Author Topic: Marple Grimpeurs  (Read 9377 times)

Marple Grimpeurs
« on: 08 July, 2015, 08:03:34 am »
It's July already and it will soon be time for the ever-popular Marple Grimpeurs.  Heck, we're only 3 weeks away from the Dark Peak!  What better build up to PBP than the Dark Peak, White Peak and Mid Peak Grimpeurs.

There are 5 events in total, all 100km jaunts into the Peak District starting from Marple Library and finishing at the Ring o'Bells, a fine Robinsons pub.

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #1 on: 08 July, 2015, 01:32:31 pm »

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #2 on: 09 July, 2015, 06:35:56 pm »
I've just got back from riding the Mid Peak as a Perm.  I always forget just how good a ride this is.  The climb out of Glossop on the Snake Road is long but the gradient is fairly consistent, and traffic is usually light (during the week) so it's an "easy" climb (a relative term) and the long drop to Ladybower makes it worthwhile.  I also like the climb of Kirk Dale.

I had café stops at the usual places in Hathersage and Monyash, but had to forgo my pint at the Ring o'Bells as time was pressing.

The road through Abney was marked as "closed", and indeed it was, unfortunately right at the very top of the climb after the Glider Centre.  I was able to squeeze through the barriers (but they really meant "closed" even for cyclists)  and make my way past the landslip. The closure was marked as "die to landslip" which I hoped was a spelling error!. 

The notice suggested that the road would be open by 4th August, but as nothing was being done that might be a bit optimistic.  While one cyclist could squeeze through but 50 might be pushing it especially if work is actually being carried out on the 12th August.  I would suggest that, if the road closure signs are still up a the bottom of the Abney climb, we ...

take the next right off B6001 after the Plough Inn
right a T (Sir William Hill Road)
right signed Bretton (after Mompessons Well)
control at Barrel Inn on right
... as you wouldn't want to climb all that way only to have to go all the way back down again.

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #3 on: 10 July, 2015, 03:12:57 pm »
I've just signed up for Dark Peak on 29th. It's my first Audax in three years, since a DNF on a Cambridgeshire 200 and a successful London Sightseer 100 the year before - both on the back of a tandem, but this one I'm doing solo. Any advice to offer? I *hate* hills so usually head out Cheshire-wards for leisure cycling (the bulk of my time on my bike these days being commuting), but love being in the Peak District, so hopefully it will still be an enjoyable challenge…

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #4 on: 10 July, 2015, 09:24:42 pm »
Well, I'm on this one and hope to have a nice day's ride, also like the peak district.

Also not a good climber, so maybe see you there, just look for a slow old git on a ribble audax.

Oh and advise? just enjoy it at your pace.


Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #5 on: 10 July, 2015, 10:32:32 pm »
Would be good to have someone to ride with, keep motivation up. Based on my last hilly ride, my pace in the Peaks is about 15km/hr average.

If it's not too warm I'll wear my red YACF colours for identifying ease. (I've only got l/s though so if it's nice weather, spot me by the blue Thorn bike.)

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #6 on: 11 July, 2015, 12:36:53 am »
Against my better judgement since I hate don't enjoy audax, I'm tempted to sign up.
I'll sleep on it and hope that the memories of the never ending hills over-ride those of the downhills, the scenery, the cafes and the very warm welcome back at the pub arrivee.

If I enter which, of course, I shan't, I'll ride there and back.

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #7 on: 11 July, 2015, 09:21:29 am »
I will probably ride to the start point as nobody in my family drives and I live on the Manchester-Buxton line, which is less than useful for getting to Marple by train…!

Though I suppose I could ride to a station on the correct line, it becomes a toss-up: cycle in the wrong direction to get to a suitable station (er, probably Reddish) or cycle up Dan Bank. Train is infinitely more tempting, despite DB being more sensible …

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #8 on: 11 July, 2015, 09:43:05 am »
@AndrewBr why do you hate them? I look upon them as a good bike ride with like-minded people on roads I wouldn't normally ride on with a little time twist, and if we get good weather fab!

@tagasel you're more than welcome to share the ride with me, it'll be nice to meet more yacfer's. 15km/hr is fine for the Peak

I am also undecided whether to attempt to ride to and from Marple, not sure from Rochdale though  :-\

crazy diamond

  • remember when you were young, you shone.....
Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #9 on: 11 July, 2015, 07:46:30 pm »
Katie, I'm not sure where you live, but the ride up Dan Bank is easier than trying to get going up Brabyns Brow if you get a train to Marple, and have to get out of the car park.  I'm afraid some of the climbs on the Dark Peak are a bit steeper than Dan Bank, but the ride is well worth the effort.  Just take it very steadily, and don't try and push too hard on the hills. Relax and enjoy the scenery, the descents and the egg and bacon butty at the Bank View Cafe (best in the North West). 

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #10 on: 11 July, 2015, 08:10:23 pm »
I am also undecided whether to attempt to ride to and from Marple, not sure from Rochdale though  :-\

I plan to ride out from/back to Delph for the Dark Peak

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #11 on: 11 July, 2015, 11:10:13 pm »
Katie, I'm not sure where you live, but the ride up Dan Bank is easier than trying to get going up Brabyns Brow if you get a train to Marple, and have to get out of the car park.

I was thinking Rose Hill Marple, if I got the train. I'm over near Stepping Hill sort of way, though, so it really makes more sense to tackle DB than ride to the train!

I'm afraid some of the climbs on the Dark Peak are a bit steeper than Dan Bank, but the ride is well worth the effort.  Just take it very steadily, and don't try and push too hard on the hills. Relax and enjoy the scenery, the descents and the egg and bacon butty at the Bank View Cafe (best in the North West).

It's not the steepness of DB that hurts me alone, but the length (and often the moisture in the air triggering my asthma) … I've a friend who lives at the top of DB so I know the hill well ;)

I'm not too worried about the ride really, plenty of time to do it in. I'll shy off the bacon though, being a veggie!

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #12 on: 12 July, 2015, 06:48:56 am »
I'm over near Stepping Hill sort of way, though, so it really makes more sense to tackle DB than ride to the train!

or head to Hazel Grove, follow Torkington Road, hop onto the Middlewood Way (straight on at the sharp left bend after Threaphurst Lane) to Wood Lane, Buxton Lane, Hibbert Lane, Stockport Rod, to Marple Library. 

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #13 on: 12 July, 2015, 08:21:21 am »
Huh, didn't know you could get on the M'Way there, it's been ages since I've used it and we always got on at the top of High Lane. Is it skinny-tyres suitable for that stretch?

crazy diamond

  • remember when you were young, you shone.....
Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #14 on: 12 July, 2015, 11:21:21 am »
I've not been on it for a while, but it can be muddy after rain!

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #15 on: 12 July, 2015, 01:59:07 pm »
Well I've just done a test ride to Marple took just 1 1/2 hours to cover 30Km or so, taking it moderately easy. Came back over werneth low for a hill climb. Not going over that way on the day.

My problem is that the time I'll be riding will be in the commuter times, and the roads are all the busty computer A roads, so I'll just take longer.

I'll time it to get to Marple for about 9:00 to give myself time to refill bidon and have a second breakfast.


Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #16 on: 12 July, 2015, 03:23:30 pm »
Well I've just done a test ride to Marple took just 1 1/2 hours to cover 30Km or so, taking it moderately easy. Came back over werneth low for a hill climb. Not going over that way on the day.

My problem is that the time I'll be riding will be in the commuter times, and the roads are all the busty computer A roads, so I'll just take longer.

I'll time it to get to Marple for about 9:00 to give myself time to refill bidon and have a second breakfast.

You should not Google "busty computer"

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #17 on: 12 July, 2015, 03:38:26 pm »
I'll call it dependent on weather and possibly just set off early and have a recuperating brew if it's been too rainy to risk M'Way, then!

*snort* at busty computer :)

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #18 on: 12 July, 2015, 05:22:17 pm »
That's me bloomin' fat finger & Aldi tablet thingy, whoops. Lol

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #19 on: 12 July, 2015, 05:38:41 pm »
Mike Roberts has alerted me to the plans to put a speed limit on Bakestonedale Road (the "Brickworks" climb as used on the Staffs Peak).  It doesn't affect us of course but it's a response to a significant increase in traffic on this narrow winding road using it as a rat run.

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #20 on: 13 July, 2015, 11:42:52 am »
Some even better news for the Dark Peak Grimpeur:  "I went through Langsett and on towards Strines" (says Pete Coates). "The road from the reservoir at Langsett up to Midhope has all been nicely resurfaced. I got quite excited thinking that the section just after Midhope might have been done too. However, it was still the same set of potholes it's alway been. But, then I saw a sign saying that works were happening there on 15th July. So just maybe it'll get a nice surface too."

I think we can all agree with Pete that this is truly something to be excited about.  I well remember a previous Membership Secretary coming to grief on this stretch and ending up with (I think) a broken collarbone).

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #21 on: 13 July, 2015, 06:32:12 pm »
@AndrewBr why do you hate them? I look upon them as a good bike ride with like-minded people on roads I wouldn't normally ride on with a little time twist, and if we get good weather fab!

@tagasel you're more than welcome to share the ride with me, it'll be nice to meet more yacfer's. 15km/hr is fine for the Peak

I am also undecided whether to attempt to ride to and from Marple, not sure from Rochdale though  :-\

John, I've ridden to Marple rides from Rochdale; straight down through Oldham and Ashton and Hyde.  It's a fast ride down if the wind is ok (which it usually isn't at this time of year).  But it's uphill all the way home, so you need to bear that in mind (especially after a hilly ride)!

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #22 on: 13 July, 2015, 08:49:07 pm »
Cheers Peter, I found that out on Sunday when I did my trial run, me taking the hill climb route up Cowlishaw Road (20%)  :facepalm: and over Werneth Low was definitely not the way to go home. I'll be taking the ride home easy on the day.  :)

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #23 on: 20 July, 2015, 04:34:49 pm »
White Peak and Mid Peak entered so far. My favourite rides of the year.
Hope the Halifax boys are coming, they might have to 'drag me' round.

Tail End Charlie

Re: Marple Grimpeurs
« Reply #24 on: 20 July, 2015, 10:36:58 pm »
I'm looking at doing the White, West and Staffs Peak rides, all being well. Might call in at the microbrewery in Wincle on the Staffs Peak to buy a celebratory bottle, it really hit the spot when I got home after doing it last year.