Author Topic: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?  (Read 204886 times)

Chris S

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #200 on: 15 April, 2013, 06:19:23 pm »
More anecdata from the World of Audax.

I was forced at gunpoint ate a substantial slice of Coffee & Walnut cake at the half way point on Saturday's ride; it was all that was available on the "Cyclists Deal" at the cafe :(.

Yesterday, we rode a 200 and I kept it pretty righteous carb-wise, though I did have half a pint at the pub, at 150km, with my Caesar salad. Oh and some wine in the evening. Oh - and carrots (below-the-ground veggies are generally frowned on, on keto diets).

This morning, ketones were 1.8mMol, and blood sugar 5.1mMol, so right on the money really. It's nice to know that mid-audax cake is not a complete disaster keto-wise, but I'm not about to make a habit of it - I was just as happy with a fry-up yesterday.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #201 on: 15 April, 2013, 06:43:18 pm »
My fiancée has joined me in this diet, and is starting to wish she'd waited. She's lost so much weight that the wedding dress she was fitted for no longer fits, and needed to be adjusted again.

She's had to introduce some carbs back into her diet again to try and maintain her current weight, so that the dress will still fit in 3 weeks time.

And she's hating being back on the carbs again. She feels so hungry, it was something that had gone away while on the keto diet, and wasn't missed.

She'll be back on it again as soon as the Wedding is over :)

Start now and make the wedding breakfast a full english!

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #202 on: 16 April, 2013, 08:19:08 am »
.......... It's nice to know that mid-audax cake is not a complete disaster keto-wise, ...........................
That's encouraging ....... not as much as the beer bit though ......... ;D

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #203 on: 14 May, 2013, 11:17:18 am »
Reporting back from my first proper 'long ride' since going ketogenic:  Adam's "Tilting At Windmills" ride on Saturday - see

My day was 115km in total, with stiff headwinds the first 50km.
While I wouldn't go so far as to say it was "a piece of cake" (pardon the expression), I did find it remarkable for lack of "struggle". 

I had a normal breakfast, normal lunch in pub, normal dinner when we got home (very late). Nothing else.
I experienced no fatigue, no hunger, no thinking about food.
Drank normal amounts of water with Hi5 Zero tabs.
I felt pretty great the whole day actually, even on the hills and in the wind.

(Okay, there was one long drag where I was cursing Adam but that was more because he'd said "no more hills from here to Tring", not because the hill was a b*st*rd. Although, it kinda was. At one point I looked for a lower gear that I just didn't have. Not finding it, I just MTFU'd and got on with it. Certainly no problem with energy to do it.)

Perhaps more striking though was how I felt after the ride. I was tired when I got home, but didn't have that urge to crash that I used to get. Of course that may be because this was a day right rather than a FNRttC!  Next day, I had a little soreness in the calves and hamstrings (my usual weaknesses) but, to be honest, I've felt worse after a Pilates session. Normal activities through Sunday and didn't give it a thought. Was back on the bike Monday (yesterday) - felt absolutely normal - did a fast 10km then went looking for some hills! (Not like me at all!! But I'm getting better and beginning to <<gulp>> enjoy it.) Today, I'm rarin' to do Wowbagger's overnight Cambridge to Southend on Friday night!

This was my first ride over 57km since mid-October, having switched to a ketogenic diet on 7 November 2012.

All in all, I've experienced no cons and found some surprising pros to this diet - and that's on top of the IBS relief and slow weight loss.

I'm sticking with it.

P.S. just changed forum name - it was vintagesteel, if anyone's confused!

2013 custom Enigma Etape
2010 Surly Cross Check
1978 Puch Princess mixte
2012 bespoke Brompton S8L

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #204 on: 20 May, 2013, 01:33:01 pm »
Did Wowbagger's overnight ride from Cambridge to Southend last Friday/Saturday - third longest ride of my life! Same experience really as reported last week, but my knees started playing up about 100km into it and I really suffered from the lack of sleep (first overnight ride since last September). Packet of pork scratchings at mid-way stop, just to munch on something. I'm really appreciating not being enslaved to constant carb feedings and also lack of muscle soreness afterwards.

Chris, Lindsay - how are things going for you two?

2013 custom Enigma Etape
2010 Surly Cross Check
1978 Puch Princess mixte
2012 bespoke Brompton S8L

Chris S

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #205 on: 20 May, 2013, 01:58:30 pm »
I've been much less strict on long rides recently, and rather oddly (because I don't really know why it was - perhaps a couple of pints of beer last Wednesday was the cause) I was completely out of ketosis on Friday, scoring 0.2mmol in a morning test.

Audax-wise, we're onto the longer events now; events that are more than a day ride, so encompass actual mealtimes. We are both pretty accomplished at being able to ride long stretches on little or no food, without any negative energy impact; which must be down to much improved fat metabolism, even if full keto-adaptation is absent.

But low-carb eating is very inconvenient. Stop at a Costa for example, and you won't find anything on the menu that doesn't contain carbs. Garages are ok - Babybels are available, as are meaty treats - but I've been happy to revert to more conventional audax food such as a Ginster's sausage roll - it doesn't seem to affect things overall.

We were able to ride 240km of Saturday's 400 (at pretty high pace, averaging 28kph) before we had a sit-down stop, which was Tesco Cafe, Gainsborough. The place looked like it had been sacked - there were no hot food options, and we had to make do with toasties and panninis. More carbs than we'd like, but we avoided anything sweet.

We have, on the odd occasion we've actually ridden in conditions that one might remotely refer to as "warm", had an ice cream at a garage stop, but we generally avoid anything sweet.

At the 320km point on Saturday, we stopped at a pub, and shared a burger meal; fboab had the cheeseburger contents of the burger, and I made a chip-butty out of the rest.

Overall, we're both finding continued gain in energy management and flow on long rides. But we've both found the appetite management less effective. But then again, perhaps that's because we've upped the mileage quite a lot recently (600k weekend, then two weeks later a 400km) so perhaps we're just hungry!

Away from audaxing, we're still pretty strictly LCHF; I've stopped monitoring now, but my daily carb intake is probably 50g or just under - and if I'm strict with my milk-in-tea problem, probably more like 25 or 30g.

As I said a long way up-thread, I did this mostly for weightloss and energy management. In that respect having lost 15Kg since Christmas 2012, and being able to ride 250km of a fast audax on little more than finger food, I'd say it's continuing to be a success.


  • It'll soon be summer
    • Charity ride Durness to Dover 18-25th June 2011
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #206 on: 17 July, 2013, 09:42:07 pm »
I've discovered another plus of the ketogenic diet in this hot weather (apart from being able to eat strawberries and loads of cream whenever I like). 

In the past, the sweat running down my face into my eyes really made them sting, due to the salt.  Now, my sweat is hardly salty at all, so no stinging.
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein


  • Just do it!
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #207 on: 17 July, 2013, 09:46:58 pm »
I thought sweat became less salty as heat adaptation improved anyway...


  • It'll soon be summer
    • Charity ride Durness to Dover 18-25th June 2011
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #208 on: 17 July, 2013, 09:56:13 pm »
I thought sweat became less salty as heat adaptation improved anyway...

Never noticed that in the past.  Or maybe I never adapted to heat previously.
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #209 on: 23 July, 2013, 10:26:28 am »
Here's just thing for Keto- nuts, or should that be, fruits  Clicky


  • I am a mole and I live in a hole.
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #210 on: 02 September, 2013, 11:23:50 am »
A couple of links to bring this thread back from the dead.

Measurements of VO2 max before and after a keto-diet.

An article in Nature about low carb diets and their effects on health and various conditions including cholesterol levels and type 2 diabetes. I've not finished reading it yet (it's quite long) but it's interesting, even though I only understand the general parts and not the in depth specifics.

Chris S

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #211 on: 01 October, 2013, 11:26:43 am »
We're both back on the Keto-wagon now.

It all became a little too inconvenient during the Long Ride season - and after all, we'd paid for the food on LEL, so we might as well eat it. So we did. Since LEL we've been pretty much indulging in whatever carby cravings we had, as we concentrated on a pretty tough sequence of post LEL rides (300,400,300,300,200,300,200), and the scales are showing it now - thereby proving once more, long distance cycling is completely useless for weight control.

Day off for me today, so I had time in hand to make a proper breakfast. Bacon, almond buns (Egg delivery system for those allergic to egg), mushrooms in loads of butter, berries & cream. A great many calories but only 6g Carbs.

Not expecting to be hungry again today!

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #212 on: 01 October, 2013, 11:37:13 am »
What are almond buns? These sound tasty.

Chris S

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #213 on: 01 October, 2013, 11:50:32 am »
What are almond buns? These sound tasty.

They are, very tasty - but I use them as an egg delivery mechanism. Eggs make me very unwell - but when bound to some floury type stuff (almond flour in this case) they're OK.

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #214 on: 01 October, 2013, 11:56:46 am »
Thanks Chris, I think I need these in my life. Will be testing these :)


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #215 on: 01 October, 2013, 12:21:46 pm »
Fried mushrooms? that reminds me, what to do with these bad boys I picked from the "lawn" this morning.

Its hard to judge scale, but consider it about a buckets worth of mushrooms.

To my eyes they look like the mushrooms I buy in Sainsburys allbeit much bigger. So what does the team think, edibleworth eating? How to cook them?

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #216 on: 01 October, 2013, 01:19:52 pm »
I'd eat those, unless they bruise yellow or exude purple on cooking.

(I'll eat anything, mind)

Chris S

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #217 on: 07 October, 2013, 09:30:34 am »
Y'know, the very concept of Bullet-proof Coffee sounds revolting:

1. Strong black coffee
2. 25g Organic grass-fed unsalted butter
3. 2 Tsps Coconut oil
4. A blender

But it's actually quite yummy - and makes a great substitute for breakfast.

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #218 on: 07 October, 2013, 08:45:30 pm »
Have any of you HFLC dieters had a blood cholesterol test done since starting this diet? I try to follow a Paleo lifestyle and my total cholesterol was recently measured to be 7.7 mmol (NHS recomend <5). My HDL (good cholesterol) had also gone up so the ratio of total/hdl had gone down since my cholesterol was last checked in '09 when I ate a pescatarian (fish and veg) diet. So although this ratio of total/hdl has gone down and I am less risk of a heart attack my GP still wants to see my total cholesterol figure lower. I wondered what your experiences were?

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #219 on: 07 October, 2013, 09:28:03 pm »
I'll have to dig out the figures but I've only had my cholesterol checked twice in my life:  this summer and about 13 years ago, each time after an extended period back on a ketogenic diet. Both times I was told I had the best cholesterol levels of anybody they'd (nurses and GP respectively) ever seen, in every respect. The GP did say it's the ratio that's important. Volek & Phinney's books explain why this is, and why particle size is even more important, for both types of cholesterol.

2013 custom Enigma Etape
2010 Surly Cross Check
1978 Puch Princess mixte
2012 bespoke Brompton S8L

Chris S

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #220 on: 07 October, 2013, 10:31:27 pm »
I'd quite like a full blood check, but it's not something you can just turn up at your GP and demand.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #221 on: 08 October, 2013, 11:14:20 am »
Have any of you HFLC dieters had a blood cholesterol test done since starting this diet? I try to follow a Paleo lifestyle and my total cholesterol was recently measured to be 7.7 mmol (NHS recomend <5). My HDL (good cholesterol) had also gone up so the ratio of total/hdl had gone down since my cholesterol was last checked in '09 when I ate a pescatarian (fish and veg) diet. So although this ratio of total/hdl has gone down and I am less risk of a heart attack my GP still wants to see my total cholesterol figure lower. I wondered what your experiences were?
What is - or was - a Paleo lifestyle? Presumably most of it can only be conjecture.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Just do it!
Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #222 on: 08 October, 2013, 12:04:21 pm »
I'd quite like a full blood check, but it's not something you can just turn up at your GP and demand.

You could enquire if your GP practice does 'Men's Health' checks. These are routinely offered to middle-aged men and include cholesterol & BP checks. They also check for diabetes.

I know they are done here in London but have no clue about elsewhere.

I think some pharmacies offer cholesterol checks.

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #223 on: 08 October, 2013, 12:22:02 pm »
My cholesterol check was part of my 'Well Man check-up'

Re: Ketogenic diet - fad or phenom?
« Reply #224 on: 25 October, 2013, 08:12:10 pm »
Maybe I shouldn't worry about my cholesterol. See this Aus programme.