Author Topic: ACME Miscellany  (Read 537376 times)


  • Yours fragrantly.
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4900 on: 21 January, 2022, 12:41:02 pm »
Your "natural charm" getting you into trouble again OD.
If only you weren't a dead ringer for George Clooney in looks and banter, life would be so much simpler.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4901 on: 22 January, 2022, 03:42:49 pm »
Your "natural charm" getting you into trouble again OD.
If only you weren't a dead ringer for George Clooney in looks and banter, life would be so much simpler.

We all have our crosses to bear!

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4902 on: 27 January, 2022, 11:15:16 am »
Splintering Again

The suggestion of a venue so Western you could almost see the Statue of Liberty, was enough to prompt us Easterners to arrange an EER reunion at one of our favourite lockdown venues; the Alma at Copford.

I arrived to find OD, the Hustler, the Gas Fuelled Pensioner, Fandango and the Essex Strangler sitting at the table I had reserved in a half empty pub.

We sampled Black Sheep, Guinness (Hustler, Fandango and Strangler), Moretti (me and the GFP), Speckled Hen 0.0 (OD) and Peroni 0.0 (OD).  A qourate Quaffers' Choice Committee would have been struggling anyway but at least our apprentice turned up in a fit state to learn something this week.

What started as a fairly technical discussion about how long the GFP's metre long ruler is soon descended into a heated debate between Fandango and the rest of the legendary ACME Anvils 2017 Arrows Squad.  His memory of that famous ride being somewhat at odds with the other three of us: Fandango - "I led from the front for 398 of the 399km distance only for Ted to overtake me downhill into York so he could get to the bar more quickly, I stood around freezing while you all changed into your morning, afternoon, early evening, overnight and arrival outfits and I didn't even get 4 points because of your navigational inadequacies",  the other three of us "you turned up with only a thin jacket, a pack of three and some lube in a tiny saddlebag on your light bike, spent half the time disappearing down the road, the other half moaning about how cold you were and asking why we couldn't speed up to help you keep warm then wasted half the night trying to find the non-existent shangri-la services at Brigg you had been telling us about from breakfast onwards and to top it all you were last to the bar at York."

It was good to see our team mate again.

With Ambassador Humpy not around this week, things seemed to go much more smoothly with the staff (despite the Black Sheep being, as our apprentice too expertly described it, a bit sharp).  In fact, so favoured were we that we were having our drinks delivered to the table with a friendly smile (ie not by the Hustler) by the end of the evening.

The whole effect was somewhat spoiled by our exit.  I blame the Famous Witham Peloton.  They had assembled into their flying wedge formation in the bar (always a risky one but worth it when it comes off) and were ready to fan out on exit to re-form into their leaving triangle. At least that seemed to be the plan, what they hadn't figured on was that the back door was now bolted.  Cue a bundle of limbs and torsos that looked like the FWP only in a crumpled heap.  At least the local football team were amused. The rest of us calmly waited for instructions from the bar staff and sauntered out as the FWP dusted themselves off and re-arranged into the less flashy but risk free just get out of the pub car park and head home formation.

My smugness was short-lived.  The sight of Fandango on his wheeled scaffold gave me some hope of a relatively easy ride but he has clearly regained some of that 2017 ultra fitness and we were off at pace.  In a desperate effort to keep up as he soared up towards Layer Breton, I stood up to exert what I call maximum power (about 150w) and disaster struck.  My first clue to the fact I had forgotten to finish the rebuild after swapping various groupsets and bits around should have been that my handlebars weren't attached properly when I took my bike out of the shed.  But no, I optmistically assumed that was all I hadn't done.  What else I hadn't done included indexing the front and rear mechs and, more crucially, tightening the bearing preload cap and the pinch bolts on the cranks.  No sooner had I put the power down than the non-driveside crank had slipped so that instead of having one crank at 12 and the other at 6, I now had both at 12.  Worse, Fandango came back to see what had happened and then tut knowingly. Two tightening bodges later and I was finally home.  I think it was cold and windy but I had other things on my mind.


The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4903 on: 27 January, 2022, 11:28:06 am »
...No sooner had I put the power down than the non-driveside crank had slipped so that instead of having one crank at 12 and the other at 6, I now had both at 12.  Worse, Fandango came back to see what had happened and then tut knowingly. Two tightening bodges later and I was finally home...

Commiserations ted and thanks for the smashing write up as usual  :thumbsup:

You'd think 'fandango would be more sympathetic given the number of mechanicals he inflicts on others.  Further to the comprehensive list of self inflicted mishaps we compiled earlier in the week I have remembered another  ;D

'fandango often takes the piss (as do most of you to be fair) of the amount of kit I carry around with me.  My luggage always includes a spare folding tyre which has helped other people more than its helped me.  One dark evening, some years ago, Our Hero 'Fandango had a catastrophic visitation so severe he was forced to borrow my spare tyre.  Whilst he was a little grateful I do recall him complaining it was rather agricultural (tractors were mentioned) and his racing snake performance levels were compromised!


  • Yours fragrantly.
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4904 on: 27 January, 2022, 11:47:13 am »
Thank's for that OD. I do remember you "helping" to fit the tractor tyre to my exquisite, lightweight, Italian rim with your boot and most of your bodyweight before flinging my wheel to the ground in exasperation. Miraculously, the wheel survived and the tyre seated with judicious application of my thumbs.

Mind you, if I hadn't followed you across a "slight bit of off-road" I probably wouldn't have slashed my tyre in the first place.

I expect your tyre is still providing splendid service on a JCB somewhere.

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4905 on: 27 January, 2022, 11:57:46 am »
Happy to help  ;D :-*


  • Yours fragrantly.
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4906 on: 27 January, 2022, 12:03:21 pm »
How could I forget the ACME Anvil Arrow of 2017? Held hostage by religious extremists in Clare, ted and C33333's diva like antics at 3am on a garage floor. Sudden, infectious knee injuries in Goole. A 2 up time trial with the Strangler to obtain receipts. How he could heroically increase his pace from 15 to 30km/hr when our 398km target was in jeopardy, I'll never know.

I'm so going to miss it this year!


    • ACME
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4907 on: 02 February, 2022, 12:35:58 pm »
I'm not sure this is the correct place to advertise volunteering opportunities given the underwhelming response to Ted's cry for help for a controller at (not)Pebmarsh, but here goes...

The final event of the 2021/22 ACME Anvil Winter Series is almost upon us, 12th of Feb to be exact. I plan to ride round this coming Saturday to check the roads haven't been sold on ebay to cover some of the government's overspend on useless PPE, probably starting at 10am after a 'spoons brekkie unless I'm the only one riding in which case I'll leave when I'm ready.
There is the usual volunteer stamping opportunity at Margaretting Tye and a further two optional stations at Purleigh and Hartford End. I have motorised vehicle hooned my way over to Margaretting Tye myself in the past so can do the same if needs be, the latter two are covered by infos if there is no warm chilly body available.

Standing by to receive the flood of applications for advertised vacancies... :thumbsup:
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4908 on: 02 February, 2022, 02:41:07 pm »
^ Up for helping at start and finish, and one of the lonely-outpost brevet-stamping jobs.


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4909 on: 02 February, 2022, 05:01:51 pm »
I'll consult the diary but I should be able to cover the usual one.  :thumbsup:


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4910 on: 02 February, 2022, 05:38:44 pm »
Thanks to both from the riders :thumbsup:

Has anyone considered putting orienteering markers or similar at control points, and letting riders self stamp? Although these days I suppose that a selfie with a nominated landmark would be easier.


    • ACME
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4911 on: 02 February, 2022, 06:28:15 pm »
I'll consult the diary but I should be able to cover the usual one.  :thumbsup:
That would be really helpful, thanks jibers  :thumbsup:
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4912 on: 03 February, 2022, 10:01:35 am »
I could do the Purleigh Stamp if it helps. If we can do the usual give me a 30 minute jump on the flock I'll ride the route over and then crack on after Control closing time


    • ACME
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4913 on: 03 February, 2022, 10:10:23 am »
Thanks tippers, that's a full team of roving stamp controllers  :thumbsup:

Départ & Arrivée - Tomsk & huggy
Purliegh - tippers
Margaretting Tye - jibbers
Hartford End - BFC(retired)

I'll still have the cards printed with the info control questions, just in case something occurs on the day.

114 entries as of this moment. I'll order 120 brevets and close the entry door when I think I have enough entrants, taking the usual DNS rate in to account.
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4914 on: 03 February, 2022, 10:48:49 am »
Trying to stay centred

With the continuing bafflement of my lack of invitation to try out for the Famous Witham Peloton, I thought it was time I took matters into my own hands. So it was that I found myself at the roundabout of precision formation cycling at the appointed hour.  They are a serious bunch and more so when the GFP is lead cycle.  Tonight he was to be joined by Huggy, OD...and me ! Or at least so I thought. When I first arrived they were in the middle of their pre-ride briefing. It is a flurry of diagrams, barked orders and waving arms; so different from the calm and assured professionalism of the actual display.

Sadly for me, they took one look at my exhausted state and my 40mm gravel tyres, nodded at each other and sped off into the night before I could so much as ask where they wanted me.  What followed was a dash through twisting lanes and cycle paths as I became mesmerised by the changing patterns of the red lights ahead.  To make matters worse, every now and then they would form into their three abreast saluting line and drift back towards me.  My extra efforts to catch their wheels when they did so only served to leave me more exhausted as they effortlessly picked up the pace again.  Some sort of justice was served as we navigated through Chelmsford with the GFP and Huggy both suffering visitations almost simultaneously.  This was my chance to catch up and would also have unexpected benefits for us all later...

I was a sweating mess by the time the security gate of the private bike storage secure facility swung open and the bright lights of The Endeavour lay before me.  Inside I found Toby's Dad, Emerich Juettner, J-Rex and Not Nik Not Nik's Nick Not even Nick's Nik Nick.  As if I wasn't feeling bad enough, Emerich piped up with "you're a bit overdressed for a train passenger aren't you ?".  A quick check on strava on my return showed that even with my train-assisted return leg, I still had more miles under my belt than our resident cynic.  I suppose it's difficult to shake off a reputation like mine.

Somehow or other I ended up in charge of the kitty and we set to sampling.  The Dev, as J-Rex likes to call it, keeps 4 pumps going and has replacement ales on standby.  We sampled Cool Bay by Chelmsford Brew Co, London Thunder by Rooster and Checkpoint Charlie by Georges.  With only the office junior and our apprentice to hand, it was difficult to establish an effective judging panel but all the ales showed well.  Cool Bay would edge it for me; as much because I really needed it on arrival as anything else.

The pub itself was a cracker.  It was busy, friendly and amazingly central for the MEMWNS geographical spread.  Of course it helped that GFP and Ambassador Humpy were outside fixing their tooobs for a good part of the night and not inside spreading their own brand of goodwill.  OD went out to help several times and came back sporting a knowing smile.  I would have thought with his assistance it would have taken them far less time to change a couple of tooobs.  It's a mystery.

Our new favourite Chelmsford-based landlady also knew just how to deal with Emerich and his antics.  Instead of calling the authorities, creating a scene or setting her regulars on him, she just calmly returned his currency creations the next time I went to the bar.

Poor J-Rex is a fragile little petal.  His current malady being a mysterious aflliction that is affecting his ability to provide himself with much-needed relief.  Luckily for him, our merry band is packed with medical expertise so an impromptu surgery was convened.  It didn't take long for that brains trust to establish their diagnosis - Psyclist Overdrive Syndrome.  That will save him some time when he finally manages to make an appointment with his GP - "what seems to be the trouble Mr Rex ?", "I'll stop you there Mr GP, your years of medical training are as nothing compared to my cycling/sampling buddies, just prescribe me a course of Psyclistcuradexodrone and I will bid you good day sir and be on my way".

It is odd that I have never been to the Dev before as it was on my old commute to work.  It is odder still that when I left the Dev to go to the station, I managed to go the wrong way.  Luckily for me the train was two minutes later than I thought it was so, after another 20k on the bike after my short train trip, I was back in my offshore lair at my target time and ready to watch the football I had taped earlier. 

That's a shame, I seem to have run out of ink.

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4915 on: 03 February, 2022, 11:01:20 am »
Great write up ted  :thumbsup:

Shame you wouldn't let us talk about the football  :'(  During the course of the evening we established that Rangers lost to Celtic 3 nil, sorry we found it funny and you didn't.  I saw on Twitter this morning that Roy Keene thought Ranger's parlous performance was down to their players wearing gloves in a balmy 9 degrees.

You failed to mention jiber's fledgling pony tail.  Despite laughing and taking the piss I thought it looked quite good!  But when the hair band gets removed and he does his Hollywood starlet head shake the effect is far from good.  It sort of a cross between someone who should be reported to the authorities and the lead singer of a 80s power ballad soft rock band.  My advice jibers is either get a hair cut or go with the pony tail.  No need to thank me.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4916 on: 03 February, 2022, 11:11:50 am »
Great write up ted  :thumbsup:

Shame you wouldn't let us talk about the football  :'(  During the course of the evening we established that Rangers lost to Celtic 3 nil, sorry we found it funny and you didn't.  I saw on Twitter this morning that Roy Keene thought Ranger's parlous performance was down to their players wearing gloves in a balmy 9 degrees.

You failed to mention jiber's fledgling pony tail.  Despite laughing and taking the piss I thought it looked quite good!  But when the hair band gets removed and he does his Hollywood starlet head shake the effect is far from good.  It sort of a cross between someone who sound be reported to the authorities and the lead singer of a 80s power ballad soft rock band.  My advice jibers is either get a hair cut or go with the pony tail.  No need to thank me.

Some things are better left unsaid, those are two such things  >:(
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4917 on: 03 February, 2022, 11:14:03 am »
Great write up ted  :thumbsup:

Indeed. It's amazing how much happens within a short couple of mid-week hours.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4918 on: 03 February, 2022, 12:48:13 pm »
LOL - glad you made your train, we observed you heading East from the pub and assumed you'd replaced modesty shorts with big boy pants and decided to ride all the way home... 
As BFC and myself sampled our beers we then saw a flash of PBP reminiscent hi-viz head west, but unlike PBP, there was only one of them hi-viz on the road at that time so assumed you'd decided to return for a beer and a later train...  :facepalm:



    • ACME
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4919 on: 04 February, 2022, 06:47:16 pm »
Knights Templar route check departs from 'spoons at 10am tomorrow.
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4920 on: 04 February, 2022, 07:04:47 pm »
Knights Templar route check departs from 'spoons at 10am tomorrow.



Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4921 on: 04 February, 2022, 07:08:26 pm »
I’m going round the R&R tomorrow, benefitting from the fact I can start from my front door.   It looks like the routes cross here and there, but I’m not sure I will se anyone.


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4922 on: 04 February, 2022, 07:21:06 pm »
I’m going round the R&R tomorrow, benefitting from the fact I can start from my front door.   It looks like the routes cross here and there, but I’m not sure I will se anyone.

We'll be in the 'spoons from 09:00 to 10:00 and then whenever we finish, probably around 16:00. Through to Maldon straight from the start though.


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4923 on: 04 February, 2022, 08:42:12 pm »
I’m going round the R&R tomorrow, benefitting from the fact I can start from my front door.   It looks like the routes cross here and there, but I’m not sure I will se anyone.

We'll be in the 'spoons from 09:00 to 10:00 and then whenever we finish, probably around 16:00. Through to Maldon straight from the start though.

I’m leaving home at 8 and looping via the Spiritual Home so will see what time I go through Witham.   Not sure which way you are heading to Witham but Stebbing Road into the village is dug up just by the Flitch Way bridge.  I had to carry the bike through last weekend so best avoided.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4924 on: 04 February, 2022, 10:19:33 pm »
Trying to stay centred

With the continuing bafflement of my lack of invitation to try out for the Famous Witham Peloton, I thought it was time I took matters into my own hands. So it was that I found myself at the roundabout of precision formation cycling at the appointed hour.  They are a serious bunch and more so when the GFP is lead cycle.  Tonight he was to be joined by Huggy, OD...and me ! Or at least so I thought. When I first arrived they were in the middle of their pre-ride briefing. It is a flurry of diagrams, barked orders and waving arms; so different from the calm and assured professionalism of the actual display.

Sadly for me, they took one look at my exhausted state and my 40mm gravel tyres, nodded at each other and sped off into the night before I could so much as ask where they wanted me.  What followed was a dash through twisting lanes and cycle paths as I became mesmerised by the changing patterns of the red lights ahead.  To make matters worse, every now and then they would form into their three abreast saluting line and drift back towards me.  My extra efforts to catch their wheels when they did so only served to leave me more exhausted as they effortlessly picked up the pace again.  Some sort of justice was served as we navigated through Chelmsford with the GFP and Huggy both suffering visitations almost simultaneously.  This was my chance to catch up and would also have unexpected benefits for us all later...

I was a sweating mess by the time the security gate of the private bike storage secure facility swung open and the bright lights of The Endeavour lay before me.  Inside I found Toby's Dad, Emerich Juettner, J-Rex and Not Nik Not Nik's Nick Not even Nick's Nik Nick.  As if I wasn't feeling bad enough, Emerich piped up with "you're a bit overdressed for a train passenger aren't you ?".  A quick check on strava on my return showed that even with my train-assisted return leg, I still had more miles under my belt than our resident cynic.  I suppose it's difficult to shake off a reputation like mine.

Somehow or other I ended up in charge of the kitty and we set to sampling.  The Dev, as J-Rex likes to call it, keeps 4 pumps going and has replacement ales on standby.  We sampled Cool Bay by Chelmsford Brew Co, London Thunder by Rooster and Checkpoint Charlie by Georges.  With only the office junior and our apprentice to hand, it was difficult to establish an effective judging panel but all the ales showed well.  Cool Bay would edge it for me; as much because I really needed it on arrival as anything else.

The pub itself was a cracker.  It was busy, friendly and amazingly central for the MEMWNS geographical spread.  Of course it helped that GFP and Ambassador Humpy were outside fixing their tooobs for a good part of the night and not inside spreading their own brand of goodwill.  OD went out to help several times and came back sporting a knowing smile.  I would have thought with his assistance it would have taken them far less time to change a couple of tooobs.  It's a mystery.

Our new favourite Chelmsford-based landlady also knew just how to deal with Emerich and his antics.  Instead of calling the authorities, creating a scene or setting her regulars on him, she just calmly returned his currency creations the next time I went to the bar.

Poor J-Rex is a fragile little petal.  His current malady being a mysterious aflliction that is affecting his ability to provide himself with much-needed relief.  Luckily for him, our merry band is packed with medical expertise so an impromptu surgery was convened.  It didn't take long for that brains trust to establish their diagnosis - Psyclist Overdrive Syndrome.  That will save him some time when he finally manages to make an appointment with his GP - "what seems to be the trouble Mr Rex ?", "I'll stop you there Mr GP, your years of medical training are as nothing compared to my cycling/sampling buddies, just prescribe me a course of Psyclistcuradexodrone and I will bid you good day sir and be on my way".

It is odd that I have never been to the Dev before as it was on my old commute to work.  It is odder still that when I left the Dev to go to the station, I managed to go the wrong way.  Luckily for me the train was two minutes later than I thought it was so, after another 20k on the bike after my short train trip, I was back in my offshore lair at my target time and ready to watch the football I had taped earlier. 

That's a shame, I seem to have run out of ink.

Thanks for the write up and, you're right, The Dev is a great place (and nice and close to me!)