Author Topic: The health and fitness thread about random things  (Read 482649 times)


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2000 on: 18 January, 2018, 05:54:56 pm »
I suspect your attempt to escape reading about Basal Cell Carcinoma is based on a high probability of this being the diagnosis.

These are easily treated with surgery or radiotherapy if treated reasonably early. Good luck with getting this sorted promptly!


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2001 on: 18 January, 2018, 06:05:46 pm »

No, the Keeper Of The Appointments replied, you can only get an appointment on the same day. So either apply in person when the surgery opens at 8am, or phone from 8:30am when the lines will be engaged, and if there are any appointments free on the same day, then you may be able to get one if the Planets Align....   :facepalm:
They are telling you bolloks, Brian. All GP surgeries are obliged to offer electronic facilities to book appointments online, ahead of time. So they can certainly book appointments ahead
But you typically need to first attend in person in order to be given a password or whatever which then allows you to register on the online booking system, so it's still cumbersome.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2002 on: 18 January, 2018, 06:24:08 pm »
I'm sure the wee scabby thing on my ear isn't anything to be concerned about (avoiding googling Basal Cell Carcinoma!), but would rather get it checked out to be on the safe side...  especially since I work outdoors all year round....

Sounds very much like BCC and I have become very acquainted with them over the last 15yrs. I often despair seeing some folk in the specialist clinics or day surgery and wondering why on earth did you not get it seen earlier!

Bloke across the road had similar experience to you and it was quickly sorted via some day patients surgery. It did require more surgery than would have been necessary had he gone earlier.

As it has been there for some time it is not going to suddenly disappear so needs to be checked. Any dark bits or has it bled a tiny bit? Need to get it checked as it is free and is the sensible thing to do.

BCC is no big deal if you sort it before it gets bigger and causes more distress to you when something needs to be done. I am rather prone to them and have regular check-ups and bits removed when necessary (all done in the Plastic Surgery Dept!). After which, get into the slip, slap, slop habit when outside.


  • Timelord
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Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2003 on: 18 January, 2018, 06:25:37 pm »
On the other hand, the Keeper Of The Appointments will tend to be somewhat less obstructive when you use words like 'suspected carcinoma', which is prudent if they ask you if it's an emergency.


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2004 on: 18 January, 2018, 06:49:50 pm »
Thanks for the replies peeps!

Yes, it has bled. It tends to scab up, I then end up scratching the scab off, rinse and repeat...   :facepalm: So going to make an appointment ASAP to get it looked at.

Question is, do I let mother dearest know first, or wait till I get a diagnosis.... 


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2005 on: 18 January, 2018, 06:55:38 pm »
The silly thing is that you should be able to send a good quality photo of this thing as an email attachment and that should be flashed on the GP's screen PDQ without this whole stupid telephone runaround.

But that's a bit easy.

I know security and confidentiality are another matter.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2006 on: 18 January, 2018, 07:37:09 pm »
Question is, do I let mother dearest know first, or wait till I get a diagnosis....

I would wait as after the Dr you will no doubt be referred to the hospital to see a specialist who will confirm and provide a plan to treat the little miscreant and then Mother can be informed that all is under control and hospital doing a wonderful job sorting it out.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2007 on: 18 January, 2018, 08:38:28 pm »
Question is, do I let mother dearest know first, or wait till I get a diagnosis....

I would wait as after the Dr you will no doubt be referred to the hospital to see a specialist who will confirm and provide a plan to treat the little miscreant and then Mother can be informed that all is under control and hospital doing a wonderful job sorting it out.

BCC are eminently treatable, should not be taken lightly but also can be mistake for something else. No need to worry your mum unduly.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2008 on: 18 January, 2018, 09:15:29 pm »
Well, I've been and spoken to mother dearest about it. She was glad I told her, as she agrees its better I get it looked at, and we'll deal with it as a family, whatever happens!   :)

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2009 on: 18 January, 2018, 09:28:25 pm »
Well, I've been and spoken to mother dearest about it. She was glad I told her, as she agrees its better I get it looked at, and we'll deal with it as a family, whatever happens!   :)

Sharing it is also good as it is no longer a secret and you have one less matter to concern yourself with.

Glad you're off to see Dr and any subsequent treatments will be rather similar to going to the dentist or having a verruca removed: all very straightforward and matter of fact once you have had been through the regime a few times. And yes, I have had them treated by applying cream, frozen off and having them removed with a scalpel. You have no worries and embrace the processes.


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2010 on: 18 January, 2018, 10:03:46 pm »
Well, I've been and spoken to mother dearest about it. She was glad I told her, as she agrees its better I get it looked at, and we'll deal with it as a family, whatever happens!   :)

Sharing it is also good as it is no longer a secret and you have one less matter to concern yourself with.

Glad you're off to see Dr and any subsequent treatments will be rather similar to going to the dentist or having a verruca removed: all very straightforward and matter of fact once you have had been through the regime a few times. And yes, I have had them treated by applying cream, frozen off and having them removed with a scalpel. You have no worries and embrace the processes.

Thanks Veloman, and everyone else who has replied.  Will see if / when I can get a GP appointment arranged... No doubt there will be no appointments for 3 weeks, yet only be able to make an appointment on the day....  Will mention "Suspected Carcinoma" to the keeper of the appointments, Kim!


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2011 on: 19 January, 2018, 04:16:06 pm »
Well, I waited patiently at the front door of the GP surgery for it opening at 8am, and managed to bag an appoinment for 9am, then heading into work for 8:10am. Luckily work is close by!. Line manager was annoyed at the timing of my appointment though, as I had to pop out for half an hour from 8:45 to get the appointment... The only other appointment would have been 1:30pm, which would have been half way round my rounds.... 

Dismissive Locum GP was dismissive (perhaps that's an essential part of their training, to be dismissive?) and saying at first that I was too young to get anything like a basil cell carcinoma.  Then he looked again at my notes, and saw my age (40) and said it is possible, but unlikely.  I emphasised that the scab hasn't healed in well over a year, and is scabbing over and bleeding, and getting itchy.

So the GP has prescribed some antifungal cream (Daktacort) for me to apply twice a day (mainly to rule a fungal infection out), and he will arrange for me to be seen by the dermatology department.  Should expect a letter in 10-14 days. 

 :o :facepalm:  ::-) :'( :-[

Not sure what to make of this whole situation.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2012 on: 19 January, 2018, 04:51:04 pm »
I'm very glad to hear you have a reference to dermatology. Locum sounds like a right knob - age might be a risk factor, but so is an outdoor occupation, like, um, posties.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2013 on: 19 January, 2018, 05:05:19 pm »
Daktacort is an anti-fungal combined with a steroid, which would quell inflammation from a fungal infection.
Fungi tend to like warm, damp places. I don't think the outer ear is warm and damp. (The ear canal is another matter.)

I don't think the Daktacort will do any harm and a therapeutic trial can be a useful diagnostic medium.

I had a colleague who suffered BCCs very young (under 25 IIRC) which he attributed to school cricket.


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2014 on: 20 January, 2018, 04:19:27 pm »
Thanks for the replies. As you say hellymedic, the antifungal medication will be a useful diagnostic trial, if anything at least it will be one less thing for the dermatologist to try.

I guess it'll be, what it's going to be.


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2015 on: 20 January, 2018, 04:24:24 pm »
I don't know because I haven't looked but I'd guess there are enough images of BCCs on the ether for you to make an educated guess.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2016 on: 21 January, 2018, 09:22:00 am »
Oh dear, gutrot all round at Legs Towers.... :-X :sick: :demon:


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2017 on: 21 January, 2018, 12:04:01 pm »
Oh 5H1T!

Get well soon!

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2018 on: 21 January, 2018, 12:47:04 pm »
Mummy and Andrew are now asleep, I'm just about to embark on Daniel's 7th nappy change since 6am (and he had a 2hr20m sleep mid-morning).  I had 'tops' yesterday and suspect that the only thing stopping me having ' bottoms' is the co-codamol I've been popping since my snip... :(


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2019 on: 21 January, 2018, 12:57:38 pm »
Sometimes you wish you could just plumb them in.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2020 on: 21 January, 2018, 01:07:03 pm »
OBE = Open Both Ends...


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2021 on: 21 January, 2018, 02:27:37 pm »
Someone defined a baby as an arrangement of uncontrolled orifices. Google appears to differ.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2022 on: 21 January, 2018, 02:43:53 pm »
My friend read a definition of a baby as a tube with a loud voice at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2023 on: 23 January, 2018, 02:37:04 pm »
Got my appointment through  for the dermatologist.

Tuesday 13th February at 9:40am.

Fingers crossed work will let me swap a day off the previous week, so I can take the Tuesday off  ::-). I would have offered to swap my Monday 12th February day off, but I'm getting new central heating boiler fitted that day... 

Trying not to sh*t bricks and avoiding google image searching Basal Cell Carcinoma.   :sick:

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2024 on: 23 January, 2018, 02:58:02 pm »
Got my appointment through  for the dermatologist.

Tuesday 13th February at 9:40am.

Fingers crossed work will let me swap a day off the previous week, so I can take the Tuesday off  ::-). I would have offered to swap my Monday 12th February day off, but I'm getting new central heating boiler fitted that day... 

Trying not to sh*t bricks and avoiding google image searching Basal Cell Carcinoma.   :sick:
BCC are unpleasant, no denying that. But they are eminently treatable, highly unlikely to spread (unlike melanoma - I've had a precursor melanoma chopped out of my face, dermatologist took one look and was 50/50 on it being a melanoma, wanted to remove it there and then).

All of my family in australia have had BCC removed. Seems to be every couple of years for them now, they don't see it as a big deal. Best removed early to avoid scarring.
<i>Marmite slave</i>