Author Topic: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?  (Read 157079 times)

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #175 on: 23 January, 2017, 07:44:10 am »
DIY (mandatory route, 200k) for me yesterday - a very convoluted one-stop route to Henley planned to make the best of the weather. It was achingly cold for the first 40k but, given I was in suburbia, the roads were ok. The slush puppy water bottle was a joy! The next 120k were just glorious- sunshine, blue skies and almost no wind. A quick stop in Henley and I headed back the same way I arrived - not so audacious but needs must...
Garmin 810 crashed at 165k but very luckily I had a backup. Home just after dark and relieved to have finished without any real problems.
File submitted by dinner time and approved by Manotea last night - thanks!

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #176 on: 23 January, 2017, 09:46:45 am »
Did tom fox's Horncastle 200 (in reverse) yesterday. Icy in morning to Lincoln, briefly sunny, then cold returned. Crawled back from Newark for a slow 13 hr 200. Still that's the January RRTY done.

We're supposed to be feeding them not fatting them........quote from chef on LEL


  • Most of me survived the Pennine Bridleway.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #177 on: 29 January, 2017, 09:26:48 am »
First failure  :(
Yesterday I attempted the Cambrian 2B in a reverse direction Chepstow start.  I made Monmouth at my target speed of 17kph but every hill was absolute purgatory.  At Hay-On-Wye I was still in time just, 15.2 overall average to there.  I had to refuel which would put me behind but I had a decent chance of catching up on the flat stage to Builth Wells.  It got a bit wierd on that stage.  According to Garmin I was 21 minutes behind pace leaving Hay which I did catch up.  What I cannot understand is why when I overtook my virtual partner I only had 14.4 average.  Worst was on that stage I started to get a trapped nerve, I've had that before but never so early in a 200.  I grabbed water and continued knowing that if I made it up one last bastard hill I'd be able to make up time most of the way home:

With a lot of walking I did get up and started to cruise but the trapped nerve had other ideas, it felt like an electric shock right through my left arm to the extent it was making me let go of the bars.  In the past it's just been a bit of an annoying twinge as I release or grip the bars.  Fear of letting go made me go slow which made me cold and so it spiralled.  Not far short of Brecon I phoned my wife, I couldn't talk long enough to sort logistics so said I'd call again from somewhere warm in Brecon.  On the last km into town using my left brake was setting off the spasm.  Fighting against myself to hold onto the brakes on a fast & twisty descent with a car up my chuff is not something I'm in a hurry to repeat.

Annoying to fail, annoying to fail with all the hard work done and not get to enjoy the payback.
On the bright side I had a nice pint and a meal in The Bank, I'm off the rtty treadmill and I'm alive.  I need to find an osteopath that can look at my position on the bike.  There's no rides floating my boat in Feb and I no longer need to ECE the Gospel Pass 150 in March, that's a ride I would like to do.
2023 targets: Survive. Maybe.
There is only one infinite resource in this universe; human stupidity.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #178 on: 29 January, 2017, 11:08:31 am »
I thought I'd take advantage of the current YHA discount to ride some roads less familiar. So after a night in Stratford and a plentifull breakfast I set off from the town.
Or to be accurate, twice round the one way system, then set off...

SuA Audax-1 by Paul, on Flickr

To make the distance back to Derby requires a non direct route, so south to Chipping Campden, Evesham and Pershore where there was a queue in the bakers and I make a point of not passing what looks like a local recommendation, I wasn't disappointed.  A few miles further on to a picnic bench at the Seaford ford, no I didn't, I used the bridge. It's deeper in the middle than the board indicates as I saw when a tractor went through.

SuA Audax-2 by Paul, on Flickr

Heading north now with a pleasant breeze on my back. Mostly lanes and avoiding the towns, the joy of mandatory routes. Took a break in Meriden, couple of fish cakes from the chip shop while sitting on Wayfarers bench.  Now on more familiar roads, though that didn't stop me getting a bit lost in Nuneaton.  Soon back on very familiar roads, the Grace Dieu path was muddy and slippery, probably a mistake in the dark, more thought needed when planning mandatory routes! Easy end along the cloud trail, which I had to myself.  No records broken, comfortably in the time limit and a good day out.
Bit of drizzle as I set off, then blue skies most of the day, some threatening dark cloud or an hour or two, but apart from a short hail shower remained dry.  Glad for the break from the last couple of icy weeks, though plenty of gritters about after dark. 
Serious bike cleaning needed today :(

SuA Audax-3 by Paul, on Flickr

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #179 on: 29 January, 2017, 02:07:27 pm »
First failure  :(
Yesterday I attempted the Cambrian 2B in a reverse direction Chepstow start.  I made Monmouth at my target speed of 17kph but every hill was absolute purgatory.  At Hay-On-Wye I was still in time just, 15.2 overall average to there.  I had to refuel which would put me behind but I had a decent chance of catching up on the flat stage to Builth Wells.  It got a bit wierd on that stage.  According to Garmin I was 21 minutes behind pace leaving Hay which I did catch up.  What I cannot understand is why when I overtook my virtual partner I only had 14.4 average.  Worst was on that stage I started to get a trapped nerve, I've had that before but never so early in a 200.  I grabbed water and continued knowing that if I made it up one last bastard hill I'd be able to make up time most of the way home:

With a lot of walking I did get up and started to cruise but the trapped nerve had other ideas, it felt like an electric shock right through my left arm to the extent it was making me let go of the bars.  In the past it's just been a bit of an annoying twinge as I release or grip the bars.  Fear of letting go made me go slow which made me cold and so it spiralled.  Not far short of Brecon I phoned my wife, I couldn't talk long enough to sort logistics so said I'd call again from somewhere warm in Brecon.  On the last km into town using my left brake was setting off the spasm.  Fighting against myself to hold onto the brakes on a fast & twisty descent with a car up my chuff is not something I'm in a hurry to repeat.

Annoying to fail, annoying to fail with all the hard work done and not get to enjoy the payback.
On the bright side I had a nice pint and a meal in The Bank, I'm off the rtty treadmill and I'm alive.  I need to find an osteopath that can look at my position on the bike.  There's no rides floating my boat in Feb and I no longer need to ECE the Gospel Pass 150 in March, that's a ride I would like to do.
I feel your pain and dissapointment especially after getting  most of the climbing behind you.

Does your bike fit you ok and is adjusted properly ?
Your elbows should be slightly bent all the time.If they are locked out they will transmit the vibration and shocks up your arms.
your wrists should not be cocked to allow your hands to sit on the hoods.the angle should be comfortable and natural.

You may find getting a bike fit will be more beneficial than a physio/osteo treatment.
Good Luck.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #180 on: 29 January, 2017, 03:38:35 pm »
First failure  :(
Yesterday I attempted the Cambrian 2B in a reverse direction Chepstow start.  I made Monmouth at my target speed of 17kph but every hill was absolute purgatory.  At Hay-On-Wye I was still in time just, 15.2 overall average to there.  I had to refuel which would put me behind but I had a decent chance of catching up on the flat stage to Builth Wells.  It got a bit wierd on that stage.  According to Garmin I was 21 minutes behind pace leaving Hay which I did catch up.  What I cannot understand is why when I overtook my virtual partner I only had 14.4 average.  Worst was on that stage I started to get a trapped nerve, I've had that before but never so early in a 200.  I grabbed water and continued knowing that if I made it up one last bastard hill I'd be able to make up time most of the way home:

With a lot of walking I did get up and started to cruise but the trapped nerve had other ideas, it felt like an electric shock right through my left arm to the extent it was making me let go of the bars.  In the past it's just been a bit of an annoying twinge as I release or grip the bars.  Fear of letting go made me go slow which made me cold and so it spiralled.  Not far short of Brecon I phoned my wife, I couldn't talk long enough to sort logistics so said I'd call again from somewhere warm in Brecon.  On the last km into town using my left brake was setting off the spasm.  Fighting against myself to hold onto the brakes on a fast & twisty descent with a car up my chuff is not something I'm in a hurry to repeat.

Annoying to fail, annoying to fail with all the hard work done and not get to enjoy the payback.
On the bright side I had a nice pint and a meal in The Bank, I'm off the rtty treadmill and I'm alive.  I need to find an osteopath that can look at my position on the bike.  There's no rides floating my boat in Feb and I no longer need to ECE the Gospel Pass 150 in March, that's a ride I would like to do.

Very sorry hear of your difficulties on this, that trapped nerve sounds horrid and I hope that you get to have it looked at and sorted soon
....after the `tarte de pommes`, and  fortified by a couple of shots of limoncellos,  I flew up the Col de Bavella whilst thunderstorms rolled around the peaks above


  • Most of me survived the Pennine Bridleway.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #181 on: 29 January, 2017, 06:23:05 pm »
Thank you both.
Something has to be wrong with my setup, I am always predisposed to problems affecting my left side though.  As today has progressed and the fatigue has eased through my body my left wrist and hand has continued to feel a bit off so I think Banjo is on the money.  The light tingling I still feel in the finger/thumb web I'm hoping is effect and the discomfort in the wrist closer to the cause.  I'll pay more attention to where my hands sit on the bike this week and see if I can spot a difference.  I'll also pay attention to my elbows, it is very likely that my left is locking and the right not.

As per Paul, the bike needs a serious clean.  Possibly starting with a shovel before moving onto a sponge.
2023 targets: Survive. Maybe.
There is only one infinite resource in this universe; human stupidity.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #182 on: 29 January, 2017, 06:33:57 pm »
I didn't mean to suggest you don't use osteo or physio. I am a great believer in both. Hopefully you can get some relief to allow you to mend then get bike set up sorted to avoid doing it again.

At least you are freed from the horror of RRTY  ;D

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #183 on: 29 January, 2017, 06:45:53 pm »
I'll pay more attention to where my hands sit on the bike this week and see if I can spot a difference.  I'll also pay attention to my elbows, it is very likely that my left is locking and the right not.
It's all a bit of a minefield with each thing having consequences on another. As it was a hilly route you might also look at how much weight is on your hands when out of the saddle, or how much you're pulling on the bars. 
Hope you get it sorted. I know how frustrating it can be, I used to suffer knee pain, had 9 moths off the bike with a shoulder injury and the knee has been fine since, it may well have been that whatever it was just needed the break to heal properly.

Bairn Again

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #184 on: 05 February, 2017, 09:52:08 pm »
Managed my first 200 since mid November today. 

A 200 I've done before starting in Edinburgh out to Bridge of Allan then East back through Edinburgh out to Dirleton in East Lothian and back home mostly on reasonably quiet A roads. Very flat and good for a winter DIY with an optional stop at home at 120k. 

Started raining at Linlithgow and didn't stop until I returned there around 95k.  It was quite cold too so I made use of Corrieris cafe at 60km for a couple of hot rolls and a cuppa.  The roads were pretty foul wet and dirty and I decided to go fora full change of clothes when returning home for lunch.

I set off for the final 80km at 2pm and made slow progress through central Edinburgh but enjoyed the sunny views of the firth of forth after Seton Sands.  After a quick stop at the turn around 160km I was heading back to Edinburgh on my Saturday club run route and I felt better today than I had on many other occasions.  I went for the Hollywood finish, Portobello promenade then up into Edinburgh and along Princes St.

Home around 6pm with just over half an hour in the dark but all of that with streetlights, and a few rugby stragglers in the town. 

Functional winter 200km on my new bike for work machine.  It will need a good clean. 


  • Are we there yet?
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #185 on: 18 February, 2017, 11:41:00 pm »
Yes - testing "The Loins (sic) of EWE"

Sod the number of bedrooms - how many garages for bikes?

"My HomeCastle is my CastleHome"


"Watch out for the step..."

One, two, lots...

[earworm]All along the Watchtower[/earworm]


A slightly rolling, tadge under 3,000m, 200Km (TBC), with some farm tracks lesser used C roads - coming to a perm list near you in due course
I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #186 on: 19 February, 2017, 12:05:26 am »
" Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?"

Not today but I did ride Manotea's Ditchling Devil yesterday. A good day to be out and so much warmer than The Willy Warmer last month. It was my first perm and I missed the TLC of the calendar event. No piles of cake  and happy smiles from the ladies of Chiddingfold - only a curt "we are closed" from the tea shop at 3.31pm.

Tomorrow I'm off on iddu's EWE Baaa.


  • #TCRNo6cap23
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #187 on: 19 February, 2017, 01:13:12 am »
Today I rode a (N)Audax - it was 40km (ish) and validated by CCCC

A fuller ride report is here: 40ish @ 40ish – Brevet Exclusif – Organised by CCCC


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #188 on: 19 February, 2017, 01:33:56 pm »
I am currently in Subway in Hailsham, slightly less than halfway round a DIY 200, starting from home in Whitstable.

It's a variation on a route i devised some years ago but haven't ridden for ages. It's somewhat more undulating than I remember it, especially the hike up to Brightling. Quite challenging at current fitness levels.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #189 on: 19 February, 2017, 02:13:52 pm »
I am currently in Subway in Hailsham, slightly less than halfway round a DIY 200, starting from home in Whitstable.

It's a variation on a route i devised some years ago but haven't ridden for ages. It's somewhat more undulating than I remember it, especially the hike up to Brightling. Quite challenging at current fitness levels.
What are you having to eat?


Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #190 on: 19 February, 2017, 11:05:32 pm »
I am currently in Subway in Hailsham, slightly less than halfway round a DIY 200, starting from home in Whitstable.

It's a variation on a route i devised some years ago but haven't ridden for ages. It's somewhat more undulating than I remember it, especially the hike up to Brightling. Quite challenging at current fitness levels.

I remember the route well; nice! especially "oh look 3 people on a bike" shouted at from some yoof on a park bench in Faversham (responded to by Arabella "no 3 people on 3 bikes")

broke my 2017 AAA duck with a familiar and slow trot round Ashdown Forest; I think the "Hell of the bielzibub Butt's / Satan's kitchen Forest" spor'ive was going in the opposite direction


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #191 on: 19 February, 2017, 11:26:50 pm »
I remember the route well; nice! especially "oh look 3 people on a bike" shouted at from some yoof on a park bench in Faversham (responded to by Arabella "no 3 people on 3 bikes")

It's quite different now - and better, I think.

The outward leg goes via Charing to Biddenden rather than via Lenham. so it cuts out that long uphill drag from Faversham, replacing it with a much more undulating option. From Biddenden, it's the same as the old route down to Robertsbridge then over Brightling and down to Hailsham. Instead of that horrible road through Herstmonceux and Battle, the return leg now runs down to Pevensey and along the coast through Bexhill, Hastings and Winchelsea to Rye and then on to Hythe. From Pevensey through to Hythe, it's essentially pancake flat for 70km, except for a nasty lump after Hastings with the climb up to Fairlight (although not nearly as nasty as the route taken up to Fairlight by the Mad Jack). Bearing that flat 70km in mind, the overall climbing figure of 2,200m should give an idea of how undulating the rest of the route is.

The route from Rye to Hythe and from Hythe back home is unchanged from the one we did before but I'm thinking of tweaking it further to cut out the soul-destroying section from Rye to Brenzett along that horrible road full of idiot drivers going far too fast. Since I was late setting off this morning, by the time I got to Hythe, the usual cafe was closed but instead I had some excellent chips from a place called Papa's just across the road from the Railway. Highly recommended.

After Hythe, it's pretty much constantly upwards until you get to Rhodes Minnis, then a fast, mostly downhill run to Canterbury. The alternative option I'm considering cuts inland from Rye, via Appledore, Hamstreet, Smeeth, Hastingleigh and Petham, so not as flat but more direct, and a lot more interesting and pleasant to ride. Having said that, I did enjoy crossing Romney Marsh with a tailwind!

The outward leg is much lumpier than I remember it - no really tough climbs but barely a metre of flat road, just constant up and down. The climb to Brightling is easy enough but goes on a bit. What made it harder was a fairly stiff headwind for the whole of the outward leg. By the time I got to Hailsham, I felt like packing it in, and it was only the knowledge that the next section would be easier that kept me going.

Once I have perfected the route, I shall make it available as a permanent, and hopefully next year I will also be able to put it on as a calendar event - need to get the club on board with that idea.

I didn't get any numerically challenged yoofs shouting anything about people on bikes today, but I did get one wag saying, 'Oh look, it's Bradley Wiggins!' I thought about making some asthma-related gag in response but nothing suitably witty came to mind.

So far this year, I have ridden my bike exactly three times. Two of those occasions were 200km audaxes (the Poor Student and today's DIY) and the third was an aborted attempt at the Willy Warmer 200. I think that's what you call not doing things by halves.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #192 on: 25 February, 2017, 09:00:13 pm »
DIY mandatory route for me, bit of a risk, as my garmin has been crashing a bit lately.

I've come to the conclusion there is a bad memory spot somewhere,as it only seem to happen shortly after deleting all the acrivities

really should have done this last weekend when the weather more more pleasant.

Eddington  127miles, 170km

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #193 on: 25 February, 2017, 09:07:47 pm »
Extra kudos for the extra weather!


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #194 on: 25 February, 2017, 10:11:51 pm »
Extra kudos for the extra weather!
that's what happens when you leave the ride to the last available day, just have to suck it up to keep RRTR on track  (7/12 now, I would have it if I hadn't missed out on July (of all months) last years.

Still it was dry (or just the lightest drizzle around 150km) so a bit of wind isn't that bad ridiculous winds are tolerable.

Eddington  127miles, 170km

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #195 on: 25 February, 2017, 11:21:23 pm »
Worst DIY ever.

Clubmate has a London-Oxford-London route which he says is good.

Didn't bother checking it.

I can live with the NCN off road malarky. The horrific I am going to die at any moment ride down the A40 was the worst ride I have ever had.

It's entirely my fault for not checking the route.

Overall it was a crap route. There's no reason to ever ride through Oxford, too much A road, Beaconsfield is a sign there is no god.

If I hadn't left it so late in the month to do a 200 I'd have got the train home.

My friend who did it with me got halfway down the A40 before calling her wife saying "It's not fun anymore, come and pick me up".


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #196 on: 25 February, 2017, 11:57:22 pm »
Rode a Houston Randonneurs 100k perm route called the Chappell Hill Loop today.
Took me through loads of proper small-town (and village!) Texas, on roads with no motor traffic.
A really great route.
Shows the benefit in using Local Knowledge to choose your route.
Fairly stiff headwind for some of it, and although there are no hills in the sense I'd normally use, the route is unrelentingly undulating.

A couple of photos:

Start / finish in a petrol station forecourt...

20170225_142528 by Ron Lowe, on Flickr

First control in Independence, TX, a bit of a one-horse town with a general store that is used by all the cyclists in the area:

20170225_104203 by Ron Lowe, on Flickr

Second control is a gas station and home-spun service area in the village of Burton:

20170225_121221 by Ron Lowe, on Flickr

And somewhat randomly, in a field in the Middle Of Nowhere, TX, I came across a GPO Phone Box, and what looks like a Scottish Lion Rampant flag.  (I didn't cross the property boundary to investigate, as trespass often doesn't end well in Texas):

20170225_134900 by Ron Lowe, on Flickr

Near the end, we pass through the small town of Brenham, where on local advice I stopped for lunch at a good local ole-fashioned Soda Fountan and Sammich Shop ( no photos ).
There was a railroad crossing, AND a ford ( but it was dry ). So no misadventure.

I am slightly cooked, I think. May need to get some cream for my arms and legs.

A grand day out.


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #197 on: 26 February, 2017, 08:56:15 am »
Worst DIY ever.

Clubmate has a London-Oxford-London route which he says is good.

Didn't bother checking it.

I can live with the NCN off road malarky. The horrific I am going to die at any moment ride down the A40 was the worst ride I have ever had.

It's entirely my fault for not checking the route.

Overall it was a crap route. There's no reason to ever ride through Oxford, too much A road, Beaconsfield is a sign there is no god.

If I hadn't left it so late in the month to do a 200 I'd have got the train home.

My friend who did it with me got halfway down the A40 before calling her wife saying "It's not fun anymore, come and pick me up".
I'm intrigued, I've ridden the a40 everywhere between Wheatley services and the denham/uxbridge roundabout. Never felt in any danger anywhere although traffic can be bad in wycombe  and beaconsfield.  Either side of that stretch I can't believe anyone would consider riding there.

Oxford itself is no great though too busy, never enjoy riding anywhere near the centre.

Eddington  127miles, 170km


Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #198 on: 26 February, 2017, 05:58:13 pm »
Worst DIY ever.

Clubmate has a London-Oxford-London route which he says is good.

Didn't bother checking it.

I can live with the NCN off road malarky. The horrific I am going to die at any moment ride down the A40 was the worst ride I have ever had.

It's entirely my fault for not checking the route.

Overall it was a crap route. There's no reason to ever ride through Oxford, too much A road, Beaconsfield is a sign there is no god.

If I hadn't left it so late in the month to do a 200 I'd have got the train home.

My friend who did it with me got halfway down the A40 before calling her wife saying "It's not fun anymore, come and pick me up".
I'm intrigued, I've ridden the a40 everywhere between Wheatley services and the denham/uxbridge roundabout. Never felt in any danger anywhere although traffic can be bad in wycombe  and beaconsfield.  Either side of that stretch I can't believe anyone would consider riding there.

Oxford itself is no great though too busy, never enjoy riding anywhere near the centre.

I have a Garmin Varia Radar unit connected to my Edge 1000

it's well worth the money, especially when riding on busier roads .... I've had it for several months, and it's never missed a beat, and takes the stress away from riding on busier roads
“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.” - Aristotle

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #199 on: 26 February, 2017, 08:45:17 pm »
Worst DIY ever.

Clubmate has a London-Oxford-London route which he says is good.

Didn't bother checking it.

I can live with the NCN off road malarky. The horrific I am going to die at any moment ride down the A40 was the worst ride I have ever had.

It's entirely my fault for not checking the route.

Overall it was a crap route. There's no reason to ever ride through Oxford, too much A road, Beaconsfield is a sign there is no god.

If I hadn't left it so late in the month to do a 200 I'd have got the train home.

My friend who did it with me got halfway down the A40 before calling her wife saying "It's not fun anymore, come and pick me up".
I'm intrigued, I've ridden the a40 everywhere between Wheatley services and the denham/uxbridge roundabout. Never felt in any danger anywhere although traffic can be bad in wycombe  and beaconsfield.  Either side of that stretch I can't believe anyone would consider riding there.

Oxford itself is no great though too busy, never enjoy riding anywhere near the centre.

I have a Garmin Varia Radar unit connected to my Edge 1000

it's well worth the money, especially when riding on busier roads .... I've had it for several months, and it's never missed a beat, and takes the stress away from riding on busier roads

It's not me not knowing about the cars coming, it's them not caring about me that bothers me.

This uphill section in the dark and rain with a reasonably narrow lane led to constant very close passes and a pavement covered in debris so that wasn't even an option

The this bit again had cars doing well over the 50mph limit in the dark and rain on narrow lanes with close passes.

Maybe in the day it would be OK but considering we were lit up like xmas trees the behaviour of drivers seemed overly aggressive.