Author Topic: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?  (Read 157064 times)

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #750 on: 02 April, 2022, 06:06:59 pm »
That sounds pretty epic

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #751 on: 10 April, 2022, 09:48:11 am »
A 200km yesterday - a familiarisation exercise ahead of next weeks Easter audax York based fun.

Tailwind assisted first 100km and the reverse on the return.  Unexpected showers didnt detract from the enjoyment.


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #752 on: 17 April, 2022, 11:24:14 am »
Yesterday I rode the Dean as a perm, following my omnishambles attempt to ride it on the calendar event.

I used the ebrevet app, which was great, open the app, give it a minute for the gps to settle, and click the control, after the last control, click submit, immediately receive an automated email that the ride has been completed. Time in hand at each control is given as you check in. All good. No messing around with bits of paper, no pulling soggy reciepts out of pockets and finding them illegible, or losing them.
What I should have done was use the app to control at Membury services and then roll down the hill to the co-op in Lambourn instead of buying food at the services shell garage with extortionate prices. (and the worst toilets I have ever seen). In fact this is one of the big benefits of the app, eat when you want to eat, instead of when the route tells you a receipt is needed.

I was a beautiful day for riding, with the only difficulty being my form. I hadn't turned a pedal since gentley bentley on 20th March, and had covid until about 5 days ago. Whether it was form, or lack of fuelling or lack of sleep I felt very drained by the end of the forest of dean, and unsure if I could finish. But with my riding partner suggesting train cycle spaces would be fully booked if I attempted to divert to Bristol and take the train back. But the next leg to Malmesbury left me feeling more confident. The somerset monument climb was tough, but the monument climb is always tough, and I didn't have to walk.

Overall my time was not my best time on the Dean, but only an hour worse, and I have been slower, which felt all right all things considered.

Which now leaves me wondering about my entry on Brevet Cymru in two weeks. If I had abandoned, I would have scratched from the start list, but getting round in a reasonable time leaves me thinking it might be possible.

Eddington  127miles, 170km


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #753 on: 18 April, 2022, 08:37:21 pm »
DeeLechtable 200k Perm Audax

This is my first Audax, and first proper hilly ride since getting back on the horse. I had entered this ride when it ran as a cal event last year, but circumstances changed that, and the card has been glowering at me ever since. (The org kindly swapped my cal entry for a perm card.)

It was as hard as I'd expected, but no harder, which is a plus. The sun came out as I turned off Deeside heading towards Gairnsheil and the Lecht, and that set the tone for the rest of the day.

The Great Plague has not been kind to Dufftown. The few remaining places which are not boarded up are closed on a Monday! It had an air of dereliction about it. The Cabrach, however, was looking much cheerier than I've seen it in recent years. The new windfarm has brought some kind of community funding which has been used to renovate several of the cottages which had been falling into ruin. This seems to have given the place a renewed sense of life.

Two fire engines came haring past me on the climb. I found it hard to believe that there was anything dry enough anywhere on the Cabrach to actually burn.
The lambs on the Cabrach were very small; they looked to be only a few weeks old at most. At least they seemed to be happy soaking up the sun rather than shivering under a depth of snow taller than them, which I've seen here before.

I had a decision to make at the top: either continue down to Rhynie, and then go over Suie to get to Alford; or turn down towards Lumsden and go to Alford avoiding Suie. The hill is on the advisory route sheet, but there are no control points before Alford, so both ways are technically OK. It was an easy decision. You don't choose to ride a lumpy 200k event, and then try to short-cut and avoid the hills when you are on the road. Why would you do that.

The Rumble of Doom on a fast descent was the result of a visit from the Puncture Fairy, but I was able to slow and stop before Anything Bad happened.

In Alford, my last control point, I headed to the convenience store to pick up a receipt. But the smell from the chip shop around the corner went round my heart like a hairy worm. It was no good, I had to give in. Thus fuelled, I made my way back home along familiar roads with the sun on my back and my shadow clear in front of me.

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #754 on: 18 April, 2022, 09:35:55 pm »
Back in the saddle again - nice one Feanor.   :thumbsup:


  • Not Small
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #755 on: 18 April, 2022, 11:06:36 pm »
Nice one sir.

Sent from my BKL-L09 using Tapatalk


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #756 on: 09 May, 2022, 11:36:15 am »
Snow Roads 300k Perm

With a companion, Anne, who was on PBP with me.
112k of grinding headwinds on the Southbound hilly section from Dufftown was a bit testing.
This lost us a lot of time, and it took almost 18 hours to get round, a record for me!

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #757 on: 09 May, 2022, 07:04:27 pm »
Snow Roads 300k Perm

With a companion, Anne, who was on PBP with me.
112k of grinding headwinds on the Southbound hilly section from Dufftown was a bit testing.
This lost us a lot of time, and it took almost 18 hours to get round, a record for me!

NIce one.  Ive pencilled in 21 May to ride the Snow Roads as a DIY.   Id be delighted with 18 hours though by that stage civil  twilight will be around 2230.   

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #758 on: 15 May, 2022, 12:55:06 pm »
A very pleasant 300 yesterday one way (the long way) from home in Edinburgh to Stonehaven via Stirling - Dunning - Comrie  :thumbsup: - Perth (UK) - Forfar - Montrose - Fettercairn. 

Wind was stronger than expected - against me to Dunblane and in my favour til Montrose when it turned into an easterly.  By that stage however it was at last glorious cycling conditions up through Fettercairn and Auchenblae to Stoney.  It made up for the gloomy conditions for the first 8 hours or so though I did set off at 0430. 

I arrived in Stoney too late for the last train home so instead jumped on the train north to Aberdeen, stayed the night and have just arrived home. 

Thats a 300 and a 400 added to a number of 200s this season.  I'll figure out my next move over a beer and a rest later today.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #759 on: 21 May, 2022, 06:18:56 pm »
I have had 2 fun weekends.  Last weekend I did the dam buster addax 200 with 3300m of climb which tested my legs, especially the 15% climbs out of the villages in the latter stages.

Then this weekend I did my first 300 for a while.  I took the train to Chepstow and then used a bodged together route to get back to just outside Burton.  I took the coming back section of Bran Chapman and reversed it so I retraced it up to New Town and then headed off towards Shrewsbury.  I ended up on some fairly nice cycle trails, NCN55 and 5 for quite a while which took me to Abbots Bromley, Newborough, Anslow and home.

I started at 5pm when the train got in and had a lovely ride up Wales with a blustery side, front wind as I rode west, northwest.  Then the wind seemed to die and it was plain sailing home. I got hungry in Llandridnod wells so stopped for a Doner kebab.  Then New Town as I tried to leave, getting very lost, I found a McDonalds open 24hours on Friday and Saturday so had 45 minutes there with coffee.

A further coffee on the outskirts of Telford kept me going until I got home along with pork pies, hot cross buns, dairy milk chocolate and cookies.
Home in 13:45 riding time. DIYtrack uploaded.

Interestingly two Tesco petrol stations which said 24hr on Google maps were closed.

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #760 on: 28 May, 2022, 10:07:31 pm »
A very relaxed 200km DIY today.  Edina - Dunblane - Dunning - Dunblane - Edina.

Light swirly winds neither one thing or tother

Lovely brunch at my fave cafe The Tee Room in Dunning.  Hunners of golfers had been through so my breakfast had no haggis or black pudding as they had run out.  I told them that situation  was awful. 

Drinks stop at the Cambus petrol Station c 135 due to bacon based  thirst (not heat tho never got above 14 deg) and then just a twiddle home.


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #761 on: 29 May, 2022, 01:37:12 pm »
DIY 400 from home to the flat in Embra, and back.
Not hassle-free.

400k is often regarded as the hardest distance; because you ride it straight through. Longer rides will usually have sleep stops. This was no exception.

The outbound section down to Edinburgh was unremarkable enough, an early start with a bitingly cold wind initially. I was almost 100k in at Kirrie before the day warmed up. But warm up it did, and the remainder of the ride was pleasant, enough even for some Isotonic Refreshment in Perth!

Crossing the Cowie Water on the Swanley road, you come across some old WW2 tank defences, and wonder what they are all about. They were part of the Cowie Stop Line, a defensive line against invasion from occupied Norway onto the poorly defended beaches of NE Scotland. A defensive line was drawn up along the mountain barrier, all the way from Glenshee, the CoM, and the Slug road to slow advances south into the rest of the UK. The coastal section where the hills peter out was defended by a line along the modest Cowie Water, which is steeply-banked in many places. Plans were in place to blow up the bridges in case of an invasion!

The return was marred with a series of technical problems.
Firstly, a puncture about 5k short of Coupar Angus. Failed to spot a massive pot-hole till too late, and my bunny-hop was too feeble for the rear wheel to clear it. These are new 28mm tyres, and corresponding tubes. In a schoolboy error, I'd packed the new replacement tubes on the bike without nipping up the valve cores. This means that my Leyzene screw-on pump and CO2 inflators simply unscrew the core when you attempt to remove them. Bodge-around is to leave the CO2 inflator attached to the wheel, don't even attempt to remove it. However, this arrangement was leaking slowly, and I was rumbling on a very soft tyre into Coupar Angus. Fortunately, I know a (former) Audaxer in Coupar Angus, and was able to borrow a proper pump to get everything back in order. I'm considering retiring the Lezeyne stuff now.

Then the Garmin started playing up. I keep it topped up with electrons from a USB battery pack on longer rides. It started taking umbridge at this, with a variety of errors about 'unsupported device', and crashing. On one occasion, it re-booted into a diagnostics mode which I've never seen before, and it took about 15 mins to re-start it in normal mode. At least it picked up from where it left off each time. This is a 10-year old Edge 800, perhaps it needs retired too. Google suggests the cause of this is drowning, and it certainly did get very wet on Tuesday's 200k.

All this delayed proceedings muchly, and it was after 4am before I got home.

However, you get to experience the dawn of a new day: the world transitioning from monochrome through subdued under-saturated colours to full colour. The dawn chorus, each of the birds waking up at slightly different times. And that, in part, makes up for the hassly ride.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #762 on: 29 May, 2022, 08:47:22 pm »
DIY 300 from Chesterfield back home

I discovered that there is a train from Norwich to Manchester (and maybe Liverpool sometimes?) which makes it fairly hassle free to get up to the Sheffield area. This gave me a chance to get some hills in, although overall climbing was then undone by a long slog across the fens from just after Stamford across to Downham Market.

I hopped on the train after work on Friday, arriving home about midday on Saturday. Sunset in the Derbyshire dales was pretty special, mostly while I was going along the high peak trail which was a better surface than I expected, but with a few gates which was a slight annoyance. I was going through a slightly wooded section though when two hooded people suddenly emerged from the gloom, walking along without lights they hadn't been visible until I was almost upon them and for some reason it scared the sh*t out of me! Not sure why but I was fully creeped out - I guess just because I wasn't expecting to see anyone that late! I hope I didn't startle them as much as they startled me :)

The second scary occurrence was approaching a level crossing where for some reason my brain decided to ponder what would happen if the barriers were to break. As I crossed I looked to see a large train + lights immediately to my left! It then slowly filtered into my brain that the train was stopped, there were red lights on the track to stop it moving and they were clearly doing some engineering work on the line. Still, not what I was expecting and in my sleep deprived state wasn't appreciated!

The sunrise as I crossed the fens was beautiful, and apart from some poor routing in the large 100k which made it a bit of a slog on busy Saturday morning roads I enjoyed the ride. A good first outing for my new Spa Elan 725, and confirmed I was right to go for the lower gear options!

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #763 on: 30 May, 2022, 12:20:48 pm »
Then the Garmin started playing up.

Well done on the 400 Feanor.  I too have experienced some issues when using a Garmin (etrex30 - old skool) with a Veho Pebble battery pack.  After about 100k it would show a "external power lost do you want to switch off?" type message with "Yes" being the default.  This would happen repeatedly every couple of minutes once started, causing much tetchiness.   

My workaround has been to disconnect it when I'm stopped and off the bike (rarely more than 50km or so on a ride) and having adopted this approach its not happened again.   


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #764 on: 30 May, 2022, 01:07:16 pm »
I'd noticed it playing up the day before.
Whenever I connect anything to the USB port, even just a dumb power source, it seems to detect a 'device'.
It then says 'Unsupported Device Detected', or 'Device connected to wrong interface'.
If you OK these, it then worked normally.

I don't charge over USB on-the-move any more, if I can avoid it.  Particularly if it's wet.
Just at cafe stops, etc.
This is to avoid vibration issues on the USB connector, and wet getting in.
But even so, on the wet 200 it seems there has been some water damage to the USB connector which is the root cause.

On the 400, I needed to top up some charge for the last 50k or so, and when I plugged it in, it re-booted into a diagnostic mode.
It took multiple attempts to re-start it into normal mode, even with the battery pack disconnected.
I was able to connect to the PC and get the tracklogs when I got home, but it did complain a lot.

I've bought a replacement 830, which has the hotfoot charging pads on the bottom.

I may repair the 800 if and when I have time.

I think what's happening with your etrex is that once the battery is fully charged, it draws so little current from the battery pack that it decides to shut off, this is normal behaviour for battery packs. The stupid behaviour is for the garmin to shut down on loss of external power, with no option to change this behaviour.  So you need to notice the countdown warning and tell it to stay on.  At least the edge didn't do that, it just said 'external power lost', and carried on.


  • Granny Ring ... Yes Please!
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #765 on: 30 May, 2022, 04:24:08 pm »
In a schoolboy error, I'd packed the new replacement tubes on the bike without nipping up the valve cores. This means that my Leyzene screw-on pump and CO2 inflators simply unscrew the core when you attempt to remove them. Bodge-around is to leave the CO2 inflator attached to the wheel, don't even attempt to remove it. However, this arrangement was leaking slowly, and I was rumbling on a very soft tyre into Couper Angus. Fortunately, I know a (former) Audaxer in Couper Angus, and was able to borrow a proper pump to get everything back in order. I'm considering retiring the Lezeyne stuff now.

So frustrating! I had this several years ago and went right off Leyzne pumps. I did buy another a couple of years ago to go with a new bike, what swung it was the newer ones have a built in tool that can be used to do the valve core up. However, I soon realised that I prefer frame fitting pumps and non-threaded pump fittings.
Well done on the 400!

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #766 on: 04 June, 2022, 10:31:28 pm »
I managed out for a 200 today after plans for a longer ride on Thu/Fri fell at the first hurdle due to ongoing gut/diet issues that have dogged me since 2019.

Anyhow having bailed after 35km of aplanned 600 DIY on Thu/Fri I set off from home at 0630 this morning and repeated my 200 of last Saturday - up the Forth valley to Stirling on the south side then up to Dunning to meet a friend who has moved there recently over brunch then a retrace back via Stirling and the north side of the Forth.

It was very cold to start with but was soon very very warm.  The 40km from Dunning to my petrol startion stop at Cambus was ridden with the jersey zip fully undone and the final 120km was all in short sleeves n shorts (though the final 30km had a biting east wind)

I was on Jubilee bunting watch throughout the ride.  Some towns and villages looked to have combined their annual gala day with the long weekend.  Bo'ness had one house totally bedecked but it was oasis in a desert.  Grangemouth had nothing (in so many ways), Airth and Fallin didn't let me down with multiple house bling.  Stirling with its aspirations as a poor mans Edinburgh was more ambivalent.  Dunblane was more sure footed with a lot of muted bunting.  Dunning had clearly cut loose and the majority of houses had made an effort.  Fife cldearly loved HM The Queen and much effort had been made in Clackmannan which scored bonus points for a street party.  Things predictably got more po faced as Edinburgh approached though a dedicated street party in Dalmeny did buck the trend.   

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #767 on: 18 June, 2022, 10:54:43 pm »
Did an overnighter last night on my standard local 200 loop around Crieff and Comrie. Not much of my riding has been very audacious in last couple of years, enjoying more tandem runs, cafe  rides etc. I just fancied doing something a bit more challenging - so I set off about 8:30 pm. I aborted a rest stop in Aberfoyle, the midges were horrific. It stayed light till about Kilmahog about 11PM. The traffic evaporated then too. The ride wasn't very challenging physically, the mental challenge was definitely a lot more for me between about 2:30 and 4ish.  A lot of wildlife, the highlight was seeing a pine marten on the shore of Lochearn.
Home at 5:30, showered, cup of tea and in bed by 6.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #768 on: 21 August, 2022, 10:27:15 pm »
Went out yesterday for my Aug 200km. This was my first DIY. The route was Reading, Salisbury across the plain's to Hungerford and back to Reading.

I planned with and only made a couple of tweaks to avoid a crap road between Thatcham and Reading: That introduced the steep Sulham hill in the last 9km - which seems to be the pattern for all of my audax rides so far: A little kick in the tail.

It was bloody awesome - I started quite late because of the train strike (I got on the first Liz line) - but the weather was ace: Headwind down to Salisbury, and glorious tail wind across the open plain.

The section from Amesbury to Great Bedwyn is my idea of cycling heaven - rolling chalk downs, with views to the horizon: Dappled shadows from the cotton wool summer clouds and empty roads with excellent tarmac.

A fantastic day awheel.

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #769 on: 21 August, 2022, 10:36:26 pm »
yep.  200km Edinburgh - Stonehaven. 

Lovey day

Edit. Having grown a bit scunnered with the direct route between Montrose and Hillside I chose an alternative route 155.2km -> 158.3km above.  The direct route has a laughable cycle path (effectively the pavement) to one side which seems to cause poorer driving.   

My deviation is a gravel path after the bridge pictured below (Im about to head down the ramp and onto the footway on the left heading broadly NW).  Even after a sustained dry spell the "road" below the walkway was still a bit grotty and to be avoided.  The walkway has a perfectly sized metal grille that tramlined my front wheel which gave me a bit of a shock but I was going about 2mph anyway. 

The pic below is looking back from the end of the gravel stretch ie approaching Hillside looking SW.  It had sections with chunky stones on it but nothing you'd not encounter on an ad hoc basis through roadworks and the the like. 

Id probably take this slightly longer but nicer route again.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #770 on: 23 August, 2022, 08:49:26 am »
Went out yesterday for my Aug 200km. This was my first DIY. The route was Reading, Salisbury across the plain's to Hungerford and back to Reading.

I planned with and only made a couple of tweaks to avoid a crap road between Thatcham and Reading: That introduced the steep Sulham hill in the last 9km - which seems to be the pattern for all of my audax rides so far: A little kick in the tail.

It was bloody awesome - I started quite late because of the train strike (I got on the first Liz line) - but the weather was ace: Headwind down to Salisbury, and glorious tail wind across the open plain.

The section from Amesbury to Great Bedwyn is my idea of cycling heaven - rolling chalk downs, with views to the horizon: Dappled shadows from the cotton wool summer clouds and empty roads with excellent tarmac.

A fantastic day awheel.

That road across Wexcombe Down is in fact a delight, use to be part of the Winton 200 which then became part of the Hungerford rides organised by Scampi OTP, both now no longer calendar events.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #771 on: 24 August, 2022, 07:51:47 pm »
That road across Wexcombe Down is in fact a delight, use to be part of the Winton 200 which then became part of the Hungerford rides organised by Scampi OTP, both now no longer calendar events.

Thanks for mentioning the Winton 200 - I've found an old copy on ridewithgps so I can explore!

I'm new to exploring cycle routes in West Berkshire and the Salisbury Plain - and what I have found so far has been fantastic. Just my type of riding.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #772 on: 25 August, 2022, 08:34:59 am »
The Winton 200 was the basis for the Hungerford Hurrah, you may also be able to find a route for that online.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #773 on: 25 August, 2022, 04:48:11 pm »
The Winton 200 was the basis for the Hungerford Hurrah, you may also be able to find a route for that online.

Thank you again - I did find a copy of that route online:

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #774 on: 29 August, 2022, 01:17:00 pm »
I completed a 600km at the weekend.

Given the residual effects of Covid (mainly lack of fitness but also a slight wheeze) the order of the day was a Gentelman’s 600 – flat, a 350/250 split Sat/Sun and a hotel for wash and sleeps Saturday night.  My route was Peterborough - Leeming - Peterborough


My 1st 600 since 2019

The lovely quiet road by the Trent between West Stockwith and Swinefleet.  I even took the road by Whitgift for a bit Id not ridden before.  Virtually traffic free.
The cracking evening/night 120km from York to Leeming and back.  Id planned to get back to York by 1am so when I managed to catch the tail end of Match of the Day after a shower I was feeling good.  On Sunday it was very misty and cool until I reached Goole around 0730 and was glad Id brought some extra layers just in case 


Leeming McDs and their drive thru only policy.  I was really looking forward to a sit down and a cup of tea.

My “new” way through Lincoln out through Skellingthorpe.  On the way south I reverted to the Burton Road (though I took a laney option to avoid Till Bridge Lane between Sturton and the viewpoint

The driving, especially bad south of Sleaford.  The empty roads Id enjoyed early on Saturday seemed over represented by pricks in Audis and BMWs.  Lost count of the number of passes under 1.5m.     


Anhyhow, job done and my ageing frame isn't suffering too much today and even managed out for a pizza in Peterborough last night.  Bank holiday for me today so Im now enjoying a Hop on Board on the LNER back to civilisation.   


L1 -
L2 -