Author Topic: What was the last film you watched?  (Read 964515 times)


  • SR x 3 - PBP fail but 1090 km - hey - not too bad
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6250 on: 08 April, 2016, 12:25:56 pm »
I had to buy my sister the Breakfast Club on DVD for her birthday this year ...
I was surprised to see Harry Dean Stanton in it. ...
I don't remember HDS in The Breakfast Club.  Are you sure you're not mixing it up with Pretty in Pink?  Itself an excellent fillum - Jon Cryer's Duckie is a great character.

Hmm, yeah I might well be - I think I bought her both now you mention it - since PiP cost about £1.99 from amazon.
It's a reverse Elvis thing.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6251 on: 09 April, 2016, 07:28:08 pm »
Hmm, Molly Ringwald. Floaty little thoughts. I'm not sure those 80s movies have entirely stood the test of time. Those shoulder pads certainly haven't.

In other news, The Revenant does have lots of crawling doesn't it? You weren't joking. Some nice cinematography but I could help thinking it was a 45 minute movie crammed into a mere two and a half hours.

Because I couldn't sleep in my flight home, I think I watched about a billion movies. Eventually they all sort of segue into one another. Crimson Peak, not that good (and I'm no lepidopterist but I think they were butterflies and not bloody moths), though from some reason – possibly involving generous servings of port –  I enjoyed another entry in the Paranormal Activity series. Tried to rewatch the new Stars Wars, got bored and watched Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, which is apparently a true story and one of the better comic book romps. Sisters, which should have been better considering Tina and Amy, but was entertaining enough. I'm sure I watched more.


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6252 on: 09 April, 2016, 10:39:34 pm »
Just finished watching "Rubber" (2010). A movie about Robert, a killer tyre!!

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Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6253 on: 11 April, 2016, 08:36:53 am »
Molly Ringwald is the main reason I have watched Breakfast Club so many times.

As I get older, though, I seem to find Ally Sheedy more... intriguing.
Could never understand the fuss over Molly Ringwald. Ally Sheedy now . . . .
<i>Marmite slave</i>


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6254 on: 11 April, 2016, 09:03:07 am »

Flattered to deceive. Looked good but said little. Almost trite. Disney with sci-fi. Some cluncky dialogue jarred. And Law is pretty limited as an actor, sometimes cringeful.

I liked a lot of the soundtrack though.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6255 on: 11 April, 2016, 10:36:35 am »
Just finished the first season of the Fargo TV series.  Good, occasionally delightful.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6256 on: 11 April, 2016, 11:09:32 am »
The 2004 film version of "The Merchant Of Venice" with Pacino & Irons.     Quite well done & beautiful locations.  I'm now looking at flights & hotels...

I studied this for my English GCE mumble years go & remembered a lot of the dialogue.   I've tickets to see it at the Playhouse in Liverpool later this year with Jonathan Pryce as Shylock.
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6257 on: 11 April, 2016, 11:15:03 am »
Bored, without adult supervision, and with access to Netflix. What could go wrong. Knowing that's what. OK, I know Nicolas Cage is the King of Sucky Movies. I have my eyes open. But, hey, it's 10pm Sunday night and I have head full of a snot and I get a dubious pleasure from bad movies.

WTF? This casually limboed under my low expectations. Utterly, utterly awful. I got to end through high octane morbid curiosity. Could it get worse? I figured no. I couldn't see any conceivable way it could. I mean, seriously, if you've been dropped from orbit into an ocean of foetid superheated shit, you'd assume that was the entire depth of your predicament, that it couldn't get worse. Until you discover the boiling ocean of shit is populated by hungry shit sharks. That's pretty much the ending. Not literally unfortunately, the appearance of hungry shit sharks would have improved matters.

I'm watching this crap so you don't have to. I have another five days of nil supervision.


  • Her Majester
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6258 on: 11 April, 2016, 12:11:07 pm »
Bored, without adult supervision, and with access to Netflix. What could go wrong. Knowing that's what. OK, I know Nicolas Cage is the King of Sucky Movies. I have my eyes open. But, hey, it's 10pm Sunday night and I have head full of a snot and I get a dubious pleasure from bad movies.

WTF? This casually limboed under my low expectations. Utterly, utterly awful. I got to end through high octane morbid curiosity. Could it get worse? I figured no. I couldn't see any conceivable way it could. I mean, seriously, if you've been dropped from orbit into an ocean of foetid superheated shit, you'd assume that was the entire depth of your predicament, that it couldn't get worse. Until you discover the boiling ocean of shit is populated by hungry shit sharks. That's pretty much the ending. Not literally unfortunately, the appearance of hungry shit sharks would have improved matters.

I'm watching this crap so you don't have to. I have another five days of nil supervision.

It's just awful isn't it.  Early on, it really does have promise, but then it goes all gratuitously nasty and burny and ultimately pointless.  And the bunnies, I mean seriously, is it supposed to be an ironic reference to ConAir?

Appalling.  Shouldn't be allowed.  Down with this sort of thing.  Careful now.
Milk please, no sugar.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6259 on: 11 April, 2016, 12:35:41 pm »
I don't think it was a film that did irony. To be honest, if the aliens (who, in case the audience didn't get the subtle religious subtext that the film been delivering with hammer blows to the their skulls, had to be given actual fucking angel wings). Rabbits, I've no idea. I didn't go to Sunday School. Maybe the Easter Bunny?

Also, not only was the film content with being unbelievably bad, the entire thing made no sense. Why? Nothing that happened in the movie had any bearing on the ending.

Does anyone dare me to watch Left Behind? I saw it was on Netflix and it's supposed to be the nadir of Cage's sucky movie career to date. Which means that it's worse than Knowing. I could wear a special stupidity protection helmet to prevent brain injury.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6260 on: 11 April, 2016, 12:48:36 pm »
Ian, I dare you to watch the TV pilot for Aquaman.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6261 on: 11 April, 2016, 12:55:59 pm »
Does anyone dare me to watch Left Behind? I saw it was on Netflix...

Funny, it isn't here.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6262 on: 11 April, 2016, 01:08:47 pm »
Oh it's available in the UK. I don't know though, if it's worse than Knowing this could actually be genuinely dangerous. It promises a melange of the Nic Cage School of Bad Acting and Christian fundamentalism. I mean, what could go wrong there?


  • SR x 3 - PBP fail but 1090 km - hey - not too bad
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6263 on: 11 April, 2016, 01:43:58 pm »
The story is that Nicolas Kim Coppola changed his name so his famous surname would not give him an unfair advantage in the movie business.

I used to enjoy his films although they do get gradually worse over time.  I wonder these days if the real story is that he was forbidden to use the name in case he sullies it ;)
It's a reverse Elvis thing.


  • SR x 3 - PBP fail but 1090 km - hey - not too bad
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6264 on: 11 April, 2016, 01:48:53 pm »
Knowing has 6.6 out of 10 on imdb - it must be above average  :demon:

(rotten tomatoes apparently feel different about it  O:-) )
It's a reverse Elvis thing.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6265 on: 11 April, 2016, 02:23:38 pm »
I watched Starman and Kingdom of Heaven over the weekend.

Starman- good old 80's tosh :thumbsup:

Kingdom of Heaven- what Ridley Scott made because someone had already made Cleopatra.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6266 on: 11 April, 2016, 02:25:18 pm »
Saturday was date night for Mrs L and I, and since we were too late to get tickets to see Richard Herring at Stafford Gatehouse, we went to the flicks to see Eddie The Eagle .  (Shockingly, it's the first time I've been to the pictures since Christmas 2006).  It's really good fun - very Cool Runnings, even down to the down-and-out coach on his own road to redemption.  Plenty of the artistic licence (Canada Olympic Park is not that scenic!) can be forgiven when the result is such a feel-good fillum.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6267 on: 11 April, 2016, 02:38:30 pm »
I watch a right load of crap and I won't go see Eddie The Eagle. :-o


  • "Shut Up Jens" - Legs.
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6268 on: 11 April, 2016, 02:59:57 pm »
we went to the flicks to see Eddie The Eagle .  (Shockingly, it's the first time I've been to the pictures since Christmas 2006).  It's really good fun - very Cool Runnings,

Anyone else reminded of Cool Runnings by Michael Jackson's funeral?

Some people say I'm self-obsessed but that's enough about them.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6269 on: 11 April, 2016, 04:13:18 pm »
Knowing has 6.6 out of 10 on imdb - it must be above average  :demon:

(rotten tomatoes apparently feel different about it  O:-) )

I think that says more about IMDB readers than the movie. Like Amazon book (and all other internet) ratings, read the one and two star reviews and attribute sanity as required. If the one stars are along the lines of 'Amazon sez I had to review this book but I havnt red it yet' or 'there's too many big words like dictionary' or 'contains profanity' it's probably OK. If they're thorough deconstructions that point out that it's an unmitigated pile of nonsensical wank, then it's probably just that.

In preparation for Left Behind (I'm still not sure, will a bike really helmet protect me?), I read the Netflix reviews. Now it did get some five star reviews like this one:

even though it is bad, i liked it cuz i like plaines. definitely recommend watching if u like planes.

10 out of 19 people found that helpful. And do I wish I had a button that I could press that would instantly vaporise all ten of them.

What you don't realise is that that comment was written by Will Self. Because he didn't wear a bike helmet the movie liquified his brain.


  • SR x 3 - PBP fail but 1090 km - hey - not too bad
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6270 on: 11 April, 2016, 04:25:15 pm »
There was a reason for the  :demon:  emoticon in that post y'know  :P

even though it is bad, i liked it cuz i like plaines. definitely recommend watching if u like planes.

10 out of 19 people found that helpful. And do I wish I had a button that I could press that would instantly vaporise all ten of them.


I don't like focussing on just the 1* reviews because there are just people out there who are rabid haters of certain directors, actors and such. I know someone on who you can see his forehead veins pulsing and his whole face going purple at the very mention of JJ Abrams and he will write a very thorough deconstruction of a film that I find I actually quite like.  For example the new Star Treks or Star Wars films.  I did ask him once why he kept going to watch them  - it always seems rather perverse that haters seem to actually go out of their way to watch the stuff they hate  but hey ho.  ???

I'll pick a few good *and* bad reviews before I make a decision.

Oddly if it's a comedy or a horror I generally just ignore reviews as they tend to be universally bad and so are not much use - especially from professional critics.  Having said that, I *really* should have listened when I heard that Dumb&Dumber To was crap.  :facepalm:
It's a reverse Elvis thing.


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6271 on: 11 April, 2016, 04:31:28 pm »
Beware of anything less than 7.5 on IMDB.
It is simpler than it looks.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6272 on: 11 April, 2016, 04:44:14 pm »
^^^ and even then...  Zombie films with high scores have been voted for by pricks who like zombie films.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6273 on: 11 April, 2016, 04:55:04 pm »
If you rely on the likes of IMDB for guidance, you will probably ignore some films you would love. Even the shittest film in the world has someone that likes it.


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #6274 on: 11 April, 2016, 05:21:41 pm »
That's true. Under Siege gets 6.4
It is simpler than it looks.