Author Topic: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet  (Read 6384 times)


  • Maxin' n Audaxin'
Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« on: 05 April, 2008, 08:11:03 pm »
It's all went a bit quiet recently from my fellow Scottish riders. 

Anyone got a ride report from the Hawick 100?  Who's planning to ride the Moffatt toffee next weekend?

I was on a bike for the first time in over 2 weeks today - a massive 1 mile ride to the supermarket and back.  This is the longest I've been off the bike in years but, due to a death in the family, I've been in Leeds for a fortnight and was without bike access.

I'm considering whether to enter the Deeside Loop 200 from Forfar on 11 May as a warm up for the Snow Roads and I'm definitely going to go for the Dee Lecht-ible 200 from Aberdeen.  Not sure what else I'll go for.

What are you planning to enter?

PS - this is my first post on yacf - woo hoo

Mrs Pingu

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Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #1 on: 05 April, 2008, 08:23:34 pm »


We're going to be doing the Pitlochry 150 soon.
Pingu is thinking he might do the Deeside Loop too but will miss the DeeLechtible as we'll be on Mull with my mum that weekend. He's also going to be doing the Snow Roads.
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #2 on: 05 April, 2008, 08:26:20 pm »
due to a death in the family, I've been in Leeds for a fortnight and was without bike access.

Sorry to hear that Kev

It's all went a bit quiet recently from my fellow Scottish riders.

Anyone got a ride report from the Hawick 100?  Who's planning to ride the Moffatt toffee next weekend?

I'm here!  I hoped to do the Moffatt Toffee, but things are still too hectic at home and don't have a car on a Sunday at the moment.  I plan to do the Pitlochry 150km from Forfar later in the month (Valkyrie has kindly offered me a lift). 

The Deeside Loop was my favourite 200 last year, and I plan to do it again this year.  The first third is very similar to the Snow Roads, and the final third is exactly the same, but are great cycling country and cover two of my favourite climbs (and descents).

I should have the new bike by the Pitlochry ride and hope to be in better shape to keep up with you!  It was very sporting of you to feign problems with your bag and that p**cture on the ingdom of Fife, but I still couldn't keep up!



Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #3 on: 05 April, 2008, 09:04:42 pm »
Hello. I'm also here.
I'm busy most Sundays for the next month or so, so I can't make it to any events.
So I've planned a DIY 300 for this Monday or Tuesday instead. Which involves part of the Snow Roads, and looking at the weather forecast it looks like there might be snow...

After that, I am most probably going to do the Deeside Loop - I did the 100k from Forfar last year, and it was good fun. The Dee Lecht-able looks interesting, but I'm thinking I might do a mountain bike race that weekend instead. I'm also tempted by the Reiver Fever 300 from Galashiels on the 17 May.

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #4 on: 05 April, 2008, 09:08:15 pm »
I've been in Leeds for a fortnight and was without bike access.

You should have said Dude, I would have bought you a pint and maybe let you have a ride on one of my machines. Sorry to hear about your bereavement.

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #5 on: 05 April, 2008, 10:04:23 pm »
Hey Kev, you've found us then!  We thought we'd dropped you  :P

Hawick 100.  Lots of roadies, lots of cakes , lots of hills.

Moffat Toffee.  I'll be there - and on my own, or so it seems here  :(

It's a great 200.  Nice back roads from the start, St. Mary's Loch cafe, up Megget, down Talla, up Tweed, down the Beeftub, up Grey Mare's Tail, down to the cafe again, up Berrybush, down to Tushielaw, up West Buccleuch, down Firestane Edge, eh...  there's lots of ups and downs on this  :thumbsup:

I am ready to unleash "the good bike".  It's April!

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #6 on: 05 April, 2008, 10:48:49 pm »
I'm still here, but not been posting much about audax - mostly as I ain't been doing much  :-X

I was down in Englandshire last weekend doing a hundred, but cancelled doing the Elenith this weekend due to not being fit  :sick:  Eck and I should be doing a 200 on Monday. 

Eck has probably not been posting as he's been doing zillions of miles on his bike - git  ;D

Plans for coming few months are Perm(s) from Kirrie, Pitlochry 150, maybe Kingdom Come 400 Perm at the start of May (I shall be discussing this with Eck on Monday and will start a thread if it is confirmed - my entry went off yesterday), Deeside Loop 200, Bryan Chapman 600 (if I get fit enough), Dee Lecht-able 200, Highest Village 100, Durness Duress 300, Snow Roads 300...then I may be fit again  ;D

But it's a bit of a struggle just now  :sick: ???

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #7 on: 05 April, 2008, 11:19:44 pm »
Hey Ho

Not sure I'd count myself as an Audaxer, but I've been a bit quiet.  Sorry to hear about yr family loss, too.

I had a plan that involved the Forfar/Pitlochry 150 followed by the Deeside loop, with the Snow Roads looming in the (unlikely) distance , but family matters have screwed things up somewhat.

I've a pass per month and a pair of legs that could be fitter - my next option in the quest for a gradual upscale of distance over time was to be the Kilpatrick 150 from Ayr but I believe now that family magnolia is exploring deepest Inglandshire at Goswick campsite that weekend.  I may get to negotiate to ride down there but Audax eventing is a bit up in the air just now...


  • Maxin' n Audaxin'
Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #8 on: 05 April, 2008, 11:59:59 pm »
It's good to see that you're all still around and haven't been put off by all this internet weirdness.  I never knew smilies were such a contentious subject  ;)


Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #9 on: 06 April, 2008, 12:07:43 am »
maybe Kingdom Come 400 Perm at the start of May (I shall be discussing this with Eck on Monday and will start a thread if it is confirmed

I would be very keen on this, but at the end of May / beginning of June at the earliest.  I've not been riding enough lately, but the riding I have done has taught me that I'll not be in good enough shape for a 400 at the start of May.  :sick:


Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #10 on: 06 April, 2008, 12:20:14 am »
...but the riding I have done has taught me that I'll not be in good enough shape for a 400 at the start of May.  :sick:

Ignore the riding you have done, it has passed. 

Concentrate on the riding you will do... :thumbsup:

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #11 on: 06 April, 2008, 09:19:37 am »
I is here as well.

Have finally recovered after yesterday when our Easter Arrow team rode the most excellent Border Hills. It was actually a very nice day until the snow started just past Eskdalemuir. By Ettrick Valley we resembled 3 snowmen on bikes and by the Gordon Arms it was blizzard time. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse my seatpost bolt snapped in Peebles which meant a very uncomfortable ride back to Biggar with my saddle lashed to the toptube with toestraps. I of course hadn't brought any decent lights thinking we'd be back in Biggar well before nightfall so the last 5 km was fun aiming between the hedges and hoping that's where the tarmac was. Eventually finished in 13 hours at 9pm.

I'm doing the Moffat Toffee next week but definitely won't have "the good bike". Instead I'll be lashing crampons, ice-axe and bivvybag to my winter one. :P
It didn't look at all like that in the photographs


  • Maxin' n Audaxin'
Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #12 on: 06 April, 2008, 11:12:29 am »

That sounds like an almost perfect audax :)  The only thing missing is tales of having to trap wild animals for food and drinking out of puddles.

A couple of months ago I too suffered a seatpost bolt failure but it occured at Path Head, so I only had a 7 miles ride home.  That was hard enough, with my knees hitting my chin.


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
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Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #13 on: 06 April, 2008, 04:22:21 pm »
I plan to do the Pitlochry 150km from Forfar later in the month (Valkyrie has kindly offered me a lift).

All the way round? That's very kind of him  :D


  • Gonna ride my bike until I get home...
    • Angus Bike Chain CC
Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #14 on: 06 April, 2008, 07:39:56 pm »
Eck has probably not been posting as he's been doing zillions of miles on his bike - git  ;D

Zillions of miles? I don't think so. We is just back from our Clubbie Hostile Hostel weekend, where we did a whole 50 miles on the tandem.
And that included a pint in the pubs at each side of the Corran Ferry. ;D

Plans? My long term planning is so sophisticated that Noodley and I are meant to be doing a 200 tomorrow, and I don't even know what route we are taking.  :-\
It's a bit weird, but actually quite wonderful.


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #15 on: 06 April, 2008, 08:28:20 pm »
Is the Deeside loop clockwise or anticlockwise this year?

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #16 on: 06 April, 2008, 08:40:12 pm »
Ignore the riding you have done, it has passed. 

Concentrate on the riding you will do... :thumbsup:

Aye, very profound  ::-)


(You are Sam and ICMFP)  ;D

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #17 on: 06 April, 2008, 09:03:16 pm »
(You are Sam and ICMFP)  ;D

(Not really)  :P


  • Gonna ride my bike until I get home...
    • Angus Bike Chain CC
Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #18 on: 06 April, 2008, 09:04:43 pm »
Is the Deeside loop clockwise or anticlockwise this year?
Any time I've done it it's been anti-clockwise. Don't know if it was ever run the other way round.
It's a bit weird, but actually quite wonderful.

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #19 on: 07 April, 2008, 10:06:36 am »
I'm also here - been quietly watching both here and 'old' ACF wondering just what was going on !!

My plans for the next wee while :
Moffat Toffee
(possibly) Pitlochry 150
Desside Loop
Reiver Fever 300
Highest Village 123
Durness Duress 300
Katrine Kapers 200

hope to bump into 1 or 2 of you.


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #20 on: 07 April, 2008, 10:11:47 am »
Is the Deeside loop clockwise or anticlockwise this year?
Any time I've done it it's been anti-clockwise. Don't know if it was ever run the other way round.

Somebody told me it changed each year - obviously they told me wrong  ::-)


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Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #21 on: 07 April, 2008, 10:35:06 am »
I will become a 'Scottish Audaxer' after the Snow Roads. A re-introduction to audaxing (after 10 years) but not a re-introduction to distance riding.

Interested in the Durness Duress too, but don't think I'll get off the island twice in the short space of time. Maybe plan more rides next year

Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #22 on: 07 April, 2008, 02:31:35 pm »
I'm also here - been quietly watching both here and 'old' ACF wondering just what was going on !!

Me too, odd eh?

And condolences to MercuryKev, hope things are working through Ok.

Did Hawick 100, accurately reported by Applebag as a jolly pleasant day out, next stop Moffat Toffee.

Then before the Reivers 300 hope to get in a least one diy permie, possibly a ferry-based excursion from  Ardrossan based on StephenG's excellent 5 Ferries 100-miler.  (I say "excellent", I should say "reputedly excellent" as he's always arranged it when I was otherwise engaged.  Swine).
"What a long, strange trip it's been", Truckin'


  • Maxin' n Audaxin'
Re: Scottish Audaxers - All a bit Quiet
« Reply #23 on: 07 April, 2008, 08:30:08 pm »
Ahh it's great to hear from you all.  I though for a minute there that you had all given up on this computer stuff, started making use of the lighter nights and went out cycling  :P

I admit that I had been doing a bit of watching both sites to see where everyone ended.  I just posted this here because it looks like more folk that I've been in contact with from acf seem to be posting here.  I wonder how it will all end?  In a year will we all be hooking up before audexes on AFYACF or OHYAFCF or AAAAYCF - I hope not.