Author Topic: My "Tech" Blog  (Read 638 times)


My "Tech" Blog
« on: 28 September, 2015, 10:19:18 pm »
I've not long started a "tech blog"*. Although it's fairly focussed on things you perhaps won't find that relevant, I'm sort of planning a series of articles aimed at people who what to become a little more "techie".

I've written the first article** in the series I'm calling "from scratch", which shows quite graphically how to Install Ubuntu Server from scratch. Might be useful for anyone planning to build their own home server:

The idea is to try and write one in this series each week. Next week's plan is to write about using SSH to access your Ubuntu Server. Then move onto setting up a web server/storage server/windows sharing etc. and slowly build it up into what will be, hopefully, a useful resource.
I'm also happy to take some of the problems people have had here as inspiration for future articles to help home users.

Your feedback is of course welcome. I know the website is missing a fav icon, robots.txt etc. and the error pages are not working yet. It's a little and often type project, squeezed in around my other priorities. I'm not planning on doing any SEO work either - I just haven't got the time. I'm more interested in getting feedback on the idea and of course the actual content.


*really a system administrators blog, but the two aren't that dissimilar to the uninitiated.
**There's one section incomplete, which I'll hopefully have sorted by the end of the week.