m warm up gently downhill, then 800m of unrelenting steps and uphill to the top. The last part being irregular wood/earth steps in zig zags. Ouch!
However, I got into work in a much quicker time than anticipated so might have to try to find a longer flatter bit to finish it off with in the mornings and take it nearer the 45min mark. Maybe do both hills?

Now time for a shower and coffee.
"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #211 on: 20 November, 2009, 07:50:19 pm »
Well, the race was today.  I targeted a sub 7 minute time, and set the GPS for a 3:57/km pace and thought if I beat that then I would be right.  Unfortunately the course is slightly longer so I think I did 7:08 (last I checked the official results weren't up) which matches last year.

As last year was a first leg (no baton handover to take into account and slightly shorter in theory) and I matched that time, that's OK though.

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I felt better physically on the run than in the past (in terms of being out of breath and tired during the middle to latter part of the run) so maybe could have gone a shade faster.  I found the final sprint quite easy.

OTOH by the finish my HR had climbed to 189 bpm so I was clearly pushing myself hard.

When I came in to the handover the announcer said we were top 10 so we may have a top 10 finish.  I took one place on my lap but the final runner lost one* so it depends how far inside the top 10 we were.

* He got passed twice but retook one of them.  He jogged round in fancy dress in parallel with the 1st lap of our team.  That probably took a bit out of him.


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #212 on: 20 November, 2009, 08:03:21 pm »
The results are in: I managed a time of 7:06; slowest in our team, but faster than anyone in our other teams, so my position is safe for now.  :thumbsup:

We came 9th overall.  Woo hoo!  ;D

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #213 on: 22 November, 2009, 01:00:19 pm »
Nice night 50' run across fields, along the river and then through the local woodland; I had to run more slowly because of the water everywhere which the Petzl thankfully helped see! Enjoyed it much; saw nobody!
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #214 on: 22 November, 2009, 02:46:15 pm »
After my rowing stint today I did some intervals on the treadmill.  3 minutes on 3 off, 14kph fast (except for the second which was 14.5) and 8kph slow pace.  I did four of them.  449 kcals burned.  Hard work.

Garmin Connect -
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            Interval training on the treadmill  

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #215 on: 29 November, 2009, 04:34:20 pm »
55' run in glorious sunshine this morning. Probably 7.5 Mi. Some of the trails were very, very wet! Good warm down it seems as my Achille's heel is not complaining so far.
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #216 on: 30 November, 2009, 10:24:55 pm »
Nice one, Frenchie, good for you.

"What a long, strange trip it's been", Truckin'

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #217 on: 01 December, 2009, 10:47:24 pm »
Nice one, Frenchie, good for you.

How are you getting on?

My shoes are now dry but terribly muddy; somehow, it makes me happy and wanting to go out in the woods or the hills.
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #218 on: 07 December, 2009, 02:29:12 pm »
Thanks for asking.

I'm cautiously optimistic - I know what my problem is (inflamed achilles tendon), I know it will get better but very slowly, I can expect it to hurt like f@#k occasionally  but I can run up to an hour OK.

So running 2-3 times a week, feeling stronger week by week, enjoying splashing through puddles, not enjoying descents made precarious by mud! 

Actually I'm underplaying this - I'm joyous at being able to strap on a pair of shoes and just go run, it's so liberating  ;D
"What a long, strange trip it's been", Truckin'

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #219 on: 18 December, 2009, 05:23:21 pm »
Run in the snow at lunchtime - brilliant!  Is there a better simple pleasure than running in 5 cms of untracked new snow on a bright clear day?

"What a long, strange trip it's been", Truckin'

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #220 on: 20 December, 2009, 11:39:42 pm »
I run in the bitter cold during the week when I was in Germany on business. With the end to a busy few months, long hours and delayed planes meaning I made it home at 1:15am, I only managed a 45' run this WE, late today. Running in some snow, in the dark, with some nice music is one of the best treats ever! Loved it!
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse


  • Peroxide Viking
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #221 on: 29 December, 2009, 08:02:49 pm »
Guess what?  I CAN RUN AGAIN!!! 

A wardrobe malfunction meant I missed the gym, so when I got in I suited up for a little easy jog - 17 minutes with a few dashes.  Knees: GOLDEN.  (Calves cramping, feet aching, glutes startled, shins tweaking, but that's just conditioning)

Jack's back, baby, Jack's back. :D

So for reference that's 8 weeks off running, most off the bike as well, for running through an obvious Something Wrong for several hours.  I've put on half a stone too.  Let that be a lesson to any macho types!
It takes blood and guts to be this cool but I'm still just a cliché.
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Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #222 on: 31 December, 2009, 05:08:29 pm »
Great news, good for you. 

"What a long, strange trip it's been", Truckin'

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #223 on: 06 January, 2010, 01:53:40 pm »
I haven't touched my bike for over two weeks now; but I have been running every other day at least and daily recently. We were staying in Rutland and I have enjoyed a whole range of trail and off road runs in the snow for the most part, ranging from 50' to 120'. I did run along the North Shore quite a bit, then to Eggleton, around the peninsual (from Barnsdale and back) but also went to explore Bourne Woods which I enjoyed as well. I managed two night runs with my Petzl, one in the woods and in open fields along a track I thankfully knew well enough by then, as the sun was coming down on Rutland Water. Sheer joy!!
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #224 on: 06 January, 2010, 05:36:15 pm »
lovely run in the snow this afternoon, really squeaky :)   I had to walk a couple of icy bits but apart from that it was damn fine!