Author Topic: Back pain around right hip bone when cycling  (Read 945 times)

Back pain around right hip bone when cycling
« on: 22 July, 2013, 01:58:35 pm »
I keep getting back pain around my right hip bone on my back and sometimes extending up the right side of my back whenever I go out cycling.  It gets pretty bad and can stop me from covering longer distances.

It stops pretty much as soon as I'm off my bike and I'm just left with a light ache in that area.  It's fine on the left side.

I've tried a number of things - adjusting cleat position, greater awareness of riding position (keeping back straighter, stomach pulled in), making sure saddle is straight but to no avail. 

Taking diclofenac makes the pain subside temporarily but once it wears off the pain returns.  It seems to be eased by giving the general area of pain a bit of rub and to cover longer distances I'll often ride out of the saddle on flat sections and wiggle my bum side to side a bit more to get some more movement into that area.  I try to change my riding position when out swapping from top bars to drops to hoods too - that does help a bit.

I do yoga and my general flexibility has improved a lot in the last year but that pain still remains.

Anyone know what this might be and/or can suggest anything I might try to alleviate it before I head off to the physio?

Up the hills and round the bends

Re: Back pain around right hip bone when cycling
« Reply #1 on: 22 July, 2013, 02:15:20 pm »
I have had similar experiences on 2 occasions.

The first time was 4-5 years ago, I was never really right after getting my latest bike, nothing bad just low level aches in my lower back and right knee.  I signed up for a professional bike fit in the end, made a world of difference and fine from that moment onwards, plus improved performance. worth every nickle.

Had quite severe back ache the end of last year, thought it was related to cycling, but 3-4 weeks off the bike made no difference. Turned out to be a worn out mattress in the end, been 100% since ordering a new one. Look for other causes.

Re: Back pain around right hip bone when cycling
« Reply #2 on: 22 July, 2013, 02:29:31 pm »
A professional bike fit might be the answer - thanks for the suggestion.

I did used to have a generally aching back and a new memory foam mattress solved that issue.  I also use an ergonomic chair at work for good posture there.
Up the hills and round the bends

Re: Back pain around right hip bone when cycling
« Reply #3 on: 23 July, 2013, 04:10:25 pm »
Go do it. made a world of difference for me. The adjustments were not great, more subtle changes really, but I noticed a big difference. Mainly involved raising the saddle 5cm,  170 instead of 175mm cranks, and a shorter stem

If you contact Mike at Bike Dynamics, I found him very helpful and he offered good advice even before going for the fit. He suggest changing cranks prior to the fit. He was also happy to answer a few email questions after the fit. very pleased with his service

I also believe they do a similar, but more techno advanced version, at Worcester University sports and motion