Author Topic: The health and fitness thread about random things  (Read 482858 times)


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1400 on: 23 November, 2016, 01:13:25 pm »
That can either mean the heart of an athlete or a condition called athlete's heart, meaning that it shows an ECG abnormality which in non-athletic individuals implies coronary problems.  You can get athlete's heart by running your heart too fast for too long: it'll usually disappear in a few days. In 2003 I did a rather heavy ride over the Vosges a couple of days before a cardiac stress test. The cardiologist took fright and gave me no end of bother.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1401 on: 23 November, 2016, 01:26:56 pm »
Nah, I just have a low resting heart rate (42 and that was after blood extraction anxiety, I hate needles and it took six attempts to find a bloody vein) and splendid blood pressure. Would only be something to worry about if I didn't cycle everywhere and swim every day. And apparently, I don't have DVT, which was why I was there. Which is nice, because I would definitely give that back.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1402 on: 23 November, 2016, 02:53:57 pm »
Bollocks, loose tooth, that's going to leave an interesting gap.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1403 on: 24 November, 2016, 12:12:38 pm »
Well it's still there, dentist reckons it was knocked loose, probably when flying down the road, and is now infected, says it should stabilise  :-\


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1404 on: 24 November, 2016, 12:52:13 pm »
Hope it does stabilise, even if it turns black, as they often do.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1405 on: 24 November, 2016, 01:04:43 pm »
Thanks helly, at least I now stand a fighting chance of finishing my RRTY this weekend, would have been curtains after 11 months if I'd have had a central incisor pulled today.


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1406 on: 24 November, 2016, 01:29:21 pm »
Actually, having a wobbly pulled could cause less bodily upset than a bruised knee and most randonneurs would continue an RRTY with such.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1407 on: 24 November, 2016, 01:38:03 pm »
I'm a bit of a wimp really, the last time I rode my bike after dental surgery, impacted wisdom tooth extraction, it didn't end well, passing out on the bike is never a good idea


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1408 on: 24 November, 2016, 01:43:37 pm »
Indeed but an impacted wisdom tooth needs rather more forcible removal than a wobbly peg.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1409 on: 24 November, 2016, 05:18:14 pm »
Somewhat gutted. Cardiac stress test this afternoon: momentarily-depressed ST curve at 153 bpm accompanied by mild discomfort around heart.  Cardiologist wants me back in 6 months instead of usual 12, and he doesn't want me to go over 150 in the meantime.  Really off-pissing is the fact that I was only pushing 180 W at the time.

Implication is that I'll still be able to ride, but Audax might be a bit iffy.  As it is, and has been for the last few years, if the cardio knew what Audax really entails he'd have a canary fit.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • Oh, no!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1410 on: 24 November, 2016, 08:59:13 pm »
That's a bit of a bugger.  Guess you'll just have to try and rein in your inner Chris Froome (or whoever).  Unfortunately things do slow down with age - let alone infirmity.  Don't want to sound flippant but, as I tell my wife, even if things take a bit longer these days, it's just as much fun.

I'm in the process of planning a tour of Yorkshire (hills inevitable) for a group of continental cyclos next year, and am doing my best not only to allay their fears about the kind of ascents they've seen on the telly during the Grand Depart, but also to avoid making it what the locals might call 'a toil of a pleasure'.  Negotiating the N. York Moors while keeping your heart below 150 bpm would be tricky.  Here I am worrying on their behalf, but by the time we do the ride I'll be pushing 75 - years, not inches. Easy does it . . .

Hope things go well for you.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1411 on: 25 November, 2016, 09:37:52 am »
Cheers.  I'm not too worried, as long as it doesn't develop any further.  Cardio was going to dismiss it until I mentioned the mild discomfort, which made him sigh.

Me too.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1412 on: 25 November, 2016, 01:06:01 pm »
You really should not tell your doctor the truth! 


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1413 on: 25 November, 2016, 01:09:39 pm »
Aye but this was just the cardiologist.  My own doc just said "oh, cardiologists" and told me not to worry.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1414 on: 03 December, 2016, 10:21:32 am »
Due to work needing to train me for entry into confined spaces (stop sniggering at the back) I had to have a medical yesterday.

All fairly basic, general medical history, BP, sight, etc. but also my first time for a lung function test and an audiology test.

Now I play a brass instrument so have done many breathing exercises in the past, however there is normally some resistance to the exhalation, those spirometers are horrible. All made more fun by a sore throat and swollen tonsils.

As for the audiology test it was the basic listen for the beeps at 600Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 3kHz, 5kHz, and 8kHz so not the most sensitive of tests but the indication was that my hearing is 15 years younger than I am  :thumbsup:

Final part was 5 minutes up and down a step exercise block before pulse three times to watch my heart rate recover. The cycling endurance background showed through, so I have been passed fit to undertake my confined space training.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1415 on: 03 December, 2016, 03:00:12 pm »
As for the audiology test it was the basic listen for the beeps at 600Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 3kHz, 5kHz, and 8kHz so not the most sensitive of tests but the indication was that my hearing is 15 years younger than I am  :thumbsup:

Age related hearing loss could reasonably be defined as the point where your loss of high-frequency hearing finally reaches the point that audiologists bother testing for.

I've lost loads of sensitivity to high frequencies over the last few years (I'm now immune to flyback transformer[1] whistle, teenager repellent, bats, minor disc brake rubbing, probably some SMPSU whine too) but it's all above 8kHz so doesn't count.  My audiogram is healthy.

Anyway, for the avoidance of doubt, standing orders to fellow cyclists in anticipation of old age:  If my chain and/or brakes[2] are squeaking and I don't appear to have noticed, please tell me.  Hopefully this will avoid the oh so British dilemma of wondering whether it's impolite to secretly lubricate another cyclist's chain for the good of humanity while they're in the cafe queue.

[1] Remember those?
[2] Unless it's the Kool Stops on the Dawes, which I've grudgingly accepted are *supposed* to do that.  Pedestrian warning system, innit.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1416 on: 03 December, 2016, 10:53:30 pm »
As for the audiology test it was the basic listen for the beeps at 600Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 3kHz, 5kHz, and 8kHz so not the most sensitive of tests but the indication was that my hearing is 15 years younger than I am  :thumbsup:

Age related hearing loss could reasonably be defined as the point where your loss of high-frequency hearing finally reaches the point that audiologists bother testing for.

I've lost loads of sensitivity to high frequencies over the last few years (I'm now immune to flyback transformer[1] whistle, teenager repellent, bats, minor disc brake rubbing, probably some SMPSU whine too) but it's all above 8kHz so doesn't count.  My audiogram is healthy.

Anyway, for the avoidance of doubt, standing orders to fellow cyclists in anticipation of old age:  If my chain and/or brakes[2] are squeaking and I don't appear to have noticed, please tell me.  Hopefully this will avoid the oh so British dilemma of wondering whether it's impolite to secretly lubricate another cyclist's chain for the good of humanity while they're in the cafe queue.

[1] Remember those?
[2] Unless it's the Kool Stops on the Dawes, which I've grudgingly accepted are *supposed* to do that.  Pedestrian warning system, innit.

I was made acutely aware of my age related hearing loss when I first assembled my current PWM and SMPSU. I sort of thought something wasn't quite right
 My 14 musician daughter clapped her hands over her ears and yelped.

I have not yet succumbed to hearing aids, although I've seen enough live music to deserve one. My younger brother has and swears by his, bit he played more gigs than I've seen


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1417 on: 03 December, 2016, 11:21:29 pm »
I have no idea what PWM and SPSU are (I guess electronickery) but it is never acceptable to adjust someone else's bike (or other vehicle) without their permission. OTOH I can't see any objection to telling someone their bike is squeaking/rattling/etc.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1418 on: 05 December, 2016, 03:52:54 pm »
I don't know which would be worse - no cheese or no cake?!

GP has asked me to get bloods done, and then go back when we will discuss the need for further investigations, likely to involve tubes and cameras and loss of dignity.
Got the bloods done. Going back in half an hour to get the results and discuss next steps.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


  • Her Majester
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1419 on: 05 December, 2016, 04:05:54 pm »
I don't know which would be worse - no cheese or no cake?!

GP has asked me to get bloods done, and then go back when we will discuss the need for further investigations, likely to involve tubes and cameras and loss of dignity.
Got the bloods done. Going back in half an hour to get the results and discuss next steps.

Hope it's all nice and boring and routine EG with no bad news xx

In more mundane stuff, I've just done my 1.4 mile run, and it's the fastest I've ever done it, and because stupid Strava only looks at segments and not the whole thing, I haven't got a single PB.  Huh.
Milk please, no sugar.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1420 on: 05 December, 2016, 05:14:12 pm »
Bloods are all normal. I'm not anaemic, not coeliac, no signs of inflammation, no signs of anything that can be shown in bloods. Next step: colonoscopy referral.  ::-)
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1421 on: 05 December, 2016, 05:18:44 pm »
Sympathies, good luck!


  • Her Majester
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1422 on: 05 December, 2016, 05:20:40 pm »
Bloods are all normal. I'm not anaemic, not coeliac, no signs of inflammation, no signs of anything that can be shown in bloods. Next step: colonoscopy referral.  ::-)

Ewww, I had one of those, this time last year.  Get someone to take you home afterwards, if you're anything like I was you'll be a bit shaky afterwards.

If they offer you gas and air, I suggest you take it.  It's bloody fantastic.
Milk please, no sugar.


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1423 on: 05 December, 2016, 05:27:15 pm »
Bloods are all normal. I'm not anaemic, not coeliac, no signs of inflammation, no signs of anything that can be shown in bloods. Next step: colonoscopy referral.  ::-)

Ewww, I had one of those, this time last year.  Get someone to take you home afterwards, if you're anything like I was you'll be a bit shaky afterwards.

If they offer you gas and air, I suggest you take it.  It's bloody fantastic.

It's three years since I had my colonoscopy.
I declined sedation (I said they could use it if things were intolerable but they weren't) and strong painkillers but did have Entonox which is pretty good.

I was *really* glad to leave the hospital clear-headed. Not everyone has the choice. Not everyone has an easy ride.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #1424 on: 05 December, 2016, 05:41:24 pm »
Good luck EG. I was off my face with the sedation.  I don't remember much. Woolly found it very amusing.