Author Topic: [HAMR] Steve ends his second attempt  (Read 24052 times)

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #100 on: 22 January, 2016, 12:58:33 pm »
The fact that he carried on when many kept telling him to stop was exactly the right thing to do
(Apologies-  feel free to move to the More Current Thoughts thread if necessary to keep this thread free for justifiably slapping Steve on the back and congratulating him on an amazing 55 weeks.)

Many would disagree with you on this front, Michael.  If (heaven forbid) carrying on this last few weeks were to turn out to have had a detrimental effect on Steve's long-term health, would you still maintain this viewpoint?


  • It's short for, erm....Bob!
Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #101 on: 22 January, 2016, 01:04:08 pm »
The courage to start this whole thing in the first place, the courage to carry on in very difficult circumstances over the past 13 months and finally the courage to stop just boggles my mind.  :o

F*cking well done. Seriously. F*CKING. WELL. DONE.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #102 on: 22 January, 2016, 01:10:28 pm »
I agree it's sad that Steve had to abandon the second attempt but absolutely reject the notion that it's "a shame".

In my view, Steve's decision is brave, smart and just right. As others have argued much more convincingly in the "current thoughts" threads, the second attempt had turned into a lost cause a long time ago...

I disagree. I think this month was make or break. I can completely understand why Steve had to push on until he was satisfied in himself that he had given it his all, and / or reached the point where the mileages required were probably unachievable.

Hindsight and all that, but to my mind the only other time when the ending the attempt earlier might have worked out better in the long run was straight after the moped incident.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #103 on: 22 January, 2016, 01:14:55 pm »
Well done Steve.   A fantastic achievement.    Yes there were hardships but you got out there and overcame.  A hard decision at the end but understandable.

Now is the time to rest and reflect on what you HAVE achieved.

This isn't the end, just a moment in time on your overall end game.    Maybe meet you on the road again if our future rides cross one day.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #104 on: 22 January, 2016, 01:23:19 pm »
The fact that he carried on when many kept telling him to stop was exactly the right thing to do
(Apologies-  feel free to move to the More Current Thoughts thread if necessary to keep this thread free for justifiably slapping Steve on the back and congratulating him on an amazing 55 weeks.)

Many would disagree with you on this front, Michael.  If (heaven forbid) carrying on this last few weeks were to turn out to have had a detrimental effect on Steve's long-term health, would you still maintain this viewpoint?

Naturally I don't with any ill on Steve but he knew that he had to push himself to, and possibly beyond his limits on a regular basis to complete the challenge.   Steve will have learned an awful lot and it would have been his choice to continue.    Sometimes you learn a negative too but you need to learn that lesson.   THe fact that Steve continued after the moped incident shows that Steve is tenacious and highly motivated and will push until he can push no more.   

So, on balance I'd have to say yes, I would still consider that he did the right thing even if he ended up not getting the right result this time.   Next time, which I sincerely hope there is to be, Steve will be even better, even stronger and even wiser.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #105 on: 22 January, 2016, 01:45:31 pm »
Chapeau Sir

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #106 on: 22 January, 2016, 01:50:07 pm »
I could have pushed on even more but I couldn't see how I could get the record because I was falling further behind when I needed to be getting ahead. I saw this week as my last chance to average at least 205 a day, but it wasn't going to happen. I needed to be building up to 225 for February and wasn't even getting 200. Getting furthe behind would have left a lot more to do later on.
The whole purpose was to get the record, not do as much as I can regardless of it being the record.
The combination of getting further behind and later into the year makes it much harder to regain losses. Losing 1000 miles in the first week amounts to a few extra miles a day for the rest of the year. Losing 1000 miles in the last week is impossible to regain.


  • Tyke
Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #107 on: 22 January, 2016, 01:54:22 pm »
Steve, you do hold a UMCA record.  The distance is not what you could probably have achieved without the intervention of the mopedist of fate, but you are the first on the list for 18-49yo.
Getting there...


  • لَا أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ
Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #108 on: 22 January, 2016, 01:55:52 pm »
Congratulations, Steve. Outstanding work.

And truly inspirational. Not just inspirational to those others who've taken up the (mammoth) challenge of your re-boot of The Year record - but also inspirational at, let's say, the lower echelons of cycling. I know that many of my worst, grottiest, winter commutes only happened last year because I thought, "you know, that bloke's doing 10 - 20 times my commute every day and he's out in this".

Total respect.


Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #109 on: 22 January, 2016, 02:07:03 pm »
I could have pushed on even more but I couldn't see how I could get the record because I was falling further behind when I needed to be getting ahead. I saw this week as my last chance to average at least 205 a day, but it wasn't going to happen. I needed to be building up to 225 for February and wasn't even getting 200. Getting furthe behind would have left a lot more to do later on.
The whole purpose was to get the record, not do as much as I can regardless of it being the record.
The combination of getting further behind and later into the year makes it much harder to regain losses. Losing 1000 miles in the first week amounts to a few extra miles a day for the rest of the year. Losing 1000 miles in the last week is impossible to regain.


I never could comprehend how you managed to get up every day and ride 200+ miles. I don't think there are many people capable of this. I can put together a run of about 3-4 days like that, then I'm done.


Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #110 on: 22 January, 2016, 02:07:43 pm »
Congratulations, Steve. Outstanding work.

And truly inspirational. Not just inspirational to those others who've taken up the (mammoth) challenge of your re-boot of The Year record - but also inspirational at, let's say, the lower echelons of cycling. I know that many of my worst, grottiest, winter commutes only happened last year because I thought, "you know, that bloke's doing 10 - 20 times my commute every day and he's out in this".

Total respect.
Absolutely - I'm well within the lower echelons of cycling these days, and during grotty rides I've said to myself 'Steve's out in this I can't turn back now' and when I've laid in bed not wanting to get out on the bike I've thought 'but Steve got up this morning no matter how HE felt' - that's the legacy for me
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.


  • fabulous follies
Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #111 on: 22 January, 2016, 02:18:52 pm »
Chapeau, Steve!
May be consider moving to some windless flatland with eternal sunshine and ride in the same traffic-free course with perfect asphalt everyday next time  ;)

p.s. I was the idiot who chased you up and shook your hand on the way back in PBP.
weird and wonderful, fabulous folly

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #112 on: 22 January, 2016, 02:43:05 pm »
Chapeau Steve!    You gave it your all and nobody could expect more, Uncle Jack would be proud of you.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #113 on: 22 January, 2016, 02:44:17 pm »
Thanks Steve, you've done a great job, and you've inspired us all, and for that we're very grateful.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #114 on: 22 January, 2016, 03:12:41 pm »
I believe we have all learned from and through your experience. You have revived a historic challenge that seemed only legendary and impossible. You gave more than anyone will ever know. It was obvious to the world that this was in your heart and IS YOUR DREAM.
We applaud you and your valiant doggedness my friend!
The best thing I ever did was pick you as my crew. The best thing I ever did was pick you as my rider.


  • "Shut Up Jens" - Legs.
Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #115 on: 22 January, 2016, 03:53:42 pm »
I could have pushed on even more but I couldn't see how I could get the record because I was falling further behind when I needed to be getting ahead. I saw this week as my last chance to average at least 205 a day, but it wasn't going to happen. I needed to be building up to 225 for February and wasn't even getting 200. Getting furthe behind would have left a lot more to do later on.
The whole purpose was to get the record, not do as much as I can regardless of it being the record.
The combination of getting further behind and later into the year makes it much harder to regain losses. Losing 1000 miles in the first week amounts to a few extra miles a day for the rest of the year. Losing 1000 miles in the last week is impossible to regain.


I never could comprehend how you managed to get up every day and ride 200+ miles. I don't think there are many people capable of this. I can put together a run of about 3-4 days like that, then I'm done.


Exactly this.

I made this point before but "normal people" just think 200 miles is a long way to cycle... but they're just saying that the same way they'd say 80 miles is a long way to cycle.
It's actually only the people who have cycled 200 miles a day, especially on consecutive days (PBP for example) that REALLY know how amazing your achievement is.

My multiple 200 mile experiences are usually followed with mouth-ulcer experiences, feeling a bit shitty experiences and long lie-in experiences.  That's after 4 of them.

It's highly unlikely I'll ever find out what 5 consecutive days feels like.

Some people say I'm self-obsessed but that's enough about them.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #116 on: 22 January, 2016, 04:05:59 pm »
Quote from Lee- It's highly unlikely I'll ever find out what 5 consecutive days feels like.

LEL 2017-you know you want to.



  • It's party time....
Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #117 on: 22 January, 2016, 04:14:56 pm »
Well done Steve, you have been, and will continue to be, an inspiration to countless randonneurs across the world. You have our respect and admiration. Now go and make a full recovery in the full knowledge that you have done yourself, and us, proud.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #118 on: 22 January, 2016, 06:39:41 pm »
Above the encouragement you have given me and countless others, above the absolutely amazing feat of riding 63k+ miles, your way of finishing this and immediately appearing on channels to make the announcement places you above mere mortals. You are a cycling God, and a gracious and complete gentleman to all those around you in the cycling world.

Mr Stephen Abraham......take a bow.

And thank you for providing the rest of us with a fabulous year long cycling and athletic spectacle, which has at times had us all on the edges of our respective saddles or chairs. More we could not have asked for, from a genuinely great and sincere bloke.

Bathe in the glory for a while......👏🏻😀

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #119 on: 22 January, 2016, 06:45:51 pm »
Above the encouragement you have given me and countless others, above the absolutely amazing feat of riding 63k+ miles, your way of finishing this and immediately appearing on channels to make the announcement places you above mere mortals. You are a cycling God, and a gracious and complete gentleman to all those around you in the cycling world.

Mr Stephen Abraham......take a bow.

And thank you for providing the rest of us with a fabulous year long cycling and athletic spectacle, which has at times had us all on the edges of our respective saddles or chairs. More we could not have asked for, from a genuinely great and sincere bloke.

Bathe in the glory for a while......👏🏻😀

Tandem Riders Do It Together
188 miles NNE of Marsh Gibbon

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #120 on: 22 January, 2016, 10:41:58 pm »
Steve, what you've achieved is incredible and throughout the past year, I've enjoyed following your progress :thumbsup:  I rode with you from Cholsey to Hungerford about a year ago and was impressed at how controlled you were to ride as efficiently & smoothly as possible...I really look forward to seeing you on an Audax again soon...I have good memories of doing your DIY400 in 2012 & also going past you on the Flatlands in 2013 when we were like tortoise & hare - you kept talking to the banana in my jersey pocket each time I rode past you which was a laugh ;D

I also think you've inspired a lot of us to get out and ride & keep on going when we would normally decide not to...the WWSD factor :thumbsup:

Have a well deserved rest & thanks for posting the really raw and honest video - that must've been so hard to do, but it's added to the already massive respect that I have for you!


DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #121 on: 22 January, 2016, 11:28:54 pm »
Well, that was so interesting, I've just had the chance to watch the longer video, and I must say, not sure if this has been mentioned today, but a big thanks goes out to the team for being very, very attentive to Steve's well being for some time, much more than some us here really understood [we had no way of knowing afterall], and it's pretty obvious they were instrumental in putting the option to Steve, much earlier than Steve would have done to himself who would may have ploughed on regardless for a while yet - especially Idai, who explained how he turned up at Steve's flat after Steve being out there for goodness how long, 3 hrs sleep and getting ready to go again, took one look....and got suitably concerned. They deserve a lot of credit for that IMO. To see him talking, surrounded by those that have supported him close to hand, arm in arm with Lesley, says so much.

They were always ready to step in when things became insurmountable. And they did. Respect to all.
And what's even nicer is that...Steve, obviously disappointed by it all, recognizes the truth of the whole thing as well.
That can only be good for him long term.
[Go easy on the hard stuff TG!]
Garry Broad

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #122 on: 23 January, 2016, 06:24:14 am »
Congratulations to you Steve, and to all your Team. Brilliant stuff indeed. The Videos are another achievement - loads of wisdom and straight talking (as ever!). All the best for getting through a good recovery period - as others have said, likely to be another tough thing in itself - glad you are well up to it.

The relief when we heard that you were not injured was immense! Thanks for the whole year plus, and for very much inspiration, wisdom and kindness for a long time before.

Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #123 on: 23 January, 2016, 09:21:47 am »
Sad news indeed but was inevitable given the problems Steve has had.

Wish him well in his recovery and whatever he decides to do in the future.



  • On my way out of here
Re: Steve ends his second attempt
« Reply #124 on: 23 January, 2016, 10:21:05 am »
Hi Steve,

Congratulations on a year's ride that will forever be remembered in the annals of AUK.

Commiserations on not achieving your goals.  Genuinely gutted for you.  I really thought you would do it.
