Author Topic: The Lincoln, 411km cycling event starting from Aldbrough St John, Nr Darlington  (Read 1356 times)


I am looking at doing my first ever 400 on Saturday 25th June 2016, does anybody have a GPX file for this event please?



You should have one by e-mail.

I'm down to do it but am recovering from injury (6 broken ribs and a mashed hip) at the end of April. At the moment it's uncertain whether I'll have recovered in time.

An excellent choice for a first 400.   :thumbsup:

Thanks guys,

I did get the email and have now routed my own course but I am also going to load the one supplied then I have both in case I have any problems with my Garmin lol.

It looks a good route so I can not wait for the 25th to come around to pop my 400 cherry:-)))))


An excellent choice for a first 400.   :thumbsup:

I am hoping to make this my first audax sans derailleurs - am hoping it is also suitable for that!

Enjoy - I'm going to be unable to ride this as I've not recovered.

It'll be a DIY ride at another point in time.

Just entered hoping for some nice weather now, got fed up with th rain on the recent Tan Hill ride;-)


  • Her Majester
Any news on anyone?
Milk please, no sugar.

Not much, but with the wind slightly behind/a bit from the West and the skies benevolent, we went very fast outwards (albeit significantly off piste in my case).  The return was a different kettle of fish.  I think quite a few folk 'holed up' when it turned nasty.  Rain, thunder and lightning caused me to stop at Thorne for quite a while.  About half the field had got back by about 02.00.  It's probably the flattest audax I have done and the roads are generally very good.  It's also nice because the controls are spread out very well.  It was my first audax on fixed and I was pleased with how that side of things went.  I missed having my hub dynamo though - you don't realise how good some things are until you haven't got them.  Not sure how McShroom got on - he was seen arriving 10 mins late, but he was one of the few I did not spot on the 'retrace' section in and out of Lincoln.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Mcshroom checked in at the 24 hour audax-control over the road from the Den in York around midnight then had a very civilised stop to fettle uncooperative GPSs, including coffee, soup, a spot of ranting-about-politics and world-putting-to-rights and 40 winks on a nice comfy warm sofa.

I hear a rumour that, despite such softie tactics, he got round with plenty of time in hand :)


  • Her Majester
He just popped in on his way home, after grabbing 40 winks or so in the car.

He made it round in time  :thumbsup:
Milk please, no sugar.