Author Topic: What is Audax?  (Read 11784 times)

Re: What is Audax?
« Reply #75 on: 18 November, 2014, 06:47:22 pm »
Ok I'll stick my oar in.....
First the disclaimer : I've been an AUK for a lot of years (my membership number is in the low 12hundreds), but it's been a number of years since I've ridden any events, when I was riding Audax events ( in England, France & Begium) they were mostly less than 200k, the longest I've ridden is 400k.
For these reasons I don't feel qualified to participate in AUK votes, and I rarely comment on AUK 'policy'.

But, you asked what Audax means to me - for me it was (as is) a way of motivating myself to get on my bike and to ride structured events within a non-competitive framework. Audax has taught me to be increasingly self-sufficient mechanically, physically, and mentally. Audax has pushed me (and my bikes) to, and beyond, my limits. I have enjoyed the fellowship of other riders both in person and through Arrivée - and this comes to the nub of why I retain my AUK membership - I am in the words of the reg's 'imbued with the spirit of long distance cycling'.
But in those words - 'long distance' - we come back to the often repeated discussion of what constitutes 'long distance'. Today, for me, 100km is a long distance, for others it's (almost) a commute. Personally, I feel that a 'long distance' is any distance is any distance that is a mental and/or physical challenge for the rider.
So where does that leave electric bikes - I feel there is a mechanical and probably a mental challenge to getting round an event on such a machine, but the physical challenge is diminished, and I don't beleive it's within the 'spirit' of the founding fathers of AUK.
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

Re: What is Audax?
« Reply #76 on: 18 November, 2014, 07:40:38 pm »
I think an Audax is a long forum debate about the minutiae of what is described as going for a nice long bike ride with nice scenery and challenging routes cometely with tea and cakes for a fiver.  The cycling is mostly irrelevant but it provides the raison d'être for the threads....