Author Topic: Base training  (Read 260734 times)

Chris S

Re: Base training
« Reply #625 on: 15 September, 2017, 01:52:44 pm »
I've been fettling the stuff in the gym spare room today, getting ready for dark evenings on the turbo.

I've restarted my TrainerRoads sub, and got the Concept 2 linked to Strava. I've stuck a Rasp Pi on the back of the TV on the wall, running KODI, so we can watch You Tube video playlists, as well as any of the films from the media server on the network.

Bring on the Snow!


Re: Base training
« Reply #626 on: 15 September, 2017, 03:27:15 pm »
TT bike is on the turbo but just for fettling purposes.

In theory I start training again on the 6th November.

Pedal Castro

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Re: Base training
« Reply #627 on: 15 September, 2017, 06:03:12 pm »
I started my base training a fortnight ago with 3x56 mile round trip commutes per wee, this goes up to 4 times a week next week. Trainer road will be for the wet days and then intervals start after Xmas. I'll try not to break any bones this winter.

Chris S

Re: Base training
« Reply #628 on: 15 September, 2017, 06:05:50 pm »
I started my base training a fortnight ago with 3x56 mile round trip commutes per wee, this goes up to 4 times a week next week. Trainer road will be for the wet days and then intervals start after Xmas. I'll try not to break any bones this winter.

Either that's a lot of commuting, or you have a massive bladder  :D

Pedal Castro

  • so talented I can run with scissors - ouch!
    • Two beers or not two beers...
Re: Base training
« Reply #629 on: 15 September, 2017, 06:44:17 pm »
I started my base training a fortnight ago with 3x56 mile round trip commutes per wee, this goes up to 4 times a week next week. Trainer road will be for the wet days and then intervals start after Xmas. I'll try not to break any bones this winter.

Either that's a lot of commuting, or you have a massive bladder  :D

Re: Base training
« Reply #630 on: 18 September, 2017, 09:37:31 pm »
I just put a Kinetic thru axle onto my road bike so as I could get it in the trainer. It' only just fitted!
I bought the turbo with the intention of following the Obree book, but I'm probably just going to explore the concept of getting up early and turboing for a few weeks - if I can do it twice a week (and ride on the weekend) then I'll get a Trainer Road sub (I like their podcasts and I prefer the high tech approach to turning myself inside out doing the same thing every week).

Re: Base training
« Reply #631 on: 22 September, 2017, 09:09:11 am »
Half way through my TR base training plan & it's working as the sweet spot intervals are starting to feel (a bit) too easy. 

Rest & retest my FTP, or just increase the intensity a few %, and retest after completing the plan?  What do other people do?


Re: Base training
« Reply #632 on: 03 October, 2017, 06:01:05 pm »
Half way through my TR base training plan & it's working as the sweet spot intervals are starting to feel (a bit) too easy. 

Rest & retest my FTP, or just increase the intensity a few %, and retest after completing the plan?  What do other people do?


I rested for 3 days then rested, pleased to have increased FTP in that test by 5%, I've set that as my new value which should be fun :)

Re: Base training
« Reply #633 on: 03 October, 2017, 09:03:37 pm »
When you say "half way", do you mean 3-4 weeks into Sweet Spot Base 1? That's really good going if so. There is a retest baked into the start of Base 2 anyway.
I'm now 4 rides into Sweet Spot Base 1. I find it hard to do the mega spinny bits (and my calves hurt after the single leg drills today), but I'm enjoying the structure.

Re: Base training
« Reply #634 on: 03 October, 2017, 10:40:21 pm »
Yep, in the 4th week of sweet spot base - generally feeling a nice 'regular effort' boost I think  :thumbsup:

Re: Base training
« Reply #635 on: 11 October, 2017, 10:18:51 am »
My neighbour complained about the noise of my Turbo yesterday, so I had to stop halfway through the workout. :( First one I've not finished. I'm in the garage, but it's a townhouse and resonates. :(
I'll be trying some sound deadening under the turbo, a box over the top of it (hope I don't cook it), and turning the resistance up to reduce the speed at which I can spin the drum.n Hopefully that will mean I can continue training super early as that's the easiest time to fit into my schedule....


  • unfuckwithable
Re: Base training
« Reply #636 on: 11 October, 2017, 11:46:54 am »
if there is space, you could use a big box that covers rear wheel and the trainer (with two sides removed) and layer the inside with a pronged sound insulation foam.

Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk

Re: Base training
« Reply #637 on: 11 October, 2017, 01:21:38 pm »
if there is space, you could use a big box that covers rear wheel and the trainer (with two sides removed) and layer the inside with a pronged sound insulation foam.

Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
That's the plan  :thumbsup: I'm just not sure of the size of the box yet.
At lunchtime today I got some of these things to go under it and insulate it from the concrete floor: (I had a halfords voucher to spend)

On the weekend I'm going to build a box out of reasonably solid plywood, put a slot in it for the wheel, line it with foam or felt and drop it over the turbo. I am working on the basis that the foam will reduce echo/resonance and the mass of the box will absorb some of the volume.
If it gets too hot in the box I might try to duct some cool air from my fan in (though I could also remove/open the box during the rest interval periods, 'cos it's far less noisy at low rpm).

Re: Base training
« Reply #638 on: 12 October, 2017, 09:39:13 am »
My neighbour complained about the noise of my Turbo yesterday, so I had to stop halfway through the workout. :( First one I've not finished. I'm in the garage, but it's a townhouse and resonates. :(
I'll be trying some sound deadening under the turbo, a box over the top of it (hope I don't cook it), and turning the resistance up to reduce the speed at which I can spin the drum.n Hopefully that will mean I can continue training super early as that's the easiest time to fit into my schedule....

That's one of the reasons I don't use my turbo: in a second floor flat, it's just too loud and makes the place shake, even when using plenty of rubber matting. :(

Re: Base training
« Reply #639 on: 12 October, 2017, 04:30:08 pm »
The rubber matting plus the increase in setting on the Turbo resolved the problem without a need for a box. I tried it today (at a reasonable time), and my neighbour said it was much improved and barely noticeable. :)

I might try to build a suitable box at some point, but it's much less urgent. :)


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
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Re: Base training
« Reply #640 on: 12 October, 2017, 06:40:27 pm »
I wouldn't bother with teh box, more chance of something going wrong with a fast spinny thing when you don't want it to and ending in tears/pain/cost :)

Good that you and the neighbour were able to reach an agreement on noise level from the matting  :thumbsup:


Re: Base training
« Reply #641 on: 02 November, 2017, 02:14:11 pm »
I finished the first 5 weeks of Sweet Spot Base 1, and the last week is a recovery week. I'm finding it really hard to be motivated for the recovery rides (not helped by my right knee being sore - my right leg isn't as strong as my left). Any tips?
I might do my FTP test this weekend instead of the 1.5 hour recovery ride - I don't think I'll be able to fit it in with work on Tuesday, and I'd like to keep to 1 hr Tuesday and Thursday and 1.5 on Saturday. That will tell me how much I've improved (I feel faster, but...)! :)

Re: Base training
« Reply #642 on: 06 November, 2017, 09:25:33 am »
I did my FTP test yesterday.  I've still not got the hang of the 8 minute ones. The first one, I pushed myself really hard, averaged 222W (my previous FTP was 170) and I could barely see at the end! I recovered OK in the 10 minute valley before the second effort, but it felt much too long and I was cold by the second one (I need to get a remote adjustable fan).  On the second one, I put it into too big a gear, failed to spin it up properly and ended up mashing for a minute or 2 before my ITB got tight and I quit and just span along to finish the workout.
My new FTP was calculated on the average of the 2 efforts, so i came out lower than before! :(
I didn't realise it was calculated on the average of the 2 or I wouldn't have bailed on it. I've manually set it for 190W.
Does anyone else use the 8 minute test?  I think I will try the 20 minute test next time...

Chris S

Re: Base training
« Reply #643 on: 06 November, 2017, 09:42:32 am »
I use the 8 minute test, mostly because I'm not supposed to maintain max output for long periods (eg: 20 minutes), doctors orders.

The knack is in the pacing - you'll see from the above I was able to push harder in the second effort because I'd not gone too crazy in the first. Practice helps.

(You can also see my FTP is shite - I have work to do over the winter!)

Re: Base training
« Reply #644 on: 06 November, 2017, 10:00:02 am »
That link is private, so I can't see your ride.
The first 8 minute FTP test I did was this:
You can see that the first leg was too easy and I raised it, and then the second one was still a bit on the easy side and ramped up.
Yesterdays was this:
You can see that the first time around my cadence was mid 90s, and then high 80s for the second half, but the second time around I got the power above 200 but the cadence was low 80s - I think that's why I couldn't push the gear and my ITB seized up.

Samuel D

Re: Base training
« Reply #645 on: 06 November, 2017, 10:14:04 am »
For an 8-minute max effort, my cadence would have to be well over 100 RPM. Curious if you’ve tried significantly higher cadences.

Chris S

Re: Base training
« Reply #646 on: 06 November, 2017, 10:20:26 am »
That link is private, so I can't see your ride.

Doh! Shouldn't be now.


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
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Re: Base training
« Reply #647 on: 06 November, 2017, 10:22:20 am »
I prefer the 8min test also, whilst its twice, its not as long. Plus the first effort allows you to work at just above threshold by what ever you guess might be improvement and then up or lower for the second session.

I've not done a test since before LEL and really should do one.  I have recently been using Xert which uses your power meter based rides to derive an FTP, mine is still there or thereabouts but it certainly feels a lot more of an effort to keep going now my pre-LEL fitness isn't there... I'm not sure when I did my last FTP, I think it was May! when I was around 269W




Re: Base training
« Reply #648 on: 06 November, 2017, 11:24:40 am »
It's easier to pace if you know what the target is. After a while away, or a big improvement between tests, pacing gets tricky.

TR do advise that if you overcook in the first and there's a big drop in the second effort as a result, you will probably underestimate your FTP. I don't think it's possible to over-test so if anything your score would be higher, rather than lower, with a perfectly paced test.

This was my most recent 8-minute test:

I cocked up the pacing because of a drop in fitness caused by more racing than training, plus using a new power meter which reads lower than the Kickr. So I struggled a bit in the second interval.

Fitness has dropped further since due to injury + lurgy.

Re: Base training
« Reply #649 on: 06 November, 2017, 11:54:01 am »
I could probably have hung on to 200W for the second 8 minutes if I wasn't concerned that my ITB would cause knee instability and do more harm than good. I'm foam rollering and doing glute exercises to help with that, but... I know I'm better than I was on the first test I did 6 weeks ago, and I also undercooked that one, so I was expecting to hold 215W or so, but I followed the guidance and didn't pick a target wattage - I just rode as hard as I could for 8 minutes. :) I guess that's why that first test spent quite a lot of time at 230W ish.  ::-) I should probably have just tried to maintain 215 for the 2 periods of 8 minutes.  As a result of messing up the test, I'm going to use a manual FTP at 190 and see if I can complete the workouts at that level - if not then I'll drop it down a bit at a time until I can. I can't fit another test in on Tuesday - gotta go to Manchester with work (which is why I started on Sunday).

I find it harder to ride high cadences on the turbo than outside - part of the reason is that to keep the noise lower I'm lifiting the resistance on the turbo unit and using lower gears. I'm rebuilding my fixie, so once that's done I'll go outside and spin like a lunatic (when the weather is nice and I don't have a TR ride scheduled) - I think that's only got a 68" gear. :)