Author Topic: Womens Tour De Yorkshire  (Read 2732 times)


Womens Tour De Yorkshire
« on: 30 April, 2016, 10:50:39 am »
Although it's a lovely morning here, I though I would watch Cookie, Emma and on the T.V.
At first I was dismayed that ITV4 was showing a repeat of yesterdays mens' stage before going live to the last 2 hours of the womens' race.
So plan B, Eurosport,..... alas due to technical problems, we had various repeats of mens cycling. then motor cycling, so at 10am went over to ITV4, who filled in with mens football and as I type.....Carp fishing.
Ladies, you have my sympathy, some mere males like me do follow womens cycling, and the fact that ITV didn't even start the program as usually happens with the studio team explaining the problem, telling us whats been happening in the race so far, and perhaps some recorded interviews and then some relevant repeat video, no.......just the stock "due to etc etc"
Anyway girls I'm sure you're enjoying watching carp fishing as much as I am.     


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
Re: Womens Tour De Yorkshire
« Reply #1 on: 06 May, 2018, 12:10:56 pm »
Wasn't it great this year ! LIVE on ITV4 for the whole race both days !!!

Lizzie was asked this year "what about a world tour?" - "a four days race, bring it on!" was her answer. Now how much awesomsause do I need to make up for this ?

Now out to cheer on the lads as they come through town

Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit

Re: Womens Tour De Yorkshire
« Reply #2 on: 07 May, 2018, 09:39:35 am »
Definitely a much better effort from the broadcaster this year - dedicating most of the day on Thursday and Friday to showing both women's and men's races in full, followed by highlights. A full fat version for women would be awesome, though at least we are starting to get a decent women's Tour of Britain now.

Locally it's a bit of a shame that women's races seem to end up getting cancelled half the time due to lack of entrants, which can only end up self-reinforcing (don't bother entering and training towards it as you end up having it cancelled anyway). Having said that, this year seems to be better, and (Tour de Yorkshire style) running them alongside the men's seems to help as you've already got most of the officials and marshals you need there and paid for. 

Yesterday I was riding at the Cotswold Veldrijden; the women's 2/3/4 race ran 10 minutes behind the men's 3/4 and allowed their much smaller field - which wouldn't have been cost effective on its own - to get out and race. There was then a longer 2/3/4 in the afternoon, so three races in the day. Hopefully that kind of thing, together with increased TV coverage and some good UK women's cycling personalities, will get the popularity up.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Womens Tour De Yorkshire
« Reply #3 on: 07 May, 2018, 10:13:37 am »
Locally it's a bit of a shame that women's races seem to end up getting cancelled half the time due to lack of entrants, which can only end up self-reinforcing (don't bother entering and training towards it as you end up having it cancelled anyway). Having said that, this year seems to be better, and (Tour de Yorkshire style) running them alongside the men's seems to help as you've already got most of the officials and marshals you need there and paid for. 

Yesterday I was riding at the Cotswold Veldrijden; the women's 2/3/4 race ran 10 minutes behind the men's 3/4 and allowed their much smaller field - which wouldn't have been cost effective on its own - to get out and race. There was then a longer 2/3/4 in the afternoon, so three races in the day. Hopefully that kind of thing, together with increased TV coverage and some good UK women's cycling personalities, will get the popularity up.

<waves at MattH - how are you old fruit?? >

BC recognise the problem with womens' fields. I was dragged screaming asked to attend our regional BC Clubs meeting last week;
apparently this year they have deliberately cut the number of races, which has increased the field sizes (after a year-or-two of the calendar getting much busier)  :thumbsup:
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Womens Tour De Yorkshire
« Reply #4 on: 07 May, 2018, 08:25:15 pm »
<waves at MattH - how are you old fruit?? >
<waves back - fair to middling, yourself? >

BC recognise the problem with womens' fields. I was dragged screaming asked to attend our regional BC Clubs meeting last week;
apparently this year they have deliberately cut the number of races, which has increased the field sizes (after a year-or-two of the calendar getting much busier)  :thumbsup:

37 entrants yesterday, compared to the men's being full at 60 each. Not bad, though I think they had a fair number of DNS from the women (colleagues suggested about 20 actual starters, I was out with the simultaneous men's race in the morning and didn't see the sheets). There's only one women's race a month in my region now, which may help to concentrate the numbers. I'm only riding one of them, which is a shame, they are an interesting change of style.

Not long until the Women's ToB now  :thumbsup:

Re: Womens Tour De Yorkshire
« Reply #5 on: 08 May, 2018, 04:57:36 pm »
Loved the coverage. Talking about lack of women taking part is probably most likely due to the awful and condescending prize money on offer.

Re: Womens Tour De Yorkshire
« Reply #6 on: 08 May, 2018, 08:16:21 pm »
Though that is better for the Women's ToB, where it is now the same as the men's -

Re: Womens Tour De Yorkshire
« Reply #7 on: 08 May, 2018, 10:51:31 pm »
Though that is better for the Women's ToB, where it is now the same as the men's -

Britain is leading the way in major tours and RideLondon one day ride in terms of money but rest of Europe in regards to Classics spring races and the lower levels races are appalling. Slowly making progress but the obstacles seems arbitrary and unnecessary. I know it is a pain and I understand RideLondon decision to have women's as a boring set of laps round whitehall/parliament so London and Surrey isn't closed off for 2 days solid but i really think they should go out fully on the normal lap even the sportive riders gets to do!