Author Topic: Pain in the foot!  (Read 2268 times)


Pain in the foot!
« on: 23 October, 2008, 10:10:59 am »
I've just got in from this morning's tandem commute, walked around a bit, and noticed a pain in the top front of my right foot. I actually noticed then, it REALLY hurts to bend my foot upwards.

I think this has happened, because my feet are used to letting the hard soles of my cycling shoes transmit the power to the pedals, not doing it themselves as they have to on the tandem as I've been riding it in trainers.

I'm guessing this maybe tendonitus?

This is a really bad time to be laid up. Am as stupid getting back on the bike today? I've several errands I need to run!


  • Just do it!
Re: Pain in the foot!
« Reply #1 on: 23 October, 2008, 10:20:31 am »
It probably is tendinitis.
In an ideal world, you shouldn't be cycling.
In real life, I'd say fillup with ibuprofen today, avoid provoking the pain as much as possible, do the errands cautiously, then confront the shoe issue as soon as practically possible.
Things are likely to worsen if you completely ignore or suppress the pain.


Re: Pain in the foot!
« Reply #2 on: 23 October, 2008, 11:01:53 am »
I've just got an ice pack on it.

Thanks Helly.


Re: Pain in the foot!
« Reply #3 on: 24 October, 2008, 01:36:49 pm »
I've just got in from this morning's tandem commute, walked around a bit, and noticed a pain in the top front of my right foot. I actually noticed then, it REALLY hurts to bend my foot upwards.

I think this has happened, because my feet are used to letting the hard soles of my cycling shoes transmit the power to the pedals, not doing it themselves as they have to on the tandem as I've been riding it in trainers.

Sounds familiar - I had an odd pain in the top of my right foot after switching to Sidi shoes after more slipper-like Specialized. It was extremely painful - to the extent that I thought I'd somehow broken one of the bones in the top of my foot...

It can only have been due to the change in shoe, and, I suspect, overtightening the fastenings on a long and hilly ride.

Cleared up in a a week or two, and no lasting damage. Get well soon!


Re: Pain in the foot!
« Reply #4 on: 26 October, 2008, 09:14:35 pm »

After a couple of days taking it easy, all seems to be well again. It went as quick as it came.

Re: Pain in the foot!
« Reply #5 on: 30 October, 2008, 12:11:27 pm »
How strange, it must be something going around.
I woke up on Tuesday morning with a painful left big toe joint (couldn't bend my toes up but could curl them down). Cycled to work and the pain went away, only to return in the evening (by then it was extending up the top side of the bone that the big toe is attached to - Excuse all the technical terminology).  Woke up around 3:30am as usual and limped to the loo in considerable manpain, trying to keep the offending joint off the floor. Pain wasn't quite as bad on Wednesday morning, but I smothered it in Ibupro??? gell. By the time I'd cycled to work the pain had gone - completely. It hasn't returned.  Must be something to do with the onset of cold weather?