Author Topic: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?  (Read 156944 times)


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #300 on: 11 September, 2017, 06:08:34 pm »
Pingu and I have just DNFd a local 600 DIY after about 190k of foul weather.

It basically pissed down all day, with only brief respite.
As the day went on it got heavier and heavier.
The roads became rivers, with large flooded sections and gravel was washing onto the roads.
Then the wind began to pick up from a niggly headwind to a full scale storm.

We'd both become so cold that it was sapping our strength by about 2pm, and the prospect of the night section of the ride which would take us over high ground in the Cairngorms seemed unwise given our current state.  There was no likelihood of us drying out and warming up before then; the weather was pretty set.

So we bailed out to Elgin, which has a station, and got a train back to Aberdeen with our tails between our legs.
Much like the shivering pooch we saw being towelled down outside a car on the last stretch.

But we atent ded yet, and live to ride another day :-)


  • MemSec (ex-Mrs RRtY)
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #301 on: 12 September, 2017, 08:03:56 am »
Well it was actually quite a few days ago but I mislaid my notes. However I enjoy reading other people's ride descriptions (and sometimes getting useful ideas from them) so I am going to post it late anyway.

The real Deal DIY...

We decided it would make a change to head for Kent from East London – all our DIYs so far have been mostly about Essex with a fair amount of Suffolk thrown in and the occasional foray into Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk.

The route took us south across the North Downs and the Greensand ridge to Edenbridge which appeared to be a suitable control point for us “luddites” relying on receipts. This is a reasonably uphill start reaching the highest point of the whole ride just past Biggin Hill (245m), before descending to Westerham and then ascending again. An 05.45 start at Greenwich on Bank Holiday Sunday meant we could stick to main roads without too much discomfort.  Edenbridge did indeed tick the control boxes with a Tesco Express with cash point. In fact it ticked them more than once as Fhoot (actually on his Moulton not the front of the tandem this ride) forgot his receipt so we had to return for another (an extra mile or two and probably 15 minutes).

The next section was almost due east, sneakily following the railway line to Ashford fairly closely and so pretty much flat. We had some mild COR on the approach to Tonbridge and then mostly quiet lanes through to Headcorn. This was needed as a control point to get Mr Google Walk to comply with our desired route, and also provided a late breakfast opportunity in Costas. Ashford and a rapid visit to the International station café followed soon (this is a very useful facility – you can take your bike into the station, there are free toilets, and a cafe should you need refreshment – on the south side, opposite the normal domestic station entrance). Then we headed south to Appledore (yet another control  - too  many really but that was a function of steering the route along the flatlands between the North Downs and the Weald) – the village shop here performed admirably with good receipts and OK sandwiches.

On then to Dungeness, immediately after leaving Appledore the scenery changed to the Romney Marshes, and we passed the little church at Fairfield ( on our way to Lydd. After that another scenery change to shingle and at last some welcoming cool breeze coming from the sea. We headed for the Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway café next to the old lighthouse, to find it had been completely rebuilt since our last visit on the Hop Garden in 2014.  By coincidence, fellow ACH DIY-er Joss arrived too so we swapped notes about our rides.

Our last leg was to the finish at Deal, no more controls needed as the geography of the coast sends Mr Google Walk around the edge here. However we did have to contend with busy seaside promenades and then two major ascents for us flatlanders. It’s a 170m climb out of Folkestone – depressingly you can see the street light that you are heading for way up on the top of the cliffs – and then a bit less out of Dover. We managed to save significant time between the first summit and Dover by not following the NCN (is there ever an occasion when this is not true?), instead using a good B road with just the right continual gradient to not have to brake but hardly have to pedal either.  We had felt very up against the clock on this ride (too many stops, the return to Edenbridge, me being slow especially up hills etc) and it wasn’t until Dover that we felt able to relax a little and chill out eating ice creams. The descent from St Margaret's at Cliffe back to the coast down the delightfully named “Otty Bottom” surpassed my expectations. It’s been resurfaced along a lot of the length since I last rode it, so the last few miles into Deal was very enjoyable. We extracted our last PoP from the ATM, had a good pizza and then caught the high-speed train home to London. Probably one to repeat, but with a few route refinements and no forgetting to collect receipts first time around!

Alexander Turner

  • Enough is plenty. Good enough will do.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #302 on: 17 September, 2017, 09:16:16 pm »
DIY audax: Hartlepool 200km - I've had better days  :'(


  • Her Majester
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #303 on: 17 September, 2017, 09:24:22 pm »
It looks like a canny route. What went wrong? Did you get round in time?
Milk please, no sugar.

Alexander Turner

  • Enough is plenty. Good enough will do.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #304 on: 17 September, 2017, 09:55:21 pm »
The route was great. Nice mix of cycling ways and scenic roads. The problem was six weeks of next to no riding before hand. Unremitting muscle spasms put an end to my efforts and a DNF.


  • Her Majester
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #305 on: 17 September, 2017, 09:58:44 pm »
DNF trumps DNS!
Milk please, no sugar.


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #306 on: 24 September, 2017, 01:59:28 pm »
Yet another DIY 600 (subject to validation) :-) The start was fairly chilly, down to 2°C at times, and misty. All the major climbs had bastard headwinds especially Dava Moor & Glenshee. Fortunately there was no rain. Some wildlife: hunners o' geese near Fraserburgh, singing seals hauled out at Portgordon, twit-twooing owls on the night section on Donside and Deeside and black grouse in Glenshee. Stopped at Wee House of Glenshee for noms where I was given the larger piece of fruit cake because I was "on my bike" :-) There was an an illicit, muddy traipse through roadworks near the end. The beer & pasta at the arrivée was very good  :P

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #307 on: 24 September, 2017, 02:26:25 pm »
Yet another DIY 600 (subject to validation) :-) The start was fairly chilly, down to 2°C at times, and misty. All the major climbs had bastard headwinds especially Dava Moor & Glenshee. Fortunately there was no rain. Some wildlife: hunners o' geese near Fraserburgh, singing seals hauled out at Portgordon, twit-twooing owls on the night section on Donside and Deeside and black grouse in Glenshee. Stopped at Wee House of Glenshee for noms where I was given the larger piece of fruit cake because I was "on my bike" :-) There was an an illicit, muddy traipse through roadworks near the end. The beer & pasta at the arrivée was very good  :P

hats off to you, it must take some strength of character to keep going on a Solo DIY 600. :thumbsup:


  • Are we there yet?
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #308 on: 05 November, 2017, 02:14:27 pm »
Went looking for Marchant the Wonder bike - failed to find again.

Otherwise a pleasant 200, bar being DOTD

I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #309 on: 13 November, 2017, 11:25:13 am »
Up to Burford yesterday, out via Highworth and Coleshill, back via Cerney Wick. For some reason I'd routed myself through the rather uninspiring Carterton itself and then the somewhat busy and uppy-downy B4042 rather than along the lanes surrounding. But a good ride, surprisingly hill-less, stayed dry and not too cold, and got to see some 18th century graffiti and a 19th? early 20th? century steam engine, which didn't look as if it would cover an audax distance.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #310 on: 13 November, 2017, 05:06:42 pm »
For my first Nov RRTY ride, I elected to ride the AUK Poor Student 200 Perm (not one of mine, so some new lanes!). Normally starts at Pear Tree Services on Oxford by-pass but I elected to ride to Andoversford for a Start receipt at the 24hr fuel stop/shop (a pack of mince pies was my purchase). Then up to the Salperton turn on the A40, where the PS200 crosses. Having ridden the Clockwise route twice, I chose the AC route, so headed in light rain to Compton Abdale and on to The Whiteway (sublime wind assisted!) and Cirencester, busy with Remembrance activities; I had a poppy in my handlebar clamp and stopped in Ewen for a 11:00 2min memorial. Then across to Charlton; I helped a wagon (full of sheep) driver (?s to his satnav?) to not try the railway bridge to Ewen – large wagon v narrow low bridge! Then onwards to Malmesbury Control. Realised the rain had stopped and the NW wind had blown me here. It was cooling down! Best part was the traffic-free traverse to Parton, Blunsdon to Highworth and a lunch break in Shrivenham (bargain here – on-date sandwiches and French pain au chocolat with 75% reduction!). Then a super lanes route to Farmoor, crossing As 420, 417, 415 and a new route avoiding Oxford centre to Pear Tree Services. Now 5pm and more reduced sandwiches and smoothie (50%) in Waitrose. So far no lights but after a break here it was lights for the return 78km to Andoversford. I had done this route Clockwise but the AC route at night was a challenge; could not read the gps and regularly checked the Routesheet with my spare torch. I was now wearing my liner gloves and extra jersey brought for the forecast cold. It is a genuine quiet roads and lanes traverse NW into slowing wind to Chipping Campden; fortunately, I recognised many lanes from my Audax rides past and present. CC was the final Control and then a climb back on to the Cotswolds and a traverse to the Salperton turn start. It was still another 15 mins along the A40 to Andoversford for the Finish receipt (I had spotted a bunch of big bananas when I was there in the morning at 09:30, so they were my purchase; it was now 23:30. That was a long day in the saddle 14hrs + the hour from and back to Leckhampton; so a 225km day. That pint of Portuguese lager went down well (after my pint of tea).

Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Bairn Again

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #311 on: 19 November, 2017, 03:43:57 pm »
I managed out yesterday for my final 200km ride of 2017.  I reckon that now is about the cut off for there being enough light for an enjoyable 200, anything later & until maybe early February is a grim slog which Im not up for.

I was in Falkirk visiting my mum Friday night so took a very early train to Stirling and started from there.  It was very frosty and I had to look out for some icy patches for the first couple of hours until the sun got up and eliminated the possibility of ice.  Even then there were patches in the shade that looked a wee bit treacherous.

My route too me via Kinbuck, Gleneagles and Madderty to Perth (thats Perth UK) then round by Stormontfield to avoid the A93, Guildtown and over to Collace by a road Id never ridden before, where I got very tired and decided to stop for a back pocket snack after a load of sheep coming in the opposite direction made me stop anyway.  I can normally go over 100k without stopping but I was pretty weary and Id only done 70k.  I put this down to the crosswind and the fact that I hadnt eaten a huge breakfast.

I limped on to Forfar using the lanes through Ardler and then the Bogside Road, had a big feed, and my legs felt a bit more sprightly though by this stage I was heading due East and the NW wind was helping to Montrose.  Back into the teeth of the wind to Fettercairn where I was glad to turn Northeastwards for the final time.  It was getting gloomy here and I put my lights on, with still 30km to go.  I made light work of the stretch to Auchenblae, but there was very little zip in my legs for the climb out the village.  I engaged the front hub light for the descents on this strectch, switching it off for the uphill bits!

Its a downhill finish into Stonehaven where I arrived in just over 10 hours.  A change of clothing, a quick face wash and a couple of panaches in The Station Hotel before the train home to Edinburgh. 

Road Club 50 milers on a Saturday only for the next few months. 



  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #312 on: 20 November, 2017, 10:04:51 pm »
before the train home to Edinburgh. 

If you want a 200km from Edinburgh, you might like my new 200, SP47 Cramond & Trossachs 200. This 200km, extracted from my SP15 Central Scotland 300, neatly makes the distance with S/F at Old Cramond Bridge. Email me for RS:

Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #313 on: 24 November, 2017, 02:38:54 pm »
Pingu and I have just DNFd a local 600 DIY after about 190k of foul weather.

So we bailed out to Elgin, which has a station, and got a train back to Aberdeen with our tails between our legs.

I have seen this a few times....if you pitch up at a station like this how likely is it that you might not be able to get your bike on the train? Always sounds like a gamble to me.


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #314 on: 25 November, 2017, 05:16:11 pm »
Pingu and I have just DNFd a local 600 DIY after about 190k of foul weather.

So we bailed out to Elgin, which has a station, and got a train back to Aberdeen with our tails between our legs.

I have seen this a few times....if you pitch up at a station like this how likely is it that you might not be able to get your bike on the train? Always sounds like a gamble to me.

I'm a very infrequent train user ( because there are not many trains around here! ), so I don't really know.

On the rural line in question, the trains are not crowded, and there seemed to be plenty of space.
We rocked up at the ticket office in cycle kit, with our bikes propped against the windows.
We didn't ask about the bikes, we just bought the tickets.

It's a different story on busier services, I expect.
Some ToCs might require bookings.
Certainly, the trains back from York to Edinburgh required booking, as they were over-subscribed.


  • Loving the lanes
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #315 on: 25 November, 2017, 07:20:50 pm »
Current long term plan is a "Half RRTY" i.e. a 100km ride each month (more in the summer), so I devised a DIY from Croydon to Littlehampton crossing both the North and South Downs.

Rode it today to tick the box for November, enjoyed cold but clear conditions all day and some fine views. Littlehampton is a strange seaside town though - the beach and town are some distance from each other!
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #316 on: 26 November, 2017, 11:46:44 am »
With the cancellation of family visitors at the last minute the door of opportunity opened and I took advantage yesterday by riding 3Peaker's Severn Bridge High Loop. I set off just before 7 in semi light and finished in proper darkness with 9 1/2 hours riding time under the belt.
I got through 100 miles in around 7 1/2 hours and had a bit of a slog to the end. I don't ride that distance very often and haven't really mastered the art of eating and drinking, basically don't do enough of either.
So the RRTY is still on.


Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #317 on: 26 November, 2017, 05:09:50 pm »
Current long term plan is a "Half RRTY" i.e. a 100km ride each month (more in the summer), so I devised a DIY from Croydon to Littlehampton crossing both the North and South Downs.

Rode it today to tick the box for November, enjoyed cold but clear conditions all day and some fine views. Littlehampton is a strange seaside town though - the beach and town are some distance from each other!

It is a shame there isn't such an award in the AUK provision... there is an award for everything else.

Personally I think doing 200 in full winter is a bit masochistic... 100 are a lot more civilised, making full use of the "less cold" hours in the day


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #318 on: 26 November, 2017, 05:25:35 pm »
Audax Australia and RUSA both have a 'monthly sub-200s for a year' award.
RUSA doesn't recognise anything shorter than 100km.
Audax Oz recently changed their award to allow monthly 50km brevets.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #319 on: 27 November, 2017, 06:52:03 pm »
Current long term plan is a "Half RRTY" i.e. a 100km ride each month (more in the summer), so I devised a DIY from Croydon to Littlehampton crossing both the North and South Downs.

Rode it today to tick the box for November, enjoyed cold but clear conditions all day and some fine views. Littlehampton is a strange seaside town though - the beach and town are some distance from each other!

It is a shame there isn't such an award in the AUK provision... there is an award for everything else.

Personally I think doing 200 in full winter is a bit masochistic... 100 are a lot more civilised, making full use of the "less cold" hours in the day
Yup, agree with the masochism point. That and the very real risk of ice have put me off RRTY.

I did float a variant of this once, a sort of "season-appropriate distance round-the-year". Probably 3x100km, 6x200, 3x300.
It got an indifferent response at best!

Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #320 on: 27 November, 2017, 08:16:17 pm »
Current long term plan is a "Half RRTY" i.e. a 100km ride each month (more in the summer), so I devised a DIY from Croydon to Littlehampton crossing both the North and South Downs.

Rode it today to tick the box for November, enjoyed cold but clear conditions all day and some fine views. Littlehampton is a strange seaside town though - the beach and town are some distance from each other!

It is a shame there isn't such an award in the AUK provision... there is an award for everything else.

Personally I think doing 200 in full winter is a bit masochistic... 100 are a lot more civilised, making full use of the "less cold" hours in the day
Yup, agree with the masochism point. That and the very real risk of ice have put me off RRTY.

I did float a variant of this once, a sort of "season-appropriate distance round-the-year". Probably 3x100km, 6x200, 3x300.
It got an indifferent response at best!

I like it!


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #321 on: 27 November, 2017, 09:03:59 pm »
Nothing to stop you doing whatever series of rides you want for your own enjoyment.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #322 on: 03 December, 2017, 04:31:18 pm »
Half pleasant, half unpleasant, but box ticked for December... I'd say at the bottom end of what I rate as a bearable day to ride a 200


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #323 on: 03 December, 2017, 08:57:24 pm »
We had to visit Edinburgh this weekend for other reasons, so I decided to take a bike and ride home to Aberdeen as a 200k DIY.
At 220k a touch over-distance, but the 200k point passed just on the 8-hour mark which was good enough for a winter ride.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #324 on: 03 December, 2017, 11:36:27 pm »
For the last couple of years the first weekend of December has always been MarmiteGeoff's Tinsel and Lanes weekend.  This is no longer running so three of us rode a variation of it as a DIY.  We joined the route just after Wistow and left it just after Meriden but we made sure we routed along the actual Tinsel Lane on the way home.

The weather was pretty good for December and the only real problems were an impassable closed road near Flore that required a significant backtrack/reroute and my failing legs/lungs.