Author Topic: A random thread for food things that don't really warrant a thread of their own  (Read 532716 times)


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
As we are at my parents' house tomorrow, I have been preparing boxing day lunch. A gammon has been simmered in cider, cinnamon, star anise with some peppercorns. Red cabbage with apple is made so all I need to do now is the other veg and bake the gammon.

The house really christmassy!
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
The legendary Boxing Day poo has not arrived yet.  There was a normal-sized one after breakfast but the leviathan, U-blocking, Thames Water-stupefying main course hasn't made an appearance.

Maybe I should get on the Wii Fit board before and after, then it will be very pleased that I've lost about 6lb almost instantly.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


  • Apprentice geezer
As we are at my parents' house tomorrow, I have been preparing boxing day lunch. A gammon has been simmered in cider, cinnamon, star anise with some peppercorns. Red cabbage with apple is made so all I need to do now is the other veg and bake the gammon.

The house really christmassy!

Sounds good.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
T42, apart from the fact I missed off the word smells from my last sentence, it worked brilliantly.

Now totally repeat!
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


I'm seconded to a regulatory body at the moment and we get sandwiches at lunchtime :thumbsup:

Some of the others complain that there are too many veggie ones!  Good veggie ones too, we get falafel, cream cheese and roast veg, and hummus salad which is an improvement on cheese or egg (I really do not like egg sarnies).  The meaty ones look good too but are too heavy on the chicken for me.  I suspect it of being unhappy chicken which I try not to eat.

If I suggest a veggie restaurant the usual response is the look of horror usually reserved for opening the door to discover that (a) there's a large group of carol singers about to launch into Silent Night and (b) they're all zombies and (c) you realise you've forgot your dressing gown and you're standing there in your underpants.

Fortunately, through some particular moral gymnastics, I eat fish otherwise I'd be surviving solely on cheese. I like cheese but you know, sometimes. Plus, there's an obsession with goat's cheese in veggie food and I hate goats cheese (goats cheese put me in a Parisian A&E). So sometimes even the cheese option is off the cards. That means a lot of tuna sandwiches and it's always bloody tuna and cheese, a combination that the rest of the world needs to figure out doesn't work. Tuna is fine. Melted cheese is fine. Together, it's horrid, yet the tuna melt is omnipresent on sandwich shop menus, goose stepping across my palate.

I have friends and family who select restaurants on the basis that there might be a single item on the menu that I could eat. It's of no relevance that I might not want to eat it. I'm mostly tolerant because I'm the faddist, but you know, a meal without half a cow or chicken it in won't kill anyone.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
I've cooked or assisted in the cooking of two Christmas dinners in two days, both in someone else's kitchen.

I do like cooking Christmas dinner.


  • samoture
Ian, I can strongly recommend this veggie restaurant.  I went there with a group for a friend's birthday and C was bewildered by choice (usually she just selects "the one veggie item on the menu").


  • samoture
My random food thing: I love cooking Christmas dinner too.  This year we had chicken, courtesy of my parents' chicken rearing endeavours, with Proper Stuffing, a chestnut tart thing for C, slow-cooked red cabbage, sprouts and chestnuts, roast potatoes & parsnips, and just to enliven things I tried making a cranberry and sage sauce I'd not tried before (it worked well).  Almost everything was prepped before it needed cooking so I didn't have to spend socialising time in the kitchen.

Then C stole the show with some sort of drugs that make eating lemons taste like eating sweeties, so we had SCIENCE for pudding.

Agreed, I also enjoyed cooking christmas lunch. I found I would be cooking as Mum was collecting Gran and then keeping her entertained.

So as there were no trains on Tuesday to get to work I sat down and planned the cooking. MS Project produced a nice schedule and I printed out the timeline. Then managed to stay on or ahead of schedule the whole way through, Dad was put to work to prep veg and wash-up as we went and when Mum got home she was at a loose end as she was not needed in the kitchen.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
How much trifle is too much? Also, is it ok to decide that instead of brandy butter or cream (my mum never lets us have custard) with Christmas pudding, you will have it with trifle?
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
For Christmas dinner #1 (chez parents, 24 Dec), I had both Christmas pudding and trifle but it didn't occur to me to have them together. I like your way of thinking.

My mum provided a choice of brandy butter or champagne cream (both Waitrose). Never been a fan of brandy butter but the champagne cream was rather good.

For Christmas dinner #2 (home, 25 Dec), I had Christmas pud with custard. I made the pud, I made the custard, I therefore get to make the rules.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Made some broth from the chicken carcass that was left over. The slow cooker is getting plenty of use at the mo. It was used to cook the chicken too. Dead easy and will be repeated.


  • samoture
The leftovers are gone!

But fortunately the Co-Op had yellow-labelled their goat cheese and beetroot chutney pizza (tasted much better than it sounds….)

Leftover goose, bread sauce and stuffing. With special beetroot. Nom.
It's 'meals' like this that mean I'll never want Christmas in a hotel.

How much trifle is too much? ...
Trifle . . . too much?

Does not compute.
"A woman on a bicycle has all the world before her where to choose; she can go where she will, no man hindering." The Type-Writer Girl, 1897

As Miss Ham is mostly pretty OK wrt family living, I am mostly indulgent of such relatively infrequent times as she comes home after a party or night out and cooks up food either for herself or herself and her paramour (yes I know that isn't strictly the right term but I just like it, OK?), although cleaning up the debris the morning after can take a while.

New Year's Eve is certainly a candidate for such indulgence, which is fine, but I think I am allowed a minor grin after realising that - in cooking up a sauce for her pasta (and here I'm actually slightly proud that she realises that you don't have to get stuff ready made out of jars) - she had taken a tube of harissa as tomato puree  :demon:


Ian, I can strongly recommend this veggie restaurant.  I went there with a group for a friend's birthday and C was bewildered by choice (usually she just selects "the one veggie item on the menu").

That looks quite nice, but I'm thinking of falling off the vegetarian wagon, sadly everyone I know is carnivorous and I'm getting tired of eating the the only veggie item on the menu. After getting the chef to decontaminate it of the ubiquitous goat cheese. I'd probably only get them into a veggie restaurant at gunpoint and then I'd have to put up with an evening of 'can I get a steak with that, hur hur'. Plus I was in Nandos the other day and I swear my friend's chicken starting whispering 'eat me! eat me!' as I chewed through yet another horrid wallpaper paste-and-veggie burger.

Ian, I can strongly recommend this veggie restaurant.  I went there with a group for a friend's birthday and C was bewildered by choice (usually she just selects "the one veggie item on the menu").

That looks quite nice, but I'm thinking of falling off the vegetarian wagon, sadly everyone I know is carnivorous and I'm getting tired of eating the the only veggie item on the menu. After getting the chef to decontaminate it of the ubiquitous goat cheese. I'd probably only get them into a veggie restaurant at gunpoint and then I'd have to put up with an evening of 'can I get a steak with that, hur hur'. Plus I was in Nandos the other day and I swear my friend's chicken starting whispering 'eat me! eat me!' as I chewed through yet another horrid wallpaper paste-and-veggie burger.

My policy is to eat veggie if I like it and not if it is goats cheese, blue cheese or mainly mushrooms :sick:. I prefer to be veggie, but my principles don't extend to paying for yucky food. (or paying £12 for risotto). I stopped being fully vegetarian when mushroom risotto topped with goats cheese was the thing everywhere did.
Quote from: Kim
^ This woman knows what she's talking about.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Term at makes a note never to serve mushrooms or goats cheese to Butterfly*

* there is little chance of the latter and almost zero of the former, due to 2 people in our house hating mushrooms and only one liking goats cheese :)
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
    • Twitter
Send me all your goats cheese and I'll eat it :P
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Send me all your goats cheese and I'll eat it :P

It's in the post :)
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


Ian, I can strongly recommend this veggie restaurant.  I went there with a group for a friend's birthday and C was bewildered by choice (usually she just selects "the one veggie item on the menu").

That looks quite nice, but I'm thinking of falling off the vegetarian wagon, sadly everyone I know is carnivorous and I'm getting tired of eating the the only veggie item on the menu. After getting the chef to decontaminate it of the ubiquitous goat cheese. I'd probably only get them into a veggie restaurant at gunpoint and then I'd have to put up with an evening of 'can I get a steak with that, hur hur'. Plus I was in Nandos the other day and I swear my friend's chicken starting whispering 'eat me! eat me!' as I chewed through yet another horrid wallpaper paste-and-veggie burger.

My policy is to eat veggie if I like it and not if it is goats cheese, blue cheese or mainly mushrooms :sick:. I prefer to be veggie, but my principles don't extend to paying for yucky food. (or paying £12 for risotto). I stopped being fully vegetarian when mushroom risotto topped with goats cheese was the thing everywhere did.

Yes, mushroom is the other thing I don't really like. I can tolerate mushrooms as a secondary ingredient but anything primarily mushroomy is to be avoided. There's nothing more awesomely foetid than portobello mushroom and goats cheese 'veggie' option that seems to exist in every burger restaurant. I also can't stand blue cheese. It's off.

Anyway, I fell off the wagon in spectacular style – I had a pepperoni pizza with hot dog in the crust. Dirty yet heavenly. Staying on the wagon would have probably entailed getting a new set of friends and a replacement wife which was frankly too much effort. It was even more of a pain when travelling, you think the vegetarian options are limited in the UK! I've only survived via fish (I had to eat a huge plate of fish heads in Ghana earlier this year while telling my host how good they were – there's no context in which a meal that consists entirely of fish heads is good).

Send me all your goats cheese and I'll eat it :P

It's in the post :)

I have looked very carefully in this post, I've even tried licking the screen, but I just don't think it is. You are teasing.

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
    • Twitter
I ate it all already, Ham.
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Plus I was in Nandos the other day and I swear my friend's chicken starting whispering 'eat me! eat me!' as I chewed through yet another horrid wallpaper paste-and-veggie burger.

Vegetarians in Nando's. A recipe for disaster...
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."