Author Topic: Battle Mountain 2014  (Read 4983 times)


  • Velonautte
Battle Mountain 2014
« on: 04 September, 2014, 07:59:57 pm »
Not long to go before the World Human Powered Speed Championships 2014 come to Battle Mountain in Nevada.  Is our humble scribe of yore, Mr Larrington, to take a sabbatical from his hitherto unerring attendance?

As over on a counterpart thread on Bentrider Online, here's the squad for this year—and I'm sure you'll all want to wish the best for BRITON Alan Grace in his effort to take the handcycle speed record.

Amongst the observers this year I believe will be our University of Liverpool team, who are currently busying themselves in designing their ARION1 bullet bike.
Quote from: Morningsider
I like that you think any of your conveyances might qualify as "a disguise".

Mr Larrington

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Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #1 on: 05 September, 2014, 02:37:22 am »
Mr Larrington is indeed attending.  It's still Thursday in USAnia; the tribes will start gathering the day after tomorrow with the bulk on Sunday, racing from Monday.  The Automatic Diary has already been running for almost two weeks coz I'm taking a longer than usual time over it this year.

Don't know whether I'm going to arrive Saturday or Sunday; room reservation was handled by my grate frend Mr Woolrich this year as I was in the Gulag at the time - this could lead to all sorts of Interesting.  Saturday means longer on the ground but you have to work on the Sunday Setting Shit Up...
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

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Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #2 on: 07 September, 2014, 12:46:01 am »
Arrived in BM about an hour ago (it's 16:41 Saturday here).  First person I met was Georgi Georgiev :thumbsup:  The Delft/Hamsterjam mob have been here for a day or two; they are camped out in the Civic Center to save money.  Apparently their new bike is Ded Gud but I aten't seen it yet.  Also are present are Team Elan i.e. Ellen van Vugt and husband/manager/mechanic/dogsbody Hans.  This desk don't arf wobble >:(
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

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Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #3 on: 07 September, 2014, 07:21:13 pm »
Late morning here now and much fettling going on in the car park and Civic Center.  No Sam Whittingham this year (again) and that was even before he banged himself up quite badly in a couple of upright bike crashes earlier in the year.  Heading over to the Civic Center shortly to take more photos, wot I will bung on flickr at in albums named "BM2014 - $DAY".
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #4 on: 07 September, 2014, 09:36:10 pm »
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #5 on: 07 September, 2014, 11:18:33 pm »
Aten't seen anything Zipp-shaped (yet?)

Hans van Vugt tells me that someone, possibly Schwalbe, will have skinny radial tyres next year.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #6 on: 08 September, 2014, 11:07:38 pm »
Some photos from the start of this morning's qualifying runs: clicky.  A few starting mishaps; Adam Ince decked twice and decided more practice was needed, Al Grace & Jan-Marcel van Dijken decked once apiece and were unable to restart due to time constraints, Christien Veelenturf also went over but restarted and clocked 59.92.  Not enough for a 60 mph Hat - Thomas van Schaik is apparently Thee Official Arbiter ov thee Hats and if he had to wear the Witches' Hat for two years for a 69.99 mph run, no-one else is going to get away with anything.

FTD: 65.74 mph by Rik Houwers in Velox 4, from Damjan Zabovnik in Eivie 4 (62.36), Greg Thomas / Completely Overzealous (62.14) & Barbara Buatois / Varna Battle Mountain (61.04).  This morning's runs were with a run-up of a little over two miles; we'll be out on the full course in a couple of hours.  Dr No has the full results on his blog.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #7 on: 08 September, 2014, 11:31:56 pm »
Zipp have only last week announced something like that (although radial-ness isn't in the press release): Triathlete Europe.

I like "Zipp did not provide any data to back up its rolling resistance claims."  :facepalm: A white paper would've helped.

East German recumbent pioneer Paul Rinkowski used to roll his own radial tyres back in the fifties while a Japanese manufacturer (Panaracer?) actually sold them in the seventies.  Rolling resistance was low but apparently they always felt like they were going flat even when they weren't, so no-one bought them.  The only suitably-sized radials available at the moment are these Michelins.  I think they also make ones for solar-powered racers; the ones I've seen have been much more bike-tyre shaped rather than having the flat tread.

Only visitation so far has been to the Varna Tempest; fortunately not while running.  This necessitated a lightning trip back to town to pick up the Varna Battle Mountain so that Barbara Buatois could qualify at all this morning.  The Varnas run 24" wheels; tubs on the back and clinchers on the front.  Barbara's partner Julius is currently sitting on the stairs with a pot of tub cement...
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #8 on: 09 September, 2014, 05:12:48 am »
It chucked down just as we were leaving town for the evening runs but weather not too bad out at the course - a bit cooler than we'd like and windy for the first two groups of riders.  Star turn of the evening was Rik Houwers in Velox 4 with an all-legal 80.44 mph run, with a cluster of other machines in the 68-70 mph range.  Dr No hasn't got the full results up yet as the chap has to have his dinner some time, but he probably will have by the time you lot get to work up.  Due to a communications promble it was initially thought that the 80+ run was by Christien Veelenturf, which caused a certain amount of excitement among the timers but alas 'twas not to be.

Mr Larrington excelled himself by doing the last mile into town with the Mudstang telling him "0 miles to empty".  It read "10 miles to empty" when leaving the catch area, 14.5 miles away.  Fortunately there is a retailer of motor-spirit right next door to the Civic Center.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #9 on: 09 September, 2014, 10:32:55 pm »
Chucked down again late last night - the sound of the rain bouncing off Something in the back of a truck outside my window was like unto someone chucking marbles into a tin bucket.  Dry but windy this morning - five rider / machine combos to qualify as Barbara Buatois preferred staying in bed to running the Varna Tempest for the first time.  Adam Ince fell at the start again  and packed; Al Grace has fixed his display issues and relocated his main camera to the top of the shell.  He got going OK but then had a visit from She Who Must Not Be Named >:(  Orin Peters ran his correx-bodied Trice to 37 mph - bigger chainring required.  He's not intending to run on the full course.  Teagan Patterson and Jan-Marcel van Dijken both had problems getting going - in the absence of half their regular team the Cygnus boys and girl have co-opted a sk8ter d00d from Delft but they still seem to need a bit of practice.  Teagan qualified at 42 mph dead - not bad for someone who only rode a streamliner for the first time yesterday; Jan-Marcel did a 64.  No-one ran over the 5 mile course after Damjan Zabovnik - the Nutters' Nutter - said "I am afraid" and packed up.

Still windy ATM but it's warmed up nicely.  I'll be posting some photos from this morning's runs and lunchtime's Show 'n' Shine RSN.  First I need TEA.

It's Bram Wielermaker's 57th birthday today.  There was CAIK.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


  • Dissolute libertine
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Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #10 on: 10 September, 2014, 09:32:55 am »
I always enjoy reading tales of derring-do here and in your Automatic Diary, Mr L.  Here's hoping for good weather, low winds and brave hearts.
Commercial, Editorial and PR Photographer -

Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #11 on: 10 September, 2014, 12:16:39 pm »
Fascinated by this - keep up the good work, Mr. L.

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #12 on: 10 September, 2014, 10:45:26 pm »
Still a bit breezy this morning but not as bad as yesterday, and the haze generated by the wildfires has gone.  Barbara qualified the Varna Tempest on the short course and then went on to do a 72 over the full one.  BRITAIN'S Alan Grace managed to get in a successful run after being blown clean off the road by an errant gust when out practising yesterday - 30.33 mph.  The two Russian lads - Alexey & Vadim - also ran successfully on the short course, though not that quickly.  Orin Peters got over 40 in his correx-faired Trice and is looking for a bigger chainring.

Other runs on the long course were a bit wind-affected - Damjan did a 59-odd, Greg a 67 and Alexey a 52 - this with legal wind.  Vadim pulled up - I'm not sure why - and Christien crashed two miles from the traps.  She's OK and the bike is just a bit scratched - the PSOs are out with the wet'n'dry again.

A kid who works in the local hardware store says that sales of Bondo are through the roof this week ;D
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #13 on: 11 September, 2014, 12:00:12 am »
Barbara qualified the Varna Tempest on the short course and then went on to do a 72 over the full one.

She's looking good.
As is Rick Houwers to do 80mph on Monday.
Garry Broad

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #14 on: 11 September, 2014, 12:20:17 am »
(Looks out of window)

The wind usually picks up a fair bit during the day before dying away towards sunset (around 19:00), but right now (16:15) it's pretty still out there.  Of course, the course is fifteen miles up the road, but it's looking like a fast night from here (crosses fingers, presses thumbs, tries to remember what last night's fortune cookie said).

Off out to the course RSN, will try to update in time for the breakfasts of BRITAIN if I manage to stay awake that long.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #15 on: 11 September, 2014, 06:58:57 am »
This afternoon promised much but delivered less than was hoped for.  Alexey stacked Tetiva 2 without damage to himself and little to the vehicle.  Eta ate one of its fancy-schmancy spokes on its first run.  Barbara complained of something rubbing and "only" did a 69; Cygnus Chronos kept dropping its chain - Jan-Marcel managed to replace it on all three occasions and still clocked a 72.  Rik was fastest with a smidge under 76.  Gareth is stealthily closing in on his own trike record with a 70.8 in the new All Overzealous camera trike.  General organisation went much more smoothly tonight.

Tomorrow we are to be rewarded with an extra half hour in bed :thumbsup:
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #16 on: 11 September, 2014, 10:50:23 pm »
I am reliably informed that the reason Rik Houwers only did 75 mph yesterday was because of squished flies on the bike spoiling the aerodynamics :o

Quieter this morning.  5 milers first.  Damjan did a 69 and Vadim a 39.  His first run over the full course and both the Russian lads are somewhat iffy at starting at present.  Poor Christien had a video malfunction just as they were about to put the lid on and by the time it was sorted we were out of time.  When the second heat started the wind was way up and she didn't run.  Alexey did 47-odd with a strong crosswind.

Then the short course.  Teagan also had trouble starting but managed to keep it rubber-side down and did almost 44.  Larry has just stuck the 73T ring on Beluga and Teagan has had a merry post-lunch practice sliding it across the car park.  They should have left the Kevlar crash panels on a little longer...  For Alan's run the wind was three and a half times the legal limit and he was weaving so much that Jan-Marcel reckons he now has the arm-powered 300 metre record.  30.41 mph.  Hope for better conditions tomorrow.

Still quite windy at the moment and not that hot, but it can be totally different out on the course.

Edit:  It's Tom Amick's 50th today.  There was CAIK :thumbsup:
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #17 on: 12 September, 2014, 06:44:52 am »
Bloody wind >:(

A couple of 70s and a fair few non-starters tonight.  Of course ten years ago we'd have been delighted at a couple of 70s...

Don't go to Canada for the next week or so.  There's no-one in.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #18 on: 12 September, 2014, 10:11:05 pm »
It's Friday.  No skool, so no waiting for the skool bus, so first road closure scheduled for 07:00.  Which we more or less managed.  Very little wind but bloody cold.

Al Krause models the all-new bubblewrap dress.  Bound to be a sensation in his Spring Collection.

Best of the morning was Damjan with a 75.4, his best for a couple of years.  Christien finally got a run on the full course; she did 64.9.  Both the Russian lads put in solid runs; Vadim a 56.5 and Alexey a 59.5, though he was the last to run and the wind had reached Bad status by then chiz.  Teagan had her first run over the 5 mile course and did 49.6 so she's in the running to take custody of the Thomas van Schaik Pointy Hat of Utter Despair which was instituted a few years back when the lanky goon did 69.99 mph.

Thomas models The Hat at the 2010 Awards Bash.
L-R: Eric Ware, Whittney Metcalfe, Thomas, Larry Lem, Sam Whittingham, Damjan Zabovnik

Nice and still at 2pm (crosses fingers).
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #19 on: 13 September, 2014, 06:32:45 am »
Warm and sunny and, crucially, not too windy tonight.  All winds, in fact, were legal save that for Vadim Dunayev's 63.68 mph.  Dr No was among my companions at dinner so has not had a chance to update his blog with the results yet, but some highlights include:

52.55 mph for Teagan Patterson on her first evening run
76.6n mph for Jan-Marcel van Dijken in spite of a progressively deflating front tyre
78.46 mph for Todd Reichert in Eta
63.12 mph for Alexey Kiristayev in Tetiva 2
82.18 mph for Rik Houwers in Velox IV
72.94 mph for Gareth Hanks in All Overzealous - new trike record!

Chapeau to Gareth, Base Orztrylian though he be, and you'd better make good on your promise to build a machine for Katie next year :thumbsup:  Tomorrow is forecast to have higher winds than today, but stranger things have happened here.  Notably on the last night of 2013...
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #20 on: 13 September, 2014, 09:08:01 pm »
Saturday morning warmer than Friday and flat calm at the start of the five mile course - no qualification runs this morning, obv.  A different story at timing, thobut, and only Christien (in the first of two runs :o) and Teagan had legal wind.  Some his speeds in spite of this, most notably a new personal best for Damjan with 78.6 mph.  Eta's use of carbon blades over steel spokes once again proved its downfall - Todd was flying until the front wheel let another one - possibly two - go.  He still went over 75 mph.  Christien's first run was a thoroughly respectable 68.82; Alan did a personal best 35.5 and will not run again as the time just isn't available in the evening session.Light cloud and not much wind ATM but there's still more than four hours to go before the first road closure of the final evening...
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #21 on: 14 September, 2014, 09:30:25 am »
A short update because it's late.  No legal wind runs tonight chiz coz Gareth did 73.54 mph, which would have been a new trike record and Barbara went 75.71 mph.

External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #22 on: 24 February, 2015, 09:08:38 am »
Alexei Kiristaev of the Tetiva team has posted a whole bunch of videos here: clicky.  I aten't looked at them yet, but my lanky chum Mr Warren "Shrimpboat" Beauchamp says he's editing them for cinema Youtube release.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
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    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #23 on: 02 March, 2015, 08:03:38 am »
Youtubery now done by the highly-esteemed Mr Beauchamp:
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Re: Battle Mountain 2014
« Reply #24 on: 02 March, 2015, 08:37:19 pm »
Enjoyed that, lot of huffing and puffing at the finish line!