Author Topic: Hilleberg Nallo 3GT vs ME Dragonfly 3XT  (Read 2191 times)

Hilleberg Nallo 3GT vs ME Dragonfly 3XT
« on: 01 June, 2012, 07:25:20 pm »
Planning a trip from UK to Indonesia with the boyfriend and wondering what tent to get. We've whittled it down to the almost cultishly popular Nallo 3GT or the Mountain Equipment Dragonfly 3XT, which looks like it might bear up a bit better in a breeze with its crossed poles but still has the spacious porch and is a couple of hundred cheaper. We've borrowed a different Mountain Equipment tent last year and found the quality excellent, but most hardcore cycle tourers speak so highly of the Hilleberg we're wary we'll regret it if we go for something else.

The interweb is not short of Nallo reviews, but has anyone who's used a Dragonfly 3XT care to advise?

Our spec is a large porch space and low weight - no more than 3 kg, as well as good quality build and design and hopefully decent on-the-road support in case we need a spare pole in Azerbaijan or something.

Re: Hilleberg Nallo 3GT vs ME Dragonfly 3XT
« Reply #1 on: 01 June, 2012, 07:46:05 pm »
I don't know any more than the interwebs can tell me about a Dragonfly but from what I can link to I would say that the Hilleberg Nallo 3GT has a larger porch.   

Having toured for a few years with a Nallo 3GT I would always go for Hilleberg, so much so that when ours finally gave way in the face of days of relentless force 10 gales in Shetland we simply bought a Hilleberg Nammatj 3GT.   Heavier and slightly bigger inside as it tapers less in both head and side room, but still a fabulous tent to tour with.   


Re: Hilleberg Nallo 3GT vs ME Dragonfly 3XT
« Reply #2 on: 15 July, 2012, 06:21:06 pm »
I don't think a tunnel will be any less stable than a geodesic - what it won't do is shed snow in winter.