Author Topic: ACME Miscellany  (Read 538594 times)


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1775 on: 31 October, 2016, 01:38:57 pm »
^ 15h45 for a cold, foggy, lumpy, dark 300? Chapeau! Talking of which...ACME caps, by 'Blackmore' are here! £13 each: I'll bring some along on Saturday for the 3Rs.

I have a new order of jerseys too. If you're going to be there would like one, pm/email me and I'll bring one along. I now have a full range from XS to L. £45 each.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1776 on: 31 October, 2016, 02:38:58 pm »
 :thumbsup: I might be in for a couple of those! Are they one size fits all?

Andy C33

  • Beverage Procurement Officer.
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1777 on: 31 October, 2016, 05:51:50 pm »
I want to get ahead so put me down for a titfa  :thumbsup:


  • Enjoying life in the slow lane
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1778 on: 31 October, 2016, 05:52:20 pm »
Among a few other 'usual suspects' I saw Peter Walton [Hertfordshire Wheelers] came stonking past in a club group and said hi.

There was also a chap from Audax Club Hackney, whom I recognised from his saddlebag but whose name I don't know  :-[

PS - can I have a cap please? 
Why should anybody steal a watch when they can steal a bicycle?


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1779 on: 31 October, 2016, 07:41:42 pm »
Caps are one-size, elasticated at the back - mine is just about perfect, not too tight or too loose. I can post if you add a quid for p&p, they'll be ok as 'large letter' in a C5 envelope.

As we are such good customers, ACME members can have a 15% discount on other Blackmore kit - ask me for the seekrit code to use on   :thumbsup:

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1780 on: 01 November, 2016, 11:43:44 am »
Will aim to get 2 off you on Wednesday if I make it out (80% likely) otherwise will be Saturday.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1781 on: 03 November, 2016, 09:51:19 am »
We had an excellent turn out on our trip to the Chapel last night.  The Chapel proved to be a decent locals pub with a limited selection of ales and a confusing (to me) wifi code  :facepalm:

The Witham peloton of the Hustler, GavinSSN and Hotblack were joined at the pub by me and the other solo riders; Tippers, Tomsk, Fandango and Oaky.

We sampled Red Fox IPA and Wily Ol' Fox, the latter taking the prestigious Quaffers' Choice.

Talking of foxes, with the delivery of our shiny new ACME caps, it was time for the model off between Tomsk and Fandango.  You may have heard of the term silver fox, well these are shiny foxes  ;D  Early voting on the facebook posting was going the way of Fandango, but then he is a professional.  Disappointingly for Tomsk, Mrs Tomsk had liked the picture but neglected to cast a vote in Tomsk's direction  :o

Flushed with his modelling success and in light of OD's revelations about the musical interlude at the next epiphany ride, Tomsk is now intent on forming a boy band.  So far he has recruited Fandango and Oaky.  They are now looking for that key fourth member.  Apparently being follically challenged is less important than an ability to hold an audience in the palm of your air- grabbing hand.  Applications to Tomsk please Jiber.

Discussions ranged from the intricacies of the H plan diet through to which fixed gear to ride through the winter - 69" is the answer apparently.  We also all looked very smart in our new hats.  All that is except GavinSSN who ploughs his own particular fashion furrow...

All too soon it was time to leave.  If we thought riding there was cold, we were in for a bit of a shock with the icy blast that met us as we exited the pub.  It is fair to say that most of us were really dressed for a cold autumn night and not -1.5C.  Most of us that is apart from GavinSSN who was still in shorts and fingerless mitts  :o  That said, it was a cracking ride home on quiet roads and an hour each way is probably about right at this time of this year.

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1782 on: 03 November, 2016, 10:13:46 am »
Glad you all liked Coggeshall, we could be back there in a few weeks.


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1783 on: 03 November, 2016, 10:17:28 am »
Indeed, a good night out. Fleecy hat much appreciated and a good straight road to blast down home to keep warm. The slower plod along gravelly lanes and 2 miles of COR on the way out chilled me at the extremities; stopping to take a phone call from my sister didn't help.

In other ACME news, I've just heard this morning that James Shaw, [ESR this year] took the AUK trike points record for 2015-16 with 105 points. Chapeau!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1784 on: 06 November, 2016, 01:48:53 pm »
Yesterday saw the first event of the ACME winter brevet series - Huggy's 3Rs.

It was a great day out along a splendid route.  Tomsk is correct, the tweaks and the reverse made it even better than the original version.

The most notable part of the day was Acorn #1's debut audax.  Finishing a tough 100k ride on a windy and cold autumn day might not be the easiest way to ride your first brevet but it didn't seem to faze her at all.  Not only that but she had to put up with Oaky the whole way round and OD for a good part of it.  Chapeau indeed  :thumbsup:

The rest of ACME behaved much as you would expect:

GavinSSN was dressed for August.

Tomsk went off to chase down the racing snakes on his 64" gear.

Jiber had a visitation.

Carlos got lost and laughed like Sid James.

Tippers vanished off the front.

JenM rode a civilised ride and seemed to be everywhere the rest of us were.

OD floated around taking pictures of his bike.

Grant looked supremely in control as ringmaster and organiser.

I tried to keep up and moaned a lot.

Usual stuff basically  ;D

Needless to say, it was ACME that propped up the bar at the end of the ride.  No wonder the duty manager at the 'Spoons was so happy  :thumbsup:

Looking forward to Tomsk's December event and hoping that it is equally fixed friendly (while doubting that Tomsk will do anything other than be his usual evil self  :facepalm:).

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1785 on: 06 November, 2016, 01:57:47 pm »
Looking forward to Tomsk's December event and hoping that it is equally fixed friendly (while doubting that Tomsk will do anything other than be his usual evil self  :facepalm:).

 ;D Pretty benign route next month - nothing in the Market Hill category. Info controls may be a bit of a mental challenge  :demon:

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1786 on: 07 November, 2016, 09:42:45 am »
Looking forward to Tomsk's December event and hoping that it is equally fixed friendly (while doubting that Tomsk will do anything other than be his usual evil self  :facepalm:).

 ;D Pretty benign route next month - nothing in the Market Hill category. Info controls may be a bit of a mental challenge  :demon:
Market Hill was like London buses for me. I had not been near it on the fixed until Saturday and managed to ride up it twice, once on my ECE outbound and once for the event. The first time up at about 7am there was a running club doing hill repeats on it which ensured I never even thought about walking while the second visit included traffic just before the last of the steep bit, luckily they edged forward just as I approached so slowing the pedals got me over it. I would actually have to say it seemed easier on fixed than on gears oddly.

The owrst part of the day for me as I said repeatedly at the spoons (at least once per pint) was the drag up from Rettendon...I find that highly annoying as it's just between my out of the saddle and in the saddle effort space for quite a while.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1787 on: 07 November, 2016, 10:15:11 am »
As I said, at least once per pint, I always think the TMNH descent is the worst part, although made easier by the headwind on Saturday.

Carlos wasn't in love with the Rettendon climb either, or any other drags.  It may have had something to do with the fact that he had swapped out his bike tyres for tractor tyres though  ;D
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1788 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:02:16 am »
As I thought to myself, at least once per pint, I thought the worst bit was going to be the climb up Market Hill. You see, despite living in Maldon I have never attempted the I started off on the pavement thinking I was bound to want to get it was I didn't and I crested the top with a self satisfied smile.

The worst bit was the hill up to Danbury - there weren't many smiles going up that hill.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1789 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:19:06 am »
Oh, the other thing I was saying about twice per pint was, I only have 14k to go....I think I actually ended up reasonably close to the time limit  :facepalm: But after several pints I managed a PB up the Braxted road and remembered to stick to the slightly diverted route for the ECE.  ;D

I seriously enjoyed the atmosphere in the Spoons at the end. It was nice and warm and it was excellent catching up with folk.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1790 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:20:59 am »
I think we should blame Hotblack for leading us astray on Saturday.  I am sure that neither of us would even have thought of having a pint after a ride  O:-)
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1791 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:34:16 am »
I think we should blame Hotblack for leading us astray on Saturday.  I am sure that neither of us would even have thought of having a pint after a ride  O:-)
:thumbsup: Agreed. He nearly forced me to have one in the morning before the start....forced as in he was having one so I thought I needed one.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1792 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:35:44 am »
I think we should blame Hotblack for leading us astray on Saturday.  I am sure that neither of us would even have thought of having a pint after a ride  O:-)
:thumbsup: Agreed. He nearly forced me to have one in the morning before the start....forced as in he was having one so I thought I needed one.

I enjoyed my breakfast pint  :thumbsup:

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1793 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:43:53 am »
The Kelvedon Oyster will finish in a pub.  Judging by Saturday's success, starting in a pub would be a good thing as well.  I need to get a few more riders signed up before persuading a friendly landlord  :thumbsup:

At a push, it could start at the Red Dog and finish at the Sun or Railway.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1794 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:45:24 am »
As long as there's something to eat that isn't sea based or cucumber/mushrooms I'm onboard :)


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1795 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:52:36 am »
Ah yes, your famous northern diet where salad is but a table decoration.

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1796 on: 07 November, 2016, 11:57:12 am »
Ah yes, your famous northern diet where salad is but a table decoration.

Says the bloke from Scotland!


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1797 on: 07 November, 2016, 12:02:02 pm »
You'll note my preferences don't exclude 'wot food eats' :)



    • ACME
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1798 on: 07 November, 2016, 12:08:15 pm »
The Kelvedon Oyster will finish in a pub.  Judging by Saturday's success, starting in a pub would be a good thing as well.  I need to get a few more riders signed up before persuading a friendly landlord  :thumbsup:

At a push, it could start at the Red Dog and finish at the Sun or Railway.
Just for an idea of scale of what to possibly expect, the stats for the inaugural ACME Winter BP Series ride are:
Entries = 102  (that's one more than the summer Essex R&R rides put together!)
Riders on the road for the calendar event = 82
Helpers = 3
Validated brevets = 82
DNF's = 3  (one bailed while out on the ride, 2 couldn't be bothered to collect brevidence and weren't fussed about validation)
Wetherspoons duty managers happy = 1  (can't wait for the next event in December)
Cafe owners pleased to have been bothered by 10's of cyclists coming through = TBA 2 from 2  :thumbsup:
Riders' positive comments = lots
Riders' negative comments = none, at least not to me  ;)
Organisers feeling good with work:satisfaction ratio = 1  :thumbsup:
Shiny badges sold = 24
ACME jerseys sold on the day = 2 (?)
ACME caps sold on the day = a few
ACME coffers boosted = lots
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #1799 on: 07 November, 2016, 12:19:03 pm »
It remains to be seen whether a ride in January will have quite the same appeal.  At least (AFAIK), the trains are running that day, you managed all that with no trains  :thumbsup:

I have a feeling that people might wait to see how the winter is shaping up before committing, not sure why the weather is an issue though  ;D

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways