Author Topic: A random thread for food things that don't really warrant a thread of their own  (Read 525268 times)

Pancakes with After Eights as a filling are amazingly delicious. 3 AEs per pancake is a good ratio.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
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When nomming After Eights, how many is too many?

I think you have discovered the first foodstuff with nom-nominative  determinism


  • samoture


  • Just do it!
For some reason I decided to buy an avocado today so I'm looking up what to do with it (other than just eat it raw). Australian Avocados include the following advice:-

Warming, Heating and the Bain-marie

Dishes cooked with fresh avocados can be kept warm in a bain-marie for hours without loss of taste or texture. Reheating avocado-based dishes in the microwave is no problem however a whole piece of fruit will explode in the microwave after approximately 5 minutes heating.

Hmm, do I check this out? :D

Do you really want to.
Just about anything with skin intact will explode when microwaved. Tomatoes, avocados, eggs, the choice is yours!

Pancakes with After Eights as a filling are amazingly delicious. 3 AEs per pancake is a good ratio.

How had this never occured to me before?  :facepalm: :D
Unfortunately I had pancakes for dinner last night, so may have to wait a few days to try this.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
When nomming After Eights, how many is too many?
As long as you remove the empty wrappers from the box, as many as you like.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


  • Just do it!
I have just bought myself a Sainsbury's Anytime Delivery Pass for a year. For £66 (Special Offer) I get all deliveries on orders over £40 free.

Methinks that's some people's main justification for car ownership paid for the price of a week's car ownership.


  • A bodge too far
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    • My stuff on eBay
You can't judge a book by its cover, but you can judge a loaf of bread by its crust.  Discuss.
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  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo

IMG_2553 by The Pingus, on Flickr


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
Smoked mackerel followed by Kir Royals was probably not the best idea burp-wise  :-\

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
If you peel and chop some banananananas, then freeze the pieces for a few hours, then whizz the pieces for ages in a blender, they turn into delicious bananananana fake icecream. I added some almond butter and some cacao nibs, and it's ace.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
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Sounds yum!
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
The benefits of being organised in the kitchen: I cleaned up properly before I started and cleared my working area, prepped all the ingredients, worked out (and wrote down) the timings...

And ended up with roast beef still just pink in the middle; roast potatoes that were golden and crisp outside, fluffy inside; light, well-risen Yorkshire puddings; sweet, tender, golden roast parsnips; sprouts that were fully cooked but still had a bit of bite; smooth carrot and swede mash; and rich, full-flavoured gravy.

I'm just showing off, really - feeling a bit smug because my usual attempts at roast dinner are rather more chaotic, with some bits overdone, some underdone, and nothing ready at the same time.

And now I'm bloody stuffed.  ;D
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Co-op's 85% cocoa dark chocolate. Mmmmm, a cure for many ills.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
    • Twitter
Whilst IMO, Montezuma's chocolate is entirely over rated.
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
The truffles are nicer than the bars.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

I had a work Xmas dinner last night.  Being vegetarian, I had the veggie option - cheese souffle (it's always bloody cheese*), which was, to say the least, a bit odd.  I don't remember ever having souffle before, but I'm sure it's supposed to be light.  I was more similar to a dumpling, in an odd dumbell shape.  Is that really normal?  I quite like dumpling, but normally in some sort of sauce or stew, rather than plopped on a plate.  It was very odd.

*Don't get me wrong, I like cheese, but sometimes a non-cheese veggie option would be nice, especially if the starter & main are both cheese based.


My work christmas do yesterday was at an indian curry house.

I had a work Xmas dinner last night.  Being vegetarian, I had the veggie option - cheese souffle (it's always bloody cheese*), which was, to say the least, a bit odd.  I don't remember ever having souffle before, but I'm sure it's supposed to be light.  I was more similar to a dumpling, in an odd dumbell shape.  Is that really normal?  I quite like dumpling, but normally in some sort of sauce or stew, rather than plopped on a plate.  It was very odd.

*Don't get me wrong, I like cheese, but sometimes a non-cheese veggie option would be nice, especially if the starter & main are both cheese based.

Get posh and call it Tortilla or Fritata. Enjoy. Job done.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
I had a work Xmas dinner last night.  Being vegetarian, I had the veggie option - cheese souffle (it's always bloody cheese*), ...

*Don't get me wrong, I like cheese, but sometimes a non-cheese veggie option would be nice, especially if the starter & main are both cheese based.
I feel your pain. Vegetarian sandwiches? Cheese or egg, cheese or egg...

A few years ago a new sandwich place opened near my workplace and they had things like spicy bean pate. I mentioned how pleased I was that they had options other than cheese or egg. A few weeks later they had nothing but cheese or egg, and I pointed out how disappointing that was. The woman behind the counter suggested that if I didn't want cheese, I could have mozzarella.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
If you didn't want egg, you could have had egg mayonnaise.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Just do it!
If you didn't want egg, you could have had egg mayonnaise.

Why do those supplying food to omnivores and vegetarians have so little imagination?
Can't sandwich makers do peanut butter & salad or Nutella & banana? Why???
I accept felafel or hummus might stretch their thoughts beyond breaking point but...
M&S seem to have some interesting vegetarian sandwiches.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
I think peanut butter and banana might be good combination. I'd try one right now but we have no bananas, very little bread left and I'm rather full anyway.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

At Sainsburys this evening, they had a bottle of generic port for £6. I'm no port connoisseur, so the name meant nothing to me, but isn't that cheap for port? 20% alcohol was what caught my eye!!! I didn't buy it, but I'm tempted to return.
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.


  • Apprentice geezer
^^^for cooking if nothing else. A splash for the sauce, a splash for the chef...
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight