Author Topic: camera for 12/13 yo  (Read 981 times)


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camera for 12/13 yo
« on: 06 November, 2012, 09:35:51 am »
Peep #1 has expressed a desire to own her own camera. She likes my Lumix GF2 (no way!) but finds the zoom range of the 14-42mm lens restrictive (phew ;)). My old Fuji S5600 has the zoom but lacks "modern" features like HD video and a big crisp display but she likes the mode wheel. I'm therefore thinking perhaps of one of the newer Fuji range like the the SL240.

Any other recommendations? Budget is around £150.
Pen Pusher

Re: camera for 12/13 yo
« Reply #1 on: 06 November, 2012, 09:45:10 am »
What will she be doing with the images?  I ask because a 'bridge' camera, with the smaller sensor (1/2.3"), may be a good option versatility wise - but it's more bulky, which can be very important if the camera is being left at home because it becomes too much hassle to lug it around.  The smaller sensor may become limiting if she is trying to print big/ crop in.  Though using a decent long zoom can overcome the cropping in issue to a certain extent - small apertures become more of an issue the longer the focal length.

What about the Panasonic Lumix TZ-xx series?  24-384mm

edit.  mini ao (14) has been borrowing my LX3 e.g. on museum visits etc, and although it has limited zoom the f/2-2.8 and 1/1.63" sensor (and Img.Stab.) means that it's pretty good for available light. 

So, perhaps buying s/h and going for a larger sensor/available light option camera may be the way to go...  I've seen G2s on ebay for £150.
Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson


Re: camera for 12/13 yo
« Reply #2 on: 06 November, 2012, 11:24:17 pm »
Check out the Canon SX150 IS

It's a lot of camera, by a top brand, for about £90 at Argos amongst others

When I compare the feature set with some of my older cameras, and the price, it's mind-boggling what has happened in 10 years.

OK, it's not perfect but it's £90 and 28-336mm zoom is a great range.

AA batteries are still a nice to have in my opinion.

Re: camera for 12/13 yo
« Reply #3 on: 07 November, 2012, 09:45:34 am »
If potability isn't the main concern go for the Fuji. Ultimate image quality wont be her main concern at that age and the Fuji is very versatile has macro and a huge zoom and 720 HD video that keeps shooting whilst you zoom plus an EVF. It also looks more exiting than a compact camera which might be important to a kid. I like Fuji bridge cameras, for the price they are excellent.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.