Author Topic: What was the last film you watched?  (Read 964512 times)


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3625 on: 04 November, 2013, 06:29:08 pm »
Austenland.  FFS.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

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Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3626 on: 04 November, 2013, 06:40:01 pm »
Ender's Game. S'awright. Good effects. Great Harrison Ford-ing from Harrison Ford.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3627 on: 05 November, 2013, 09:43:31 am »
Thor 2 or Thor returns or something.

'twas ok. Some bits of humor. Loki gets the best scenes.

Prolonged trailers before the film. Every single one seemed to be for a film where the hero leaped about swinging a sword and defeating monsters.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3628 on: 05 November, 2013, 10:02:02 am »
One day while I was off work a couple of weeks ago, the afternoon matinee on Film4 was Tora! Tora! Tora! which I've never seen before, and it turns out to be a lot less gung-ho than I'd imagined, and a lot more balanced in its portrayal of the two sides, not particularly favouring the Americans as you might imagine. Very interesting indeed. And the attack is spectacularly done.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3629 on: 05 November, 2013, 10:11:32 am »

It's very good IMO, Steve Coogan has done an excellent job of handling an emotional subject in a way that doesn't wallow in it.  Judi Dench as good as ever.

Move Faster and Bake Things


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3630 on: 05 November, 2013, 04:59:41 pm »
One day while I was off work a couple of weeks ago, the afternoon matinee on Film4 was Tora! Tora! Tora! which I've never seen before, and it turns out to be a lot less gung-ho than I'd imagined, and a lot more balanced in its portrayal of the two sides, not particularly favouring the Americans as you might imagine. Very interesting indeed. And the attack is spectacularly done.
It makes Pearl Harbor (the film) look like the unmitigated pile of shite that it is.

Yamamoto is great.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3631 on: 06 November, 2013, 07:25:46 pm »
Quite enjoyed Thor 2 on the big IMAX telly. The 3D was a bit pointless, as usual, but I quite wearing the big glasses, though it seems the Jimmy Savile impressions are now frowned upon. Anyway, it didn't seem to take itself too seriously, there was plenty of crash-bang. Though it did upset someone ('Greenwich is not three stops from Charing Cross' someone in the row ahead of us indignantly pointed out, to have his companion declare 'it's not even on the Tube!').

It's no wonder Americans get lost.

I think Gravity's up next on the big telly. I'm going to make it 4D by drinking heavily beforehand.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3632 on: 07 November, 2013, 01:19:56 pm »
'Greenwich is not three stops from Charing Cross' someone in the row ahead of us indignantly pointed out, to have his companion declare 'it's not even on the Tube!'

Ironically [kind of], Charing Cross used to be on the Jubilee Line until they built the extension. It would have been more than three stops to [North] Greenwich though.

Anyway, when it comes to taking liberties with Tube geography, Sliding Doors is surely a far greater offender.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3633 on: 07 November, 2013, 01:31:11 pm »
Took No2Son & No2Daughter to the metropolis (Ipswich) to see Ender's Game as for some reason Hicksville are shunting it to crap time slots.

Was OK. No2Son & I thoroughly bored No2Daughter (to the extent she walked off and left us to it) with our inevitable ways-it-disappointed-compared-to-the-book geekery.

The best thing about it was the trailer for Catching Fire. *excited*


  • Retired
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3634 on: 07 November, 2013, 02:49:57 pm »
Django Unchained. It's a looong film.

What I found interesting is that with films like Spartacus, Lawrence of Arabia, A Bridge Too Far etc, when the film ends you look at the clock and think Crikey! Is it that time already? Tarantino, on the other hand, has managed to make a long film seem even longer than it is.
"The Opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject"  Marcus Aurelius

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3635 on: 07 November, 2013, 03:02:37 pm »
The Pathfinder on TV last night when I couldn't sleep.

Blimey that was violent. Virtually no dialogue and very dark cinematography. Vikings versus native Americans.
I quite liked it but maybe just because it was a lot better than what's usually on at 3:00am in the morning.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

Wascally Weasel

  • Slayer of Dragons and killer of threads.
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3636 on: 07 November, 2013, 04:13:01 pm »
'Greenwich is not three stops from Charing Cross' someone in the row ahead of us indignantly pointed out, to have his companion declare 'it's not even on the Tube!'

Ironically [kind of], Charing Cross used to be on the Jubilee Line until they built the extension. It would have been more than three stops to [North] Greenwich though.

Anyway, when it comes to taking liberties with Tube geography, Sliding Doors is surely a far greater offender.

Sliding Doors took a much greater liberty in suggesting that someone endlessly reciting a Monty Python sketch, in public, would result in widespread hilarity.

The rowing bit involved members of my old rowing club.

red marley

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3637 on: 07 November, 2013, 04:41:50 pm »
Anyway, when it comes to taking liberties with Tube geography, Sliding Doors is surely a far greater offender.

Sliding Doors took a much greater liberty in suggesting that someone endlessly reciting a Monty Python sketch, in public, would result in widespread hilarity.

It took greater liberties still in suggesting that somebody watching that film even for 10 minutes might think it time well spent. Although I do admire the way they managed to depict two parallel worlds that simultaneously combined both a smug sub-Curtis middle class fairytale London with American cultural imperialism. And both without recourse to irony.


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3638 on: 08 November, 2013, 10:26:34 pm »
Dead Poets Society for about the 30th time.  It's still the best final scene in cinema.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3639 on: 09 November, 2013, 12:35:12 pm »
Berberian Sound Studio

Slightly off kilter British film in which a sound engineer slowly unravels.  A film that is more about building a chilling, otherworldly atmosphere, than plot progression.  That's a poncey way of saying nothing much happens, but it is still slightly engaging.  Worth catching in passing if you don't mind that not a huge amount happens in its 90 minute running time.  It's not one you can have on in the background though, as it needs a bit of concentration to keep pace with WTFIGO.

Contains melon and radish abuse most foul and unnatural.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3640 on: 10 November, 2013, 12:42:47 am »
2001: A Space Odyssey

I thought I'd seen it before, but acksherly it seems I'd just seen lots of bits of it over the years and possi-probably read it 30-odd years ago.  Playing as part of Leeds Film Festival, onna big screen, in Leeds Town Hall.  It made my head hurt.  I haven't decided yet if I liked it or not.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3641 on: 10 November, 2013, 12:49:03 am »
Dog Soldiers is on at the minute. High quality British horror movie rubbish. It's got Sean faacking Pertwee as a squaddie, so it must be good, innit?
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  • Timelord
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Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3642 on: 10 November, 2013, 01:00:20 am »
2001: A Space Odyssey

I thought I'd seen it before, but acksherly it seems I'd just seen lots of bits of it over the years and possi-probably read it 30-odd years ago.  Playing as part of Leeds Film Festival, onna big screen, in Leeds Town Hall.  It made my head hurt.  I haven't decided yet if I liked it or not.

*is jealous*

I grew up on Clarke novels, and it's a perfectly good one that actually makes sense and everything.  2010 is fine too.  Best to stop after that one though.

The film of 2001 is basically Kubrick loosely wanking around the same story, but he does it *so* fantastically well.  Never mind the plot, it's all about the pretty spaceships and physics pr0n.  No CGI here, remember...

2010 is, in contrast, a completely unremarkable 80s film notable only for mostly making sense and having Helen Mirren in it. 


  • Tyke
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3643 on: 10 November, 2013, 07:16:08 am »
2001: A Space Odyssey

I thought I'd seen it before, but acksherly it seems I'd just seen lots of bits of it over the years and possi-probably read it 30-odd years ago.  Playing as part of Leeds Film Festival, onna big screen, in Leeds Town Hall.  It made my head hurt.  I haven't decided yet if I liked it or not.

I first saw it in about 1980.  I still haven't decided if I liked it or not.

I've read a lot of Clarke, including the 2001 series (Edit: Wikipedia tells me there's a furth book in the series i wasn't aware of).  Confudingly, I read The Sentinel afte i read 2001.  I didn't reakise its signifivsncr until i was some way into it.

Personally, i prefr Rendezvous With Rama.

Apols for poor typing.  I've got a bairn asleep on me, and I'm rubbidh at typimg with one hand.
Getting there...


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3644 on: 10 November, 2013, 12:55:21 pm »
Personally, i prefr Rendezvous With Rama.

I'm rather glad that nobody's made a film of that.  The window of opportunity for it doing the book justice closed in about 1978.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3645 on: 10 November, 2013, 02:03:57 pm »
Watched Cape Fear last night - been meaning to watch it for a while but never knew it was a remake.

Really enjoyed it on the whole, despite a bit of weirdness occasionally. DeNiro is so unbelievably good at playing a psychopath, he's just terrifying. That scene between him and the girl is so uncomfortable to watch - superb film making.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3646 on: 10 November, 2013, 04:46:52 pm »
Watched Cape Fear last night - been meaning to watch it for a while but never knew it was a remake.

Really enjoyed it on the whole, despite a bit of weirdness occasionally. DeNiro is so unbelievably good at playing a psychopath, he's just terrifying. That scene between him and the girl is so uncomfortable to watch - superb film making.

Yes, one of my favourite suspense films that, mostly due to DeNiro.


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3647 on: 10 November, 2013, 06:31:26 pm »
Shifty - surprising good movie even though the review moaned about the low budget (which I think helped create the mood in the movie)
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3648 on: 10 November, 2013, 09:31:59 pm »

Mostly recycled hokum but not too bad. The closing shot was nicely done.

Wascally Weasel

  • Slayer of Dragons and killer of threads.
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #3649 on: 11 November, 2013, 11:16:12 am »
Gravity (3D)

Wow, what a ride, believe the hype. OK there's a crappy backstory but it doesn't get in the way of the mind-boggling effects. Like 2001 (also another film wasted on the small screen) with knobs on.

Go see it, in 3D, on a big screen, and sit down the front :o

[You will find yourself wondering though, if astronauts really need that many pens.]

I’ll have to disagree with you there – great film, stunning visuals but the back story wasn’t crappy, at least not for me.

As a film it’s a great example of how SFX can be used to tell an amazing story, great zero-g effects but I liked the human element, without which you are just watching pretty fireworks (admittedly very pretty ones).

Also, while it mainly seems to be a 3D release, I saw it on a reasonably big screen in 2D and it was still pretty impressive (I can’t see 3D).  This is, I think the only 3D film that I’ve ever heard Mark Kermode to recommend seeing in 3D.