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  • 600 series 2008 Norfolk: 26 April, 2008 - 27 April, 2008

Author Topic: 2008 600 series  (Read 6740 times)

2008 600 series
« on: 09 April, 2008, 08:07:07 pm »
Transferred from some other cycling forum, I bring you the April edition of my 2008 600 series. The halfway point in the season in fact.
Starting from Milton Keynes, as usual. Route, still not done yet, but will most likely include the A149 Norfolk Coast road. Easy navigation and good scenery, especially when it's sunny. Not flat, but no real tough climbs. Aiming to sleep at around Kings Lynn (Where there is a Travel Inn) and move on to Lincolnshire before the return.
If I can guarentee an arrival at the reedham Ferry before 1700, I will include that too, if feasable.

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #1 on: 22 April, 2008, 10:10:11 pm »
We have a route at last. Or at least, the last minute as usual.

Start at Milton Keynes, then

Saffron Walden 85km
Needham Market 150km
Swaffham 220km
Cromer 285km
Hunstanton 348km
Travel Inn at Kings Lynn services 365km
Spalding 418
Downham Market 474
Ely  (aiming to meet up with Annie and Richard Forrest on their 200 for the
rest of the ride) 500km
Gamlingay 552km
Milton Keynes 605km

Ian H is up for it as well as Andrew. So three of us so far.
Get you entries in quick if you want to ride. I have some spare brevet cards.

Chris S

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #2 on: 22 April, 2008, 10:38:51 pm »
We'll keep an eye out for you as bazzrp and my good self are riding a 200 perm that will take in Sheringham and the coast road to Hunstanton, then down to Downham Market.

Although, I suspect you'll be using the "real" coast road; the A149, whereas we'll be on the "cowards" road slightly inland.

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #3 on: 22 April, 2008, 10:50:00 pm »
We'll keep an eye out for you as bazzrp and my good self are riding a 200 perm that will take in Sheringham and the coast road to Hunstanton, then down to Downham Market.

Although, I suspect you'll be using the "real" coast road; the A149, whereas we'll be on the "cowards" road slightly inland.

Yes. the A149, for ease of navigation. It's a nice road following the sea.
I'm intereted in your cowrds route though. Is it easy to follow and why is it a cowards route? Is it less hilly?
I remember the roads that i have ridden further inland to be more hilly, but very nice, if you know which way to go.
We will probably be riding that road in the evening, so you will probably be well on your way to Downham Market by then.
If you don't know it, there is (or at least used to be) a 24 hour garage on the A10 at Downham Market. It has/had a coffee machine, but not much else.

Chris S

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #4 on: 22 April, 2008, 11:06:24 pm »
Cowards route.

On balance, probably slightly hillier - but very much quieter, laney route. Good pub stop available in Burnham Market, but if you are travelling West - don't eat too much as it's quite a long pull up to Choseley Farm after Burnham.

The A149 can be really horrible. Might not be so bad yet, but in the summer it's dreadful - populated with cars pulling caravans, boats and all sorts, and weekend warriors totally pi$$ed off with having to following cars pulling caravans, boats and all sorts. It's a restless road that's too narrow and twisty for the volume of traffic it has to carry - so it's the lanes for me every time. Having said all that, late evening onwards it's not so bad. I rode a perm along there a couple of years ago, during the evening when England were playing Sweden at foozball, and the road was empty.

Rufty Tufty chaps like you who regularly ride on the A1 won't have any problems ;)


Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #5 on: 24 April, 2008, 02:02:52 pm »
Rich just pointed me in this direction.

It appears you will be riding through Needham Market on Saturday.  Do you want me to provide you with munchies, cups of tea etc?  If you do just let me know what you would like to eat and drink and I will happily provide it for you.

I could always throw in a foot massage as well :)

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #6 on: 28 April, 2008, 08:43:26 pm »
Rich just pointed me in this direction.

It appears you will be riding through Needham Market on Saturday.  Do you want me to provide you with munchies, cups of tea etc?  If you do just let me know what you would like to eat and drink and I will happily provide it for you.

I could always throw in a foot massage as well :)

Bugger! Only just seen this. Otherwise, I'd have been most gratefull for my obligatory steak and chips.
I'd be carefull about offerring me a foot massage though. You would have to remove my shoes to give me a foot massage.
Could be a bit smelly  :sick:

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #7 on: 28 April, 2008, 08:45:44 pm »
It worked out well in the end.
I might do a RR later, but well done to Andrew for finishing his first ever 600.
The first sunny 600 of the season. ;D

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #8 on: 28 April, 2008, 10:46:58 pm »
It worked out well in the end.
I might do a RR later, but well done to Andrew for finishing his first ever 600.
The first sunny 600 of the season. ;D

Sunny? Oh yes it was at times - I tend to remember only the 'memorable' weather. Mind you, I got told off afterwards for forgetting the sun-cream.

Just for Andrew, an old soccer reference: the Boydon Well.

Thanks to Steve for the route and for being the strong bloke on the front quite a lot of the time. That's my second fixed 600 of the season.

Andy M

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #9 on: 30 April, 2008, 05:39:52 pm »
Sunny? Oh yes it was at times - I tend to remember only the 'memorable' weather. Mind you, I got told off afterwards for forgetting the sun-cream.

Just for Andrew, an old soccer reference: the Boydon Well.

Thanks to Steve for the route and for being the strong bloke on the front quite a lot of the time. That's my second fixed 600 of the season.

Without a doubt the hardest thing I've ever done. Thanks to both of you (and Rich on the last 100k) for dragging my a$$ around. I've ridden long distances before (which is how I found AUK in the first place) but strictly 60k@12mph, hours of rest, 60k@12mph, etc - never anything at that pace which was leagues above my usual. And I've never slept on a garage forecourt before.
The combination of physical and mental fatigue was interesting too. By the end I was taking seconds to comprehend sentences and then the conversation had moved on by the time I'd thought of an answer.

Some of the things I've learnt:
- Steve is a cycling God.
- If you buy a round of drinks ALWAYS make sure Ian's is the last served.
- Wetherspoons in Wisbech is cycle-friendly. They let you sleep in their booths and even try to take your plates away quietly while you do it.
- Deers are scared of a bright yellow recumbent speeding down a hill towards them.

Oh, and I really liked the bit on the fens when we were into a strong headwind with the 'sun' driving into my face...

Thanks again guys and hope to do another one.


Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #10 on: 30 April, 2008, 06:30:27 pm »

Thanks again guys and hope to do another one.

Well done Andy.  You should be recovered in time for this one:

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #11 on: 30 April, 2008, 08:14:14 pm »
Sunny? Oh yes it was at times - I tend to remember only the 'memorable' weather. Mind you, I got told off afterwards for forgetting the sun-cream.

I remember more sun than any other kind of weather. Maybe it's because of all those 600s I rode in the winter. Riding in the cold and rain just become normal. But riding in the sun, and better still; yet even more rare; with a tailwind. I tend to forget headwinds, as they are also quite normal for me.
So Ian, I suggest much more riding in the winter, so that it becomes normal, making those sunny rides ever more memorable.
Well, perhaps not in your case.
Just forget it OK.
You have.

And I've never slept on a garage forecourt before.
The combination of physical and mental fatigue was interesting too. By the end I was taking seconds to comprehend sentences and then the conversation had moved on by the time I'd thought of an answer

Give it a few 600s.
Sleeping at garage forecourts will become a luxury. At least it wasn't a cold night.
Spending seconds  to interpret words will also become part of your every day life as your brain slowly turns to jelly. I've gone so far around the bend, that I'm on my way back again.

The next 600 of the series is the Bryan Chapman, which I have only just sent my entry off today, so am keeping my fingers crossed that I actually have a place in the event.

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #12 on: 30 April, 2008, 09:07:36 pm »
And now, the RR

Peter M couldn't make the start because he could not obtain a permit from his wife boss and was obliged to miss the ride. He must have used too many brownie points last year, getting ready for PBP.
So it was just Ian H and myself, until Andrew came in at the last minute.
After my first attempt at housework for the year, in order to clear some sleeping space for Ian H (I even did some hoovering  :o) I was almost ready for Ian's arrival on Friday night.

All set on Saturday morning for the off at 0600, and all systems were go to our first control at Saffron Walden.
Tailwind and sunshine all the way, but I had to soft pedal. This was Andrew's first attempt at a 600. In fact, he has yet to ride a 400, so it was to be double the distance of his longest ride. Lucky my route was easy then.
Andrew was a bit slow up the hills, but then again, I may be a bit fitter than I think I am, I don't know. I was using an embarrasingly huge gear for the ride. (So big, that I'm not telling you lot, so there  :P)
Ian seemed keen to get off to a good start, so we had to wait for Andy a few times.
Saffron Walden came up, a bit later than I'd hoped and after a game of hide and seek with Andy, we got our cards stamped.
Andy seemed OK to press on without a cafe stop, which was good news, so we went onwards to Needham Market, still in the sun, with a tailwind.
Andy was notably fading, especially on the hills. He seemed to be getting more tired. Ian and I were starting to consider leaving him. He has a girfriend to rescue him and it's not cold, so it won't be horrible for him to wait for her. We were getting doubtfull about whether he was up to the ride, but decided to see how he went.
We had a cafe stop in Needham Market, which seemed to make a big difference to Andy. He was going well again for a few more miles, but once again faded a bit in the last few miles to Swaffham.
We brought a picnic at Swaffham, which took longer than anticipated as Andy needed a number two in the local loo. Ian and I were still having doubts about Andy, but I decided that if we were going to leave him, we should take all of his impressive stash of bananas first.
Off again, with Andy going well, except for on the hills. I hoped that the wind would drop for Andy's sake, but it never seemed to.
We stopped at a pub just before Cromer just before 2100. Pubs often stop serving food after 2100, so we decided on stopping before Cromer, rather than go hungry.
Ian offered to buy a round of drinks, so ordered his. As Andy and I ordered ours, Andy offered to buy the round instead, which prompted Ian to order another drink for himself. (Crafty git)
After Cromer, was an enjoyable ride along the Norfolk coast road in the night with very little traffic. Ian was getting dozy. So was I come to think of it, so we stopped for some sleep in a bus shelter. It helped a little, but the dozies soon returned, which prompted some awful joke telling from me. The idea being, that if they pedal fast enough, they don't have to put up with my bad jokes for as long.
Andy seemed to be going very well at night. Or was it that Ian and i had slowed down a lot?
Hunstanton was the next control, where we just used the ATM at Tesco. Then on to the intended sleep control at Kings Lynn services, but arriving with around two hours to spare.
We had a doze outside the petrol garage. Lucky it was a very mild night. Then we left with just under an hour in hand, along the old A17 and past my favourite cafe at Fleet Hargate, which was shut. On to Spalding for the next control at a Mc Donalds for a tea. Andy also indulged in a piece of plastic maquerading as a muffin.
We were soon on our way again, with the hope of a breakfast at Wisbech. I remembered a Whetherspoons pub there, which would sell us a much needed breakfast and some coffee.
We headed for Wisbech along the tricky to follow B road which winds its way through the fens. The last few miles were into the wind. Ian and Andy didn't seem to enjoy that bit very much.
After our breakfasts, we had a doze. Andy had some large blisters on the palms of his hands. We had some more coffee before the off for our next control at Downham Market, which we used an ATM for our brevidence.
Then back into the wind to Ely, following the drain through the fens along a lane which runs parallell to the A10. Andy seemed to be tiring again as we rode into the wind and some rain.
Ely came earlier than expected and the Little Chef was soon found, bang on schedule for 1330, to meet Richard Forrest on his funny bike.
I made do with an Olympic Breakfast and tried not to wince too much when I had to pay for it.
Richard took over from navigating all the way back to the finish. The rain had vanished and the wind didn't seem quite so against us.
Progress was slow as Andy was tiring. But there was no need to rush. We had time in hand and were going fast enough to keep it.
Gamlingay was soon in the bag, with a shop as a control, then Richard took us through the more scenic parts of Bedfordshire to take us home via Woburn.
We entered Milton Keynes with a firey red sky on the horizon.
A fitting finish to the best 600 of the season so far.
Andy managed his first 600.
Ian rode his second fixed wheel 600 of the season.
Andy said at the finish, that he couldn't wait to ride another 600 and is really looking forward to his next one.
At least, I think he did.

Mr Larrington

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Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #13 on: 01 May, 2008, 09:54:54 am »
Andy also indulged in a piece of plastic maquerading as a muffin.

 :thumbsup: Remind me again how to get coffee out of a keyboard...
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #14 on: 01 May, 2008, 10:40:00 am »
Andy also indulged in a piece of plastic maquerading as a muffin.

 :thumbsup: Remind me again how to get coffee out of a keyboard...

There'd be quite a market for a forum-safe keyboard.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #15 on: 01 May, 2008, 10:42:15 am »
Andy also indulged in a piece of plastic maquerading as a muffin.

 :thumbsup: Remind me again how to get coffee out of a keyboard...

There'd be quite a market for a forum-safe keyboard.

I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #16 on: 01 May, 2008, 10:44:04 am »

The next 600 of the series is the Bryan Chapman, which I have only just sent my entry off today, so am keeping my fingers crossed that I actually have a place in the event.

The organiser he say: "I look forward to young Mr Abraham's participation."

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #17 on: 01 May, 2008, 10:48:24 am »
Andy also indulged in a piece of plastic maquerading as a muffin.

 :thumbsup: Remind me again how to get coffee out of a keyboard...

There'd be quite a market for a forum-safe keyboard.


That'll do. All that's needed then is to add some shortcut keys for handy phrases such as "You owe me a new keyboard", "How do you get coffee out of a keyboard?"...


Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #18 on: 01 May, 2008, 10:53:46 am »
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • T'is I, Silverback.
    • Ramblings of a silverback cyclist
Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #19 on: 16 June, 2008, 08:02:04 pm »
What and when are your next rides Steve , are you still doing these?


Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #20 on: 16 June, 2008, 09:33:46 pm »
What and when are your next rides Steve , are you still doing these?

Friday evening. (20th June)
El Supremo made me an offer I couldn't refuse. He gave me a list of controls for his new 1000km permanent. I can start at Cherwell Valley services (on the M40, near Bicester), which I will. Can't hang around though. Have to be at work on Monday morning.
July will be the Mersey 24
August, the Offas Dyke.
September I'll be doing one for slow riders/novices again, as last year on the Middle Road, but hoping to use my Norfolk route I used in April if I can chop off the extra distance.
October onwards, it'll be DIYs again until the calendar events kick in, or I get fed up and go down the pub.

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #21 on: 16 June, 2008, 09:42:45 pm »
September I'll be doing one for slow riders/novices again, as last year on the Middle Road, but hoping to use my Norfolk route I used in April if I can chop off the extra distance.

How slow are these slow riders allowed to be? I might be interested, if I can get some longer rides in in the meantime (currenly my longest is 215). I only have the one bike though, which is a Brompton, so I'd want to do it on that!


Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #22 on: 16 June, 2008, 09:51:15 pm »

How slow are these slow riders allowed to be? I might be interested, if I can get some longer rides in in the meantime (currenly my longest is 215). I only have the one bike though, which is a Brompton, so I'd want to do it on that!


A Brompton for a 600!
Yoo mad fugger!
Welcome aboard ;D
Minimum speed. We won't be riding fast.
We will need to make some time up. 12mph is enough.

Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #23 on: 16 June, 2008, 10:24:43 pm »
A Brompton for a 600!
Yoo mad fugger!
Welcome aboard ;D
Minimum speed. We won't be riding fast.
We will need to make some time up. 12mph is enough.

Excellent :-)

I think I should be able to manage that. When are you thinking of doing it?



  • Андрій
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Re: 2008 600 series
« Reply #24 on: 17 June, 2008, 12:07:46 pm »
September I'll be doing one for slow riders/novices again, as last year on the Middle Road, but hoping to use my Norfolk route I used in April if I can chop off the extra distance.

Umm...  If I manage a 400 in July/August I think I'll be up for giving this 600 a shot.  SR in my first season would be nice.  It would also be a boost for 'other plans' ...
;D  Andrij.  I pronounce you Complete and Utter GIT   :thumbsup: