Author Topic: A random thread for weatherish things that don't warrant a thread of their own.  (Read 292101 times)

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Well, that was a bit of a let-down.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


  • MemSec (ex-Mrs RRtY)
In E17-3 we had about 30 seconds of wet stuff, although thunder rumbles in the distance and it's quite overcast thankfully.


  • I brake for Giraffes
I wanted about 300 li to top up the water butts - about 10 li to go.
Much rumbling and flashing at medium distance, deep gloom, temperature went from 30 to 20 rather quickly, road was almost white water for about 30 min. then the rain settled back to a steady downpour.
Stream at bottom of garden it up a bit and turbid. Drains Hartwell and a bit of the M1 and can rise 3 - 4 ft. in 10 minutes. At least the railway embankment is big enough to filter out the large lumps such as HGVs!
2x4: thick plank; 4x4: 2 of 'em.

Thunder, lightning and rain (albeit not very much of the latter) here in Forest Hill.
ETA - still very muggy.

Well, that was a bit of a let-down.

Au contraire, I don’t recall ever hearing such extended rolls of thunder, and the rain was, if not biblical, pretty damned heavy for a good hour. Saved me some watering and overflowed the water butt.  :thumbsup:
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)

Can still recall the end of the 1976 heatwave.  My first experience of a flash flood, in Felixstowe. No rivers involved, just exceedingly heavy rain that caused a flood deep enough to half submerge neighbours cars in the street at the bottom of my road.
Move Faster and Bake Things


  • Um....err......oh bugger!
  • Help me!
Ah yes. Dennis Howel, Labour's most successful minister ever.
He was appointed Minister for Drought towards the end of August.  Within days we had floods.
Admission.  I'm actually not that fussed about cake.

Nothing here just hot and muggy. Could certainly do with some rain.
Get a bicycle. You will never regret it, if you live- Mark Twain


Much skyward rumbling and grumbling all day, though no lightning, but we did get a brief but torrential soaking an hour or so back, which was much appreciated as not so much as a drop has fallen for several days. I love the smell of petrichor in the evening.

The only smell in the world to have its own name.
Everything else smells like something else: smells like onions / smells like turpentine / smells like cheese / etc.

the slower you go the more you see

22mm of rain within about 30 minutes here in Uxbridge around 5pm. The garden will be grateful.

22mm of rain within about 30 minutes here in Uxbridge around 5pm. The garden will be grateful.

God's tears.
Move Faster and Bake Things

The wind vector chart for my weather station for May 2023. North is to the right. Almost constant NE winds throughout the month, with the exception of the 6 days 7th-12th, when it rained.

Have we lost our prevailing wind? I don't remember the last time it was a south-westerly. What does your station say for the last 6 months/year?
Quote from: tiermat
that's not science, it's semantics.

Torrential downpour this afternoon. Roads flooded and a couple of new sinkholes but small ones thankfully. 

22mm of rain within about 30 minutes here in Uxbridge around 5pm. The garden will be grateful.

My freshly planted out peppers weren't, they were mashed flat by the force of the rain, but thankfully the climbing rose is still tethered by it wires to the fence despite the additional water load.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather

The wind vector chart for my weather station for May 2023. North is to the right. Almost constant NE winds throughout the month, with the exception of the 6 days 7th-12th, when it rained.

Have we lost our prevailing wind? I don't remember the last time it was a south-westerly. What does your station say for the last 6 months/year?

Take a look:

The weather station has been recording data since 2010 but a glitch in the software last December, caused by a power cut, means that I only have access to earlier data in monthly statistical, rather than graphic, form.

I managed to get it working again on New Year's Eve and it's been recording ever since.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Can still recall the end of the 1976 heatwave.  My first experience of a flash flood, in Felixstowe. No rivers involved, just exceedingly heavy rain that caused a flood deep enough to half submerge neighbours cars in the street at the bottom of my road.
I finished my first summer job the week before that. As I was working 'a week in hand' I had the unheard of sum of £30 in my pocket. My dad suggested that I got my old bike fixed up so I could ride to school (which was about four miles away across the middle of the city).
The first longish trip I made was to a mate's house about five miles away. The drought broke while I was there. I'd forgotten how bad old-fashioned brake blocks were in the wet. And of course the roads were slippery after months with no rain. I was riding towards a mini-roundabout and there was a car coming from my right. I eventually stopped, by dint of getting both feet flat on the ground. My back wheel was on the white line as the car went in front of me. it was years before I could go round that roundabout, even in a car, without a weird feeling in my stomach.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

The wind vector chart for my weather station for May 2023. North is to the right. Almost constant NE winds throughout the month, with the exception of the 6 days 7th-12th, when it rained.

Have we lost our prevailing wind? I don't remember the last time it was a south-westerly. What does your station say for the last 6 months/year?

Take a look:

The weather station has been recording data since 2010 but a glitch in the software last December, caused by a power cut, means that I only have access to earlier data in monthly statistical, rather than graphic, form.

I managed to get it working again on New Year's Eve and it's been recording ever since.

Thanks. Panic over.  ::-)
Quote from: tiermat
that's not science, it's semantics.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather

Speaks volumes.

Edit: I linked to that when it was completely empty. It's a live graph so will actually show the last 32 days of rain.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Old blerk sometimes onabike.
Might look a little different tomorrow, with a bit of luck!


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
It might indeed! It's raining here now. We've had 0.4mm so far.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

The only liquid falling to the ground around here is the sweat falling from my brow.  It is stupidly hot, sticky and humid in mid Essex today.  The rain can’t come soon enough, though I could do without the torrential downpours.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Ours stopped at 0.4mm.

And there it is!

Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

The only liquid falling to the ground around here is the sweat falling from my brow.  It is stupidly hot, sticky and humid in mid Essex today.  The rain can’t come soon enough, though I could do without the torrential downpours.

We had some rain, here in the shadow of the Chilterns, it just made it stickier.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)