Author Topic: Weird post-cellulitis bruising  (Read 1726 times)


  • samoture
Weird post-cellulitis bruising
« on: 18 April, 2012, 04:02:49 pm »
I had a little flirtation with cellulitis a few years ago and since then, if I do a longish ride, the area which did have cellulitis swells up a bit and looks a bit bruised.  And hurts.  Then it goes away again and all is well with the world.  I haven't taken it terribly seriously but it's been three years now and I'd have expected any side effects to be gone.

Is this something with which I should be bothering my GP, or is it normal?   (Affecting the decision  to go / not go are the dual facts that my GP isn't terribly brilliant and it's easier to get past Cerberus by slipping him a piece of fresh liver than to get an appointment out of the receptionist.)


  • Just do it!
Re: Weird post-cellulitis bruising
« Reply #1 on: 18 April, 2012, 04:28:24 pm »
Sometimes, lymph drainage channels get blocked permanently after cellulitis, leaving the affected region more prone to swelling.
Light support like a Tubigrip and elevation may help.
You can ignore discoloration if there's no heat or pain.


  • samoture
Re: Weird post-cellulitis bruising
« Reply #2 on: 18 April, 2012, 04:55:58 pm »
Fab, thank you.  :thumbsup: