Author Topic: ACME Miscellany  (Read 537284 times)

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1300 on: 06 June, 2016, 10:29:25 am »
... Carlos has asked me to point out that his image rights are very valuable so all requests for photographs should be made via his agent.

Which is me  ;D

Is there any truth in the rumour that there is a super injunction in place in case Jiber tries to sell any of the pictures he took of Sister Carol in the wee small hours of Sunday morning ?  He does look very different at that time of the morning when he hasn't slept for a day and without his make up, mood lighting and soft focus lens.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1301 on: 06 June, 2016, 10:41:34 am »

Carlos has valuable contracts with BHS, M&S, Next, Topman, Moss Bros, Fatface, Head&Shoulders, Rapha, and many more too numerous to mention.  Any snaps of him at anything less than his best could cost me him shit loads of money  :facepalm:


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1302 on: 06 June, 2016, 02:36:18 pm »
I found that Hyper SR is a recognised but not a medal award and looks less appealing now.

'Hypers' know who the select few are...but I wouldn't be averse to a medal, should one exist  :thumbsup:

And my congrats to first-timers at 400km and new SRs alike  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1303 on: 06 June, 2016, 05:58:29 pm »
hmmm, I don't want to rock the boat but I am a little confused now. So we got funds from Witham Cycling folk (which I guess was towards the Cycling UK fees) as WC will be using that insurance so it is good some of the cover comes from there. But with boosted coffers do we still needs someone to cover that £24? If we are going to do a website for ACME is that not money well spent? I guess we need the tech folk (or just Bobb) to decide.

I am happy to sponsor the £24 but if we have some cash available I am also happy that 'club' funds get spent on that.

Also, can I just check that other than coming under the same Cycling UK thing Witham Cycling and ACME will be completely separate right?

Is it worth us all having a discussion about all this next Wednesday? As I think there are various ideas about what ACME will actually be and I think it is worth us all agreeing (or not) but at least knowing what the full plan is.

From my perspective (and after a discussion with Oaky last night on the way home, rudely interrupted by a suicidal Carradice  :facepalm:) we kind of agreed that we both like the idea of a very loose structure with no need for AGM's and the like. For me that more rigid club structure is why I have no intention of joining any of the other clubs in the area.....I just wanna ride me bike

Right then, in response to tippers' post above ...

huggy and I have been trying to raise 2 years worth on insurance premium so we don't have to pass the begging bowl around too often - cos it's boring.  Last week we collected £49 from the WC folks, this week I will try to collect another £26.  In addition one of the WC blokes has stumped up £75 and the Global CFO should have the money by Wednesday.  So it looks like we will have achieved our target.  So that the WC folks think they are getting their money's worth I will run a few more led rides, it would be nice if some of you chaps could as well.  I also hope we can do a few more velodrome trips this year, the ride leader insurance is vital for these trips.

I have said that I want the WC contributions ring fenced and spent only on ride leader insurance as the money was given solely for this purpose.  That means the contributions from us lot can be spent on ACME stuff or whatever else.   I think we have contributed c£140 thus far.

Now the "club" thing.  What we have now are a variety of informal entities offering different activities but there is also significant crossover.  We have the MEMWNS, ACME, WC, huggy's AUK rides and Tomsk's AUK rides.  I think we do need some sort of club structure to fall back on.  So far, cos WC has ride leader insurance it also has CUK affiliation - hence there's your "club" right there.  We couldn't do the velodrome evenings without the CUK affiliation and also huggy used the affiliation to help set himself up with AUK.  I'm not sure we can change WC's name and I'm not sure it's necessary.  My view is all the things we have planned can carry on as they are, but if  "club" is ever required for some tedious bit of bureaucracy we have WC and it's CUK affiliation to fall back on. 

Money, if we are to be a "club" even in the loosest sense I think we need a bit of cash, which we now have.  Further funds could easily be raised from event entry fees (audaxs and velodrome) plus jersey and cap sales (any renting 'fandango out as a knitting pattern model).

What do we think?


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1304 on: 06 June, 2016, 06:32:17 pm »
 :thumbsup: Good ride Tom, I actually really enjoyed the last stage and was over the moon to find we entered Newmarket halfway up that horrible climb.... or at least that's what it felt like in the dark LOL  I had some bad shoulder/rear chest pain during the ride which Ibuprofen wasn't doing much to solve but I discovered standing up when descending helped a lot... the pain miraculous went for the last 100km somehow, perhaps it was my mental state due to tiredness blocking it.

A change in riding style prompted by riding with Grant last week saw me leave the big ring along, this worked well until the combination of new chain and the wear in my cassette started to show meaning my top 2-4 gears were useless for putting any power through, so for the rest of the ride I was playing between front and rear to a comfortable cadence... new cassette ordered today!

I've other memories coming back to me now...
  • The woman looking for her black lab who decided to ask the B peloton if they had seen her dog whilst they were in mid flow at a head stop ;D
  • "Oi mate do you know your wheels are going round" from the drunk girls in Swaffham.
  • The very drunk guy who fell out of his car in a lay-by approaching Lakenheath/Thetford, quite comedy at the time, less so when he came past quite close to me in his car 30 mins later, and I was holding my breath as he approached the red lights of B Peloton up ahead that he would see them, thankfully he seemed to pull out a small distance just in time! (Green VW Golf)  :o

Things wot I learned was (recorded so I can remember for next time...):
  • I need to spin up to full head of steam after a stop, so my 'warm up' meant when we 'did one' I was lagging till the engine was warmed up...
  • I seem to do a bit better on my own  :'(  I was getting frustrated by not being able to maximise the only benefit of ballast when heading downhill as I was on the brakes all the time rather than using "free" kph...
  • I still couldn't keep my pace in check, worked at it on the way out, enjoyed the scenery and company more than I have on other rides, certainly failed on the way out of Wells (see note above  ::-) )
  • There are definitely 'phases' to a ride, on a sample size of 1 (!) I think the longer the ride, the longer and therefore more discernible the phases become:  exciting, good, great, miserable, better, nearly finished, done.
  • Need to think about a spare base layer/shorts - carrying the dampness from the previous day of hot riding didnt make for a pleasant morning when the temperature had swung from 22/26 to 9 degrees, with the fatigue I just couldn't get warm..   
  • I had enough food to feed a small army (including pork pies), perhaps too much food... but just enough loo roll  :-[
  • Embracing the routine for the last 100km of lowest gear for anything >1% was relaxing
  • My legs certainly thanked my for the more 'spinny' approach and I felt like I had another 100km in me when I got up from a short few hour nap, though was feeling it this morning... (I suspect that rules out that as an excuse for not doing a 600 now  ::-) )

Hopefully my overpaid administrative staff got my brevet in the post today, let me know how many days it's late by so I can start my claim for liquidated damages..... 

We'll look fantastic once we are all astern in ACME regalia ...



  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1305 on: 06 June, 2016, 06:59:35 pm »
hmmm, I don't want to rock the boat but I am a little confused now. So we got funds from Witham Cycling folk (which I guess was towards the Cycling UK fees) as WC will be using that insurance so it is good some of the cover comes from there. But with boosted coffers do we still needs someone to cover that £24? If we are going to do a website for ACME is that not money well spent? I guess we need the tech folk (or just Bobb) to decide.

I am happy to sponsor the £24 but if we have some cash available I am also happy that 'club' funds get spent on that.

Also, can I just check that other than coming under the same Cycling UK thing Witham Cycling and ACME will be completely separate right?

Is it worth us all having a discussion about all this next Wednesday? As I think there are various ideas about what ACME will actually be and I think it is worth us all agreeing (or not) but at least knowing what the full plan is.

From my perspective (and after a discussion with Oaky last night on the way home, rudely interrupted by a suicidal Carradice  :facepalm:) we kind of agreed that we both like the idea of a very loose structure with no need for AGM's and the like. For me that more rigid club structure is why I have no intention of joining any of the other clubs in the area.....I just wanna ride me bike

Right then, in response to tippers' post above ...

huggy and I have been trying to raise 2 years worth on insurance premium so we don't have to pass the begging bowl around too often - cos it's boring.  Last week we collected £49 from the WC folks, this week I will try to collect another £26.  In addition one of the WC blokes has stumped up £75 and the Global CFO should have the money by Wednesday.  So it looks like we will have achieved our target.  So that the WC folks think they are getting their money's worth I will run a few more led rides, it would be nice if some of you chaps could as well.  I also hope we can do a few more velodrome trips this year, the ride leader insurance is vital for these trips.

I have said that I want the WC contributions ring fenced and spent only on ride leader insurance as the money was given solely for this purpose.  That means the contributions from us lot can be spent on ACME stuff or whatever else.   I think we have contributed c£140 thus far.

Now the "club" thing.  What we have now are a variety of informal entities offering different activities but there is also significant crossover.  We have the MEMWNS, ACME, WC, huggy's AUK rides and Tomsk's AUK rides.  I think we do need some sort of club structure to fall back on.  So far, cos WC has ride leader insurance it also has CUK affiliation - hence there's your "club" right there.  We couldn't do the velodrome evenings without the CUK affiliation and also huggy used the affiliation to help set himself up with AUK.  I'm not sure we can change WC's name and I'm not sure it's necessary.  My view is all the things we have planned can carry on as they are, but if  "club" is ever required for some tedious bit of bureaucracy we have WC and it's CUK affiliation to fall back on. 

Money, if we are to be a "club" even in the loosest sense I think we need a bit of cash, which we now have.  Further funds could easily be raised from event entry fees (audaxs and velodrome) plus jersey and cap sales (any renting 'fandango out as a knitting pattern model).

What do we think?

As long as the Global CFO and 'fandango's agent aren't planning on "doing one" with the proceeds of the Xmas raffle then I am relatively cool with the arrangement, though sometimes there is a need to say upfront what might happen with money should we decide to fold the gathering and there's coffers still in the bank, plus on top of that might bring some regular reporting on said piggy bank... 

Like Nik I don't do clubs as my experience of them is they tend to end up a political sideshow for whoever has the most time... perhaps we should consult our ACME legal eagle after he's finished attending to my administrative tasks... ?

(joking aside, most orgs I've known have something that says in the event of closing, the remaining funds will be given to a certain charity or something like that - but that comes with some admin as noted above (no - not my brevet, the accounting bit... ) )

I recall something recently about a need for Chelmsford CTC to have meetings and keep mins of them, something about a change of status releasing them of that duty... not sure if that is something or nothing...)

ETA: CUK policy booklet might be worth a peruse to ensure the interpretation is right, don't you already have a formal entity, WC, else you couldn't get the Affiliated Group and ride leader stuff in place?

ETA#2: I didn't realise that  'Affiliated Members of Cycling UK' doesn't give you voting rights in CUK!


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1306 on: 06 June, 2016, 08:58:11 pm »
How much detail do you really want ?

Apologies in advance to anyone who actually reads this.

I think we are probably all agreed (?) that ACME is a distinct group from WC but that there will be a great deal of crossover between the two with many ACME members also being members of WC. That is probably a crucial distinction; you can be a member of one without being a member of the other.

I don't know a lot about WC but I do know that it is an affiliated group of Cycling UK. This gives it access to some third party insurance cover subject only to compliance with certain Cycling UK rules.  As an aside, Chelmsford CTC is an informal group of Cycling UK so is subject to more rules but nothing like it would be if it was a formal group.  As another aside, Audax United Kingdom Long Distance Cyclists' Association ("AUK") is an affiliated group of Cycling UK.

However WC and AUK are very different in structure.  WC is an unincorporated association whereas AUK is a company limited by guarantee.

There is no statutory definition for an unincorporated association, but a number of definitions appear in case law. The most well-known definition comes from Lawton LJ in Conservative and Unionist Central Office v Burrell [1982] WLR 522, who defined the entity as "two or more persons bound together for one or more common purposes, not being business purposes, by mutual undertakings each having mutual duties and obligations, in an organisation which has rules which identify in whom control of it and its funds rests and on what terms and which can be joined or left at will".

It is a structure that most clubs adopt almost by accident when they are formed.  Legally it could probably be argued that ACME is already an unincorporated association as none of the rules need to be in writing.  The only thing that could be a saving grace is that no one has asked for or paid a subscription.  I understand that ACH is free to join and I assume it lives off a small surcharge on the kit it sells.  Perhaps someone could reach out to ACH or ACB and ask.  Keeping it simple has a real attraction here as you will find out below.

Most clubs do go on to have some basic rules and safeguards to prevent Arthur Fowler Xmas Club situations and to deal with a range of issues including:

The name of the association;

The association’s object and purposes;

Election and admission of members;

Payment of subscriptions;

Resignation of members;

Suspension and expulsion of members;

Composition of the managing committee;

Management of the association’s affairs;

Finance and property;

General meetings;

Alteration of rules;

Dissolution of the association; and

Power of specific officers to bind members.

The problem with unincorporated associations is that they have no legal capacity as an entity separate from their members.  This becomes an increasing problem as they become bigger and need to deal with third parties.  At this point most will appoint a committee to act on their behalf, which brings its own list of new issues,  and many will become companies limited by guarantee. There are other structures that may work for a group depending on what they are doing.  There is also a tax efficient structure for Community Amateur Sports Clubs that many local sports clubs will sign up to.

There are liability issues as well.  It is not possible to sue an unincorporated association as it has no legal personality.  It would theoretically be possible to sue all the members of an association if the association at large was, say, causing a nuisance.  Normally, however, it would be an individual that was sued.  Most of us carry third party insurance by being members of Cycling UK or the correct grade of membership of British Cycling.  Huggy has already identified the real issue with liability in relation to WC, an individual being held liable because of something they do on behalf of the club. This why the velodrome insists on club insurance cover.  It is hard to see how this could really be an issue as the only thing that ACME will do will be to organise certain audax events and these would be covered under AUK's policy.  It may be food for thought though.

You will not be surprised to hear that the only real exceptions to the legal entity point are tax and anti-discrimination rules (though in both cases there are de minimis rules in place).

If anyone is still awake and at the risk of being even more boring, if we are going to end up as an unincorporated association, it does probably make sense to have the most basic set of rules imaginable in place at least.  These rules are usually as much for the protection of those looking after the money and members as they are for the members.   Fortunately there is nothing new under the sun really when it comes to this sort of thing and it should not be hard to create a set of rules.  I was thinking that the amounts we are talking about are not large and it was a bit of overkill but Tomsk is potentially about to create an order for c. 2k worth of jersey and caps so perhaps the amounts are not trivial after all.

At least on this occasion it really is alright to blame Oaky as he came up with the concept in the first place  :o
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1307 on: 06 June, 2016, 09:15:54 pm »
Arthur Fowler Xmas Club situations

Please tell me that this is often cited in legal circles  ;D
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1308 on: 06 June, 2016, 09:30:45 pm »
Not as often as the Ian and Cindie custody battle.

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The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

The Retiree

  • Zappi Clothing Ambassador -
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1309 on: 06 June, 2016, 09:32:32 pm »
What about poor old innocent Max being sent down for a murder he didn't commit

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  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1310 on: 06 June, 2016, 10:05:30 pm »
Mrs jiberjaber has just asked me why I'm crying with laughter!

Good summary GD.


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1311 on: 06 June, 2016, 10:12:50 pm »
You will also be pleased to hear that I have done your administration as well. 

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1312 on: 06 June, 2016, 10:54:48 pm »
Excellent, many thanks for that! :)


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1313 on: 06 June, 2016, 11:11:20 pm »

Good summary GD.
You call that a summary?!  ;D


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1314 on: 06 June, 2016, 11:52:33 pm »
Being on the receiving end of plenty of legal advice, that is one of the better ones  :thumbsup:


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1315 on: 07 June, 2016, 09:24:21 am »
Folks, just in case anyone might be interested in joining me I have just entered a DIY 200k for June 25th. To keep my RRTY live I need to get this done and I can't do the Windmill ride on the same day as I need to be home late afternoon/early evening so I am planning on it being a reasonably steady ride with limited stopping time.

The route is the same as THIS

My plan is to be on the road at about 4am and do a non stop to Red Lodge for breakfast then a quick snack/coffee in Saffron Walden and a beer at the Swan in Little Totham just a couple of KM from home.

I'm planning this to be my first Fixed 200 as well so who knows how it will go!

Let me know if you are interested in joining the fun. I can pass on the details.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1316 on: 07 June, 2016, 09:48:52 am »
How much detail do you really want ?

Apologies in advance to anyone who actually reads this ...

Re ted's excellent summary ^^^

Everything ted says sounds fine.  I'm not in favour of red tape and rulz.  I suppose the only times when such things are needed are where insurance is required or when money changes hands.  For the moment at least we have the insurance angle covered and given I am only handing over relatively small sums of money to people I trust 1 million % I personally have no need for my financial interests to be safeguarded in any way - others might feel differently.

ACME's links with WC are a marriage of convenience with ACME riding on the back of something that was already in existence.  Nobody, least of all me, seems to have a problem with this.  But there's nothing to stop ACME striking out on it's own and affiliating with CUK in it's own right.  WC can sail on regardless.  If ACME and WC were to part company it would be easy for the funds collected so far to be split based on who had contributed what.


    • ACME
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1317 on: 07 June, 2016, 10:12:56 am »
To continue the current multiple topic conversations and return to the WC / ACME finances discussion for my two pennies of textual input...

The issue of passing the hat around for contributions may have got a little blurred for the purpose of paying for certain immediate expenses and subsequently creating a small cash float.  For my part, for which I have been volunteered in to the position of GCFO, the intentions were in chronological order:
1. Pay for the CUK Ride Leader premium, reasons for having this are well documented up thread.  I was willing to underwrite this with the expectation of reimbursement throughout the year by way of small supplement on rides and Velodrome trips etc.. The 2016 premium has been paid by a combination of WC led ride participant and MEMWNS member donations, with further WC donations expected to be able to have at least 1 year's premium in the bank.
2. MEMWNS / ACME member donations have helped sub the CUK premium in the short term but will be 'repaid' with WC led ride income and another significant benefactor.
3. ACME member donations for getting the 'club' off the ground to be used for the payment of set up stuff for the website, Internet domain(s), fixed IP and jersey design fee.  Some of these have been underwritten by individuals but the funds remain available for the purpose of reimbursement if requested.
4. In future, ACME club funds may be boosted by brevet supplements, cake sales, passing the hat around at Epiphany to request OD to stop singing, jersey sales, etc.

The purpose of WC and ACME are separate but have shared some common financial goals up to now; the revenue streams are documented and separated by me and can now be forevermore kept separate given that the only real expenditure that WC has is the CUK premium, ACME will have ongoing running costs.  Accounting records can be shared if required, I did suggest that we have a members/officers access only area on the ACME website to post such records.

To the subject of running ACME AUK events, no they do not need to be covered for insurance purposes by the WC CUK association due to AUK having their own specific insurance for that purpose.
*** Interesting fact - did you know that when you are on an AUK ride although you are covered for 3rd party liability there is a £500 excess? ***
Reason to have personal 3rd party liability cover anyway??
To the subject of you good readers also having vested interest in WC, if you have been or intend to go to a Velodrome event with WC in the future then you will benefit from the WC CUK associated membership.
Therefore there is inextricable cross-over of membership of WC and ACME, so everyone's donations started off in the one pot but we are now in the happy position that they can be appropriated to distinct group activities.  It may be cleaner for WC to be absorbed under the name of ACME and change the name with CUK but that runs the jeopardy of new cyclists in the Witham area not feeling like they have an easy access cycling group to introduce them and nurture their confidence on the road, I include myself in that and look what's happened to me!!  So I don't think WC can be absorbed or dissolved but runs in complement to ACME and vice versa.  It just makes the financial recording a little more challenging that's all.

Do we need a formal set of rules for these two cycling groups of friends and loose associates? Possibly. I hand you back to the legal department.
However, if at around Christmas/Epiphany time you don't hear from me just call me Arthur.

Never knowingly underfed on an Audax


    • ACME
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1318 on: 07 June, 2016, 10:19:48 am »
joking aside, most orgs I've known have something that says in the event of closing, the remaining funds will be given to a certain charity or something like that - but that comes with some admin as noted above
Well that's easy and obvious - it just gets put in the Hello Kitty purse kitty and used up at the next MEMWNS outing  ;D
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1319 on: 07 June, 2016, 10:36:34 am »
huggy, Global CFO and the voice of reason. 


  • ACME Fire Safety Officer
  • Audax Club Mid-Essex
    • MEMWNS Map
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1320 on: 07 June, 2016, 02:05:04 pm »
It may be cleaner for WC to be absorbed under the name of ACME and change the name with CUK but that runs the jeopardy of new cyclists in the Witham area not feeling like they have an easy access cycling group to introduce them and nurture their confidence on the road, I include myself in that and look what's happened to me!!  So I don't think WC can be absorbed or dissolved but runs in complement to ACME and vice versa.  It just makes the financial recording a little more challenging that's all.

I think it's better for the led rides, and for encouragement of novice cyclists if Witham Cycling remains with the name Witham Cycling.  ACME would confuse civilians, I think.

Do we need a formal set of rules for these two cycling groups of friends and loose associates? Possibly. I hand you back to the legal department.
However, if at around Christmas/Epiphany time you don't hear from me just call me Arthur.

I don't know...  Teh ACME Roolz as I see them are pretty sparse and boil down to:-

ACME (Audax Club Mid-Essex) is a loosely knit community and exists for ~3 purposes:-

  • To accumulate points in the AUK lists to see how far a loose association of folks who identify with Mid-Essex can actually go compared to the big boys  ;)
  • To provide a humorous theme that Mid-Essex Audaxes can brand themselves under (should they wish)
  • To get a cool jersey that identifies the Mid-Essex Posse on the road

Membership of ACME to be limited to:-
  • Anyone accumulating AUK points for ACME
  • Anyone who has ever ridden any ACME events (or their spiritual pre-cursors)
  • Anyone else who wants to be in
You are in a maze of twisty flat droves, all alike.

85.4 miles from Marsh Gibbon

Audax Club Mid-Essex Fire Safety Officer

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1321 on: 07 June, 2016, 02:20:05 pm »
Good to see anarchy is still alive and well somewhere in mid-Essex (*) and as per normal we're still not taking anything too seriously - I was beginning to worry!

(*) mid-Essex being defined a band running across the middle of the county of Essex with either a vertical (north to south) or horizontal (west to east) orientation depending on personal taste  ;D


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1322 on: 07 June, 2016, 05:07:37 pm »
Good to see anarchy is still alive and well somewhere in mid-Essex (*) and as per normal we're still not taking anything too seriously - I was beginning to worry!

(*) mid-Essex being defined a band running across the middle of the county of Essex with either a vertical (north to south) or horizontal (west to east) orientation depending on personal taste  ;D

Audax Club North Essex...Audax Randonneurs South Essex...hmm, no, I think the fringes of the county will be in Mid-Essex  ;D

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1323 on: 07 June, 2016, 05:28:05 pm »
Good to see anarchy is still alive and well somewhere in mid-Essex (*) and as per normal we're still not taking anything too seriously - I was beginning to worry!

(*) mid-Essex being defined a band running across the middle of the county of Essex with either a vertical (north to south) or horizontal (west to east) orientation depending on personal taste  ;D

Audax Club North Essex...Audax Randonneurs South Essex (ARSE)   ;D  ...hmm, no, I think the fringes of the county will be in Mid-Essex  ;D

^^^ I'm moving to south Essex!  Thankfully my skin is too good for north Essex.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1324 on: 07 June, 2016, 06:27:39 pm »
Mid-Essex is a state of mind not a neo-imperialist straitjacket, man.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways