Author Topic: Choose me a velomobile!  (Read 18362 times)

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Choose me a velomobile!
« on: 25 September, 2013, 08:23:11 am »
In six months time I am moving to Germany, the Niederrhein area. This is flat - very flat - except for one moraine which isn't too high anyway.

Having met a bunch of velomobile riders before LEL (, the benefits of these machines have been churning round in my head for a couple of months. In considering the approaching winter, where I will be riding in cold, rain, snow etc, a velomobile sounds more and more attractive.

Obviously most of these things are in NL and Belgium and Germany so it's not something to purchase before I head over there (plus transporting it will add another layer of complication when I move a year's worth of stuff by car to Kempen). But I am starting my research now so that I can get on with it when I get to Germany, if I do find a suitable option, and make the most of their smooth cycle paths. If I get on with it then I'll bring it back when I return; if I don't think I would use it enough in England with our rough roads and hillier terrain then I'd sell it before I left DE.

Anyway, my main issue is not speed, weight, price etc but accessibility. Because of my disability in my left arm I can't lean on it at all when getting up out of something. For example, I almost never have baths because they are very difficult to get out of one-armed. I was going to have a go in one of the Quests with whom I breakfasted but it was clear that there was no way I could get out without help so there was no point. This means that I haven't actually ridden a Velomobile at all - I am only assuming I would like it!

I am also working on the theory (and this is purely an assumption) that Velomobiles with hinged tops which give you a larger exit area might be manageable for me. Someone who is selling a Versatile has told me he can get out one-armed but I would like some backup evidence from someone who isn't selling something...

And, assuming it is the case that I might be able to exit from something with a larger opening than a Quest/Mango, does anyone have any recommendations? (I'm also posting this on the German velomobile forum as I think they are much more common over there, but there is still some knowledge over here!)

I'm 1.75 metres tall (5'9") and heavy/lardy at 90+ kgs. Although I have no great desire to go super-fast in one of these, Jedrik has warned me about the hill climbing ability and I will undoubtedly meet one or two hills on my travels, particularly if the thing comes back to England with me eventually (Essex does have hills). So low weight would probably be good, although it might make it out of my price bracket (I'm mentally hoping for 4,000€ or less second hand).

My current list of options are:

Go-One Evo
Versatile (40kg)
Sunrider (50kg!!!!)
Leiba X-stream

This is from looking at photos which suggest I might be able to get out one-armed.

On the 'not possible' list are


Any advice from people who know, or who know people who know, would be much appreciated!
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –


  • Beansontoast
    • Barring Mechanicals Blog
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #1 on: 25 September, 2013, 09:54:36 am »
Howdo H.

Are you coming down to your old stomping ground any time soon? I could get the midsection of the WAW out of the lockup, and you are welcome to clamber in and out of it. It won't roll since the incident, but should suffice for your purposes.

Not sure I could get out of it one handed, then again, my back means I can't get out of a chair one handed, so maybe that's irrelevant. :)
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  • Can't climb; won't climb
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #2 on: 25 September, 2013, 10:02:27 am »
There is a velomobile in the office bike shed today that you definitely wouldn't get out of!
216km from Marsh Gibbon

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #3 on: 25 September, 2013, 04:16:59 pm »
Andy, I had no idea you had a WAW! Hoorah, local knowledge - although as it is now dead (I never got the full story on this) then maybe you have less-than-good feelings about it. The WAW is one of my top choices by looks but I worry my thighs might be too fat for it (I've read a bit on their website about how there's not much legroom around the transmission).

I was in your part of the world last week but that was the first time in ages. If we do any family visits in the near future I'll get in touch and maybe see if I can get in and out. That really is the first, and most important, aspect of this fact-finding!
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –


  • Heedlessly impulsive, reckless, rash.
  • The Madcap!
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #4 on: 27 September, 2013, 12:06:55 am »
The new range is beautiful but I don't think a Velomobile should be considered that is not one of the Original Leitras.
I wants one in two tone green I does! 8)
You touch my Coffee and I'll slap you so hard, even Google won't be able to find you!

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #5 on: 29 September, 2013, 06:33:22 pm »
Right, I have been doing loads of research including shocking a bunch of Germans on their Velomobile forum with my lack of facility in technical German forum discussions. I have switched to English instead (boo, hiss).

Anyway, various nice Germans have sat in their Velomobiles and attempted to get out one-handed and have given me a 'yay' or 'nay' (well, more accurately, a 'ja' or 'nee') Current shortlist is now looking like this:

Versatile/Orca (the Orca is the new version)

Go-One Evolution

Alleweder A6

And also under consideration but a bit too ugly for my tastes:

Leitra (the Germans love 'em)

Leiba Clasic

Alleweder A5: Cheap, easy to repair the aluminium but I might feel like a WW2 fighter pilot

A possible but probably too heavy:


A German Mango owner has told me he was able to get in and out one-handed but I think he must be an acrobat or something so I am discounting this.

People have said that the WAW, Milan, Leiba X-Stream, Quest, Strada and Mango (except for the person above) would all be pretty tricky.

I am going on holiday to Hamburg at the end of November and it just so happens that the manufacturers of the Orca (was Versatile) are 45 minutes away by train in Lübeck so I may go and have a visit there whilst I'm on my hols to try one out. I wouldn't buy new, of course, but it would be a chance to give one a whirl and see how I like it. They are heavy at 40kg but otherwise within budget second hand and I really like the way they look.

Andy Allsopp kindly rang me to chat about the WAW and it sounds like even if I would fit in it (possible, but my thighs might be too womanly), it's outside my budget.

Thanks to Yanto for some advice via PM as well.

If anyone knows anyone with any of this shortlist in the Home Counties/East Anglia region that might let me have a go/look, please let me know.

Oh, and once the thing is bought and used in Germany, when I return to England it may come back with me. It may be sold or I may carry on riding it, depending on how I get on with the more hilly terrain and my noted lack of hill-climbing ability. So summer 2015 there might be one of these for sale this side of the channel!
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –


  • Velonautte
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #6 on: 29 September, 2013, 07:27:21 pm »
Are you looking for a complete velomobile, Helen, or are you open to a shell for a trike?

I'm at a loss to identify this one, though it might be an Optima Rider underneath:

and it probably ticks the boxes for one-handed operation I think.  Yves Bertin provided the photo, and he's on FB as a Quest pilot.
Quote from: Morningsider
I like that you think any of your conveyances might qualify as "a disguise".

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #7 on: 29 September, 2013, 09:21:29 pm »
I'm definitely looking for a complete velomobile as I want the enclosed chainline, quieter operation etc. And the chance to sell it on if I don't get on with it long term.

Also if I buy a shell then that's not n+1!!!
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #8 on: 01 October, 2013, 12:18:04 pm »
If you're looking to buy secondhand there's a french 2nd hand recumbent site that occasionally has a velomobile or two.  New ads appear almost daily, so worth keeping an eye open.

Hope this may be useful.

Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #9 on: 01 October, 2013, 12:23:52 pm »
Kevin at Dtek had a couple of Alleweders in (in various states of repair) last time I went round there. Might be worth giving him a ring to see if he has anything.
If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is...

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #10 on: 01 October, 2013, 03:47:28 pm »
Hmm, don't think I've got the energy for a round with D-Tek!
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #11 on: 01 October, 2013, 05:04:51 pm »
If you're looking to buy secondhand there's a french 2nd hand recumbent site that occasionally has a velomobile or two.  New ads appear almost daily, so worth keeping an eye open.

Hope this may be useful.

There's also:
 - tho' the only thing I can see there at the mo' is a Quest..

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #12 on: 01 October, 2013, 05:42:51 pm »
I've got bookmarks on most of the usual German/Dutch sites to keep an eye out - thanks MrFitz for the French link, there are a couple on there that are on my longlist (although my French is a bit rubbish now).

There are a few Versatiles in NL at the moment within my price range and near enough to cycle back if I bought one.

I won't be buying for six months or more so am just sitting on my hands at the moment doing lots of research.

I'm visiting the Orca distributor in Germany in late November (they are in Lübeck, not far from Hamburg, where I'm having a few days' holiday) so that will be my first chance to actually ride a Velomobile. The Orca is the new version of the Versatile.
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #13 on: 05 January, 2014, 08:00:35 pm »
This Saturday I'm taking a day trip to Rotterdam (the Friday night overnight ferry from Harwich) to visit a Versatile Velomobile. The chap has had this 'reserved' for me since October as he seemed not desperate to sell it in a hurry. He knows I won't be able to actually pick it up until April when I get to Germany.

I've been in contact with its previous owner and had the low-down on its general life. It sounds like a good one so I shall see how I get on with the ride.

Bonus is that the chap selling it is a baker and he's going to make me some bread for when I visit on Saturday.

Wish me luck!
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #14 on: 05 January, 2014, 09:10:35 pm »
Good luck auntie Helen . can we have pictures ? :)
the slower you go the more you see


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #15 on: 05 January, 2014, 09:12:59 pm »
Never mind pictures, can we have a ride? :)


  • Folding not boring
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #16 on: 05 January, 2014, 09:16:11 pm »
Viel glück!

I would like pictures and a ride :)


  • Beansontoast
    • Barring Mechanicals Blog
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #17 on: 05 January, 2014, 09:20:41 pm »
Good luck Auntie H.
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Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #18 on: 05 January, 2014, 10:13:53 pm »
Never mind pictures, can we have a ride? :)
Of course you can.

However, it may remain in Germany/NL when I return, if I think it'll be too slow up the hills around here. In other words, I might sell it before I come home. But on the other hand I might keep it for the coolness. But anyone wanting to ride it before mid-2015 will just have to come and visit me in Kempen in Germany to have a go!
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #19 on: 11 January, 2014, 09:12:46 pm »
I'm currently on the ferry on the way back from Hoek van Holland having spent 13 hours in NL.

And I have bought a velomobile!

It's purple and really cool and much easier to ride than I expected. Wunja OTP came with me to check it out and it was certainly very fast in a headwind - I was able to drop Wunja and that would NEVER happen with my ICE trike.

I won't collect it until April when I'm living in Germany but I'm really looking forward to riding it around.
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –


  • Can't climb; won't climb
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #20 on: 11 January, 2014, 09:33:37 pm »
It is very purple!
216km from Marsh Gibbon


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #21 on: 11 January, 2014, 10:10:40 pm »
Phantasmagoriana will be wanting a velomobile in 3....2....1....


  • Can't climb; won't climb
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #22 on: 12 January, 2014, 06:33:31 pm »
216km from Marsh Gibbon


  • Dissolute libertine
  • Here's to ol' D.H. Lawrence...
Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #23 on: 12 January, 2014, 06:40:03 pm »
Oh my.  Very swish  :thumbsup:
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Re: Choose me a velomobile!
« Reply #24 on: 12 January, 2014, 06:43:11 pm »
Love the targa top :D
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