Author Topic: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor  (Read 95078 times)

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #200 on: 12 August, 2014, 08:15:17 am »
In all seriousness, I would be interested in this as a perm too, although I just don't think I can fit in anything else this summer.  Maybe next year....or perhaps an Autumn one, if it's not too harsh in exposure terms?

I'd be up for an Autumnal 600.
I think that a sociable ride of the WCW 600 perm would be a good way for Bikey Mikey to end his record breaking year, if this can work for his points chasing season. The last two weekends of September are good for me.
October can be good for 600s, if you don't mind it being a bit cold at night. I'd be up for WCW in October too. It might work out better to start at 200km from one end so that we could book a hotel for 2 nights and leave stuff in the room for the first 400km loop.

Ooh interesting!  I am not sure about dates etc, and will have to check with work whether I have any usable leave left as I have to set some aside for Christmas shut down. 

The hotel idea 200 km from one end is a brilliant idea.   :thumbsup:
Does not play well with others

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #201 on: 12 August, 2014, 08:25:48 am »
believe Jethro said event would be a PBP qualifier in June next year.  He would have the numbers to run it with three start points as in the days of old.  Could get well over THREE HUNDRED with good website

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #202 on: 12 August, 2014, 08:43:28 am »
Hope this runs again next year - I'd certainly add it to my todo list :)

That rather depends upon whether AUK can find sufficient resources next year to operate the event. 

In terms of Belbroughton, I will definitely not be available due other to other commitments and to be honest, whilst the experience was interesting, it is not one that I care to repeat on an annual basis.  It is also very easy to be trapped into an existence of doing too much stuff for cycling rather than actually undertaking any cycling.
Organiser of Droitwich Cycling Club audaxes.

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #203 on: 12 August, 2014, 09:12:47 am »
Here is Rog checking in.

It goes without saying that a S & K ride is ALWAYS going to give the riders GREAT support -- that is what they do. And of course apart from S & K there were all the other volunteers who had willingly given up time to look after us - thx to all of you.

The most distinctive feature of the ride for me -- was having both of my plastic gear shifters sheer off - chain ring shifter went with about 120 kms to go - and cassette shifter went about 20kms later  -- not accidents or crashes -- just plastic fatigue. So I am now stuck permanently in granny ring, smallest cog -- BAD chain line. max speed 25kph before I spin out -- and that gear is not the one I would think of using to climb hills -- so I am struggling  -- and I really need my lowest gear ( but as i am so tired even that might not have got me up the hills )

Other special thx - are due to Dave ( dont know surname -- but occasional visitor I think) who riding his first 600 - had been with me for a long way to Chester ( quick to there for us --- arrived before 10.00pm ) -- at my suggestion we grabbed  3 1/2hours  stop / sleep as we were concerned that the quicker riders might have taken all available beds at Upton Magna. After that Dave was happy to wait at the top of hills for me -- and even on the last leg when I am walking those 2 buggerous final hills -- he is still keeping me company. Riding with company is infinitely preferable to struggling back that last 100kms with no gears -- so Dave if you do read this  -- you are a STAR in my eyes.

Finally at last control, jsabine has a full tool kit including pliers - so we cut rear mech cable - lock mech onto about 3 or 4 th ring back - which restricts top speed even more - does make the smaller climbs easier -- but does not help due to my infirmities with the last 2 big climbs. Nice to put face and name together and THX for taking time to help.

Scenery , rain etc - others can speak of -- but no one else broke both their shifters :-[

Thanks  for your kind words's Dave, with my first ever yacf post and my first 600k in the bag!

Massive props to all of the organisers, helpers and fellow cyclists....brilliant event.


Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #204 on: 12 August, 2014, 09:16:31 am »
The kitchen staff were rushed off their feet, forgetting to warm up beans for beans on toast on Sunday afternoon.

Yes, it was a bit of a surprise. I thought for a half moment that I'd some bizarre reaction to lack of sleep and had lost my sense of taste!

The bread was excellent BTW. I could have eaten more of that.

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #205 on: 12 August, 2014, 10:52:13 am »
This event was only my 4th audax, and my first 600 (this is my first ever YACF post too!) so I can't speak with any real authority. (Last weekend I did the Straight Outta Hackney audax which I thought was superbly organised.) This event exceeded my every expectation. I've had worse service at restaurants than I experienced at the controls this weekend. The organisers and volunteers should feel very proud about the event that they clearly worked hard to arrange and then deliver.

I don't recall enough to write a full ride report, I've noted some of the things I do remember below.

Windsor->Eynsham: Settled in to a nice group and made good progress. The climb up a long shallow hill with roadworks was excellent. No cars could pass us and so we effectively had closed roads. Arrived at the control and was delighted to find cake and water to replenish.

Eynsham->Honeybourne: Enjoyed chats with a number of people, one of whom was the organiser of the Faffers 400. He was out on a DIY. Shared the work on the hills towards the end with a chap wearing a Audax Cymru top (whose name I neglected to get as well). He and I did a particularly quick 4 or 5 km into the control. I was feeling great at this stage, the weather was fine and we'd passed through some beautiful countryside. I think, but can't be sure that it was on this section of the ride that we went through a village with a Doctor Who'esque telephone box - strange seeing one of those situated behind a hedge as you rode through, but very cool too.

Honeybourne->Belbroughton: My friend and I looked at the queue at the cafe at the control and decided to push on and find some food elsewhere. We stopped at The Frog in Bidington right alongside the river and enjoyed a pub lunch and a cheeky pint. We were joined by 3 others, 2 of whom were wearing Dulwich Paragon tops. Onwards, through more beautiful country lanes and a few more hills but we were still making good progress and enjoying the pleasant weather. A little lost just prior to the Belbroughton control, but that was soon resolved and we were given a warm welcome at the control. Bacon sandwich a cup of tea and a slice of very fine cake. I could have stayed here and eaten more! It was good to see so many others at this control as by now the field had certainly separated and it was difficult to judge how well we were doing timings wise. Conversations about when we might have a sleep, begun on this section. It was a theme of conversation that was to be returned to many times over.

Belbroughton->Muxton: This is the section of the ride that I have the least recollection of. My friend and I had been playing leap frog with a few other small groups up until now, but this section seemed to be a lonely affair. Until we arrived at the control that was - I've never seen a McDonalds mobbed by cyclists before. I thought it an interesting juxtapose, fit and healthy cyclists swarming over a food outlet that has, a reputation for selling shall we say, less than healthy food. I chose to control through the garage. The chap behind the counter tried to wrap his head round the fact that we'd ridden from Windsor, that we were on our way to Chester, and that all we were going to do when we got there was turn around and come back. I bought my 2 pints of full fat milk and left him to his considerations. It was on with the arm warmers and gilet, and fixing lights in place before leaving. By this time my friend and I were very definitely divided on sleep strategy; he prefered the idea of a sleep at Chester while the rain passed, I thought that we should at least push on to Upton Magna, ideally to Belbroughton so as to benefit from the shower available there (my friend could see the merit in this aspect).

Muxton->Chester: Back with various groups on this section. In particular we tagged onto a group for about the last 25 km. It was dark by then and I was experiencing issues with my front lights. The holder that sits under a Carradice handlebar bag does shake a fair amount and consequently I had to keep readjusting where the light was pointing. This was a minor annoyance, but something that was playing on my mind a lot. That problem was cured when I rode through a large pothole and the front light clip gave up and fell apart. I managed to lodge the lamp in the side pocket of the Carradice and carry on the last 10 km or so to the Chester control where I used generous quantities of electrician's tape to carry out repairs. The service and food at the Chester control was excellent again. One of the stand out aspects of the food available at the control was not only had it clearly been hand made, there were a lot of savoury options. Sweet sugary things are great but it was the savoury stuff that was helping me out the most in terms of continued eating. A conversation with my friend at this control about sleeping. There were beds available when the conversation began, but they'd been taken by the point that we realised we couldn't make a decision. I'm glad the decision was made for us, and we pushed on. The rain had just started as we left. It was to remain a feature of the ride until well into the afternoon on Sunday.

Chester->Upton Magna: Dark now, and I'd decided in my head that I was going to sleep at the next control. I was still feeling fine and didn't want to compromise that. It was on this section of the ride that I started seeing small frogs in the road. After my hallucinogenic experiences while riding the Hereward The Wake 300 weeks earlier, I didn't mention the frogs to my friend at first for fear that I would confirm to myself that I was in a worse state than I thought I was. Eventually I decided to mention it, and he confirmed that there were indeed frogs in the road. Hurrah! That was quite a morale boost. The rain really settled in now and with about 15 km to go I really pushed on, splitting from my friend a little. Not a great thing to do, but I knew the prize on offer. I was not to be disappointed; again a fantastically warm welcome with lovely food on offer. The shepherds pie here was fantastic, crumble and custard too! My friend and I slept at this control, 2:45 through until 4:45 so that we could be back on the road by 5.

Upton Magna->Belbroughton: My legs were a little tired by now, which was starting to affect my mood a little. The rain really came out to play too, in some senses that actually helped the situation though. It really became a case of go a little faster, get to the next control sooner and be dry and warm again for a little while. As it was, the rain eased a little before Ironbridge, the climb out of which soon awoke the body from its post sleep state. After this the rain became increasingly persistent. My Garmin decided to pack up somewhere around here and so I was now without any means by which to measure distances between directions on the route sheet. My route sheet had become wet to boot and I was worried that I was going to have to wait for somebody else to come along and stick with them so that I could navigate. These fears were a little extreme and the problem never really materialised. The route sheet did me proud all the way back to Windsor in the end. It is a testament to the clarity of its directions too, that I managed all the way home with just that. Back to Belbroughton control and the lovely people there who were on hand to make tea, porridge and bacon sandwiches. Excellent stuff. Again, fantastic service. I changed my jersey here which made the world feel all right again. Surprising how little things like that can have such a profound impact on your mood. I gathered my stuff and got ready to leave. The rain outside was biblical at this stage. There's only so wet you can get though, isn't there. My friend and I were working at different paces by now, and so as I left he was pulling in. This would be the last I saw of him during the ride.

Belbroughton->Honeybourne: Quite a quick section for me, I covered it in 2 hours. The hills, rain and scrawling winds all played a part in making this feel a little more arduous than it probably was. Very few people at the control, there were two ladies there, presumably (and I hope this won't end up causing offence) mother and daughter, one of whom was wearing goggles! A brilliant idea and when she suggested that I should consider some, I commented that yes I should and that perhaps a wetsuit wouldn't be such a bad idea either. As I departed, the controller shoved a piece of bread pudding in my hand which I later enjoyed in a bus shelter.

Honeybourne->Chalgrove: I think this was the hardest section of the ride for me. Even though the rain had started to ease, tiredness, a willing to finish in a relatively decent overall time, the lack of something to help me navigate and some of the hills encountered all combined to bring me to my lowest point. There were points on some of the hills where I would unclip one of my feet from the pedal - my brain screaming at me to get off and push, another part willing me onwards. I didn't end up walking, but my comparative pace was probably indistinguishable. Happily, I did encounter another rider (again whose name I didn't get, but somebody that I would go on to essentially finish with - a big thank you to him) with about 15 km to go and we pushed on to Chalgrove.

Chalgrove->Windsor: My new companion and I departed Chalgrove at about 15:30 now in glorious sunshine. The wind was out and in the most part providing a welcome accompanying tailwind. Between us we made light work of the flat sections and battled through the remaining hills. I arrived in Windsor at 17:15 to yet another fantastic welcome. Once again the food on offer was very welcome. A short break here to calm down a little, a phone call to my wife to tell her that I done it (which left me feeling strangely emotional), and then it was back on the bike and off to the station for the journey home.

A final thank you to all the riders that I passed some of the ride with, and of course another to all the volunteers. You all made it a really special event. I'm glad that I was able to be part of it.

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #206 on: 12 August, 2014, 11:22:13 am »
Hope this runs again next year - I'd certainly add it to my todo list :)

That rather depends upon whether AUK can find sufficient resources next year to operate the event.

why AUK ????  was this event run by them?????  I thought it was an individual very well managed by Keith  sue and a great team.  In the days of old it was of course Peter England and daphne roberts and helpers.  it was not run by uk

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #207 on: 12 August, 2014, 11:24:06 am »
Arry, you are totally correct this year's event was organised by Keith and Sue and as you say, they done a great job. They worked like trojans to bring about an enjoyable event for everyone. The thought of spending so much time preparing and checking the rides and ensuring the logistics prior to the date is incredible, let alone the effort on the weekend itself.

Organiser of Droitwich Cycling Club audaxes.

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #208 on: 12 August, 2014, 01:18:34 pm »
When the event was in need of a replacement organiser earlier in the year, the LEL team decided that WCW would potentially make a great addition to it's list of events.  It is an iconic event within audax, and one with plenty of scope for expansion.

As has been mentioned elsewhere, previous editions used up to 3 separate start points, which means that potentially huge numbers could participate.  As an aside, apart from BCM most 600s are relatively tiny affairs, so there is a need for at least one other large 600 if audax is to continue to expand.

WCW could easily be used as an annual training event for LEL control teams.  By definition a 4-yearly event has no real opportunity to train and test controllers, caterers, or support staff.

Because of time constraints, there was little time to implement any of the above in 2014, but plans are afoot to make WCW an even bigger and better event in 2015.

Sue and I were proud to run the event this time, and have been blown away by your kind comments. Everyone involved with the event worked their socks off to produce a great event and the good humour of the whole affair will remain with us at least until next weekend ;D.   

Some of you will know that we are in the process of stepping back from most of our audax commitments, so there could have been no better finale for us.


Keith and Sue


  • L sp MOON. 1st R sp MARS . At X SO sp STARS
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #209 on: 12 August, 2014, 03:42:29 pm »
Please do not stop ( unless you really have to) -- you are superb organisers - so that if I am riding I KNOW that you will provide total TLC for all of us.

And if I am working with you --ie  LEL -- then you will go not just the extra mile -- but much much further to deliver a great experience for all.

I was an accountant until I discovered Audax !!

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #210 on: 12 August, 2014, 06:51:14 pm »
Please do not stop ( unless you really have to) -- you are superb organisers - so that if I am riding I KNOW that you will provide total TLC for all of us.

And if I am working with you --ie  LEL -- then you will go not just the extra mile -- but much much further to deliver a great experience for all.


Hear hear.


  • I'm an embarrassment to my bicycle!
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #211 on: 12 August, 2014, 06:52:12 pm »
My thanks to Keith and Sue for taking this event on and assembling a crack team of helpers up and down the country - the names and the nameless - you all contributed to a great experience. The logistics, the cooking/baking beforehand and the scrubbing/mopping up afterwards - that amounts to a LOT of effort! Handling it all with patience, tolerance and general good-will when continually confronted with hoards of cyclists at all hours of the day and night is something else!

Special mention for the food - I did not taste a baked bean or piece of pasta all weekend (nothing against those, but a bit of variety works wonders).

100+ entries speaks for itself. I was one of two riders who tackled this last year - then I thought the route was benign (for a 600)… this year was considerably more interesting and challenging! (Thanks to the weather, and Parky’s company!  ;))

I think I made the right decision to struggle on to Belbroughton before stopping - it was the furthest I’ve ever cycled in 24 hours but my reward was to hear the worst of the rain hammering on the roof while lying on a comfy camp bed.

Not that I missed getting wet - it was very damp and gray getting to Honeybourne, and, as others have mentioned, the Cotswolds were tough. But then, tucked nicely into the middle of the section, was 20 km of downhill which worked wonders for moral and average speed!

I know the senior controllers get used and abused to the point of exhaustion - it is easy to forget they are just unpaid volunteers (who else would do the job?!). But I hope they will carry on in mentoring/godfather type roles (if not more) so their expertise is not lost.

Final thought - the McDonalds at Muxton employ a team of four girls to carry out orders to (mainly young) people who are too (GD) lazy to get out of their cars - when you are in the middle of cycling almost continuously for 30 odd hours it makes you wonder (WTF!).


It may be self-flagellation, but it still hurts

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #212 on: 25 August, 2014, 08:29:31 pm »
A friend has asked me when Daniel Webb would be accepting entries for 2015. I said I didn't know but would try and find out!

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #213 on: 03 November, 2014, 02:05:33 pm »
I've just entered.  I was going to do the Flatlands 600 but it clashes with a family bash.

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #214 on: 03 November, 2014, 10:22:52 pm »
Entered :thumbsup:
DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #215 on: 03 November, 2014, 11:25:39 pm »
Entered too and it will be my 1st 600k unless I also go for the Beast from the East the week prior to this  :thumbsup:
Knowing is not enough, we must APPLY.
Willing is not enough, we must DO.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #216 on: 04 November, 2014, 05:46:21 am »
I gather the Beast from the East is just that. This will be my third 600 and I'm only doing it to qualify for the PBP so there's no need for heroics!

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #217 on: 04 November, 2014, 11:21:46 am »
I've just taken my 60th entry for this year's event.

I've plenty of spots left though, I think I have capacity for 200 on the day.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #218 on: 04 November, 2014, 11:53:46 am »
I gather the Beast from the East is just that. This will be my third 600 and I'm only doing it to qualify for the PBP so there's no need for heroics!

I'm intending to do both because they're both great rides and I can't choose between them. Also I figure doing two 600s on consecutive weekends will be good "training" for PBP.

Looks like I'd better think about getting my entry off soon though if places are filling up already.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #219 on: 04 November, 2014, 12:13:21 pm »
It looks like WCW will be hosting the ElliptiGO team, which I'm really pleased about. They're fun bikes and a nice crowd of riders.

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #220 on: 04 November, 2014, 12:18:11 pm »
It looks like WCW will be hosting the ElliptiGO team, which I'm really pleased about. They're fun bikes and a nice crowd of riders.

 :o  There'll be some treadle scooters ???


Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #221 on: 04 November, 2014, 12:34:35 pm »
I've entered. From what I've read this is a top event and I'll be doing this following the Flatlands the week before.

Looking forward to it already. ;D

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #222 on: 08 November, 2014, 11:20:43 am »
I'm in!  Saw this last year but not fit enough.  This will be my second 600 I will also be doing the Flatlands the weekend before. :o

Not sure what I have got myself in to.
It's all about the breakfast

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #223 on: 08 November, 2014, 11:49:24 am »
I'm in too, rude not to being such a local start  :thumbsup:

Pete Mas

  • Don't Worry 'bout a thing...
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #224 on: 08 November, 2014, 12:51:37 pm »
I'm in too, rude not to being such a local start  :thumbsup:

+1 Me too. Hopefully a great way to spend a weekend awheel!
''It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive."
