Author Topic: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?  (Read 13439 times)


600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« on: 03 April, 2008, 04:34:30 pm »
So far my max ride is 300km and I've got by with a Barley Saddlebag for my waterproof jacket, overshoes, spare base layer, tubes and toolkit.

I used a barbag for valuables and easy to access snacks.

Those who have ridden 600s seem to carry a wide range of 'extras' including Space Blankets, Bivvy Bags, changes of clothing and so on.

Obviously weather plays a part but is there a general concensus on a 'minimum set of 600km items' ? (Especially on rides without specific sleeping facilities)

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #1 on: 03 April, 2008, 04:43:33 pm »
Don't bother with blankets, bivvy bags etc.

Take a spare/dry base layer, gloves and possibly shorts if you are a chaffing sort of chap. I took a folding tyre for my 400 & 600's last year through darkest wales, but not on PBP. Same punture kit as a 200. Some emergency ibuprofen & pro plus. Small tin of vaseline! Emergency eats - I like Mulebars at the moment - just something to munch in the middle of the night when Coop won't be open in the next village...I have a txt file cribsheet somewhere at home.

To be honest, most of these are stuff I carry on a 200, the extras being night clothing. I can't remember the last time I thought of something I needed that I didn't have in my Carradice Barley.

Lay out what you want to take, then throw half of it out & pack the rest.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #2 on: 03 April, 2008, 04:55:48 pm »
It depends if I have a 'bag drop' or not and of course on the weather. I don't take a change of clothes but will leave one at a bag drop., perhaps a fresh vest or a long and short sleeved one. I don't think I have ever carried overshoes on a 600, maybe on the spectacularly wet Three Coasts last year. Not much more is needed for a 600 than 300. I do carry a space blanket but never needed it. Mu famous medicine chest of course and my 'get you through the night' pills. Spare socks if it is going to be wet perhaps. You will need to decide what you need though, everyone is different.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #3 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:07:22 pm »
I don't think I have ever carried overshoes on a 600, maybe on the spectacularly wet Three Coasts last year.

I rarely ride without taking overshoes, except in the depths of summer! Not for rain, but the slightest breeze & it's cold toe hell for me. Like you say, everyone's different.


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #4 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:13:02 pm »
Loo paper
MP3 player to help stay awake on night sections
Spare batteries for lights & MP3 player
Head torch for navigating/fettling

As others have said, warm clothing for night sections (needed even in the summer, believe me)
I always change my shorts, socks, gloves & shirt for day 2 so I carry those with me.
If there's an overnight stop/control I'll take a toothbrush & paste and possibly a small towel (for the BCM600 where you can shower)

Loads of money.  I'm always amazed at how much can be spent at commercial controls/garages on  a long ride.


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #5 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:24:00 pm »
Loo paper
MP3 player to help stay awake on night sections
Spare batteries for lights & MP3 player
Head torch for navigating/fettling

As others have said, warm clothing for night sections (needed even in the summer, believe me)
I always change my shorts, socks, gloves & shirt for day 2 so I carry those with me.
If there's an overnight stop/control I'll take a toothbrush & paste and possibly a small towel (for the BCM600 where you can shower)

Loads of money.  I'm always amazed at how much can be spent at commercial controls/garages on  a long ride.

I like the MP3 idea. I bought a tiny FM radio during my LEJoG and was amazed at how the miles passed quicker, even while listening to items about Bulgarian crop rotation on Radio 4.


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #6 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:26:47 pm »
As others have said, warm clothing for night sections (needed even in the summer, believe me)

ISTR that the section from Menai to Dolgellau on the BCM last year was bloody freezing. I was wearing a SS top, arm warmers, a jacket and a woolly hat and I was still cold.


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #7 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:29:49 pm »

I remember finishing the Brevet Cymru one year at about 1:30 am, and on the final run down from the Shirenewton crossroads to Chepstow I had all my warm clothes on and was still shivering so much that I could hardly steer

I guess it's not just the cold, it's that you're tired and hungry and generally at a low ebb in those wee small hours


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #8 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:31:39 pm »
a complete change of clothes for wet / cold to dry / hot and a range of layers in between

a sleeping bag if I'm staying at l'Hotel Arrete Autobus

other than that nothing special; I've never even had a puncture on a 600.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #9 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:40:15 pm »
You will know what you need on a 600, if you do a  300, then 400 then 600. Learn from each ride, think about what worked, what didn't and how you might change things. With a careful and calculated build up a 600 will be no big deal.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #10 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:56:05 pm »
Tools: bike spanner, multitool, spare tube, preglued patches, tyre lever, pump
Medical: lipsalve, small amount of chamois cream, loo roll
Clothing: waterproof, spare shorts (I wear shorts, shirt, jersey, jacket, longs, gloves, and cap.  Depending on weather, some of this will be in my saddlebag)
Other: batteries, mp3 player, lightweight lock, space blanket. 
In my pockets: phone, cash, brevet card. 

With that lot I'm warm enough over the summer at night, reasonably comfortable, and reasonably self-sufficient.  If anything goes so badly wrong with me or the bike that I can't fix it with that lot, I wouldn't want to carry on anyway. 

The lock is a comfort when you want to nip into shops or go to the loo.  The space blanket makes sleeping in service stations and the like more comfortable.  I'd like to be able to carry more clothing, but I have a carradice barley and that's its limit.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #11 on: 03 April, 2008, 05:56:34 pm »
What saddlebags do people use on 600s?

My Carradice Barley has worked fine on rides up to and including 300km but I'd struggle to get much more in it for a 600km ride.

Rack Pack (Carradice or the Agu Yamathingy)?
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #12 on: 03 April, 2008, 06:01:53 pm »
What saddlebags do people use on 600s?

Carradice SQR as I don't routinely use a rack or indeed have eyelets for one). It does result in a more top heavy ride and probably pummels your 4rse more though; I've managed without even that on 2 (dry and sunny) 600s.


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #13 on: 03 April, 2008, 06:03:31 pm »
Rackpack usually.  That's normally enough. I did use a Carradice Camper monster saddlebag on LEL and on the BC600 perm.

Chris S

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #14 on: 03 April, 2008, 06:39:55 pm »
400km was my transition distance last year (my first SR) from Barley to SQR Tour. Basically, needing extra clothes for night makes the difference for me. Well, that and 3Kg of flapjack  :thumbsup:.

The Three Coats Coasts was a handy figure 8 course, so I could pack for a 400 using the SQR Tour for the first day, and then swap bag to a Barley for the remaining 200 on Sunday.


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #15 on: 03 April, 2008, 07:16:37 pm »
swap bag to a Barley for the remaining 200 on Sunday.

but where did you put the inflatable dinghy?


  • Three wheels on my wagon...
Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #16 on: 03 April, 2008, 07:17:59 pm »
Kit list like wot they said.

Used a Carradice Longflap camper (never used the longflap though!) last year. Trying out a Barley this year (on bagman support). 

Going to carry a Goretex bivvibag this year (without sleeping bag) as it packs down small and is a little more attractive than wrapping up in a space blanket - condensation - ugh!
Like Jehu, Son of Nimshi, who drove like a maniac...

Chris S

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #17 on: 03 April, 2008, 08:21:00 pm »
swap bag to a Barley for the remaining 200 on Sunday.

but where did you put the inflatable dinghy?

Second day was hilly, and only rained during the morning so no need for a dinghy really; warm and sunny in the afternoon. Sheesh - that climb through Padiham in the afternoon sun on Sunday - I was All Done In by then...

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #18 on: 03 April, 2008, 09:23:48 pm »
Only done one, took little more than I would for a 200.
I stuck on my Carradice Super C bag and put in an extra couple of tubes, and some food but I could have carried them in my jerseys.  Spare shorts and socks as well, but they were wetter than the ones I was wearing as it was raining so much the wet seaped through. 

Other than that it was so wet I wore everything else I was gonna be carrying in the bag.  We stopped after about 350km and slept a few hours in a bunkhouse so no need for carrying sleeping gear (I did miss my slippers and teddy  O:-) ;D).

So in summary: a bit more than I would on a 200, some extra clothes to cover weather changes.  Oh, and more batteries for my lights.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #19 on: 03 April, 2008, 09:25:24 pm »
I use a rack pack too for 600s. Done 300s with a Super C saddle pack but it has less capacity.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #20 on: 03 April, 2008, 09:28:01 pm »
It's a good plan to use a design of bag that allows you to strap stuff on the outside, I think.

In general, stuff doubles in volume over the course of a 600, as it gets sweaty and mucky and you begin to lose the will to pack stuff neatly.  You also need to factor in the large packet of biscuits you'll buy at one control, just in case, and carry round with you for the rest of the way, then throw out afterwards...

I usually use a rack pack (Arkel Tailrider).  For a typical 600, inside:  two spare tubes; headtorch; minitool; tyre patch; small toilet bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, Nurofen, and caffeine tablets (very rarely used); P20 sun stuff, if appropriate (ha!); iPod; phone; small cable lock; arm warmers; leg warmers; spare base layer; spare gloves; AA batteries for rear light; Buff; cotton cap; Montane windproof/showerproof top; Rainlegs (if the forecast is wet); a couple of energy bars; biro; zip ties; a couple of M5 bolts; my magic bungee.  Strapped on outside:  proper waterproof; overshoes, if I think I'll need them.  In third bottle cage:  old bottle containing tyre levers, repair kit, and another tube.

At any given time I may be wearing some or all of the garments mentioned above.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #21 on: 03 April, 2008, 09:48:29 pm »
It's a good plan to use a design of bag that allows you to strap stuff on the outside, I think.

I agree that is why I prefer a rack pack for a 600.

Chris S

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #22 on: 03 April, 2008, 09:53:19 pm »
In general, stuff doubles in volume over the course of a 600, as it gets sweaty and mucky and you begin to lose the will to pack stuff neatly.  You also need to factor in the large packet of biscuits you'll buy at one control, just in case...

Ha HA ! Yes! That moment when, at 6:30am when you've been riding all night, and you buy a Jumbo Family Pack of Cheddars (because you just can't take any more sweetstuff) eat two for breakfast, open your completely-stuffed-and-bursting-at-the-seams saddle bag and think, "WTF do I do with these?".

Yes, it's true. I've bought a packet of Cheddars (for the receipt),  eaten two,  and chucked the rest in the bin.

Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #23 on: 03 April, 2008, 10:41:08 pm »
Same as for a 200, plus a toothbrush.

Which is (roughly): rainjacket, windproof, kneewarmers if it's warm enough for shorts during the day, usual tools and pump, loo paper, possibly a spare pair of socks.

I find that on a 6 am start it's generally cold enough that I'm wearing most of the clothing I'll need. I just have to make sure there's enough room to store it in the heat of the day.


Re: 600km - What's in your Saddlebag?
« Reply #24 on: 04 April, 2008, 12:11:38 am »
swap bag to a Barley for the remaining 200 on Sunday.

but where did you put the inflatable dinghy?

Second day was hilly, and only rained during the morning so no need for a dinghy really; warm and sunny in the afternoon. Sheesh - that climb through Padiham in the afternoon sun on Sunday - I was All Done In by then...

check  :)

we got burnt up by a load of kids on BMX's on the way out of Padiham, and it was quite hard to actually stay with them; I had Ab Cohen for company for the rest of the ride; the man is an ox!