Author Topic: Recommend me gardening sites, blogs, and fora?  (Read 1904 times)


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Recommend me gardening sites, blogs, and fora?
« on: 21 January, 2014, 08:58:43 pm »
I'm in need of inspiration and encouragement. Spring is coming and I need to get out there and do stuff.

Any places on the web that'll do for gardening what yacf has done for cycling?

I'll always hang around here as well - but the gardening board is a bit low traffic and I'm in need of much, much more prompting.

Many thanks.

Re: Recommend me gardening sites, blogs, and fora?
« Reply #2 on: 23 January, 2014, 08:27:14 pm »
I'm a member of two forums: and but I've never really got into them in the same way as YACF.  Different demographic and familiarity with computers mostly.

I follow loads of blogs, but that very much depends on what you're after and whose style you like. For example, I follow two of James Alexander Sinclair's blogs, I find him mildly amusing but understand that he's not to everybody's taste.
Others are:
 Emma Cooper - into growing unusual edibles
 Jane Perrone - Guardian gardening correspondent, a bit quiet at the moment
 Jekka MacVicar - herbs, herbs and more herbs
 Sue Beesley - winner of BBC Gardener of the Year some time ago now. Now a professional nursery owner. Good writer. Active on Twitter as well.
 Veg Plotting - amateur based in Chippenham. Often interesting

Let us know if you find anything interesting
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Tail End Charlie

Re: Recommend me gardening sites, blogs, and fora?
« Reply #3 on: 24 January, 2014, 09:39:29 pm »