And what standard was that built to? Not even wide enough if she'd met anyone coming the other way.
I was thinking that. It's a useful pedestrian shortcut between the Shiny! New! retail park and student accommodation, and Silly Oak High Street, so was quite busy with PSOs heading to and from the shops. The bridge itself is a respectable width, but the steps to it aren't, so some of the pedestrians were taking the comedy ramp route to give the others space for coronalurgi reasons. One of them, halfway up the ramp and therefore thoroughly committed, remarked "I feel like I'm blocking the ramp if someone in a wheelchair wants to come down". A couple of pedestrains, or two-wheeled cyclists could pass okay, but I doubt that, say, a wheelchair user could pass a pushchair easily.
Fortunately, there are a couple of more sensible alternative routes for cyclists, so its inaccessibility to cycles isn't as concerning as the steps pictured above (which I've now realised are how towpath users are expected to cross the Lapal Canal, if they manage to reconnect it to the Birmingham & Worcester).
I'm still unclear as to who is responsible for the bridge. I can't find anything on the council website.
There's a page by the developers boasting about how it will increase footfall to the retail opportunities, but nothing planning related.